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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WW3D *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/render2dsentence.cpp $*
* *
* $Author:: Steve_t $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 8/26/02 3:18p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 27 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "render2dsentence.h"
#include "surfaceclass.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "wwprofile.h"
#include "wwmemlog.h"
#include "dx8wrapper.h"
// Local constants
const int CHAR_TEXTURE_SIZE = 256;
const int CHAR_BUFFER_LEN = 32768;
// Macros.
// NOTE 0: Word wrap logic does not apply to Han characters (Chinese, Japanese & Korean).
// Therefore treat each of these characters as a word which can be preceeded by a line break.
// NOTE 1: This is a simplification. Some Korean characters should not be line break characters.
#define IS_BREAK_CHAR(ch) ((ch == L' ') || ((ch >= 0x3000) && (ch <= 0xdfff)))
// Render2DSentenceClass
Render2DSentenceClass::Render2DSentenceClass (void) :
Font (NULL),
Location (0.0F,0.0F),
Cursor (0.0F,0.0F),
TextureOffset (0, 0),
TextureStartX (0),
CurSurface (NULL),
CurrTextureSize (0),
MonoSpaced (false),
IsClippedEnabled (false),
ClipRect (0, 0, 0, 0),
BaseLocation (0, 0),
LockedPtr (NULL),
LockedStride (0),
TextureSizeHint (0),
WrapWidth (0),
TabStop (5.0),
DrawExtents (0, 0, 0, 0),
Shader = Render2DClass::Get_Default_Shader ();
return ;
// ~Render2DSentenceClass
Render2DSentenceClass::~Render2DSentenceClass (void)
Reset ();
return ;
// Set_Font
Render2DSentenceClass::Set_Font (FontCharsClass *font)
Reset ();
REF_PTR_SET (Font, font);
return ;
// Reset_Polys
Render2DSentenceClass::Reset_Polys (void)
for (int index = 0; index < Renderers.Count (); index ++) {
Renderers[index].Renderer->Reset ();
return ;
// Reset
Render2DSentenceClass::Reset (void)
// Make sure we unlock the current surface (if necessary)
if (LockedPtr != NULL) {
CurSurface->Unlock ();
LockedPtr = NULL;
// Release our hold on the current surface
// Free each renderer
for (int i=0;i<Renderers.Count();++i) {
delete Renderers[i].Renderer;
Cursor.Set (0, 0);
MonoSpaced = false;
Release_Pending_Surfaces ();
Reset_Sentence_Data ();
return ;
// Make_Additive
Render2DSentenceClass::Make_Additive (void)
Shader.Set_Dst_Blend_Func (ShaderClass::DSTBLEND_ONE);
Shader.Set_Src_Blend_Func (ShaderClass::SRCBLEND_ONE);
Shader.Set_Primary_Gradient (ShaderClass::GRADIENT_MODULATE);
Shader.Set_Secondary_Gradient (ShaderClass::SECONDARY_GRADIENT_DISABLE);
Set_Shader (Shader);
return ;
// Make_Additive
Render2DSentenceClass::Set_Shader (ShaderClass shader)
Shader = shader;
// Change each renderer's shader
for (int i = 0; i < Renderers.Count (); i ++) {
ShaderClass *curr_shader = Renderers[i].Renderer->Get_Shader ();
(*curr_shader) = Shader;
return ;
// Render
Render2DSentenceClass::Render (void)
