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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WW3D *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/sphereobj.h $*
* *
* Author:: Jason Andersen *
* *
* $Modtime:: 11/24/01 6:21p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 7 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#include "always.h"
#include "rendobj.h"
#include "w3d_file.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "obbox.h"
#include "vector3i.h"
#include "quat.h"
#include "prim_anim.h"
#include "meshgeometry.h"
class TextureClass;
struct AlphaVectorStruct
AlphaVectorStruct (void)
: angle (true),
intensity (1.0F) { }
AlphaVectorStruct (const AlphaVectorStruct &src) { *this = src; }
bool operator== (const AlphaVectorStruct &src) { return (angle.X == src.angle.X) && (angle.Y == src.angle.Y) && (angle.Z == src.angle.Z) && (intensity == src.intensity); }
bool operator!= (const AlphaVectorStruct &src) { return ! operator== (src); }
const AlphaVectorStruct & operator= (const AlphaVectorStruct &src) { angle = src.angle; intensity = src.intensity; return *this; }
Quaternion angle;
float intensity;
class AlphaVectorChannel : public PrimitiveAnimationChannelClass<AlphaVectorStruct>
AlphaVectorStruct Evaluate (float time)
int key_count = m_Data.Count ();
AlphaVectorStruct value = m_Data[key_count - 1].Get_Value ();
// Don't interpolate past the last keyframe
if (time < m_Data[key_count - 1].Get_Time ()) {
// Check to see if the last key index is valid
if (time < m_Data[m_LastIndex].Get_Time ()) {
m_LastIndex = 0;
KeyClass *key1 = &m_Data[m_LastIndex];
KeyClass *key2 = &m_Data[key_count - 1];
// Search, using last_key as our starting point
for (int keyidx = m_LastIndex; keyidx < (key_count - 1); keyidx ++) {
if (time < m_Data[keyidx+1].Get_Time ()) {
key1 = &m_Data[keyidx];
key2 = &m_Data[keyidx+1];
m_LastIndex = keyidx;
// Calculate the linear percent between the two keys
float percent = (time - key1->Get_Time ()) / (key2->Get_Time () - key1->Get_Time ());
// Slerp the quaternions and lerp the intensities
value.intensity = (key1->Get_Value ().intensity + (key2->Get_Value ().intensity - key1->Get_Value ().intensity) * percent);
Fast_Slerp (value.angle, key1->Get_Value ().angle, key2->Get_Value ().angle, percent);
return value;
struct W3dSphereStruct
uint32 Version; // file format version
uint32 Attributes; // sphere attributes (above #define's)
char Name[2*W3D_NAME_LEN]; // name is in the form <containername>.<spherename>
W3dVectorStruct Center; // center of the sphere
W3dVectorStruct Extent; // extent of the sphere
float AnimDuration; // Animation time (in seconds)
W3dVectorStruct DefaultColor;
float DefaultAlpha;
W3dVectorStruct DefaultScale;
AlphaVectorStruct DefaultVector;
char TextureName[2*W3D_NAME_LEN];
W3dShaderStruct Shader;
// Note this structure is followed by a series of
// W3dSphereKeyArrayStruct structures which define the
// variable set of keyframes for each channel.
typedef LERPAnimationChannelClass<Vector3> SphereColorChannelClass;
typedef LERPAnimationChannelClass<float> SphereAlphaChannelClass;
typedef LERPAnimationChannelClass<Vector3> SphereScaleChannelClass;
typedef AlphaVectorChannel SphereVectorChannelClass;
//typedef AlphaVectorChannel ;
class VertexMaterialClass;
class SphereMeshClass
friend class SphereRenderObjClass;
// Constructor
SphereMeshClass(float radius, int slices, int stacks);
// Destructor
void Generate (float radius, int slices, int stacks);
int Get_Num_Polys (void) { return face_ct; };
void Set_Alpha_Vector (const AlphaVectorStruct &v, bool inverse, bool is_additive, bool force = false);
void Set_DCG (bool is_additive, int index, float value);
void Free(void);
float Radius;
int Slices;
int Stacks;
int face_ct; // # of faces
int Vertex_ct; // vertex count
Vector3 *vtx; // array of vertices
Vector3 *vtx_normal; // array of vertex normals
Vector2 *vtx_uv; // array of vertex uv coordinates
Vector4 *dcg;
AlphaVectorStruct alpha_vector; // vector last used to computer vtx_alpha array
bool inverse_alpha; // inverse alpha, or not
bool IsAdditive;
int strip_ct; // number of strips
int strip_size; // size of each strip
int *strips; // array of vertex indices for each strip (# stripbs x sizeof strip)
int fan_ct; // number of fans
int fan_size; // size of each fan
int *fans; // array of vertex indices for each fan (# of fans by fan_size)
TriIndex *tri_poly; // array of triangle poly's, vertex indices (can be discard if switched to strips + fans)
inline void
SphereMeshClass::Set_DCG (bool is_additive, int index, float value)
if (is_additive) {
dcg[index].X = value;
dcg[index].Y = value;
dcg[index].Z = value;
dcg[index].W = 0;
} else {
dcg[index].X = 1.0F;
dcg[index].Y = 1.0F;
dcg[index].Z = 1.0F;
dcg[index].W = value;
return ;
** SphereRenderObjClass: Procedurally generated render spheres
class SphereRenderObjClass : public RenderObjClass
// These are bit masks, so they should enum 1,2,4,8,10,20,40 etc...
