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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Toolkit_Powerup.cpp
* Designer Toolkit for Mission Construction - Powerup Manager
* Design Team
* $Author: Rich_d $
* $Revision: 28 $
* $Modtime: 2/18/02 4:41p $
* $Archive: /Commando/Code/Scripts/Toolkit_Powerup.cpp $
#include "toolkit.h"
// The Soldier Powerup Tables contains three columns.
// The first chars of the preset name, the weapon powerup, and the twiddler powerup.
// The first preset name match is used.
#define POWERUP_TABLE_SIZE ( sizeof(Soldier_Powerup_Table) / sizeof (Soldier_Powerup_Table[0]) )
const char * Soldier_Powerup_Table[][3] = {
{ "Mutant_0_Mutant", "tw_POW00_Armor", "tw_POW00_Armor" },
{ "Mutant_1Off_Acolyte", "POW_TiberiumAutoRifle_Player", "tw_POW02_LaserRifle" },
{ "Mutant_2SF_Templar", "POW_TiberiumAutoRifle_Player", "tw_POW01_TiberiumAutoRifle"},
{ "Nod_FlameThrower_2SF", "POW_LaserRifle_Player", "tw_POW02_LaserRifle" },
{ "Nod_FlameThrower_1Off", "POW_ChemSprayer_Player", "tw_POW01_Chemsprayer" },
{ "Nod_FlameThrower_0", "POW_Flamethrower_Player", "tw_POW00_Flamethrower" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_0", "POW_AutoRifle_Player", "tw_POW00_AutoRifle" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_1Off_LaserChaingun", "POW_LaserChaingun_Player", "tw_POW01_LaserChaingun" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_1Off_Shotgun", "tw_POW00_Health", "tw_POW00_Health" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_1Off", "POW_Chaingun_Player", "tw_POW01_Chaingun" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_2SF_AutoRifle", "POW_AutoRifle_Player", "tw_POW02_AutoRifle" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_2SF_Chaingun", "POW_Chaingun_Player", "tw_POW02_Chaingun" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_2SF_Ramjet", "POW_RamjetRifle_Player", "tw_POW02_RamjetRifle" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_2SF_Stationary", "POW_SniperRifle_Player", "tw_POW02_SniperRifle" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_2SF_Shotgun", "tw_POW00_Health", "tw_POW02_SniperRifle" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_2SF_LaserRifle", "tw_POW00_Health", "tw_POW00_Health" },
{ "Nod_Minigunner_2SF", "POW_SniperRifle_Player", "tw_POW00_Health" },
{ "Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF_AutoRifle", "POW_AutoRifle_Player", "tw_POW02_AutoRifle" },
{ "Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF_Chaingun", "POW_Chaingun_Player", "tw_POW02_Chaingun" },
{ "Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF_VoltAutoRifle", "POW_VoltAutoRifle_Player", "tw_POW02_VoltAutoRifle" },
{ "Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF_LaserRifle", "tw_POW00_Health", "tw_POW00_Health" },
{ "Nod_RocketSoldier", "POW_RocketLauncher_Player", "tw_POW00_RocketLauncher" },
{ "", "tw_POW00_Health", "tw_POW00_Health" }, // Last entry is the catch-all
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M00_Soldier_Powerup_Grant, "")
bool Disabled; // Has this script been disabled (usually for a custom override)
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( Disabled, 1 );
void Created(GameObject* obj)
Disabled = false; // Default to enabled
// Find the index of the first matching sub name
int Find_Powerup_Table_Index( const char * name )
for ( int i = 0; i < POWERUP_TABLE_SIZE; i++ ) {
const char * test_name = Soldier_Powerup_Table[i][0];
if ( ::strncmp( test_name, name, ::strlen( test_name ) ) == 0 ) {
return i;
Commands->Debug_Message( "Soldier_Powerup_Grant failed to find name match %s\n", name );
return 0;
// When killed, drop a powerup
void Killed (GameObject * obj, GameObject * killer)
