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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Utils.H
// Module containing usefull misc. utility functions
#ifndef __UTILS_H
#define __UTILS_H
#include "refcount.h"
#include "shlobj.h"
#include "listtypes.h"
#include "nodetypes.h"
#include "assetmgr.h"
#include "_assetmgr.h"
#include "editorassetmgr.h"
// Macros
#define SAFE_DELETE(pobject) \
if (pobject) { \
delete pobject; \
pobject = NULL; \
} \
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pobject) \
if (pobject) { \
delete [] pobject; \
pobject = NULL; \
} \
#define SAFE_ADD_REF(pobject) \
if (pobject) { \
pobject->Add_Ref (); \
} \
#define SAFE_RELEASE_REF(pobject) \
if (pobject) { \
pobject->Release_Ref (); \
} \
#define MEMBER_RELEASE(pmember) \
SAFE_RELEASE_REF(pmember); \
pmember = NULL; \
#define MEMBER_ADD(pmember, pnew) \
MEMBER_RELEASE (pmember); \
pmember = pnew; \
SAFE_ADD_REF (pmember); \
#define COM_RELEASE(pobject) \
if (pobject) { \
pobject->Release (); \
} \
pobject = NULL; \
#define SAFE_CLOSE(handle) \
if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { \
::CloseHandle (handle); \
} \
#define COPY_CHAR_ARRAY(dest, src) \
::lstrcpyn (dest, src, sizeof (dest)); \
dest[sizeof (dest)-1] = 0; \
#define SANITY_CHECK(expr) \
ASSERT (expr); \
if (!(expr))
#define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lp))
#define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lp))
#define INLINE_ACCESSOR_CONST(_type, _class, _name) \
inline _type _class::Get_##_name (void) const \
{ return m_##_name; } \
inline void _class::Set_##_name (_type val) \
{ m_##_name = val; } \
#define INLINE_ACCESSOR(_type, _class, _name) \
inline _type _class::Get_##_name (void) \
{ return m_##_name; } \
inline void _class::Set_##_name (_type val) \
{ m_##_name = val; } \
// Inlines
__inline void Delimit_Path (LPTSTR path)
if (path != NULL && path[0] != 0 && path[::lstrlen (path) - 1] != '\\') {
::lstrcat (path, "\\");
return ;
__inline void Delimit_Path (CString &path)
if (path.GetLength () > 0 && path[::lstrlen (path) - 1] != '\\') {
path += CString ("\\");
return ;
__inline bool Is_Path (LPCTSTR string)
bool retval = (::strchr (string, '\\') != NULL);
retval |= (::strchr (string, '/') != NULL);
return retval;
__inline bool Is_W3D_Filename (LPCTSTR filename)
CString lower_case = filename;
lower_case.MakeLower ();
return (::strstr (lower_case, ".w3d") != NULL);
__inline bool Is_Texture_Filename (LPCTSTR filename)
CString lower_case = filename;
lower_case.MakeLower ();
return (::strstr (lower_case, ".tga") != NULL);
__inline bool Is_Full_Path (LPCTSTR string)
return (string[1] == ':') || (string[0] == '\\' && string[1] == '\\');
__inline CString Make_Path (LPCTSTR path, LPCTSTR filename)
CString full_path;
if (Is_Full_Path (filename)) {
full_path = filename;
} else {
full_path = path;
Delimit_Path (full_path);
full_path += filename;
return full_path;
__inline void Create_Dir_If_Necessary (LPCTSTR path)
if (::GetFileAttributes (path) == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
::CreateDirectory (path, NULL);
return ;
__inline RenderObjClass *Create_Render_Obj (LPCTSTR name)
return WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Create_Render_Obj (name);
__inline void Set_Current_Directory (LPCTSTR path)
_pThe3DAssetManager->Set_Current_Directory (path);
return ;
// Forward declarations
class OverlapPageClass;
class InstancesPageClass;
class GlobalPresetsFormClass;
class CLevelEditDoc;
class CLevelEditView;
class CameraMgr;
class MouseMgrClass;
class FileMgrClass;
class SceneEditorClass;
class NodeMgrClass;
class SelectionMgrClass;
class GroupsPageClass;
class LightAmbientFormClass;
class PresetsFormClass;
class Matrix3D;
class AABoxClass;
class OBBoxClass;
class PersistClass;
class DefinitionClass;
class ConversationPageClass;
// Prototypes
CLevelEditDoc * Get_Current_Document (void);
CLevelEditView * Get_Main_View (void);
CameraMgr * Get_Camera_Mgr (void);
MouseMgrClass * Get_Mouse_Mgr (void);
FileMgrClass * Get_File_Mgr (void);
SceneEditorClass * Get_Scene_Editor (void);
NodeMgrClass & Get_Node_Mgr (void);
SelectionMgrClass & Get_Selection_Mgr (void);
void Refresh_Main_View (void);
void General_Pump_Messages (void);
void Pump_Messages (void);
GROUP_LIST & Get_Global_Group_List (void);
CImageList * Get_Global_Image_List (void);
// Form/Property page management
ConversationPageClass * Get_Conversation_Form (void);