enum SphereFlags {
USE_ALPHA_VECTOR = 0x00000001,
USE_CAMERA_ALIGN = 0x00000002,
USE_INVERSE_ALPHA = 0x00000004,
SphereRenderObjClass(const W3dSphereStruct & def);
SphereRenderObjClass(const SphereRenderObjClass & src);
SphereRenderObjClass & operator = (const SphereRenderObjClass &);
// Render Object Interface
virtual RenderObjClass * Clone(void) const;
virtual int Class_ID(void) const;
virtual void Render(RenderInfoClass & rinfo);
virtual void Special_Render(SpecialRenderInfoClass & rinfo);
virtual void Set_Transform(const Matrix3D &m);
virtual void Set_Position(const Vector3 &v);
virtual void Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Sphere(SphereClass & sphere) const;
virtual void Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Box(AABoxClass & aabox) const;
virtual void Set_Hidden(int onoff) { RenderObjClass::Set_Hidden (onoff); Update_On_Visibilty (); }
virtual void Set_Visible(int onoff) { RenderObjClass::Set_Visible (onoff); Update_On_Visibilty (); }
virtual void Set_Animation_Hidden(int onoff) { RenderObjClass::Set_Animation_Hidden (onoff); Update_On_Visibilty (); }
virtual void Set_Force_Visible(int onoff) { RenderObjClass::Set_Force_Visible (onoff); Update_On_Visibilty (); }
const AABoxClass & Get_Box(void);
virtual int Get_Num_Polys(void) const;
virtual const char * Get_Name(void) const;
virtual void Set_Name(const char * name);
unsigned int Get_Flags(void) { return Flags; }
void Set_Flags(unsigned int flags) { Flags = flags; }
void Set_Flag(unsigned int flag, bool onoff) { Flags &= (~flag); if (onoff) Flags |= flag; }
// Animation access
bool Is_Animating (void) { return IsAnimating; }
void Start_Animating (void) { IsAnimating = true; anim_time = 0; }
void Stop_Animating (void) { IsAnimating = false; anim_time = 0; }
// Current state access
void Set_Color(const Vector3 & color) { Color = color; }
void Set_Alpha(float alpha) { Alpha = alpha; }
void Set_Scale(const Vector3 & scale) { Scale = scale; }
void Set_Vector(const AlphaVectorStruct &v) { Vector = v; }
const Vector3 & Get_Color(void) const { return Color; }
float Get_Alpha(void) const { return Alpha; }
const Vector3 & Get_Scale(void) const { return Scale; }
const AlphaVectorStruct & Get_Vector(void) const { return Vector; }
Vector3 Get_Default_Color(void) const;
float Get_Default_Alpha(void) const;
Vector3 Get_Default_Scale(void) const;
AlphaVectorStruct Get_Default_Vector(void) const;
// Size/position methods
void Set_Extent (const Vector3 &extent);
void Set_Local_Center_Extent(const Vector3 & center,const Vector3 & extent);
void Set_Local_Min_Max(const Vector3 & min,const Vector3 & max);
// Texture access
void Set_Texture(TextureClass *tf);
TextureClass * Peek_Texture(void) {return SphereTexture;}
ShaderClass & Get_Shader(void) {return SphereShader;}
void Set_Shader(ShaderClass &shader) {SphereShader=shader;}
// Animation control
float Get_Animation_Duration (void) const { return AnimDuration; }
void Set_Animation_Duration (float time) { AnimDuration = time; Restart_Animation (); }
void Restart_Animation (void) { anim_time = 0; }
// Animatable channel access
SphereColorChannelClass & Get_Color_Channel (void) { return ColorChannel; }
const SphereColorChannelClass & Peek_Color_Channel (void) { return ColorChannel; }
SphereAlphaChannelClass & Get_Alpha_Channel (void) { return AlphaChannel; }
