372 lines
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372 lines
16 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WW3D *
* *
* $Archive:: /VSS_Sync/ww3d2/part_ldr.h $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith
* *
* $Modtime:: 10/26/01 2:56p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 8 $*
* *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef __PART_EMT_LDR_H
#define __PART_EMT_LDR_H
#include "proto.h"
#include "rendobj.h"
#include "w3d_file.h"
#include "w3derr.h"
#include "w3d_util.h"
#include "part_emt.h"
// Forward declarations
class ChunkLoadClass;
class ChunkSaveClass;
class Vector3Randomizer;
// Macros
#ifndef SAFE_FREE
#define SAFE_FREE(pointer) \
{ \
if (pointer) { \
::free (pointer); \
pointer = 0; \
} \
#endif //SAFE_FREE
#define BYTE_TO_FLOAT(byte) \
(((float)byte) / 255.0F) \
#define FLOAT_TO_BYTE(fval) \
((unsigned char)(max(fval,0.0F) * 255.0F)) \
#define RGBA_TO_VECTOR3(rgba) \
Vector3 (BYTE_TO_FLOAT(rgba.R), BYTE_TO_FLOAT (rgba.G), BYTE_TO_FLOAT (rgba.B)) \
#define VECTOR3_TO_RGBA(vector3, rgba) \
rgba.R = FLOAT_TO_BYTE (vector3.X); \
rgba.G = FLOAT_TO_BYTE (vector3.Y); \
rgba.B = FLOAT_TO_BYTE (vector3.Z); \
// ParticleEmitterDefClass
// Description of a general particle emitter object. Used by the asset manager
// to construct particle emitters.
class ParticleEmitterDefClass
// Public constructors/destructors
ParticleEmitterDefClass (void);
ParticleEmitterDefClass (const ParticleEmitterDefClass &src);
virtual ~ParticleEmitterDefClass (void);
// Public operators
const ParticleEmitterDefClass &operator= (const ParticleEmitterDefClass &src);
// Public methods
virtual WW3DErrorType Load_W3D (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_W3D (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
const char * Get_Name (void) const { return m_pName; }
virtual void Set_Name (const char *pname);
// Informational methods
unsigned int Get_Version (void) const { return m_Version; }
// Inline Accessors
int Get_Render_Mode (void) const { return m_InfoV2.RenderMode; } // values defined in w3d_file.h
int Get_Frame_Mode (void) const { return m_InfoV2.FrameMode; } // values in w3d_file.h
const char * Get_Texture_Filename (void) const { return m_Info.TextureFilename; }
float Get_Lifetime (void) const { return m_Info.Lifetime; }
float Get_Emission_Rate (void) const { return m_Info.EmissionRate; }
float Get_Max_Emissions (void) const { return m_Info.MaxEmissions; }
float Get_Fade_Time (void) const { return m_Info.FadeTime; }
float Get_Gravity (void) const { return m_Info.Gravity; }
float Get_Elasticity (void) const { return m_Info.Elasticity; }
Vector3 Get_Velocity (void) const { return Vector3 (m_Info.Velocity.X, m_Info.Velocity.Y, m_Info.Velocity.Z); }
Vector3 Get_Acceleration (void) const { return Vector3 (m_Info.Acceleration.X, m_Info.Acceleration.Y, m_Info.Acceleration.Z); }
unsigned int Get_Burst_Size (void) const { return m_InfoV2.BurstSize; }
float Get_Outward_Vel (void) const { return m_InfoV2.OutwardVel; }
float Get_Vel_Inherit (void) const { return m_InfoV2.VelInherit; }
virtual void Set_Render_Mode (int mode) { m_InfoV2.RenderMode = mode; } // values in w3d_file.h
virtual void Set_Frame_Mode (int mode) { m_InfoV2.FrameMode = mode; } // values in w3d_file.h
virtual void Set_Texture_Filename (const char *pname);
virtual void Set_Lifetime (float value) { m_Info.Lifetime = value; }
virtual void Set_Emission_Rate (float value) { m_Info.EmissionRate = value; }
virtual void Set_Max_Emissions (float value) { m_Info.MaxEmissions = value; }
virtual void Set_Fade_Time (float value) { m_Info.FadeTime = value; }
virtual void Set_Gravity (float value) { m_Info.Gravity = value; }
virtual void Set_Elasticity (float value) { m_Info.Elasticity = value; }
virtual void Set_Velocity (const Vector3 &value) { m_Info.Velocity.X = value.X; m_Info.Velocity.Y = value.Y; m_Info.Velocity.Z = value.Z; }
virtual void Set_Acceleration (const Vector3 &value) { m_Info.Acceleration.X = value.X; m_Info.Acceleration.Y = value.Y; m_Info.Acceleration.Z = value.Z; }
virtual void Set_Burst_Size (unsigned int count) { m_InfoV2.BurstSize = count; }
virtual void Set_Outward_Vel (float value) { m_InfoV2.OutwardVel = value; }
virtual void Set_Vel_Inherit (float value) { m_InfoV2.VelInherit = value; }
void Get_Shader (ShaderClass &shader) const { W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Shader (m_InfoV2.Shader, &shader); }
