333 lines
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333 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WW3D *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/w3d_obsolete.h $*
* *
* Author:: Greg Hjelstrom *
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/08/01 10:04a $*
* *
* $Revision:: 1 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef W3D_OBSOLETE_H
#define W3D_OBSOLETE_H
// Obsolete chunk id's
// At one point in time I was using the 'O' prefix to mean obsolete. Now we just move stuff
// into this file...
W3D_CHUNK_MESH_HEADER =0x00000001, // header for a mesh
W3D_CHUNK_SURRENDER_NORMALS =0x00000004, // array of surrender normals (one per vertex as req. by surrender)
W3D_CHUNK_TEXCOORDS =0x00000005, // array of texture coordinates
O_W3D_CHUNK_MATERIALS =0x00000006, // array of materials
O_W3D_CHUNK_TRIANGLES =0x00000007, // array of triangles
O_W3D_CHUNK_QUADRANGLES =0x00000008, // array of quads
O_W3D_CHUNK_SURRENDER_TRIANGLES =0x00000009, // array of surrender format tris
O_W3D_CHUNK_POV_TRIANGLES =0x0000000A, // POV format triangles
O_W3D_CHUNK_POV_QUADRANGLES =0x0000000B, // POV format quads
W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_COLORS =0x0000000D, // Pre-set vertex coloring
W3D_CHUNK_DAMAGE =0x0000000F, // Mesh damage, new set of materials, vertex positions, vertex colors
W3D_CHUNK_DAMAGE_HEADER =0x00000010, // Header for the damage data, tells what is coming
W3D_CHUNK_DAMAGE_VERTICES =0x00000011, // Array of modified vertices (W3dMeshDamageVertexStruct's)
W3D_CHUNK_DAMAGE_COLORS =0x00000012, // Array of modified vert colors (W3dMeshDamageColorStruct's)
O_W3D_CHUNK_MATERIALS2 =0x00000014, // array of version 2 materials (with animation frame counts)
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIALS3 =0x00000015, // array of version 3 materials (all new surrender features supported)
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3 =0x00000016, // Each version 3 material wrapped with this chunk ID
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_NAME =0x00000017, // Name of the material (array of chars, null terminated)
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_INFO =0x00000018, // contains a W3dMaterial3Struct, general material info
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_DC_MAP =0x00000019, // wraps the following two chunks, diffuse color texture
W3D_CHUNK_MAP3_FILENAME =0x0000001A, // filename of the texture
W3D_CHUNK_MAP3_INFO =0x0000001B, // a W3dMap3Struct
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_DI_MAP =0x0000001C, // diffuse illimination map, same format as other maps
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_SC_MAP =0x0000001D, // specular color map, same format as other maps
W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_SI_MAP =0x0000001E, // specular illumination map, same format as other maps
W3D_CHUNK_PER_TRI_MATERIALS =0x00000021, // Multi-Mtl meshes - An array of uint16 material id's
// Version 1.0 Material, array of these are found inside the W3D_CHUNK_MATERIALS chunk.
struct W3dMaterialStruct
char MaterialName[W3D_NAME_LEN]; // name of the material (NULL terminated)
char PrimaryName[W3D_NAME_LEN]; // primary texture name (NULL terminated)
char SecondaryName[W3D_NAME_LEN]; // secondary texture name (NULL terminated)
uint32 RenderFlags; // Rendering flags
uint8 Red; // Rgb colors
uint8 Green;
uint8 Blue;
// Version 2.0 Material, array of these are found inside the W3D_CHUNK_MATERIALS2 chunk.