if (DX8Wrapper::Is_Device_Lost() || !DX8Wrapper::Is_Initted()) return;
// Build any textures that are pending
Build_Textures ();
// Ask each renderer to draw its contents
for (int i = 0; i < Renderers.Count (); i ++) {
Renderers[i].Renderer->Render ();
return ;
// Set_Base_Location
Render2DSentenceClass::Set_Base_Location (const Vector2 &loc)
Vector2 dif = loc - BaseLocation;
BaseLocation = loc;
for (int i = 0; i < Renderers.Count (); i ++) {
Renderers[i].Renderer->Move (dif);
return ;
// Set_Location
Render2DSentenceClass::Set_Location (const Vector2 &loc)
Location = loc;
return ;
Render2DSentenceClass::Set_Tabstop(float stop)
if (stop > 0.0) {
TabStop = stop;
} else {
TabStop = 1.0;
// Get_Text_Extents
Render2DSentenceClass::Get_Text_Extents (const WCHAR *text)
if (!DX8Wrapper::Is_Initted()) {
Vector2 temp(0,0);
Vector2 extent (0, Font->Get_Char_Height());
while (*text) {
WCHAR ch = *text++;
if ( ch != (WCHAR)'\n' ) {
extent.X += Font->Get_Char_Spacing( ch );
return extent;
// Find_Row_Start
const WCHAR *
Render2DSentenceClass::Find_Row_Start( const WCHAR * text, int row_index )
if (row_index == 0) {
return text;
if (!DX8Wrapper::Is_Initted()) {
return text;
const WCHAR *retval = NULL;
float max_x_pos = 0;
float x_pos = 0;
float y_pos = Font->Get_Char_Height ();
int row_counter = 0;
while (*text) {
WCHAR ch = *text++;
bool is_wrapped = false;
// Check to see if we need to wrap on this word-break
if (IS_BREAK_CHAR (ch) && WrapWidth > 0) {
// Find the width of the next word
const WCHAR *word = text;
float word_width = Font->Get_Char_Spacing (ch);
while ((*word != 0) && ((*word > L' ') && !IS_BREAK_CHAR (*word))) {
word_width += Font->Get_Char_Spacing (*word++);
// Did the word extend past the wrap width?
if ((x_pos + word_width) >= WrapWidth) {
is_wrapped = true;
} else if (ch == L'\n') {
is_wrapped = true;
// Handle line wrapping
if (is_wrapped) {
max_x_pos = max (max_x_pos, x_pos);
x_pos = 0;
y_pos += Font->Get_Char_Height ();
// Is this the line we're looking for?
row_counter ++;
if (row_counter == row_index) {
retval = (ch == L' ' || ch == L'\n') ? text : text - 1;
if (ch != (WCHAR)'\n') {
x_pos += Font->Get_Char_Spacing (ch);
return retval;
// Get_Formatted_Text_Extents
Render2DSentenceClass::Get_Formatted_Text_Extents (const WCHAR *text, int *row_count)
if (!DX8Wrapper::Is_Initted()) {
Vector2 temp(0,0);
float max_x_pos = 0;
float x_pos = 0;
float y_pos = Font->Get_Char_Height ();
int row_counter = 0;
while (*text) {
WCHAR ch = *text++;
bool is_wrapped = false;
// Check to see if we need to wrap on this word-break
if (IS_BREAK_CHAR (ch) && WrapWidth > 0) {
// Find the width of the next word
const WCHAR *word = text;
float word_width = Font->Get_Char_Spacing (ch);
while ((*word != 0) && ((*word > L' ') && !IS_BREAK_CHAR (*word))) {
word_width += Font->Get_Char_Spacing (*word++);
// Did the word extend past the wrap width?
