1143 lines
27 KiB
1143 lines
27 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Combat *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwui/stylemgr.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/26/02 1:23p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 33 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
// Disable warning about exception handling not being enabled. It's used as part of STL - in a part of STL we don't use.
#pragma warning(disable : 4530)
#include "stylemgr.h"
#include "render2d.h"
#include "assetmgr.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "font3d.h"
#include "render2dsentence.h"
#include "ini.h"
#include "ffactory.h"
#include "wwaudio.h"
// Local constants
struct FONT_DESC
const char * name;
int point_size;
bool is_bold;
{ "Regatta Condensed LET", 52, false },
{ "Arial MT", 12, true },
{ "Arial MT", 8, true },
{ "Arial MT", 8, false },
{ "Arial MT", 8, false },
{ "Regatta Condensed LET", 32, false },
{ "Regatta Condensed LET", 20, false },
{ "Arial MT", 9, true },
{ "Arial MT", 12, true },
{ "Arial MT", 10, false },
{ "Arial MT", 10, true },
{ "Arial MT", 8, false },
{ "Arial MT", 16, false },
{ "Arial MT", 14, false },
{ "Arial MT", 9, true }
/*{ "Arial Unicode MS", 52, false },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 12, true },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 12, true },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 12, false },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 12, false },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 32, false },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 20, false },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 13, true },
{ "Arial Unicode MS", 14, true }*/
// Local constants
TextureClass * StyleMgrClass::BackdropTexture = NULL;
uint32 StyleMgrClass::TitleColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 255, 255);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::TitleHilightColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 255, 0);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::TitleShadowColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::TextColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 213, 40);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::TextShadowColor = RGBA_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0, 200);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::LineColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 174, 40);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::BkColor = RGBA_TO_INT32 (255, 174, 40, 40);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::DisabledTextColor = RGBA_TO_INT32 (255, 213, 40, 140);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::DisabledTextShadowColor = RGBA_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0, 96);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::DisabledLineColor = RGBA_TO_INT32 (230, 160, 35, 128);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::DisabledBkColor = RGBA_TO_INT32 (255, 174, 40, 30);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::HilightColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (70, 70, 70);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::TabTextColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 255, 255);
uint32 StyleMgrClass::TabGlowColor = RGB_TO_INT32 (16, 10, 0);
FontCharsClass * StyleMgrClass::Fonts[FONT_MAX] = { NULL };
float StyleMgrClass::ScaleX = 1.0F;
float StyleMgrClass::ScaleY = 1.0F;
DynamicVectorClass<StringClass> StyleMgrClass::FontFileList;
StringClass StyleMgrClass::EventAudioList[StyleMgrClass::EVENT_AUDIO_MAX];
// Initialize
StyleMgrClass::Initialize (void)
// Compute the scale
ScaleX = Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution().Width () / 800.0F;
ScaleY = Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution().Height () / 600.0F;
// Load each font
for (int index = 0; index < FONT_MAX; index ++) {
// Scale the point size to fit this resolution
