307 lines
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307 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : LevelEdit *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwphys/floodfillbox.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 5/03/01 5:29p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 3 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "floodfillbox.h"
#include "pathfindsector.h"
#include "pathfindportal.h"
#include "pathfind.h"
// Static member initialization
FloodfillBoxClass *FloodfillBoxClass::m_First = NULL;
FloodfillBoxClass *FloodfillBoxClass::m_Last = NULL;
// Is_Two_Way_Traversible
FloodfillBoxClass::Is_Two_Way_Traversible (PATHFIND_DIR dir)
bool retval = false;
FloodfillBoxClass *neighbor = Peek_Neighbor (dir);
if (neighbor != NULL) {
retval = (neighbor->Peek_Neighbor (::Inverse_Pathfind_Dir (dir)) == this);
return retval;
// Is_New_Portal
FloodfillBoxClass::Is_New_Portal (PATHFIND_DIR dir, PathfindSectorClass *dest_sector)
bool retval = false;
// Basically this box is part of a new 'portal' if:
// a) Its not already part of a portal.
// b) It has a neighbor in the specified direction.
// c) Its neighbor doesn't belong to the same sector OR
// c) Its neighbor is the sector we are looking for
if ( (Part_Of_Portal (dir) == false) &&
(m_Sector != NULL) &&
(m_Neighbors[dir] != NULL) &&
(Get_Traversible (dir))) {
if ( (dest_sector != NULL) &&
(m_Neighbors[dir]->m_Sector == dest_sector) &&
(m_Neighbors[dir]->m_Sector->Is_Valid ()))
retval = true;
} else if ( (dest_sector == NULL) &&
(m_Neighbors[dir]->m_Sector != m_Sector) &&
(m_Neighbors[dir]->m_Sector != NULL) &&
m_Neighbors[dir]->m_Sector->Is_Valid ())
retval = true;
return retval;
// Make_Portal
PathfindPortalClass *
const Vector3 & box_size,
float z_pos,
float min_acceptable_size
PATHFIND_DIR slide_dir1 = PATHFIND_DIR((dir + 1) & 1);
PATHFIND_DIR slide_dir2 = PATHFIND_DIR(slide_dir1 + 2);
WWASSERT (m_Neighbors[dir] != NULL);
PathfindSectorClass *dest_sector = m_Neighbors[dir]->m_Sector;
FloodfillBoxClass *curr_box = this;
Vector3 min_point (100000.0F, 100000.0F, 100000.0F);
Vector3 max_point (-100000.0F, -100000.0F, -100000.0F);
Vector3 offset (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
Vector3 thickness (0.0F, 0.0F, box_size.Z * 1.1F);
if (dir == DIR_FORWARD) {
offset.X = box_size.X * 0.5F;
thickness.X = box_size.X * 0.05F;
thickness.Y = box_size.Y * 0.5F;
} else if (dir == DIR_BACKWARD) {
offset.X = box_size.X * -0.5F;
thickness.X = box_size.X * -0.05F;
thickness.Y = box_size.Y * 0.5F;
} else if (dir == DIR_RIGHT) {
offset.Y = box_size.Y * -0.5F;
thickness.Y = box_size.Y * 0.05F;
thickness.X = box_size.X * 0.5F;
} else {
offset.Y = box_size.Y * 0.5F;
thickness.Y = box_size.Y * -0.05F;
thickness.X = box_size.X * 0.5F;
DynamicVectorClass<FloodfillBoxClass *> portal_list;
// Determine if this portal is going to be a one way or a two way...
bool is_two_way = Is_Two_Way_Traversible (dir);
// Calculate the height of the portal...
min_point.Z = z_pos;
max_point.Z = z_pos + (box_size.Z * 1.1F);
if (is_two_way) {
PathfindSectorClass *sector_from = m_Sector;
PathfindSectorClass *sector_to = dest_sector;
const AABoxClass &box_from = sector_from->Get_Bounding_Box ();
const AABoxClass &box_to = sector_to->Get_Bounding_Box ();
float min_z1 = box_from.Center.Z - box_from.Extent.Z;
float min_z2 = box_to.Center.Z - box_to.Extent.Z;
float max_z1 = box_from.Center.Z + box_from.Extent.Z;
float max_z2 = box_to.Center.Z + box_to.Extent.Z;
min_point.Z = max (min_z1, min_z2);
max_point.Z = min (max_z1, max_z2);
bool keep_going = true;
// Find the last box in the row that is a portal to the given sector.