if ((x_pos + word_width) >= WrapWidth) {
is_wrapped = true;
} else if (ch == L'\n') {
is_wrapped = true;
// Handle line wrapping
if (is_wrapped) {
max_x_pos = max (max_x_pos, x_pos);
x_pos = 0;
y_pos += Font->Get_Char_Height ();
row_counter ++;
if (ch != (WCHAR)'\n') {
x_pos += Font->Get_Char_Spacing (ch);
// Build a Vector2 out of our extents
Vector2 extent;
extent.X = max (max_x_pos, x_pos);
extent.Y = y_pos;
// Return the row count to the caller (if necessary)
if (row_count != NULL) {
(*row_count) = row_counter + 1;
return extent;
// Reset_Sentence_Data
Render2DSentenceClass::Reset_Sentence_Data (void)
// Release our hold on each texture used in the sentence
for (int index = 0; index < SentenceData.Count (); index ++) {
REF_PTR_RELEASE (SentenceData[index].Surface);
return ;
// Release_Pending_Surfaces
Render2DSentenceClass::Release_Pending_Surfaces (void)
// Release our hold on each pending surface
for (int index = 0; index < PendingSurfaces.Count (); index ++) {
SurfaceClass *curr_surface = PendingSurfaces[index].Surface;
REF_PTR_RELEASE (curr_surface);
// Build_Textures
Render2DSentenceClass::Build_Textures (void)
// Make sure we unlock the current surface
if (LockedPtr != NULL) {
CurSurface->Unlock ();
LockedPtr = NULL;
// Release our hold on the current surface
TextureOffset.Set (0, 0);
TextureStartX = 0;
// Convert all pending surfaces to textures
for (int index = 0; index < PendingSurfaces.Count (); index ++) {
PendingSurfaceStruct &surface_info = PendingSurfaces[index];
SurfaceClass *curr_surface = surface_info.Surface;
// Get the dimensions of the surface
SurfaceClass::SurfaceDescription desc;
curr_surface->Get_Description (desc);
// Create the new texture
TextureClass *new_texture = new TextureClass (desc.Width, desc.Width, WW3D_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4, TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
SurfaceClass *texture_surface = new_texture->Get_Surface_Level ();
// Copy the contents of the texture from the surface
DX8Wrapper::_Copy_DX8_Rects (curr_surface->Peek_D3D_Surface (), NULL, 0, texture_surface->Peek_D3D_Surface (), NULL);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture_surface);
// Assign this texture to any renderers that need it
for (int renderer_index = 0; renderer_index < surface_info.Renderers.Count (); renderer_index ++) {
Render2DClass *renderer = surface_info.Renderers[renderer_index];
renderer->Set_Texture (new_texture);
// Release our hold on the objects
REF_PTR_RELEASE (new_texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (curr_surface);
// Reset the list
return ;
// Draw_Sentence
Render2DSentenceClass::Draw_Sentence (uint32 color)
Render2DClass *curr_renderer = NULL;
SurfaceClass *curr_surface = NULL;
DrawExtents.Set (0, 0, 0, 0);
// Loop over all the parts of the sentence
for (int index = 0; index < SentenceData.Count (); index ++) {
SentenceDataStruct &data = SentenceData[index];
// Has the surface changed?
if (data.Surface != curr_surface) {
curr_surface = data.Surface;
// Try to find a renderer that uses the same "texture"
bool found = false;
for (int renderer_index = 0; renderer_index < Renderers.Count (); renderer_index ++) {
if (Renderers[renderer_index].Surface == curr_surface) {
found = true;
curr_renderer = Renderers[renderer_index].Renderer;
// Create a new renderer if we couldn't find an appropriate one
if (found == false) {
// Allocate a new renderer
curr_renderer = new Render2DClass;
curr_renderer->Set_Coordinate_Range (Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution ());
ShaderClass *curr_shader = curr_renderer->Get_Shader ();
(*curr_shader) = Shader;
// Add it to our list
RendererDataStruct render_info;
render_info.Renderer = curr_renderer;
render_info.Surface = curr_surface;
Renderers.Add (render_info);