float point_size = ((float)DEFAULT_FONTS[index].point_size) * ScaleY;
// Create the font
Fonts[index] = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Get_FontChars (DEFAULT_FONTS[index].name,
point_size, DEFAULT_FONTS[index].is_bold);
// Load the backdrop texture name
BackdropTexture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Get_Texture (DEFAULT_BACKDROP_NAME, TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
return ;
// Initialize_From_INI
StyleMgrClass::Initialize_From_INI (const char *filename)
Shutdown ();
// Compute the scale
ScaleX = Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution().Width () / 800.0F;
ScaleY = Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution().Height () / 600.0F;
// Get the INI file
INIClass *ini_file = NULL;
FileClass *file_obj = _TheFileFactory->Get_File (filename);
if (file_obj != NULL && file_obj->Is_Available( ) ) {
ini_file = new INIClass (*file_obj);
_TheFileFactory->Return_File (file_obj);
if (ini_file != NULL) {
const char *FONT_FILE_SECTION = "Font File List";
const char *FONT_NAME_SECTION = "Font Names";
// Load each font into windows
int count = ini_file->Entry_Count (FONT_FILE_SECTION);
for (int index = 0; index < count; index ++) {
StringClass filename (0, true);
ini_file->Get_String (filename, FONT_FILE_SECTION, ini_file->Get_Entry (FONT_FILE_SECTION, index));
// Install the font into windows
::AddFontResource (filename);
FontFileList.Add (filename);
// Read information about each font and load it into the system
for (index = 0; index < FONT_MAX; index ++) {
// Read information about this font
StringClass font_entry;
ini_file->Get_String (font_entry, FONT_NAME_SECTION, FONT_INI_ENTRIES[index]);
// Parse the information
StringClass font_name = ::strtok (font_entry.Peek_Buffer (), ",");
StringClass font_size = ::strtok (NULL, ",");
StringClass font_bold = ::strtok (NULL, ",");
bool is_bold = (::atoi (font_bold) != 0);
// Scale the point size to fit this resolution
float point_size = ((float)::atoi (font_size)) * ScaleY;
// Remove bold from "small" fonts if they're scaled down
point_size = max (point_size, 8.0F);
if (point_size < 10.0F && ScaleY < 1.0F) {
is_bold = false;
// Create the font
Fonts[index] = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Get_FontChars (font_name,
point_size, is_bold);
// Audio section constants
const char *AUDIO_SECTION = "Audio";
const char *AUDIO_CLICK = "AUDIO_CLICK";
const char *AUDIO_BACK = "AUDIO_BACK";
const char *AUDIO_POPUP = "AUDIO_POPUP";
// Read information about the sound effects
ini_file->Get_String (EventAudioList[EVENT_MOUSE_CLICK], AUDIO_SECTION, AUDIO_CLICK);
ini_file->Get_String (EventAudioList[EVENT_MENU_BACK], AUDIO_SECTION, AUDIO_BACK);
ini_file->Get_String (EventAudioList[EVENT_POPUP], AUDIO_SECTION, AUDIO_POPUP);
// Free the ini file
delete ini_file;
ini_file = NULL;
return ;
// Shutdown
StyleMgrClass::Shutdown (void)
// Free each font
for (int index = 0; index < FONT_MAX; index ++) {
REF_PTR_RELEASE (Fonts[index]);
// Unregister this font with windows
for (index = 0; index < FontFileList.Count (); index ++) {
::RemoveFontResource (FontFileList[index]);
// Free the backdrop texture
REF_PTR_RELEASE (BackdropTexture);
return ;
// Get_Font
FontCharsClass *
StyleMgrClass::Get_Font (FONT_STYLE style)
FontCharsClass *font = Fonts[style];
if (font != NULL) {
font->Add_Ref ();
return font;
// Render_Backdrop
StyleMgrClass::Render_Backdrop (Render2DClass *renderer, const RectClass &rect)
// Simply set the texture, and render a quad filling the rectangle
renderer->Set_Texture (BackdropTexture);
renderer->Add_Quad (rect, RectClass (0, 0, 1, 1));
return ;
// Assign_Font
StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (Render2DSentenceClass *renderer, FONT_STYLE style)
renderer->Set_Font (Fonts[style]);
return ;
// Render_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DTextClass * renderer,
int x_pos,
int y_pos,
bool do_shadow,
const RectClass * clipping_rect,
bool is_enabled
