316 lines
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316 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : LevelEdit *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Tools/LevelEdit/SceneEditor.h $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 9/08/01 10:48a $*
* *
* $Revision:: 58 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#include "pscene.h"
#include "listtypes.h"
#include "undomgr.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "vislog.h"
#include "viswindowdialog.h"
// Forward declarations
class Vector3;
class Matrix3D;
class NodeBaseClass;
class NodeMgrClass;
class SelectionMgrClass;
class AudibleSoundClass;
class DecorationPhysClass;
class Phys3Class;
class PresetClass;
class SkyClass;
class LightNodeClass;
// SceneEditorClass
class SceneEditorClass : public PhysicsSceneClass
// Public constructors/destructors
SceneEditorClass (void);
virtual ~SceneEditorClass (void);
// Public methods
// Object creation/destruction
virtual void Add_Node (NodeClass *node);
virtual NodeClass * Create_Node (PresetClass *preset, Matrix3D *transform = NULL, DWORD obj_id = 0, bool add_to_scene = true);
virtual NodeClass * Clone_Node (NodeClass *node);
virtual bool Delete_Node (NodeClass *node, bool allow_undo = true);
virtual void Delete_Nodes (void);
virtual bool Delete_Nodes (PresetClass *preset);
virtual void Update_File_Mgr (NodeClass *node, bool badd = true);
// Cut/copy/paste/undo methods
virtual bool Cut_Objects (void);
virtual bool Cut_Object (NodeClass *pnode) { return false; }
virtual bool Copy_Objects (void);
virtual bool Copy_Object (NodeClass *pnode) { return false; }
virtual bool Paste_Objects (void);
virtual bool Paste_Object (NodeClass *pnode) { return false; }
virtual bool Can_Paste (void);
virtual bool Clone_Objects (void);
virtual bool Clone_Object (NodeClass *pnode) { return false; }
virtual bool Undo (void);
virtual void Begin_Operation (OPERATION_TYPE type, NodeClass *node);
virtual void Begin_Operation (OPERATION_TYPE type, NODE_LIST *affected_list = NULL);
virtual void End_Operation (void);
// Object transformation methods
virtual void Lock_Nodes (bool lock);
virtual Vector3 Build_Node_List (NODE_LIST &node_list);
// Inline accessors
virtual SelectionMgrClass & Get_Selection_Mgr (void) { return *m_SelectionMgr; }
virtual UndoMgrClass & Get_Undo_Mgr (void) { return m_UndoMgr; }
virtual GROUP_LIST & Get_Group_List (void) { return m_GroupsList; }
// Group methods
virtual GroupMgrClass * Add_Global_Group (const CString &name, NODE_LIST *initial_list = NULL);
virtual void Remove_Global_Group (GroupMgrClass *pgroup);
virtual void Add_Group_To_Toolbar (GroupMgrClass *pgroup);
virtual void Remove_Group_From_Toolbar (GroupMgrClass *pgroup);
virtual void Reset_Global_Groups_List (void);
// Initialization methods
virtual void Initialize (void);
virtual void Cleanup_Resources (void);
// Selection methods
void Set_Selection (NodeClass *node);
void Toggle_Selection (NodeClass *node);
void Update_Selection_Boxes (void);
void Replace_Selection (void);
// Hit test methods
bool Execute_Function_At_Point (CPoint point);
NodeClass * Find_Node_At_Point (CPoint point, Vector3 *intersect_pt = NULL);
void Select_Node_At_Point (CPoint point) { Set_Selection (Find_Node_At_Point (point)); }
void Toggle_Node_Selection_At_Point (CPoint point) { Toggle_Selection (Find_Node_At_Point (point)); }
// Vis generation methods
void Record_Vis_Info (const Matrix3D & view_transform, const Vector3 &store_loc);
void Display_Vis_Points (bool onoff);
bool Are_Vis_Points_Displayed (void) const { return m_bVisPointsDisplayed; }
void Create_Vis_Point (const Matrix3D &transform);
void Remove_All_Vis_Points (void);
virtual void Reset_Vis (bool doitnow = false);
virtual void Internal_Vis_Reset (void);
void Get_Vis_Camera_FOV (double &hov, double &vfov);
void Get_Vis_Camera_Clip_Planes (float &znear, float &zfar);
VisLogClass & Get_Vis_Log (void) { return m_VisLog; }
void Set_Total_Vis_Points (int total) { m_TotalVisPoints = total; }
int Get_Total_Vis_Points (void) const { return m_TotalVisPoints; }
CameraClass * Get_Render_Camera (void);
void Export_VIS (LPCTSTR filename);
void Discard_Vis (void);
void Reset_Dynamic_Object_Visibility_Status (void);