virtual void Set_Shader (const ShaderClass &shader) { W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Shader (shader, &m_InfoV2.Shader); }
// Randomizer accessors
Vector3Randomizer * Get_Creation_Volume (void) const { return m_pCreationVolume->Clone (); }
Vector3Randomizer * Get_Velocity_Random (void) const { return m_pVelocityRandomizer->Clone (); }
virtual void Set_Creation_Volume (Vector3Randomizer *randomizer);
virtual void Set_Velocity_Random (Vector3Randomizer *randomizer);
// Keyframe accessors
virtual void Get_Color_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<Vector3> &keyframes) const;
virtual void Get_Opacity_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &keyframes) const;
virtual void Get_Size_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &keyframes) const;
virtual void Get_Rotation_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &rotationframes) const;
virtual void Get_Frame_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &frameframes) const;
virtual void Get_Blur_Time_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &blurtimeframes) const;
virtual float Get_Initial_Orientation_Random (void) const { return m_InitialOrientationRandom; }
virtual void Set_Color_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<Vector3> &keyframes);
virtual void Set_Opacity_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &keyframes);
virtual void Set_Size_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &keyframes);
virtual void Set_Rotation_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &keyframes, float orient_rnd);
virtual void Set_Frame_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &keyframes);
virtual void Set_Blur_Time_Keyframes (ParticlePropertyStruct<float> &keyframes);
// User data accessors
const char * Get_User_String (void) const { return m_pUserString; }
int Get_User_Type (void) const { return m_iUserType; }
virtual void Set_User_String (const char *pstring);
virtual void Set_User_Type (int type) { m_iUserType = type; }
// Line Properties accessors
// NOTE: These properties are only used when Line rendering mode is used.
const W3dEmitterLinePropertiesStruct * Get_Line_Properties(void) const { return &m_LineProperties; }
int Get_Line_Texture_Mapping_Mode(void) const { return (m_LineProperties.Flags & W3D_ELINE_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_MASK) >> W3D_ELINE_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_OFFSET; }
int Is_Merge_Intersections(void) const { return m_LineProperties.Flags & W3D_ELINE_MERGE_INTERSECTIONS; }
int Is_Freeze_Random(void) const { return m_LineProperties.Flags & W3D_ELINE_FREEZE_RANDOM; }
int Is_Sorting_Disabled(void) const { return m_LineProperties.Flags & W3D_ELINE_DISABLE_SORTING; }
int Are_End_Caps_Enabled(void) const { return m_LineProperties.Flags & W3D_ELINE_END_CAPS; }
int Get_Subdivision_Level(void) const { return m_LineProperties.SubdivisionLevel; }
float Get_Noise_Amplitude(void) const { return m_LineProperties.NoiseAmplitude; }
float Get_Merge_Abort_Factor(void) const { return m_LineProperties.MergeAbortFactor; }
float Get_Texture_Tile_Factor(void) const { return m_LineProperties.TextureTileFactor; }
Vector2 Get_UV_Offset_Rate(void) const { return Vector2(m_LineProperties.UPerSec,m_LineProperties.VPerSec); }
virtual void Set_Line_Texture_Mapping_Mode(int mode);
virtual void Set_Merge_Intersections(int onoff) { if (onoff) { m_LineProperties.Flags |= W3D_ELINE_MERGE_INTERSECTIONS; } else { m_LineProperties.Flags &= ~W3D_ELINE_MERGE_INTERSECTIONS; }; }
virtual void Set_Freeze_Random(int onoff) { if (onoff) { m_LineProperties.Flags |= W3D_ELINE_FREEZE_RANDOM; } else { m_LineProperties.Flags &= ~W3D_ELINE_FREEZE_RANDOM; }; }
virtual void Set_Disable_Sorting(int onoff) { if (onoff) { m_LineProperties.Flags |= W3D_ELINE_DISABLE_SORTING; } else { m_LineProperties.Flags &= ~W3D_ELINE_DISABLE_SORTING; }; }
virtual void Set_End_Caps(int onoff) { if (onoff) { m_LineProperties.Flags |= W3D_ELINE_END_CAPS; } else { m_LineProperties.Flags &= ~W3D_ELINE_END_CAPS; }; }
virtual void Set_Subdivision_Level(int lvl) { m_LineProperties.SubdivisionLevel = lvl; }
virtual void Set_Noise_Amplitude(float k) { m_LineProperties.NoiseAmplitude = k; }
virtual void Set_Merge_Abort_Factor(float k) { m_LineProperties.MergeAbortFactor = k; }
virtual void Set_Texture_Tile_Factor(float k) { m_LineProperties.TextureTileFactor = k; }