const SphereAlphaChannelClass & Peek_Alpha_Channel (void) { return AlphaChannel; }
SphereScaleChannelClass & Get_Scale_Channel (void) { return ScaleChannel; }
const SphereScaleChannelClass & Peek_Scale_Channel (void) { return ScaleChannel; }
SphereVectorChannelClass & Get_Vector_Channel (void) { return VectorChannel; }
const SphereVectorChannelClass & Peek_Vector_Channel (void) { return VectorChannel; }
void Set_Color_Channel (const SphereColorChannelClass &data) { ColorChannel = data; }
void Set_Alpha_Channel (const SphereAlphaChannelClass &data) { AlphaChannel = data; }
void Set_Scale_Channel (const SphereScaleChannelClass &data) { ScaleChannel = data; }
void Set_Vector_Channel (const SphereVectorChannelClass &data) { VectorChannel = data; }
virtual void update_cached_box(void);
virtual void Update_Cached_Bounding_Volumes(void) const;
void Update_On_Visibilty(void);
// Initialization stuff
void Init_Material (void);
static void Generate_Shared_Mesh_Arrays (const AlphaVectorStruct &alphavector);
// Animation Stuff
void animate(void); // animation update function
float anim_time; // what time in seconds are we in the animation
float AnimDuration;
bool IsAnimating;
SphereColorChannelClass ColorChannel;
SphereAlphaChannelClass AlphaChannel;
SphereScaleChannelClass ScaleChannel;
SphereVectorChannelClass VectorChannel;
void update_mesh_data(const Vector3 & center,const Vector3 & extent);
void render_sphere();
void vis_render_sphere(SpecialRenderInfoClass & rinfo,const Vector3 & center,const Vector3 & extent);
char Name[2*W3D_NAME_LEN];
Vector3 ObjSpaceCenter;
Vector3 ObjSpaceExtent;
int CurrentLOD;
// Current State
Vector3 Color;
float Alpha;
Vector3 Scale;
AlphaVectorStruct Vector;
Quaternion Orientation;
// Flags
unsigned int Flags;
VertexMaterialClass *SphereMaterial;
ShaderClass SphereShader;
TextureClass *SphereTexture;
AABoxClass CachedBox;
// Friend classes
friend class SpherePrototypeClass;
inline void SphereRenderObjClass::Set_Extent (const Vector3 &extent)
ObjSpaceExtent = extent;
inline void SphereRenderObjClass::Set_Local_Center_Extent(const Vector3 & center,const Vector3 & extent)
ObjSpaceCenter = center;
ObjSpaceExtent = extent;
inline void SphereRenderObjClass::Set_Local_Min_Max(const Vector3 & min,const Vector3 & max)
ObjSpaceCenter = (max + min) / 2.0f;
ObjSpaceExtent = (max - min) / 2.0f;
inline const AABoxClass & SphereRenderObjClass::Get_Box(void)
return CachedBox;
** Loader for spheres
class SphereLoaderClass : public PrototypeLoaderClass
virtual int Chunk_Type (void) { return W3D_CHUNK_SPHERE; }
virtual PrototypeClass * Load_W3D(ChunkLoadClass & cload);
** Prototype for Sphere objects
class SpherePrototypeClass : public PrototypeClass
SpherePrototypeClass (void);
SpherePrototypeClass (SphereRenderObjClass *sphere);
~SpherePrototypeClass (void);
virtual const char * Get_Name(void) const;
virtual int Get_Class_ID(void) const;
virtual RenderObjClass * Create(void);
bool Load (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
bool Save (ChunkSaveClass &csave);
W3dSphereStruct Definition;
SphereColorChannelClass ColorChannel;
SphereAlphaChannelClass AlphaChannel;
SphereScaleChannelClass ScaleChannel;
SphereVectorChannelClass VectorChannel;
** Instance of the loader which the asset manager installs
extern SphereLoaderClass _SphereLoader;
#endif // SPHEREOBJ_H
// EOF - sphereobj,h