445 lines
16 KiB
445 lines
16 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : Commando *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Commando/gamedata.h $*
* *
* $Author:: Steve_t $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 11/01/02 4:32p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 135 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef GAMEDATA_H
#define GAMEDATA_H
#if defined(_MSV_VER)
#pragma once
#include "teammanager.h"
#include "bittype.h"
#include "boolean.h"
#include "netinterface.h"
#include "wwstring.h"
#include "widestring.h"
#include "radar.h"
#include "DlgMPTeamSelect.h"
#include <WWLib\Signaler.h>
const int MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE = 16; //including NULL
const int MAX_MAPNAME_SIZE = 28; //including NULL
const int MAX_MOTD_LENGTH = 100;
#define MAX_CLAN_SLOTS 2
class SoldierGameObj;
class cPacket;
//class Render2DTextClass;
class Render2DSentenceClass;
class Font3DInstanceClass;
//class cGameDataDeathMatch;
//class cGameDataTeamDeathMatch;
class cGameDataSinglePlayer;
class cGameDataSkirmish;
class cGameDataCnc;
class WOLGameInfo;
// This class describes a server configuration. Dynamic instantiations
// of related parameters are stored elsewhere.
class cGameData :
public Signaler<MPChooseTeamSignal>
enum GameTypeEnum {
enum WinTypeEnum {
WIN_TYPE_FORCED = 0, // gameover command, or server quits
WIN_TYPE_COWARDICE, // opponents abandon game
WIN_TYPE_TIME, // time expired
WIN_TYPE_BASE_DESTRUCTION, // base was destroyed
WIN_TYPE_BEACON, // beacon placed successfully
virtual ~cGameData(void);
cGameData& operator=(const cGameData& rhs);
static void Onetime_Init(void);
static void Onetime_Shutdown(void);
virtual void On_Game_Begin(void);
virtual void On_Game_End(void);
virtual void Think(void);
virtual void Render(void);
virtual void Reset_Game(bool is_reloaded);
void Swap_Team_Sides(void);
void Remix_Team_Sides(void);
void Rebalance_Team_Sides(void);
void Add_Bottom_Text(WideStringClass & text);
void Get_Time_Limit_Text(WideStringClass& text);
void Get_Dedicated_Server_Label(WideStringClass& text,unsigned& color);
void Get_Gameplay_Not_Permitted_Label(WideStringClass& text, unsigned& color);
static cGameData * Create_Game_Of_Type(GameTypeEnum game_type);
void Set_Game_Title(const WCHAR *title) { GameTitle = title; }
void Set_Motd(const WCHAR * motd);
void Set_Password(const WCHAR *password) { Password = password;}
void Set_Map_Name(const StringClass & map_name);
void Set_Mod_Name(const StringClass & mod_name);
void Set_Map_Cycle(int map, const StringClass & map_name);
void Set_Owner(WideStringClass & owner);
bool Set_Max_Players(int max_players);
bool Set_Time_Limit_Minutes(int time_limit_minutes);
void Set_Radar_Mode(RadarModeEnum mode);
void Set_Intermission_Time_Seconds(int time);
void Set_Version_Number(int version_number) {VersionNumber = version_number;}
bool Set_Current_Players(int current_players);
void Set_Ip_Address(ULONG ip_address);
void Set_Port(int port);
void Set_QuickMatch_Server(bool isServer) {IsQuickMatchServer.Set(isServer);}
bool Is_QuickMatch_Server(void) const {return IsQuickMatchServer.Get();}
void Set_Clan(int slot, unsigned long clanID);
unsigned long Get_Clan(int slot) const;
void Clear_Clans(void);
int Find_Free_Clan_Slot(void) const;
bool Is_Clan_Competing(unsigned long clanID) const;
bool Is_Clan_Game_Open(void) const;
const WCHAR * Get_Game_Title(void) const {return GameTitle;}
const WCHAR * Get_Motd(void) const {return Motd;}
const WCHAR * Get_Password(void) const {return Password;}
const StringClass& Get_Mod_Name() const {return ModName;}
const StringClass& Get_Map_Name() const {return MapName;}
const StringClass& Get_Map_Cycle(int map);
bool Does_Map_Exist (void);
const WideStringClass & Get_Owner(void) const {return Owner;}
int Get_Max_Players(void) const {return MaxPlayers;}
int Get_Time_Limit_Minutes(void) const {return TimeLimitMinutes;}
int Get_Intermission_Time_Seconds(void) const {return IntermissionTimeSeconds;}
int Get_Version_Number(void) const {return VersionNumber;}
int Get_Current_Players(void) const {return CurrentPlayers;}
ULONG Get_Ip_Address(void) const {return IpAddress;}
int Get_Port(void) const {return Port;}
RadarModeEnum Get_Radar_Mode(void) const {return RadarMode;}
virtual const WCHAR* Get_Game_Name(void) const = 0;
virtual GameTypeEnum Get_Game_Type(void) const = 0;
const char * Get_Game_Type_Name(void) const;
virtual int Choose_Player_Type(cPlayer* player, int team_choice, bool is_grunt);
bool Is_Time_Limit(void) const {return TimeLimitMinutes > 0;}
void Rotate_Map(void);
void Clear_Map_Cycle(void);
void Set_Ip_And_Port(void);
virtual void Load_From_Server_Config(void) {}
virtual void Save_To_Server_Config(void) {}
virtual bool Is_Editable_Teaming(void) const {return false;}
virtual bool Is_Editable_Clan_Game(void) const {return false;}
virtual bool Is_Editable_Friendly_Fire(void) const {return false;}
virtual void Soldier_Added(SoldierGameObj * p_soldier);
virtual void Show_Game_Settings_Limits(void);
// Version information
bool Do_Exe_Versions_Match(void) { return DoExeVersionsMatch; }
bool Do_String_Versions_Match(void) { return DoStringVersionsMatch; }
// Map cycle looping support
bool Is_Map_Cycle_Over (void) { return IsMapCycleOver; }
void Set_Is_Map_Cycle_Over (bool onoff) { IsMapCycleOver = onoff; }
bool Do_Maps_Loop (void) { return DoMapsLoop; }
void Set_Do_Maps_Loop (bool onoff) { DoMapsLoop = onoff; }
bool Is_Map_Valid(char **filename = NULL);
// Ideally, none of these would exist, so comment out any unused ones...