virtual void Set_UV_Offset_Rate(const Vector2 & rate) { m_LineProperties.UPerSec = rate.X; m_LineProperties.VPerSec = rate.Y; }
// Protected methods
// Loading methods
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_Header (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_User_Data (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_Info (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_InfoV2 (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_Props (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_Line_Properties (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_Rotation_Keyframes (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_Frame_Keyframes (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual WW3DErrorType Read_Blur_Time_Keyframes (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
virtual bool Read_Color_Keyframe (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load, float *key_time, Vector3 *value);
virtual bool Read_Opacity_Keyframe (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load, float *key_time, float *value);
virtual bool Read_Size_Keyframe (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load, float *key_time, float *value);
// Saving methods
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Header (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_User_Data (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Info (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_InfoV2 (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Props (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Line_Properties (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Frame_Keyframes (ChunkSaveClass & chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Rotation_Keyframes (ChunkSaveClass & chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Blur_Time_Keyframes (ChunkSaveClass & chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Color_Keyframes (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Opacity_Keyframes (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual WW3DErrorType Save_Size_Keyframes (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual Vector3Randomizer *Create_Randomizer (W3dVolumeRandomizerStruct &info);
virtual void Initialize_Randomizer_Struct (const Vector3Randomizer &randomizer, W3dVolumeRandomizerStruct &info);
// Conversion methods
virtual void Initialize_To_Ver2 (void);
virtual void Convert_To_Ver2 (void);
// Misc. methods
virtual void Normalize_Filename (void);
virtual void Free_Props (void);
// Private member data
char * m_pName;
char * m_pUserString;
int m_iUserType;
unsigned int m_Version;
ShaderClass m_Shader;
W3dEmitterInfoStruct m_Info;
W3dEmitterInfoStructV2 m_InfoV2;
W3dEmitterLinePropertiesStruct m_LineProperties;
ParticlePropertyStruct<Vector3> m_ColorKeyframes;
ParticlePropertyStruct<float> m_OpacityKeyframes;
ParticlePropertyStruct<float> m_SizeKeyframes;
ParticlePropertyStruct<float> m_RotationKeyframes;
float m_InitialOrientationRandom;
ParticlePropertyStruct<float> m_FrameKeyframes;
ParticlePropertyStruct<float> m_BlurTimeKeyframes;
Vector3Randomizer * m_pCreationVolume;
Vector3Randomizer * m_pVelocityRandomizer;
inline void ParticleEmitterDefClass::Set_Line_Texture_Mapping_Mode(int mode)
m_LineProperties.Flags &= ~W3D_ELINE_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_MASK;
// ParticleEmitterPrototypeClass
class ParticleEmitterPrototypeClass : public PrototypeClass
// Public constructors/destructors
ParticleEmitterPrototypeClass (ParticleEmitterDefClass *pdef) { m_pDefinition = pdef; }
virtual ~ParticleEmitterPrototypeClass (void) { delete m_pDefinition; }
// Public methods
virtual const char * Get_Name (void) const { return m_pDefinition->Get_Name(); }
virtual int Get_Class_ID (void) const { return RenderObjClass::CLASSID_PARTICLEEMITTER; }
virtual RenderObjClass * Create (void);
virtual ParticleEmitterDefClass * Get_Definition (void) const { return m_pDefinition; }
// Protected member data (so derived can access)
ParticleEmitterDefClass * m_pDefinition;
// ParticleEmitterLoaderClass
class ParticleEmitterLoaderClass : public PrototypeLoaderClass
virtual int Chunk_Type (void) { return W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER; }
virtual PrototypeClass * Load_W3D (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
// Global variables
extern ParticleEmitterLoaderClass _ParticleEmitterLoader;
#endif //__PART_EMT_LDR_H