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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* $Header: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/assetmgr.h 19 12/17/01 7:55p Jani_p $ */
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : Commando *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/assetmgr.h $*
* *
* Author:: Greg_h *
* *
* $Modtime:: 12/15/01 4:14p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 19 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef ASSETMGR_H
#define ASSETMGR_H
#include "always.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "htreemgr.h"
#include "hanimmgr.h"
#include "slist.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "hashtemplate.h"
#include "simplevec.h"
class HAnimClass;
class HTreeClass;
class ChunkLoadClass;
class FileClass;
class FileFactoryClass;
class PrototypeLoaderClass;
class Font3DDataClass;
class Font3DInstanceClass;
class FontCharsClass;
class RenderObjClass;
class HModelClass;
class PrototypeClass;
class HTreeManagerClass;
class HAnimManagerClass;
class HAnimIterator;
class TextureIterator;
class TextureFileCache;
class StreamingTextureClass;
struct StreamingTextureConfig;
class TextureClass;
class MetalMapManagerClass;
** AssetIterator
** This object can iterate through the 3D assets which
** currently exist in the Asset Manager. It tells you the names
** of the assets which the manager can create for you.
class AssetIterator
virtual ~AssetIterator(void) { };
virtual void First(void) { Index = 0; }
virtual void Next(void) { Index ++; }
virtual bool Is_Done(void) = 0;
virtual const char * Current_Item_Name(void) = 0;
AssetIterator(void) { Index = 0; }
int Index;
** RenderObjIterator
** The render obj iterator simply adds a method for determining
** the class id of a render object prototype in the system.
class RenderObjIterator : public AssetIterator
virtual int Current_Item_Class_ID(void) = 0;
This object is the manager of all of the 3D data. Load your meshes, animations,
etc etc using the Load_3D_Assets function.
WARNING: hierarchy trees should be loaded before the meshes and animations
which attach to them.
Dec 11, 1997, Asset Manager Brainstorming:
- WW3DAssetManager will be diferentiated from other game data asset managers
(sounds, strings, etc) because they behave differently and serve different
- WW3D creates "clones" from the blueprints it has of render objects whereas
Our commando data asset manager will provide the data (file images) for the
blueprints. Maybe the CommandoDataManager could deal in MemoryFileClasses.
Or void * and then the ww3d manager could convert to MemoryFiles...
- Future caching: In the case that we want to implement a caching system,
assets must be "released" when not in use.
- CommandoW3d asset manager asks the game data asset manager for assets by name.
Game data manager must have a "directory" structure which maps each named
asset to data on disk. It then returns an image of the file once it has
been loaded into ram.
- Assets must be individual files, named with the asset name used in code/scripting
We will write a tool which chops w3d files up so that all of the individual assets
are brought out into their own file and named with the actual w3d name.
- Data Asset Manager will load the file into ram, give it to us and forget about it
W3d will release_ref it or delete it and the file image will go away.
- Each time the 3d asset manager is requested for an asset, it will look through
the render objects it has, if the asset isn't found, it will ask for the asset
from the generic data asset manager. When creating the actual render object,
the 3d asset manager may find that it needs another asset (such as a hierarchy tree).
It will then recurse, and ask for that asset.
- Copy Mode will go away. It will be internally set based on whether the mesh
contains vertex animation. All other render objects will simply "Clone".
- Commando will derive a Cmdo3DAssetManager which knows about the special chunks
required for the terrains.
July 28, 1998
- Exposed the prototype system and added prototype loaders (PrototypeClass and
PrototypeLoaderClass in proto.h). This now allows the user to install his own
loaders for new render object types.
- Simplified the interface by removing the special purpose creation functions,
leaving only the Create_Render_Obj function.
- In certain cases some users need to know what kind of render object was created
so we added a Class_ID mechanism to RenderObjClass.
- Class_ID for render objects is not enough. Need the asset iterator to be able
to tell you the Class_ID of each asset in the asset manager. This also means that
the prototype class needs to be able to tell you the class ID. Actually this
code only seems to be used by tools such as SView but is needed anyway...
class WW3DAssetManager
** Constructor and destructor
virtual ~WW3DAssetManager(void);
** Access to the single instance of a WW3DAssetManager. The user
** can subclass their own asset manager class but should only
** create one instance. (a violation of this will be caught with
** a run-time assertion)
** The "official" way to get at the global asset manager is to
** use a line of code like this:
** WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance();
static WW3DAssetManager * Get_Instance(void) { return TheInstance; }
static void Delete_This(void) { if (TheInstance) delete TheInstance; TheInstance=NULL; }
** Load data from any type of w3d file
virtual bool Load_3D_Assets( const char * filename);
virtual bool Load_3D_Assets(FileClass & assetfile);
** Get rid of all of the currently loaded assets
virtual void Free_Assets(void);
** Release any assets that only the asset manager has a reference to.
virtual void Release_Unused_Assets(void);
** create me an instance of one of the prototype render objects
virtual RenderObjClass * Create_Render_Obj(const char * name);
** query if there is a render object with the specified name
virtual bool Render_Obj_Exists(const char * name);