virtual bool Is_Single_Player(void) const {return false;}
virtual bool Is_Skirmish(void) const {return false;}
virtual bool Is_Cnc(void) const {return false;}
virtual cGameDataSinglePlayer * As_Single_Player(void) {return NULL;}
virtual cGameDataSkirmish * As_Skirmish(void) {return NULL;}
virtual cGameDataCnc * As_Cnc(void) {return NULL;}
virtual int Get_Min_Players(void) const {return 2;}
int Choose_Available_Team(int preference);
int Choose_Smallest_Team(void);
virtual bool Is_Game_Over(void);
void Game_Over_Processing(void);
bool Set_Generic_Num(int generic_num,
int lower_bound, int upper_bound, int & set_num);
virtual bool Is_Limited(void) const;
virtual bool Is_Valid_Settings(WideStringClass& outMsg, bool check_as_server = false);
virtual void Export_Tier_1_Data(cPacket & packet);
virtual void Import_Tier_1_Data(cPacket & packet);
virtual void Import_Tier_1_Data(const WOLGameInfo& gameInfo);
virtual void Export_Tier_2_Data(cPacket & packet);
virtual void Import_Tier_2_Data(cPacket & packet);
// Dynamic data
void Begin_Intermission(void);
float Get_Intermission_Time_Remaining(void) {return IntermissionTimeRemaining;}
void Set_Intermission_Time_Remaining(float time) {IntermissionTimeRemaining = time;}
float Get_Maximum_World_Distance(void) {return MaximumWorldDistance;}
void Set_Maximum_World_Distance(float distance);
unsigned long Get_Frame_Count(void) const {return FrameCount;}
LPSYSTEMTIME Get_Game_Start_Time(void) {return &GameStartTime;}
int Get_Duration_Seconds(void);
void Set_Min_Qualifying_Time_Minutes(int minutes);
int Get_Min_Qualifying_Time_Minutes(void) {return MinQualifyingTimeMinutes;}
WideStringClass Get_Team_Word(void);
void Set_Time_Remaining_Seconds(float time_remaining_seconds);
void Reset_Time_Remaining_Seconds(void);
float Get_Time_Remaining_Seconds(void);
bool Is_Valid_Player_Type(int player_type);
void Set_Ini_Filename(const StringClass& name) {IniFilename = name;}
const StringClass& Get_Ini_Filename() { return IniFilename;}
virtual bool Is_Gameplay_Permitted(void);
virtual bool Remember_Inventory( void ) const { return false; }
void Set_Winner_ID(int id) {mWinnerID = id;}
int Get_Winner_ID(void) const {return mWinnerID;}
static void Set_Hosted_Game_Number(int number) {HostedGameNumber = number;}
static void Increment_Hosted_Game_Number(void) {HostedGameNumber++;}
static int Get_Hosted_Game_Number(void) {return HostedGameNumber;}
void Set_Server_Is_Gameplay_Permitted(bool flag) {ServerIsGameplayPermitted = flag;}
bool Get_Server_Is_Gameplay_Permitted(void) {return ServerIsGameplayPermitted;}
static bool Is_Manual_Restart(void) {return IsManualRestart;}
static void Set_Manual_Restart(bool is_manual_restart) {IsManualRestart = is_manual_restart;}
static bool Is_Manual_Exit(void) {return IsManualExit;}
static void Set_Manual_Exit(bool is_manual_exit) {IsManualExit = is_manual_exit;}
static void Set_Win_Text(WideStringClass & text);
static WideStringClass Get_Win_Text(void) {return WinText;}
void Filter_Spawners(void);
void Set_Mvp_Name(WideStringClass name);
const WideStringClass & Get_Mvp_Name(void) const {return MvpName;}
void Set_Mvp_Count(int count);
void Increment_Mvp_Count(void) {MvpCount++;}
const int Get_Mvp_Count(void) const {return MvpCount;}
void Set_Win_Type(WinTypeEnum type);
WinTypeEnum Get_Win_Type(void) const {return WinType;}
void Set_Game_Duration_S(DWORD seconds);
DWORD Get_Game_Duration_S(void) const {return GameDurationS;}
virtual void Get_Description(WideStringClass & description);
WideStringClass Get_Settings_Description(void) {return(SettingsDescription);}
