160 lines
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160 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WW3D *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/surfaceclass.h $*
* *
* Original Author:: Nathaniel Hoffman *
* *
* $Author:: Patrick $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 2/26/02 6:14p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 18 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#include "ww3dformat.h"
#include "refcount.h"
struct IDirect3DSurface8;
class Vector2i;
class Vector3;
** SurfaceClass
** This is our surface class, which wraps IDirect3DSurface8.
** Hector Yee 2/12/01 - added in fills, blits etc for font3d class
class SurfaceClass : public RefCountClass
struct SurfaceDescription {
WW3DFormat Format; // Surface format
unsigned int Width; // Surface width in pixels
unsigned int Height; // Surface height in pixels
// Create surface with desired height, width and format.
SurfaceClass(unsigned width, unsigned height, WW3DFormat format);
// Create surface from a file.
SurfaceClass(const char *filename);
// Create the surface from a D3D pointer
SurfaceClass(IDirect3DSurface8 *d3d_surface);
// Get surface description
void Get_Description(SurfaceDescription &surface_desc);
// Lock / unlock the surface
void * Lock(int * pitch);
void Unlock(void);
// HY -- The following functions are support functions for font3d
// zaps the surface memory to zero
void Clear();
// copies the contents of one surface to another
void Copy(
unsigned int dstx, unsigned int dsty,
unsigned int srcx, unsigned int srcy,
unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
const SurfaceClass *other);
// support for copying from a byte array
void Copy(const unsigned char *other);
// support for copying from a byte array
void Copy(Vector2i &min,Vector2i &max, const unsigned char *other);
// copies the contents of one surface to another, stretches
void Stretch_Copy(
unsigned int dstx, unsigned int dsty,unsigned int dstwidth, unsigned int dstheight,
unsigned int srcx, unsigned int srcy, unsigned int srcwidth, unsigned int srcheight,
const SurfaceClass *source);
// finds the bounding box of non-zero pixels, used in font3d
void FindBB(Vector2i *min,Vector2i*max);
// tests a column to see if the alpha is nonzero, used in font3d
bool Is_Transparent_Column(unsigned int column);
// makes a copy of the surface into a byte array
unsigned char *CreateCopy(int *width,int *height,int*size,bool flip=false);
// For use by TextureClass:
IDirect3DSurface8 *Peek_D3D_Surface(void) { return D3DSurface; }
// Attaching and detaching a surface pointer
void Attach (IDirect3DSurface8 *surface);
void Detach (void);
// draws a horizontal line
void DrawHLine(const unsigned int y,const unsigned int x1, const unsigned int x2, unsigned int color);
void DrawPixel(const unsigned int x,const unsigned int y, unsigned int color);
// get pixel function .. to be used infrequently
void Get_Pixel(Vector3 &rgb, int x,int y);
void Hue_Shift(const Vector3 &hsv_shift);
bool Is_Monochrome(void);
WW3DFormat Get_Surface_Format() const { return SurfaceFormat; }
// Handy utility functions
unsigned int PixelSize(const SurfaceDescription &sd);
void Convert_Pixel(Vector3 &rgb, const SurfaceClass::SurfaceDescription &sd, const unsigned char * pixel);
void Convert_Pixel(unsigned char * pixel,const SurfaceClass::SurfaceDescription &sd, const Vector3 &rgb);
// Direct3D surface object
IDirect3DSurface8 *D3DSurface;
WW3DFormat SurfaceFormat;
friend class TextureClass;