OverlapPageClass * Get_Overlap_Form (void);
InstancesPageClass * Get_Instances_Form (void);
LightAmbientFormClass * Get_Ambient_Light_Form (void);
PresetsFormClass * Get_Presets_Form (void);
// Misc routines
int Get_Next_Temp_ID (void);
LPCTSTR Get_Factory_Name (uint32 class_id);
// 'Safe' creation routines (provides error message, etc)
PersistClass * Instance_Definition (DefinitionClass *definition);
// Painting/subclassing/dialog control routines
LRESULT CALLBACK CheckBoxSubclassProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
void Paint_Gradient (HWND hwnd, BYTE base_red, BYTE base_green, BYTE base_blue);
void Constrain_Point_To_Aspect_Ratio (float &xpos, float &ypos);
void Fill_Node_Instance_Combo (HWND hcombobox, NodeClass *pdefault = NULL);
void Fill_Group_Combo (HWND hcombobox, GroupMgrClass *pdefault = NULL);
int Type_To_Icon (NODE_TYPE type, bool btemp = false);
// Vis routines
void Perform_Job (LPCTSTR filename, bool delete_on_completion);
// Directory routines
CString Get_Startup_Directory (void);
CString Get_Data_Directory (void);
// String manipulation routines
CString Get_Filename_From_Path (LPCTSTR path);
CString Strip_Filename_From_Path (LPCTSTR path);
CString Get_Subdir_From_Full_Path (LPCTSTR path);
CString Get_Subdir_And_Filename_From_Path (LPCTSTR path);
int Build_List_From_String (LPCTSTR buffer, LPCTSTR delimiter, CString **pstring_list);
CString Build_String_From_List (const CString *pstring_list, int count, LPCTSTR delimiter);
CString Asset_Name_From_Filename (LPCTSTR filename);
CString Filename_From_Asset_Name (LPCTSTR asset_name);
CString Up_One_Directory (LPCTSTR path);
void Convert_Chars_To_Newline (CString &string);
void Convert_Newline_To_Chars (CString &string);
// Message box/status methods
UINT Message_Box (HWND hparentwnd, UINT message_id, UINT title_id, UINT style = MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
void Update_Frame_Count (int frame, int max_frames);
void Set_Modified (bool modified = true);
bool Is_Silent_Mode (void);
void Set_Silent_Mode (bool is_silent);
// Dialog routines
void SetDlgItemFloat (HWND hdlg, UINT child_id, float value);
float GetDlgItemFloat (HWND hdlg, UINT child_id, bool interpret = false);
float GetWindowFloat (HWND hwnd, bool interpret = false);
void SetWindowFloat (HWND hwnd, float value);
void Make_Edit_Float_Ctrl (HWND edit_wnd);
void Make_Edit_Int_Ctrl (HWND edit_wnd);
HWND Show_VSS_Update_Dialog (HWND hparent_wnd);
void Kill_VSS_Update_Dialog (HWND hdlg);
// File routines
DWORD Get_File_Size (LPCTSTR path);
bool Get_File_Time (LPCTSTR path, LPFILETIME pcreation_time = NULL, LPFILETIME paccess_time = NULL, LPFILETIME pwrite_time = NULL);
bool Is_Path_Relative (LPCTSTR path);
bool Find_File (LPCTSTR filename, LPCTSTR start_dir, CString &full_path);
int Quick_Compare_Files (LPCTSTR file1, LPCTSTR file2);
int Get_LOD_File_Count (LPCTSTR first_lod_filename, CString *pbase_filename = NULL);
bool Browse_For_Folder (CString &folder, HWND hparentwnd, LPCTSTR default_path, LPCTSTR title, UINT flags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS);
bool Copy_File (LPCTSTR existing_filename, LPCTSTR new_filename, bool bforce_copy = false);
// Version routines
bool Check_Editor_Version (void);
// Message/Debug routines
void Output_Message (LPCTSTR message);
// Math routines
void Rotate_Matrix (const Matrix3D &input_mat, const Matrix3D &rotation_mat, const Matrix3D &coord_system, Matrix3D *poutput_mat);
bool Get_Collision_Box (const RenderObjClass *model, AABoxClass &box);
bool Get_Collision_Box (RenderObjClass *render_obj, AABoxClass &aabox, OBBoxClass &obbox);
// Thread routines
typedef UINT (*MY_THREADPROC) (DWORD dwparam1, DWORD dwparam2, DWORD dwparam3, HRESULT *presult);
typedef UINT (*MY_UITHREADPROC) (DWORD dwparam1, DWORD dwparam2, DWORD dwparam3, HRESULT *presult, HWND *phmain_wnd);
void Create_Worker_Thread (MY_THREADPROC fnthread_proc, DWORD dwparam1, DWORD dwparam2, DWORD dwparam3, HRESULT *presult);
void Create_UI_Thread (MY_UITHREADPROC fnthread_proc, DWORD dwparam1, DWORD dwparam2, DWORD dwparam3, HRESULT *presult, HWND *phmain_wnd);
// Helper classes
class FileAccessRightsClass
typedef enum
FileAccessRightsClass (LPCTSTR filename, ACCESS_TYPE type = WANTS_WRITEABLE, bool should_restore = false);
~FileAccessRightsClass (void);
bool m_bNeedsRestoring;
LONG m_FileAttrs;
CString m_Filename;
#endif //__UTILS_H