struct W3dMaterial2Struct
char MaterialName[W3D_NAME_LEN]; // name of the material (NULL terminated)
char PrimaryName[W3D_NAME_LEN]; // primary texture name (NULL terminated)
char SecondaryName[W3D_NAME_LEN]; // secondary texture name (NULL terminated)
uint32 RenderFlags; // Rendering flags
uint8 Red; // Rgb colors
uint8 Green;
uint8 Blue;
uint8 Alpha;
uint16 PrimaryNumFrames; // number of animated frames (if 1, not animated)
uint16 SecondaryNumFrames; // number of animated frames (if 1, not animated)
char Pad[12]; // expansion room
// MATERIAL ATTRIBUTES (version 3.0 onward)
// Use alpha enables alpha channels, etc, Use sorting causes display lists using
// this material to be sorted (even with z-buf, translucent materials need to be sorted)
#define W3DMATERIAL_USE_ALPHA 0x00000001
#define W3DMATERIAL_USE_SORTING 0x00000002
// Hints for render devices that cannot support all features
#define W3DMATERIAL_HINT_DIT_OVER_DCT 0x00000010
#define W3DMATERIAL_HINT_SIT_OVER_SCT 0x00000020
#define W3DMATERIAL_HINT_DIT_OVER_DIG 0x00000040
#define W3DMATERIAL_HINT_SIT_OVER_SIG 0x00000080
// Last byte is for PSX: Translucency type and a lighting disable flag.
#define W3DMATERIAL_PSX_MASK 0xFF000000
#define W3DMATERIAL_PSX_TRANS_MASK 0x07000000
#define W3DMATERIAL_PSX_TRANS_NONE 0x00000000
#define W3DMATERIAL_PSX_TRANS_100 0x01000000
#define W3DMATERIAL_PSX_TRANS_50 0x02000000
#define W3DMATERIAL_PSX_TRANS_25 0x03000000
#define W3DMATERIAL_PSX_TRANS_MINUS_100 0x04000000
// MAPPING TYPES (version 3.0 onward)
#define W3DMAPPING_UV 0
// Version 3.0 Material, A W3D_CHUNK_MATERIALS3 chunk will wrap a bunch of
// W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3 chunks. Inside each chunk will be a name chunk, an 'info' chunk which
// contains the following struct, and one or more map chunks. a mesh with 2 materials might
// look like:
// W3D_CHUNK_MATERIALS3 <-- simply a wrapper around the array of mtls
// W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3 <-- a wrapper around each material
// W3D_CHUNK_STRING <-- name of the material
// W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_INFO <-- standard material properties, a W3dMaterial3Struct
// W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL3_DC_MAP <-- a map, W3dMap3Struct
// W3D_CHUNK_STRING <-- filename of the map
// W3D_CHUNK_MAP_INFO <-- map parameters
// W3D_CHUNK_STRING <-- filename of the map
struct W3dMaterial3Struct
uint32 Attributes; // flags,hints,etc.
W3dRGBStruct DiffuseColor; // diffuse color
W3dRGBStruct SpecularColor; // specular color
W3dRGBStruct EmissiveCoefficients; // emmissive coefficients, default to 0,0,0
W3dRGBStruct AmbientCoefficients; // ambient coefficients, default to 1,1,1
W3dRGBStruct DiffuseCoefficients; // diffuse coeficients, default to 1,1,1
W3dRGBStruct SpecularCoefficients; // specular coefficients, default to 0,0,0
float32 Shininess; // how tight the specular highlight will be, 1 - 1000 (default = 1)
float32 Opacity; // how opaque the material is, 0.0 = invisible, 1.0 = fully opaque (default = 1)
float32 Translucency; // how much light passes through the material. (default = 0)
float32 FogCoeff; // effect of fog (0.0=not fogged, 1.0=fogged) (default = 1)
// A map, only occurs as part of a material, will be preceeded by its name.
struct W3dMap3Struct
uint16 MappingType; // Mapping type, will be one of the above #defines (e.g. W3DMAPPING_UV)
uint16 FrameCount; // Number of frames (1 if not animated)
float32 FrameRate; // Frame rate, frames per second in floating point
// A triangle, occurs inside the W3D_CHUNK_SURRENDER_TRIANGLES chunk
struct W3dSurrenderTriStruct
uint32 Vindex[3]; // vertex, vert normal, and texture coord indexes (all use same index)
W3dTexCoordStruct TexCoord[3]; // texture coordinates (OBSOLETE!!!)
uint32 MaterialIdx; // material index
W3dVectorStruct Normal; // Face normal
uint32 Attributes; // collision flags, sort method, etc
W3dRGBStruct Gouraud[3]; // Pre-set shading values (OBSOLETE!!!)