// Note: This is inclusive of the starting box.
while (keep_going) {
portal_list.Add (curr_box);
Vector3 position = curr_box->Get_Position ();
position += offset;
min_point.X = min (min_point.X, position.X);
min_point.Y = min (min_point.Y, position.Y);
min_point.X = min (min_point.X, position.X + thickness.X);
min_point.Y = min (min_point.Y, position.Y + thickness.Y);
min_point.X = min (min_point.X, position.X - thickness.X);
min_point.Y = min (min_point.Y, position.Y - thickness.Y);
max_point.X = max (max_point.X, position.X);
max_point.Y = max (max_point.Y, position.Y);
max_point.X = max (max_point.X, position.X + thickness.X);
max_point.Y = max (max_point.Y, position.Y + thickness.Y);
max_point.X = max (max_point.X, position.X - thickness.X);
max_point.Y = max (max_point.Y, position.Y - thickness.Y);
// Should we keep going?
keep_going = ((curr_box = curr_box->Peek_Neighbor (slide_dir1)) != NULL) &&
(curr_box->m_Sector == m_Sector) &&
(curr_box->Is_New_Portal (dir, dest_sector)) &&
(curr_box->Is_Two_Way_Traversible (dir) == is_two_way);
// Find the first box in the row that is a portal to the given sector.
curr_box = this;
while ( ((curr_box = curr_box->Peek_Neighbor (slide_dir2)) != NULL) &&
(curr_box->m_Sector == m_Sector) &&
(curr_box->Is_New_Portal (dir, dest_sector)) &&
(curr_box->Is_Two_Way_Traversible (dir) == is_two_way))
portal_list.Add (curr_box);
Vector3 position = curr_box->Get_Position ();
position += offset;
min_point.X = min (min_point.X, position.X);
min_point.Y = min (min_point.Y, position.Y);
min_point.X = min (min_point.X, position.X + thickness.X);
min_point.Y = min (min_point.Y, position.Y + thickness.Y);
min_point.X = min (min_point.X, position.X - thickness.X);
min_point.Y = min (min_point.Y, position.Y - thickness.Y);
max_point.X = max (max_point.X, position.X);
max_point.Y = max (max_point.Y, position.Y);
max_point.X = max (max_point.X, position.X + thickness.X);
max_point.Y = max (max_point.Y, position.Y + thickness.Y);
max_point.X = max (max_point.X, position.X - thickness.X);
max_point.Y = max (max_point.Y, position.Y - thickness.Y);
PathfindPortalClass *portal = NULL;
// Choose the largest dimension
float test1 = (max_point.X - min_point.X);
float test2 = (max_point.Y - min_point.Y);
float test_value = max (test1, test2);
// Is this portal large enough?
if (test_value >= min_acceptable_size) {
// Let each box know that it is being bound into this portal
for (int index = 0; index < portal_list.Count (); index ++) {
FloodfillBoxClass *portal_box = portal_list[index];
portal_box->Part_Of_Portal (dir, true);
if (is_two_way) {
portal_box->m_Neighbors[dir]->Part_Of_Portal (::Inverse_Pathfind_Dir (dir), true);
// Create the new portal
portal = new PathfindPortalClass;
portal->Add_Dest_Sector (dest_sector);
if (is_two_way) {
portal->Add_Dest_Sector (m_Sector);
// Set the portal's bounding box
AABoxClass bounding_box;
bounding_box.Center = min_point + ((max_point - min_point) / 2.0F);
bounding_box.Extent.X = (max_point.X - min_point.X) / 2.0F;
bounding_box.Extent.Y = (max_point.Y - min_point.Y) / 2.0F;
bounding_box.Extent.Z = (max_point.Z - min_point.Z) / 2.0F;
portal->Set_Bounding_Box (bounding_box);
// Register the portal with the system
int portal_index = PathfindClass::Get_Instance ()->Add_Portal (portal);
m_Sector->Add_Portal (portal_index);
if (is_two_way) {
dest_sector->Add_Portal (portal_index);
return portal;