// If necessary, assign the clipping rectangle
if (clipping_rect != NULL) {
renderer->Set_Clipping_Rect (*clipping_rect);
// Determine what color to render the text in
int text_color = TextColor;
int shadow_color = TextShadowColor;
if (is_enabled == false) {
text_color = DisabledTextColor;
shadow_color = DisabledTextShadowColor;
// Render the shadow (if necessary)
if (do_shadow) {
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos - 1, y_pos + 1));
renderer->Draw_Text (text, shadow_color);
// Set the position where text will be drawn
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos, y_pos));
// Draw the text
renderer->Draw_Text (text, text_color);
return ;
// Render_Title_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
const RectClass & rect
// Set the clipping rectangle
//renderer->Set_Clipping_Rect (rect);
// Get the extents of the text we will be drawing
Vector2 text_extent = renderer->Get_Text_Extents (text);
// Center the text
int x_pos = int(rect.Left + (rect.Width () / 2) - (text_extent.X / 2));
int y_pos = int(rect.Top + (rect.Height () / 2) - (text_extent.Y / 2));
// Build the textures for the text we'll be drawing
renderer->Build_Sentence (text);
// Draw the shadow
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos - 1, y_pos - 1));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (TitleShadowColor);
// Draw the hilight
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos + 1, y_pos + 1));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (TitleHilightColor);
// Draw the text
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos, y_pos));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (TitleColor);
return ;
// Render_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_clip,
bool is_enabled,
bool is_vcentered
// Determine what color to render the text in
int text_color = TextColor;
int shadow_color = TextShadowColor;
if (is_enabled == false) {
text_color = DisabledTextColor;
shadow_color = DisabledTextShadowColor;
Render_Text (text, renderer, text_color, shadow_color, rect, do_shadow, do_clip, justify, is_vcentered);
return ;
// Render_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
uint32 text_color,
uint32 shadow_color,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_clip,
bool is_vcentered
// If necessary, assign the clipping rectangle
if (do_clip) {
renderer->Set_Clipping_Rect (rect);
// Get the extents of the text we will be drawing
Vector2 text_extent = renderer->Get_Text_Extents (text);
// Assume left justification
int x_pos = rect.Left + 1;
int y_pos = int(rect.Top + (rect.Height () / 2) - (text_extent.Y / 2));
if (is_vcentered == false) {
y_pos = rect.Top;
// Handle other justifications
if (justify == RIGHT_JUSTIFY) {
// Caclulate right justification
x_pos = int(rect.Right - text_extent.X);
} else if (justify == CENTER_JUSTIFY) {
// Calculate center justification
x_pos = int(rect.Left + (rect.Width () / 2) - (text_extent.X / 2));
// Construct the textures needed to render the text
renderer->Build_Sentence (text);
// Render the shadow (if necessary)
if (do_shadow) {
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos - 1, y_pos + 1));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (shadow_color);
// Render the text
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos, y_pos));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (text_color);
return ;
// Render_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DTextClass * renderer,
uint32 text_color,
uint32 shadow_color,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_clip,
// If necessary, assign the clipping rectangle
if (do_clip) {
renderer->Set_Clipping_Rect (rect);
// Get the extents of the text we will be drawing
Vector2 text_extent = renderer->Get_Text_Extents (text);
// Assume left justification
int x_pos = rect.Left + 1;
int y_pos = int(rect.Top + (rect.Height () / 2) - (text_extent.Y / 2));
// Handle other justifications
if (justify == RIGHT_JUSTIFY) {
// Caclulate right justification