void Set_Settings_Description(WideStringClass desc) {SettingsDescription = desc;}
cBoolean IsIntermission;
cBoolean IsDedicated;
cBoolean IsAutoRestart;
cBoolean IsFriendlyFirePermitted;
cBoolean IsTeamChangingAllowed;
cBoolean IsPassworded;
cBoolean IsFreeWeapons;
cBoolean IsLaddered;
cBoolean IsClanGame;
cBoolean IsClientTrusted;
cBoolean RemixTeams;
cBoolean CanRepairBuildings;
cBoolean DriverIsAlwaysGunner;
cBoolean SpawnWeapons;
enum {MAX_MAPS = 100};
static int Get_Mission_Number_From_Map_Name( const char * map_name );
void Load_From_Server_Config(LPCSTR config_file);
void Save_To_Server_Config(LPCSTR config_file);
void ReceiveSignal(MPChooseTeamSignal&);
static const StringClass INI_SECTION_NAME;
static const float LIMITS_X_POS;
bool DoMapsLoop;
bool IsMapCycleOver;
int MapCycleIndex;
cGameData(const cGameData& rhs); // Disallow copy
bool Has_Config_File_Changed(void);
unsigned long Get_Config_File_Mod_Time(void);
static const int MAX_TIME_LIMIT;
static Render2DTextClass * PTextRenderer;
static Font3DInstanceClass * PFont;
static Render2DSentenceClass * PTextRenderer;
static int HostedGameNumber; //temp hack 09/26/01
static bool IsManualRestart;
static bool IsManualExit;
static WideStringClass WinText;
WideStringClass GameTitle;
WideStringClass Motd;
WideStringClass Password;
StringClass MapName;
StringClass ModName;
StringClass MapCycle[MAX_MAPS];
WideStringClass Owner;
DynamicVectorClass<WideStringClass> BottomText;
DynamicVectorClass<WideStringClass> OldBottomText;
StringClass SettingsDescription;
int MaxPlayers;
int TimeLimitMinutes;
int IntermissionTimeSeconds;
int VersionNumber; // for now use exe byte size
bool DoExeVersionsMatch;
bool DoStringVersionsMatch;
ULONG IpAddress; // hosting address
int Port;
StringClass IniFilename;
RadarModeEnum RadarMode;
unsigned long LastServerConfigModTime;
// Dynamic data about game state
int CurrentPlayers;
float IntermissionTimeRemaining;
float TimeRemainingSeconds;
float MaximumWorldDistance;
int MinQualifyingTimeMinutes;
int mWinnerID;
WinTypeEnum WinType;
DWORD GameStartTimeMs;
unsigned long FrameCount;
WideStringClass MvpName;
int MvpCount;
DWORD GameDurationS;
cBoolean IsQuickMatchServer;
//bool ServerIsGameplayPermitted;
unsigned long mClanSlots[MAX_CLAN_SLOTS];
extern cGameData * PTheGameData;
extern cGameData * The_Game(void);
extern cGameDataSinglePlayer * The_Single_Player_Game(void);
extern cGameDataSkirmish * The_Skirmish_Game(void);
extern cGameDataCnc * The_Cnc_Game(void);
#endif // GAMEDATA_H
//extern cGameDataDeathMatch * The_Deathmatch_Game(void);
//extern cGameDataTeamDeathMatch * The_Team_Deathmatch_Game(void);
//virtual bool Is_Deathmatch(void) const {return false;}
//virtual bool Is_Team_Deathmatch(void) const {return false;}
//virtual cGameDataDeathMatch * As_Deathmatch(void) {return NULL;}
//virtual cGameDataTeamDeathMatch * As_Team_Deathmatch(void) {return NULL;}
//static const char* Get_Game_Type_Name(GameTypeEnum type);
//virtual bool Is_Editable_Reload_Map(void) const {return false;}
//virtual bool Is_Editable_Max_Players(void) const {return false;}
//virtual bool Is_Team_Game(void) const {return false;}
//virtual bool Is_Respawn_On_Demand(void) const {return true;}
//void Set_Min_Game_Time_Required_Mins(int mins);
//int Get_Min_Game_Time_Required_Mins(void) {return MinGameTimeRequiredMins;}
//void Set_Full_Score_Time_Threshold_Mins(int mins);
//int Get_Full_Score_Time_Threshold_Mins(void) {return FullScoreTimeThresholdMins;}
//int MinGameTimeRequiredMins;
//int FullScoreTimeThresholdMins;
//cBoolean IsBloodShed;