// We only drop a powerup if our killer is a star
// 100% for Easy
// 67% for Medium
// 33% for Hard
if( !Disabled && killer && Commands->Is_A_Star(killer) && (Commands->Get_Random_Int(0, 3) >= Commands->Get_Difficulty_Level()))
// Find the destoyed object's preset name
const char * preset_name = Commands->Get_Preset_Name( obj );
Commands->Debug_Message( "Soldier_Powerup_Grant for %s\n", preset_name );
// Find the index of this object
int index = Find_Powerup_Table_Index( preset_name );
Commands->Debug_Message( "Soldier_Powerup_Grant: index %d\n", index );
// Calculate the star's health percentage
float star_health = Commands->Get_Health( killer );
float star_health_max = Commands->Get_Max_Health( killer );
float star_health_percent = 0;
if ( star_health_max ) {
star_health_percent = star_health / star_health_max;
// Calculate the star's shield percentage
float star_shield = Commands->Get_Shield_Strength( killer );
float star_shield_max = Commands->Get_Max_Shield_Strength( killer );
float star_shield_percent = 0;
if ( star_shield_max ) {
star_shield_percent = star_shield / star_shield_max;
// Calcutate a powerup spawn point
Vector3 spawn_spot = Commands->Get_Position ( obj );
spawn_spot.Z += 0.75f; // Bump it up a bit
GameObject * powerup = NULL;
// If star's health < 25%, drop health
if ( star_health_percent < 0.25f ) {
Commands->Debug_Message( "Soldier_Powerup_Grant: Star's Health < 25%%. Dropping Health\n" );
powerup = Commands->Create_Object ( "tw_POW00_Health", spawn_spot );
// If star's shield < 25%, drop shield
if ( powerup == NULL && star_shield_percent < 0.25f ) {
Commands->Debug_Message( "Soldier_Powerup_Grant: Star's Shield < 25%%. Dropping Sheild\n" );
powerup = Commands->Create_Object ( "tw_POW00_Armor", spawn_spot );
// If star's health > 75%, drop weapon
if ( powerup == NULL && star_health_percent > 0.75f ) {
const char * weapon_powerup = Soldier_Powerup_Table[index][1];
if ( weapon_powerup != NULL && weapon_powerup[0] != 0 ) {
Commands->Debug_Message( "Soldier_Powerup_Grant: Star's Health > 75%%. Dropping soldier's weapon %s\n", weapon_powerup );
powerup = Commands->Create_Object ( weapon_powerup, spawn_spot );
// Drop soldier's twiddler
if ( powerup == NULL ) {
const char * twiddler = Soldier_Powerup_Table[index][2];
if ( twiddler != NULL && twiddler[0] != 0 ) {
Commands->Debug_Message( "Soldier_Powerup_Grant: Dropping twiddler %s\n", twiddler );
powerup = Commands->Create_Object ( twiddler, spawn_spot );
// It we created a powerup, give it the powerup script
if ( powerup != NULL ) {
Commands->Attach_Script( powerup, "M00_Powerup_Destroy", "");
// Custom to disable this script
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
Disabled = true;
// DAY - Attach to disable powerup manager on an instance or preset
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M00_Soldier_Powerup_Disable, "")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 1.0f, 1);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == 1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, obj, M00_CUSTOM_POWERUP_GRANT_DISABLE, 0);
// DAY - Used to destroy a powerup dropped by the powerup manager over time. Based on Difficulty.
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M00_Powerup_Destroy, "")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
float lifespan = (30.0f - (Commands->Get_Difficulty_Level() * 10));
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, lifespan, 10);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if(timer_id == 10)
** Reveal Encyclopedia Powerup Scripts. Reveal ID's of encyclopedia ini entries based on type
// DAY - Reveals a Building entry in the Encyclopedia. Param is the Encyclopedia ID listed in the Buildings.ini file.