x_pos = int(rect.Right - text_extent.X);
} else if (justify == CENTER_JUSTIFY) {
// Calculate center justification
x_pos = int(rect.Left + (rect.Width () / 2) - (text_extent.X / 2));
// Render the shadow (if necessary)
if (do_shadow) {
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos - 1, y_pos + 1));
renderer->Draw_Text (text, shadow_color);
// Render the text
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos, y_pos));
renderer->Draw_Text (text, text_color);
return ;
// Render_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
uint32 text_color,
uint32 shadow_color,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_clip,
// If necessary, assign the clipping rectangle
if (do_clip) {
renderer->Set_Clipping_Rect (rect);
// Get the extents of the text we will be drawing
Vector2 text_extent = renderer->Get_Text_Extents (text);
// Assume left justification
int x_pos = rect.Left + 1;
int y_pos = int(rect.Top + (rect.Height () / 2) - (text_extent.Y / 2));
// Handle other justifications
if (justify == RIGHT_JUSTIFY) {
// Caclulate right justification
x_pos = int(rect.Right - text_extent.X);
} else if (justify == CENTER_JUSTIFY) {
// Calculate center justification
x_pos = int(rect.Left + (rect.Width () / 2) - (text_extent.X / 2));
// Build up the text we want to render
renderer->Build_Sentence (text);
// Render the shadow (if necessary)
if (do_shadow) {
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos - 1, y_pos + 1));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (shadow_color);
// Render the text
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos, y_pos));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (text_color);
return ;
// Render_Wrapped_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_vcenter,
bool is_enabled
// Determine what color to render the text in
int text_color = TextColor;
int shadow_color = TextShadowColor;
if (is_enabled == false) {
text_color = DisabledTextColor;
shadow_color = DisabledTextShadowColor;
// Render the text
Render_Wrapped_Text (text, renderer, text_color, shadow_color, rect, do_shadow, do_vcenter);
return ;
// Render_Wrapped_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_vcenter,
bool is_enabled,
// Determine what color to render the text in
int text_color = TextColor;
int shadow_color = TextShadowColor;
if (is_enabled == false) {
text_color = DisabledTextColor;
shadow_color = DisabledTextShadowColor;
// Render the text
Render_Wrapped_Text_Ex (text, renderer, text_color, shadow_color, rect,
do_shadow, do_vcenter, justify);
return ;
// Render_Wrapped_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
uint32 text_color,
uint32 shadow_color,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_vcenter,
// Enable wrapping
renderer->Set_Wrapping_Width (rect.Width ());
renderer->Set_Clipping_Rect (rect);
// First, get the number of lines of text
int row_count = 0;
renderer->Get_Formatted_Text_Extents (text, &row_count);
// Calculate where to start spitting out the text
float text_height = renderer->Peek_Font ()->Get_Char_Height ();
RectClass curr_rect = rect;
if (do_vcenter) {
curr_rect.Top = int(rect.Center ().Y - ((row_count * text_height) * 0.5F));
// Handy macro
#define COPY_LINE(dest, src_start, src_end) \
if (src_end == NULL) { \
dest = src_start; \
} else { \
uint32 bytes = ((uint32)src_end - (uint32)src_start); \
uint32 len = bytes / sizeof (WCHAR); \
::memcpy (dest.Get_Buffer (len + 1), src_start, bytes); \
dest.Peek_Buffer ()[len] = 0; \
// Loop over all the lines of text and check for wrapping...
const WCHAR *line_start = renderer->Find_Row_Start (text, 0);
while (line_start != NULL) {
// Lookup the start of the next line...
const WCHAR *line_end = renderer->Find_Row_Start (line_start, 1);
// Copy this line of text into the control
WideStringClass curr_text;
COPY_LINE (curr_text, line_start, line_end);
// Render this row of text
Render_Text (curr_text, renderer, text_color, shadow_color, curr_rect,
do_shadow, false, justify, false);
// Advance to the next line...