// Now, add this renderer to the surface pending list
for (int surface_index = 0; surface_index < PendingSurfaces.Count (); surface_index ++) {
PendingSurfaceStruct &surface_info = PendingSurfaces[surface_index];
if (surface_info.Surface == curr_surface) {
surface_info.Renderers.Add (curr_renderer);
// Get the dimensions of the surface
SurfaceClass::SurfaceDescription desc;
curr_surface->Get_Description (desc);
// Add a quad that contains this sentence chunk
RectClass screen_rect = data.ScreenRect;
screen_rect += Location;
RectClass uv_rect = data.UVRect;
// Clip the quad (as necessary)
bool add_quad = true;
if (IsClippedEnabled) {
// Check for completely clipped
if ( screen_rect.Right <= ClipRect.Left ||
screen_rect.Bottom <= ClipRect.Top)
add_quad = false;
/*} else if ( screen_rect.Top < ClipRect.Top ||
screen_rect.Bottom > ClipRect.Bottom)
add_quad = false;*/
} else {
// Clip the polygons to the specified area
RectClass clipped_rect;
clipped_rect.Left = max (screen_rect.Left, ClipRect.Left);
clipped_rect.Right = min (screen_rect.Right, ClipRect.Right);
clipped_rect.Top = max (screen_rect.Top, ClipRect.Top);
clipped_rect.Bottom = min (screen_rect.Bottom, ClipRect.Bottom);
// Clip the texture to the specified area
RectClass clipped_uv_rect;
float percent = ((clipped_rect.Left - screen_rect.Left) / screen_rect.Width ());
clipped_uv_rect.Left = uv_rect.Left + (uv_rect.Width () * percent);
percent = ((clipped_rect.Right - screen_rect.Left) / screen_rect.Width ());
clipped_uv_rect.Right = uv_rect.Left + (uv_rect.Width () * percent);
percent = ((clipped_rect.Top - screen_rect.Top) / screen_rect.Height ());
clipped_uv_rect.Top = uv_rect.Top + (uv_rect.Height () * percent);
percent = ((clipped_rect.Bottom - screen_rect.Top) / screen_rect.Height ());
clipped_uv_rect.Bottom = uv_rect.Top + (uv_rect.Height () * percent);
// Use the clipped rectangles to render
screen_rect = clipped_rect;
uv_rect = clipped_uv_rect;
if (add_quad) {
uv_rect *= 1.0F / ((float)desc.Width);
curr_renderer->Add_Quad (screen_rect, uv_rect, color);
// Add this rectangle to the total draw extents
if (DrawExtents.Width () == 0) {
DrawExtents = screen_rect;
} else {
DrawExtents += screen_rect;
return ;
// Record_Sentence_Chunk
Render2DSentenceClass::Record_Sentence_Chunk (void)
// Do we have anything to store?
int width = TextureOffset.I - TextureStartX;
if (width > 0) {
float char_height = Font->Get_Char_Height ();
// Build a structure that contains enough information
// to hold this portion of the sentence
SentenceDataStruct sentence_data;
sentence_data.Surface = CurSurface;
sentence_data.Surface->Add_Ref ();
sentence_data.ScreenRect.Left = Cursor.X;
sentence_data.ScreenRect.Right = Cursor.X + width;
sentence_data.ScreenRect.Top = Cursor.Y;
sentence_data.ScreenRect.Bottom = Cursor.Y + char_height;
sentence_data.UVRect.Left = TextureStartX;
sentence_data.UVRect.Top = TextureOffset.J;
sentence_data.UVRect.Right = TextureOffset.I;
sentence_data.UVRect.Bottom = TextureOffset.J + char_height;
// Add this information to our list
SentenceData.Add (sentence_data);
return ;
// Allocate_New_Surface
Render2DSentenceClass::Allocate_New_Surface (const WCHAR *text)
// Unlock the last surface (if necessary)
if (LockedPtr != NULL) {
CurSurface->Unlock ();
LockedPtr = NULL;
// Calculate the width of the text
int text_width = 0;
for (int index = 0; text[index] != 0; index ++) {
text_width += Font->Get_Char_Spacing (text[index]);
int char_height = Font->Get_Char_Height ();
// Find the best texture size for the remaining text
CurrTextureSize = 256;
int best_tex_mem_usage = 999999999;
for (int pow2 = 6; pow2 <= 8; pow2 ++) {
int size = 1 << pow2;
int row_count = (text_width / size) + 1;
int rows_per_texture = size / (char_height + 1);
// Can we even fit one character on this texture?