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_Reveal_Enc_Building_DAY, "BuildingEncyclopediaID:int")
void Custom(GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
bool reveal = Commands->Reveal_Encyclopedia_Building( Get_Int_Parameter("BuildingEncyclopediaID") );
if ( reveal == 1 )
// DAY - Reveals a Character entry in the Encyclopedia. Param is the Encyclopedia ID listed in the Characters.ini file.
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_Reveal_Enc_Character_DAY, "CharacterEncyclopediaID:int")
void Custom(GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
bool reveal = Commands->Reveal_Encyclopedia_Character( Get_Int_Parameter("CharacterEncyclopediaID") );
if ( reveal == 1 )
// DAY - Reveals a Vehicle entry in the Encyclopedia. Param is the Encyclopedia ID listed in the Vehicles.ini file.
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_Reveal_Enc_Vehicle_DAY, "VehicleEncyclopediaID:int")
void Custom(GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
bool reveal = Commands->Reveal_Encyclopedia_Vehicle( Get_Int_Parameter("VehicleEncyclopediaID") );
if ( reveal == 1 )
// DAY - Reveals a Weapon entry in the Encyclopedia. Param is the Encyclopedia ID listed in the Weapons.ini file.
// Normally not necessary as picking up weapon will reveal entry.
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_Reveal_Enc_Weapon_DAY, "WeaponEncyclopediaID:int")
void Custom(GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
bool reveal = Commands->Reveal_Encyclopedia_Weapon( Get_Int_Parameter("WeaponEncyclopediaID") );
if ( reveal == 1 )
** Mutliplayer Score/Money Grant Scripts
** DAY - Two scripts that grant random incremental allotments of points or money for
** multiplayer.
// DAY - Multiplayer Script to Grant Score
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_GrantScore_Powerup, "ScoreAmount:float,Entire_Team=0:int,Randomizer=1:int")
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
float score;
bool team_grant;
int random_multiply;
int factor_multiply;
float score_grant;
score = Get_Float_Parameter( "ScoreAmount" );
team_grant = (Get_Int_Parameter("Entire_Team") == 1) ? true : false;
random_multiply = Get_Int_Parameter( "Randomizer" );
if ( random_multiply < 1 )
random_multiply = 1;
factor_multiply = Commands->Get_Random_Int( 1, (random_multiply + 1) );
score_grant = factor_multiply * score;
Commands->Give_Points( sender, score_grant, team_grant );
// DAY - Multiplayer Script to Grant Money
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_GrantMoney_Powerup, "ScoreAmount:float,Entire_Team=0:int,Randomizer=1:int")
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
float score;
bool team_grant;
int random_multiply;
int factor_multiply;
float score_grant;
score = Get_Float_Parameter( "ScoreAmount" );
team_grant = (Get_Int_Parameter("Entire_Team") == 1) ? true : false;
random_multiply = Get_Int_Parameter( "Randomizer" );
if ( random_multiply < 1 )
random_multiply = 1;
factor_multiply = Commands->Get_Random_Int( 1, (random_multiply + 1) );
score_grant = factor_multiply * score;
Commands->Give_Money( sender, score_grant, team_grant );
// Attach this script to the Tiberium Refinery controller. It will issue money to that
// controller's team until the Refinery is destroyed.
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_Tiberium_Refinery, "MoneyAmount:int,TimerLength:int")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, Get_Int_Parameter("TimerLength"), 1);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == 1)
float health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (health)
Commands->Give_Money (obj, Get_Int_Parameter ("MoneyAmount"), true);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, Get_Int_Parameter("TimerLength"), 1);
void Custom (GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if ((type == CUSTOM_EVENT_POWERUP_GRANTED) && (sender))
Commands->Give_Money (sender, 100.0f, false);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M00_Death_Powerup, "")
void Custom (GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if ((type == CUSTOM_EVENT_POWERUP_GRANTED) && (sender))
Commands->Apply_Damage (sender, 10000.0f, "Death", NULL);