** Iterate through all render objects or through the
** sub-categories of render objects. NOTE! the user is responsible
** for releasing the iterator when finished with it!
virtual RenderObjIterator * Create_Render_Obj_Iterator(void);
virtual void Release_Render_Obj_Iterator(RenderObjIterator *);
** Access to HAnims, Used by Animatable3DObj's
** TODO: make HAnims accessible from the HMODELS (or Animatable3DObj...)
virtual AssetIterator * Create_HAnim_Iterator(void);
virtual HAnimClass * Get_HAnim(const char * name);
virtual bool Add_Anim (HAnimClass *new_anim) { return HAnimManager.Add_Anim (new_anim); }
** Access to textures
// virtual AssetIterator * Create_Texture_Iterator(void);
HashTemplateClass<StringClass,TextureClass*>& Texture_Hash() { return TextureHash; }
static void Log_Texture_Statistics();
virtual TextureClass * Get_Texture(
const char * filename,
TextureClass::MipCountType mip_level_count=TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_ALL,
WW3DFormat texture_format=WW3D_FORMAT_UNKNOWN,
bool allow_compression=true);
virtual void Release_All_Textures(void);
virtual void Release_Unused_Textures(void);
virtual void Release_Texture(TextureClass *);
virtual void Load_Procedural_Textures();
virtual MetalMapManagerClass* Peek_Metal_Map_Manager() { return MetalManager; }
** Access to Font3DInstances. (These are not saved, we just use the
** asset manager as a convienient way to create them.)
virtual Font3DInstanceClass * Get_Font3DInstance( const char * name);
** Access to FontChars. Used by Render2DSentenceClass
virtual FontCharsClass * Get_FontChars( const char * name, int point_size, bool is_bold = false );
** Access to HTrees, Used by Animatable3DObj's
virtual AssetIterator * Create_HTree_Iterator(void);
virtual HTreeClass * Get_HTree(const char * name);
** Prototype Loaders, The user can register new loaders here. Note that
** a the pointer to your loader will be stored inside the asset manager.
** For this reason, your loader should be a static or global object.
virtual void Register_Prototype_Loader(PrototypeLoaderClass * loader);
** The Add_Prototype is public so that we can add prototypes for procedurally
** generated objects to the asset manager.
void Add_Prototype(PrototypeClass * newproto);
void Remove_Prototype(PrototypeClass *proto);
void Remove_Prototype(const char *name);
PrototypeClass * Find_Prototype(const char * name);
** Load on Demand
bool Get_WW3D_Load_On_Demand( void ) { return WW3D_Load_On_Demand; }
void Set_WW3D_Load_On_Demand( bool on_off ) { WW3D_Load_On_Demand = on_off; }
** Add fog to objects on load
bool Get_Activate_Fog_On_Load( void ) { return Activate_Fog_On_Load; }
void Set_Activate_Fog_On_Load( bool on_off ) { Activate_Fog_On_Load = on_off; }
// Log texture statistics
void Log_All_Textures();
** Access to Font3DData. (These are privately managed/accessed)
virtual AssetIterator * Create_Font3DData_Iterator(void);
virtual void Add_Font3DData(Font3DDataClass * font);
virtual void Remove_Font3DData(Font3DDataClass * font);
virtual Font3DDataClass * Get_Font3DData(const char * name);
virtual void Release_All_Font3DDatas( void);
virtual void Release_Unused_Font3DDatas( void);
virtual void Release_All_FontChars( void );
void Free(void);
PrototypeLoaderClass * Find_Prototype_Loader(int chunk_id);
bool Load_Prototype(ChunkLoadClass & cload);
** Compile time control over the dynamic arrays:
** Prototype Loaders
** These objects are responsible for importing certain W3D chunk types and turning
** them into prototypes.
DynamicVectorClass < PrototypeLoaderClass * > PrototypeLoaders;
** Prototypes
** These objects are abstract factories for named render objects. Prototypes is
** a dynamic array of pointers to the currently loaded prototypes.
DynamicVectorClass < PrototypeClass * > Prototypes;
** Prototype Hash Table
** This structure is simply used to speed up the name lookup for prototypes
PrototypeClass * * PrototypeHashTable;
** managers of HTrees, HAnims, Textures....
HTreeManagerClass HTreeManager;
HAnimManagerClass HAnimManager;
** When enabled, this handles all the caching for the texture class.
** If NULL then textures are not being cached.
TextureFileCache * TextureCache;
** list of Font3DDatas
SList<Font3DDataClass> Font3DDatas;
** list of FontChars
SimpleDynVecClass<FontCharsClass*> FontCharsList;
** Should .W3D be loaded if not in memory
bool WW3D_Load_On_Demand;
** Should we activate fog on objects while loading them
bool Activate_Fog_On_Load;
// Metal Map Manager
MetalMapManagerClass * MetalManager;
** Texture hash table for quick texture lookups
HashTemplateClass<StringClass, TextureClass *> TextureHash;
** The 3d asset manager is a singleton, there should be only
** one and it is accessible through Get_Instance()
static WW3DAssetManager * TheInstance;
** the iterator classes are friends
friend class RObjIterator;
friend class HAnimIterator;
friend class HTreeIterator;
friend class Font3DDataIterator;
friend class TextureIterator;
// Font3DInstance need access to the Font3DData
friend class Font3DInstanceClass;