if (rows_per_texture > 0) {
// How many textures (at this size) would it take to render
// the remaining text?
int texture_count = row_count / rows_per_texture;
texture_count = max (texture_count, 1);
// Is this the best usage of texture memory we've found yet?
int texture_mem_usage = (texture_count * size * size);
if (texture_mem_usage < best_tex_mem_usage) {
CurrTextureSize = size;
best_tex_mem_usage = texture_mem_usage;
// Use whichever is larger, the hint or the calculated size
CurrTextureSize = max (TextureSizeHint, CurrTextureSize);
// Release our extra hold on the old surface
// Create the new surface
CurSurface = NEW_REF (SurfaceClass, (CurrTextureSize, CurrTextureSize, WW3D_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4));
WWASSERT (CurSurface != NULL);
CurSurface->Add_Ref ();
// Add this surface to our list
PendingSurfaceStruct surface_info;
surface_info.Surface = CurSurface;
PendingSurfaces.Add (surface_info);
// Reset to the upper left corner
TextureOffset.Set (0, 0);
TextureStartX = 0;
return ;
// Build_Sentence
Render2DSentenceClass::Build_Sentence (const WCHAR *text)
if (text == NULL) {
return ;
if (!DX8Wrapper::Is_Initted()) {
// Start fresh
Reset_Sentence_Data ();
Cursor.Set (0, 0);
// Ensure we have a surface to start with
if (CurSurface == NULL) {
Allocate_New_Surface (text);
float char_height = Font->Get_Char_Height ();
// Loop over all the characters in the string
while (text != NULL) {
WCHAR ch = *text++;
// Determine how much horizontal space this character requires
float char_spacing = Font->Get_Char_Spacing (ch);
bool exceeded_texture_width = ((TextureOffset.I + char_spacing) >= CurrTextureSize);
bool encountered_break_char = (IS_BREAK_CHAR (ch) || ch == L'\n' || ch == 0 || ch == L'\t');
// Do we need to record this portion of the sentence to its own chunk?
if (exceeded_texture_width || encountered_break_char) {
Record_Sentence_Chunk ();
// Adjust the positions
Cursor.X += (TextureOffset.I - TextureStartX);
TextureStartX = TextureOffset.I;
// Adjust the output coordinates
if (IS_BREAK_CHAR (ch)) {
if (ch == L' ') {
Cursor.X += char_spacing;
// Check to see if we need to wrap on this word-break
if (WrapWidth > 0) {
// Find the length of the next word
const WCHAR *word = text;
float word_width = (ch == L' ') ? 0 : char_spacing;
while ((*word != 0) && ((*word > L' ') && !IS_BREAK_CHAR (*word))) {
word_width += Font->Get_Char_Spacing (*word++);
// Should we wrap the next word?
if ((Cursor.X + word_width) >= WrapWidth) {
Cursor.X = 0;
Cursor.Y += char_height;
} else if (ch == L'\n') {
Cursor.X = 0;
Cursor.Y += char_height;
} else if (ch == 0) {
} else if (ch == L'\t') {
float tab_spacing = (char_spacing * TabStop);
float tab_pos = (floor(Cursor.X / tab_spacing) * tab_spacing);
Cursor.X = (tab_pos + tab_spacing);
// Did the text extend past the edge of the texture?
if (exceeded_texture_width) {
TextureStartX = 0;
TextureOffset.I = TextureStartX;
TextureOffset.J += char_height;
// Did the text extent completely off the texture?
