412 lines
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412 lines
14 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : LevelEdit *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwphys/PathfindPortal.h $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 4/18/01 12:33p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 10 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#include "refcount.h"
#include "aabox.h"
#include "wwdebug.h"
#include "pathfind.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "waypathposition.h"
// Forward declarations
class PathfindSectorClass;
class PathNodeClass;
class ChunkSaveClass;
class ChunkLoadClass;
class PathfindActionPortalClass;
class PathfindWaypathPortalClass;
// PathfindPortalClass
class PathfindPortalClass : public RefCountClass
// Public constructors/destructors
PathfindPortalClass (void)
: m_DestSector1 ((uint16)-1),
m_DestSector2 ((uint16)-1),
m_HeapLocation (0),
m_ClosedListPtr (NULL),
m_ID (0) {}
virtual ~PathfindPortalClass (void) {}
virtual PathfindActionPortalClass * As_PathfindActionPortalClass (void) { return NULL; }
virtual PathfindWaypathPortalClass * As_PathfindWaypathPortalClass (void) { return NULL; }
// Public methods
void Get_Bounding_Box (AABoxClass &box) const;
void Set_Bounding_Box (const AABoxClass &box);
PathfindSectorClass *Peek_Dest_Sector (PathfindSectorClass *current_sector);
void Add_Dest_Sector (int sector_index);
void Add_Dest_Sector (PathfindSectorClass *sector);
uint16 Get_Dest_Sector1 (void);
uint16 Get_Dest_Sector2 (void);
virtual PathClass::ACTION_ID Get_Action_Type (void) const { return PathClass::ACTION_NONE; }
bool Is_Two_Way_Portal (void) const;
virtual bool Does_Size_Matter (void) const { return true; }
uint32 Get_ID (void) const { return m_ID; }
void Set_ID (uint32 id) { m_ID = id; }
// A-Star list methods
uint32 Get_Heap_Location (void) const;
void Set_Heap_Location (uint32 location);
// Serialization methods
virtual bool Save (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
virtual bool Load (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
void Resolve_IDs (void);
PathNodeClass * m_ClosedListPtr;
// Protected methods
bool Load_Variables (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
// Private member data
uint16 m_DestSector1;
uint16 m_DestSector2;
AABoxClass m_BoundingBox;
uint32 m_ID;
uint32 m_HeapLocation;
// Get_Bounding_Box
inline void
PathfindPortalClass::Get_Bounding_Box (AABoxClass &box) const
box = m_BoundingBox;
return ;
// Set_Bounding_Box
inline void
PathfindPortalClass::Set_Bounding_Box (const AABoxClass &box)
m_BoundingBox = box;
return ;
// Add_Dest_Sector
inline void
PathfindPortalClass::Add_Dest_Sector (int sector_index)
WWASSERT (m_DestSector1 == (uint16)-1 || m_DestSector2 == (uint16)-1);
WWASSERT (sector_index != -1);
if (m_DestSector1 == (uint16)-1) {
m_DestSector1 = sector_index;
} else {
m_DestSector2 = sector_index;
return ;
// Add_Dest_Sector
inline void
PathfindPortalClass::Add_Dest_Sector (PathfindSectorClass *sector)
int index = PathfindClass::Get_Instance ()->Get_Sector_Index (sector);
Add_Dest_Sector (index);
return ;
// Get_Dest_Sector1
inline uint16
PathfindPortalClass::Get_Dest_Sector1 (void)
return m_DestSector1;
// Get_Dest_Sector2
inline uint16
PathfindPortalClass::Get_Dest_Sector2 (void)
return m_DestSector2;
// Peek_Dest_Sector
inline PathfindSectorClass *
PathfindPortalClass::Peek_Dest_Sector (PathfindSectorClass *current_sector)
// Determine which destination sector to return
PathfindSectorClass *dest_sector = PathfindClass::Get_Instance ()->Peek_Sector (m_DestSector1);
if (dest_sector == current_sector) {
dest_sector = PathfindClass::Get_Instance ()->Peek_Sector (m_DestSector2);
return dest_sector;
// Is_Two_Way_Portal
inline bool
PathfindPortalClass::Is_Two_Way_Portal (void) const
return (m_DestSector1 != ((uint16)-1)) && (m_DestSector2 != ((uint16)-1));
// Get_Heap_Location
inline uint32
PathfindPortalClass::Get_Heap_Location (void) const
return m_HeapLocation;
// Set_Heap_Location
inline void
PathfindPortalClass::Set_Heap_Location (uint32 location)
m_HeapLocation = location;
return ;
// PathfindActionPortalClass
class PathfindActionPortalClass : public PathfindPortalClass
// Public constructors/destructors
PathfindActionPortalClass (void)
: m_Destination (0, 0, 0),
m_EntranceSector (NULL),
m_ExitPortal (NULL),
m_EnterPortal (NULL),
m_MechanismID (0),
m_ActionID (PathClass::ACTION_NONE) { }
~PathfindActionPortalClass (void) { }
PathfindActionPortalClass *As_PathfindActionPortalClass (void) { return this; }
// Public methods
// Action identification
PathClass::ACTION_ID Get_Action_Type (void) const { return m_ActionID; }
void Set_Action_Type (PathClass::ACTION_ID action_id) { m_ActionID = action_id; }
// Mechanism information (in case we have to interact to do this action)
uint32 Get_Mechanism_ID (void) const { return m_MechanismID; }
void Set_Mechanism_ID (uint32 id) { m_MechanismID = id; }
// Destination control (where do we end up at the end of this action?)
void Set_Destination (const Vector3 &pos) { m_Destination = pos; }
const Vector3 & Get_Destination (void) const { return m_Destination; }
// Sector information
PathfindSectorClass * Get_Entrance_Sector (void) { return m_EntranceSector; }
void Set_Entrance_Sector (PathfindSectorClass *sector) { m_EntranceSector = sector; }
// Enter information
PathfindActionPortalClass * Get_Enter_Portal (void) { return m_EnterPortal; }
void Set_Enter_Portal (PathfindActionPortalClass *portal) { m_EnterPortal = portal; }
// Exit information
PathfindPortalClass * Get_Exit_Portal (void) { return m_ExitPortal; }
void Set_Exit_Portal (PathfindPortalClass *portal) { m_ExitPortal = portal; }
// Serialization
bool Save (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
bool Load (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
// Protected methods
bool Load_Variables (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
// Private member data
Vector3 m_Destination;
PathfindSectorClass * m_EntranceSector;
uint32 m_MechanismID;
PathClass::ACTION_ID m_ActionID;
PathfindPortalClass * m_ExitPortal;
PathfindActionPortalClass * m_EnterPortal;
// PathfindWaypathPortalClass
class PathfindWaypathPortalClass : public PathfindPortalClass
// Public constructors/destructors
PathfindWaypathPortalClass (void) {}
~PathfindWaypathPortalClass (void) {}
PathfindWaypathPortalClass *As_PathfindWaypathPortalClass (void) { return this; }
// Public methods
// From PathfindPortalClass
bool Does_Size_Matter (void) const { return false; }
// Waypath information
void Set_Waypath_Pos (const WaypathPositionClass &pos) { WaypathPos = pos; }
const WaypathPositionClass & Get_Waypath_Pos (void) const { return WaypathPos; }
// Serialization
bool Save (ChunkSaveClass &chunk_save);
bool Load (ChunkLoadClass &chunk_load);
// Protected methods
bool Load_Variables (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
// Private member data
WaypathPositionClass WaypathPos;