line_start = line_end;
curr_rect.Top += text_height;
return ;
// Render_Wrapped_Text
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
uint32 text_color,
uint32 shadow_color,
const RectClass & rect,
bool do_shadow,
bool do_vcenter
// Enable wrapping
renderer->Set_Wrapping_Width (rect.Width ());
renderer->Set_Clipping_Rect (rect);
// Assume left justification
int x_pos = rect.Left + 1;
int y_pos = rect.Top + 1;
// Center the text vertically if necessary
if (do_vcenter) {
Vector2 extents = renderer->Get_Formatted_Text_Extents (text);
y_pos = rect.Top + (rect.Height () / 2.0F) - (extents.Y / 2.0F);
// Build the textures for the text we'll be drawing
renderer->Build_Sentence (text);
// Render the shadow (if necessary)
if (do_shadow) {
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos - 1, y_pos + 1));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (shadow_color);
// Render the text
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (x_pos, y_pos));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (text_color);
return ;
// Configure_Hilighter
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Hilighter (Render2DClass *renderer)
renderer->Enable_Alpha (false);
renderer->Enable_Texturing (false);
// Setup an additive shader
ShaderClass *shader = renderer->Get_Shader ();
shader->Set_Dst_Blend_Func (ShaderClass::DSTBLEND_ONE);
shader->Set_Src_Blend_Func (ShaderClass::SRCBLEND_ONE);
//shader->Set_Primary_Gradient (ShaderClass::GRADIENT_ADD);
//shader->Set_Secondary_Gradient (ShaderClass::SECONDARY_GRADIENT_DISABLE);
return ;
// Render_Hilight
StyleMgrClass::Render_Hilight (Render2DClass *renderer, const RectClass &rect)
renderer->Add_Quad (rect, HilightColor);
return ;
// Render_Glow
const WCHAR * text,
Render2DSentenceClass * renderer,
const RectClass & rect,
int radius_x,
int radius_y,
int color,
// Get the extents of the text we will be drawing
Vector2 text_extent = renderer->Get_Text_Extents (text);
// Assume centered text
int x_pos = int(rect.Left + (rect.Width () / 2) - (text_extent.X / 2));
int y_pos = int(rect.Top + (rect.Height () / 2) - (text_extent.Y / 2));
if (justify == LEFT_JUSTIFY) {
// Caclulate left justification
x_pos = int(rect.Left + 1);
} else if (justify == RIGHT_JUSTIFY) {
// Caclulate right justification
x_pos = int(rect.Right - text_extent.X);
// Setup an additive shader
renderer->Make_Additive ();
// Figure out how many passes we should do to get the
// desired result
float max_radius = max (radius_x, radius_y);
int pass_count = 4;//max_radius / 3;
//pass_count = min (pass_count, 5);
//pass_count = max (pass_count, 3);
int step_count = 7;//max_radius;
//step_count = min (step_count, 10);
//step_count = max (step_count, 4);
float angle_inc = DEG_TO_RADF (360) / step_count;
float x_inc = radius_x / pass_count;
float y_inc = radius_y / pass_count;
float curr_radiusx = 2.0F;
float curr_radiusy = 2.0F;
// Do four passes to get from the inner radius to the outer radius
for (int pass_index = 0; pass_index < pass_count; pass_index ++) {
// Circle the characters around using the given radius
float angle = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < step_count; index ++) {
float new_x_pos = float(x_pos + (WWMath::Cos(angle) * curr_radiusx));
float new_y_pos = float(y_pos + (WWMath::Sin(angle) * curr_radiusy));
angle += angle_inc;
// Render the text
renderer->Set_Location (Vector2 (new_x_pos, new_y_pos));
renderer->Draw_Sentence (color);
curr_radiusx += x_inc;
curr_radiusy += y_inc;
return ;
// Configure_Renderer
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (Render2DClass *renderer)
// Set the coordinate range for the renderer
renderer->Set_Coordinate_Range (Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution ());
// Turn depth-buffer reading on for this renderer
//ShaderClass *shader = renderer->Get_Shader ();
//shader->Set_Depth_Compare (ShaderClass::PASS_LEQUAL);
return ;
// Play_Sound
StyleMgrClass::Play_Sound (EVENT_AUDIO event)
if ( WWAudioClass::Get_Instance () == NULL ||
EventAudioList[event].Get_Length () == 0)
return ;
// Parse the information
StringClass tmp_copy (EventAudioList[event], true);
StringClass filename = ::strtok (tmp_copy.Peek_Buffer (), ",");
StringClass vol_string = ::strtok (NULL, ",");
float volume = ::atoi (vol_string) / 100.0F;
// Play the sound effect
WWAudioClass::Get_Instance ()->Simple_Play_2D_Sound_Effect (filename, 1.0F, volume);
return ;