if ((TextureOffset.J + char_height) >= CurrTextureSize) {
Allocate_New_Surface (text);
if (ch != L'\n' && ch != L' ' && ch != L'\t') {
// Ensure the surface is locked
if (LockedPtr == NULL) {
LockedPtr = (uint16 *)CurSurface->Lock (&LockedStride);
WWASSERT (LockedPtr != NULL);
// Check to ensure the text will fit on this texture
WWASSERT (((TextureOffset.I + char_spacing) < CurrTextureSize) && ((TextureOffset.J + char_height) < CurrTextureSize));
// Blit the character to the surface
Font->Blit_Char (ch, LockedPtr, LockedStride, TextureOffset.I, TextureOffset.J);
TextureOffset.I += char_spacing;
return ;
void Render2DSentenceClass::Force_Alpha( float alpha )
for (int i = 0; i < Renderers.Count (); i ++) {
Renderers[i].Renderer->Force_Alpha( alpha );
// FontCharsClass
FontCharsClass::FontCharsClass (void) :
OldGDIFont( NULL ),
OldGDIBitmap( NULL ),
GDIFont( NULL ),
GDIBitmap( NULL ),
GDIBitmapBits ( NULL ),
MemDC( NULL ),
CurrPixelOffset( 0 ),
PointSize( 0 ),
CharHeight( 0 ),
UnicodeCharArray( NULL ),
FirstUnicodeChar( 0xFFFF ),
LastUnicodeChar( 0 ),
IsBold (false),
::memset( ASCIICharArray, 0, sizeof (ASCIICharArray) );
return ;
// ~FontCharsClass
FontCharsClass::~FontCharsClass (void)
for (int i=0;i<BufferList.Count(); ++i) {
delete [] BufferList[i];
return ;
// Get_Char_Data
const FontCharsClass::CharDataStruct *
FontCharsClass::Get_Char_Data (WCHAR ch)
const CharDataStruct *retval = NULL;
if ( ch < 256 ) {
retval = ASCIICharArray[ch];
} else {
Grow_Unicode_Array( ch );
retval = UnicodeCharArray[ch - FirstUnicodeChar];
// If the character wasn't found, then add it to our list
if ( retval == NULL ) {
retval = Store_GDI_Char( ch );
WWASSERT( retval->Value == ch );
return retval;
// Get_Char_Width
FontCharsClass::Get_Char_Width (WCHAR ch)
const CharDataStruct * data = Get_Char_Data( ch );
if ( data != NULL ) {
return data->Width;
return 0;
// Get_Char_Spacing
FontCharsClass::Get_Char_Spacing (WCHAR ch)
const CharDataStruct * data = Get_Char_Data( ch );
if ( data != NULL ) {
if ( data->Width != 0 ) {
return data->Width + 1;
return 0;
// Blit_Char
FontCharsClass::Blit_Char (WCHAR ch, uint16 *dest_ptr, int dest_stride, int x, int y)
const CharDataStruct * data = Get_Char_Data( ch );
if ( data != NULL && data->Width != 0 ) {
// Setup the src and destination pointers
int dest_inc = (dest_stride >> 1);
uint16 *src_ptr = data->Buffer;
dest_ptr += (dest_inc * y) + x;
// Simply copy the data from the src buffer to the destination
for ( int row = 0; row < CharHeight; row ++ ) {
for ( int col = 0; col < data->Width; col ++ ) {
dest_ptr[col] = *src_ptr++;
dest_ptr += dest_inc;
return ;
// Store_GDI_Char
const FontCharsClass::CharDataStruct *
FontCharsClass::Store_GDI_Char (WCHAR ch)
int width = PointSize * 2;
int height = PointSize * 2;
// Get the size of the character we just drew
SIZE char_size = { 0 };
::GetTextExtentPoint32W( MemDC, &ch, 1, &char_size );
int x_pos = 0;
// HACK HACK -- With the default font that Renegade uses the
// W and V characters need to be moved over one pixel.