// Original (Obsolete) Mesh Header
struct W3dMeshHeaderStruct
uint32 Version; // Currently version 0x100
char MeshName[W3D_NAME_LEN]; // name of the mesh (Null terminated)
uint32 Attributes;
// Counts, these can be regarded as an inventory of what is to come in the file.
uint32 NumTris; // number of triangles (OBSOLETE!)
uint32 NumQuads; // number of quads; (OBSOLETE!)
uint32 NumSrTris; // number of triangles
uint32 NumPovTris; // (NOT USED)
uint32 NumPovQuads; // (NOT USED)
uint32 NumVertices; // number of unique vertices
uint32 NumNormals; // number of unique normals (OBSOLETE!)
uint32 NumSrNormals; // number of surrender normals (MUST EQUAL NumVertices or 0)
uint32 NumTexCoords; // number of unique texture coords (MUST EQUAL NumVertices or 0)
uint32 NumMaterials; // number of unique materials needed
uint32 NumVertColors; // number of vertex colors (MUST EQUAL NumVertices or 0)
uint32 NumVertInfluences;// vertex influences(MUST EQUAL NumVertices or 0)
uint32 NumDamageStages; // number of damage offset chunks
uint32 FutureCounts[5]; // reserve space for future counts (set to zero).
// LOD controls
float32 LODMin; // min LOD distance
float32 LODMax; // max LOD distance
// Collision / rendering quick-rejection
W3dVectorStruct Min; // Min corner of the bounding box
W3dVectorStruct Max; // Max corner of the bounding box
W3dVectorStruct SphCenter; // Center of bounding sphere
float32 SphRadius; // Bounding sphere radius
// Default transformation
W3dVectorStruct Translation;
float32 Rotation[9];
// Physics Properties
W3dVectorStruct MassCenter; // Center of mass in object space
float32 Inertia[9]; // Inertia tensor (relative to MassCenter)
float32 Volume; // volume of the object
// Name of possible hierarchy this mesh should be attached to
char HierarchyTreeName[W3D_NAME_LEN];
char HierarchyModelName[W3D_NAME_LEN];
uint32 FutureUse[24]; // Reserved for future use
// Mesh Damage. This can include a new set of materials for the mesh,
// new positions for certain vertices in the mesh, and new vertex
// colors for certain vertices.
struct W3dMeshDamageStruct
uint32 NumDamageMaterials; // number of materials to replace
uint32 NumDamageVerts; // number of vertices to replace
uint32 NumDamageColors; // number of vertex colors to replace
uint32 DamageIndex; // what index is this damage chunk assigned to
uint32 FutureUse[4];
struct W3dMeshDamageVertexStruct
uint32 VertexIndex;
W3dVectorStruct NewVertex;
struct W3dMeshDamageColorStruct
uint32 VertexIndex;
W3dRGBStruct NewColor;
// W3dHModelAuxDataStruct. HModels had this extra chunk defining the counts of individual
// types of objects to be found in the model and some obsolete distance-based LOD settings.
// As changes were made to the ww3d library, all of this became useles so the chunk was
// "retired".
struct W3dHModelAuxDataStruct
uint32 Attributes;
uint32 MeshCount;
uint32 CollisionCount;
uint32 SkinCount;
uint32 ShadowCount;
uint32 NullCount;
uint32 FutureCounts[6];
float32 LODMin;
float32 LODMax;
uint32 FutureUse[32];
#endif // W3D_OBSOLETE_H