if ( (ch == 'W' || ch == 'V') && (GDIFontName.Compare_No_Case ("Arial MT") == 0) ) {
x_pos = 1; += 1;
// Draw the character into the memory DC
RECT rect = { 0, 0, width, height };
::ExtTextOutW( MemDC, x_pos, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, &ch, 1, NULL);
// Get a pointer to the surface that this character should use
Update_Current_Buffer( );
uint16 *curr_buffer = BufferList[BufferList.Count () - 1];
curr_buffer += CurrPixelOffset;
// Copy the BMP contents to the buffer
int stride = (((width * 3) + 3) & ~3);
for (int row = 0; row <; row ++) {
// Compute the indices into the BMP and surface
int index = (row * stride);
// Loop over each column
for (int col = 0; col <; col ++) {
// Get the pixel color at this location
uint8 pixel_value = GDIBitmapBits[index];
index += 3;
uint16 pixel_color = 0;
if (pixel_value != 0) {
pixel_color = 0x0FFF;
// Convert the pixel intensity from 8bit to 4bit and
// store it in our buffer
uint8 alpha_value = ((pixel_value >> 4) & 0xF);
*curr_buffer ++ = pixel_color | (alpha_value << 12);
// Save information about this character in our list
CharDataStruct *char_data = new CharDataStruct;
char_data->Value = ch;
char_data->Width =;
char_data->Buffer = BufferList[BufferList.Count () - 1] + CurrPixelOffset;
// Insert this character into our array
if ( ch < 256 ) {
ASCIICharArray[ch] = char_data;
} else {
UnicodeCharArray[ch - FirstUnicodeChar] = char_data;
// Advance the character position
CurrPixelOffset += ( * CharHeight);
// Return the index of the entry we just added
return char_data;
// Update_Current_Buffer
FontCharsClass::Update_Current_Buffer (int char_width)
// Check to see if we need to allocate a new buffer
bool needs_new_buffer = (BufferList.Count () == 0);
if (needs_new_buffer == false) {
// Would we extend past this buffer?
if ( (CurrPixelOffset + (char_width * CharHeight)) > CHAR_BUFFER_LEN ) {
needs_new_buffer = true;
// Do we need to create a new surface?
if (needs_new_buffer) {
uint16 *new_buffer = new uint16[CHAR_BUFFER_LEN];
BufferList.Add( new_buffer );
CurrPixelOffset = 0;
return ;
// Create_GDI_Font
FontCharsClass::Create_GDI_Font (const char *font_name)
HDC screen_dc = ::GetDC (NULL);
// Calculate the height of the font in logical units
int font_height = -MulDiv (PointSize, ::GetDeviceCaps (screen_dc, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
// Create the Windows font
DWORD bold = IsBold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
DWORD italic = 0;
DWORD charset;
// Map the current code page to a font character set.
switch (GetACP()) {
// Chinese.
case 936:
case 950:
// Japanese.
case 932:
// Korean.
case 949:
// Anything else.
GDIFont = ::CreateFont (font_height, 0, 0, 0, bold, italic,
VARIABLE_PITCH, font_name);
// Set-up the fields of the BITMAPINFOHEADER
// Note: Top-down DIBs use negative height in Win32.
BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmap_info = { 0 };
bitmap_info.biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bitmap_info.biWidth = PointSize * 2;
bitmap_info.biHeight = -(PointSize * 2);
bitmap_info.biPlanes = 1;
bitmap_info.biBitCount = 24;
bitmap_info.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bitmap_info.biSizeImage = ((PointSize * PointSize * 4) * 3);
bitmap_info.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bitmap_info.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bitmap_info.biClrUsed = 0;
bitmap_info.biClrImportant = 0;
// Create a bitmap that we can access the bits directly of
GDIBitmap = ::CreateDIBSection ( screen_dc,
(const BITMAPINFO *)&bitmap_info,
(void **)&GDIBitmapBits,
// Create a device context we can select the font and bitmap into
MemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);
// Now select the BMP and font into the DC
OldGDIBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject (MemDC, GDIBitmap);
OldGDIFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject (MemDC, GDIFont);
::SetBkColor (MemDC, RGB (0, 0, 0));
::SetTextColor (MemDC, RGB (255, 255, 255));
// Lookup the pixel height of the font
TEXTMETRIC text_metric = { 0 };
::GetTextMetrics (MemDC, &text_metric);
CharHeight = text_metric.tmHeight;
// Release our temporary screen DC
::ReleaseDC (NULL, screen_dc);
return ;
// Free_GDI_Font
FontCharsClass::Free_GDI_Font (void)
// Select the old font back into the DC and delete
// our font object
if ( GDIFont != NULL ) {
::SelectObject( MemDC, OldGDIFont );
::DeleteObject( GDIFont );
// Select the old bitmap back into the DC and delete
// our bitmap object
if ( GDIBitmap != NULL ) {
::SelectObject( MemDC, OldGDIBitmap );
::DeleteObject( GDIBitmap );
GDIBitmap = NULL;
// Delete our memory DC
if ( MemDC != NULL ) {
::DeleteDC( MemDC );
return ;
// Initialize_GDI_Font
FontCharsClass::Initialize_GDI_Font (const char *font_name, int point_size, bool is_bold)
// Build a unique name from the font name and its size
Name.Format ("%s%d", font_name, point_size);
// Remember these settings
GDIFontName = font_name;
PointSize = point_size;
IsBold = is_bold;
// Create the actual font object
Create_GDI_Font (font_name);
return ;
// Is_Font
FontCharsClass::Is_Font (const char *font_name, int point_size, bool is_bold)
bool retval = false;
// Check to see if both the name and height matches...
if ( (GDIFontName.Compare_No_Case (font_name) == 0) &&
(point_size == PointSize) &&
(is_bold == IsBold))
retval = true;
return retval;
// Grow_Unicode_Array
FontCharsClass::Grow_Unicode_Array (WCHAR ch)
// Don't do anything if character is in the ASCII range
if ( ch < 256 ) {
return ;
// Don't do anything if character is in the currently allocated range
if ( ch >= FirstUnicodeChar && ch <= LastUnicodeChar ) {
return ;
uint16 first_index = min( FirstUnicodeChar, ch );
uint16 last_index = max( LastUnicodeChar, ch );
uint16 count = (last_index - first_index) + 1;
// Allocate enough memory to hold the new cells
CharDataStruct **new_array = new CharDataStruct *[count];
::memset (new_array, 0, sizeof (CharDataStruct *) * count);
// Copy the contents of the old array into the new array
if ( UnicodeCharArray != NULL ) {
int start_offset = (FirstUnicodeChar - first_index);
int old_count = (LastUnicodeChar - FirstUnicodeChar) + 1;
::memcpy (&new_array[start_offset], UnicodeCharArray, sizeof (CharDataStruct *) * old_count);
// Delete the old array
delete [] UnicodeCharArray;
UnicodeCharArray = NULL;
FirstUnicodeChar = first_index;
LastUnicodeChar = last_index;
UnicodeCharArray = new_array;
return ;
// Free_Character_Arrays
FontCharsClass::Free_Character_Arrays (void)
if ( UnicodeCharArray != NULL ) {
int count = (LastUnicodeChar - FirstUnicodeChar) + 1;
// Delete each member of the unicode array
for (int index = 0; index < count; index ++) {
if ( UnicodeCharArray[index] != NULL ) {
delete UnicodeCharArray[index];
UnicodeCharArray[index] = NULL;
// Delete the array itself
delete [] UnicodeCharArray;
UnicodeCharArray = NULL;
// Delete each member of the ascii character array
for (int index = 0; index < 256; index ++) {
if ( ASCIICharArray[index] != NULL ) {
delete ASCIICharArray[index];
ASCIICharArray[index] = NULL;
return ;