void Reset_Vis_For_Node (NodeClass *node);
void Generate_Uniform_Sampled_Vis (float granularity, float sample_height, bool ignore_bias, bool selection_only, bool farm_mode = false,int farm_cpu_index = 1,int farm_cpu_total = 1);
void Generate_Edge_Sampled_Vis (float granularity, bool ignore_bias,bool farm_mode = false,int farm_cpu_index = 1,int farm_cpu_total = 1);
void Generate_Light_Vis(bool farm_mode = false, int farm_cpu_index = 1, int farm_cpu_total = 1);
void Generate_Manual_Vis(bool farm_mode = false, int farm_cpu_index = 1, int farm_cpu_total = 1);
bool Are_Manual_Vis_Points_Visible (void);
void Show_Manual_Vis_Points (bool show_points);
bool Is_Vis_Window_Visible (void);
void Show_Vis_Window (bool onoff);
// Update methods
void On_Frame (void);
// Sphere methods
bool Are_Sound_Spheres_Displayed (void) const { return m_DisplaySoundSpheres; }
void Display_Sound_Spheres (bool onoff);
bool Are_Light_Spheres_Displayed (void) const { return m_DisplayLightSpheres; }
void Display_Light_Spheres (bool onoff);
// Light methods
bool Are_Lights_On (void) const { return m_bLightsOn; }
void Turn_Lights_On (bool onoff);
void Reload_Lightmap_Models (void);
void Export_Lights (LPCTSTR filename);
void Import_Lights (DynamicVectorClass<StringClass> &filename_list, DynamicVectorClass<LightNodeClass *> *node_list = NULL);
void Import_Sunlight (LPCTSTR filename);
void Build_Light_List (ChunkLoadClass &cload, DynamicVectorClass<LightClass *> &light_list, int group_id = 0);
void Filter_Lights (DynamicVectorClass<LightClass *> &light_list);
bool Compare_Lights (LightClass *light1, LightClass *light2);
void Update_Lighting (void);
void Set_Sun_Light_Orientation (float yaw, float pitch);
// Background sound methods
void Set_Background_Music (LPCTSTR filename);
LPCTSTR Get_Background_Music_Filename (void) const { return m_BackgroundSoundFilename; }
// Pathfinding methods
void Generate_Pathfind_Portals (void);
void Pathfind_Floodfill (Phys3Class &char_sim, const Vector3 &start_pos);
void DoObjectGoto (NodeClass *node1, NodeClass *node2);
// Aggregate methods
void View_Aggregate_Children (bool view = true);
bool Are_Aggregate_Children_Visible (void) const { return m_bAggregateChildrenVisible; }
// Culling system accessors
void Re_Partition_Dynamic_Objects (DynamicVectorClass<AABoxClass> & virtual_occludees) { Re_Partition_Dynamic_Culling_System (virtual_occludees); }
void Re_Partition_Audio_System (void);
// Miscellaneous
bool Are_Static_Anim_Phys_Displayed (void) const { return m_ShowStaticAnimPhys; }
void Display_Static_Anim_Phys (bool onoff);
bool Are_Editor_Objects_Displayed (void) const { return m_ShowEditorObjects; }
void Display_Editor_Objects (bool onoff);
void Enable_Proxy_Creation (bool onoff) { m_CreateProxies = onoff; }
bool Is_Proxy_Creation_Enabled (void) const { return m_CreateProxies; }
// Building methods
void Enable_Building_Power (bool onoff);
bool Is_Building_Power_Enabled (void) const { return m_BuildingPowerEnabled; }
// Protected methods
virtual void Add_Groups_To_List (NodeClass &node, GROUP_LIST &group_list);
virtual void Add_Nodes_To_List (NodeClass &node, NODE_LIST &node_list);
virtual void Build_Group_List (GROUP_LIST &group_list, NodeClass *node = NULL);
virtual void Build_Node_List (NODE_LIST &node_list, NodeClass *node);
virtual void Update_Toolbars (void);
virtual void Empty_Local_Clipboard (void);
void Move_Selected_Nodes (void);
// From base class
virtual void On_Vis_Occluders_Rendered(VisRenderContextClass & context,VisSampleClass & sample);
// Private member data
//SkyClass * m_Sky;
SelectionMgrClass * m_SelectionMgr;
UndoMgrClass m_UndoMgr;
UINT m_uiClipboardFormat;
GROUP_LIST m_GroupsList;
DynamicVectorClass<NodeClass *> m_LocalClipboard;
bool m_bLightsOn;
bool m_bAggregateChildrenVisible;
bool m_DisplaySoundSpheres;
bool m_DisplayLightSpheres;
CString m_BackgroundSoundFilename;
CString m_SkyTexture;
bool m_bVisPointsDisplayed;
DynamicVectorClass<DecorationPhysClass *> m_VisPoints;
VisLogClass m_VisLog;
int m_TotalVisPoints;
bool m_ManualVisPointsVisible;
bool m_ShowStaticAnimPhys;
bool m_ShowEditorObjects;
bool m_BuildingPowerEnabled;
bool m_CreateProxies;
VisWindowDialogClass m_VisWindow;
NodeClass * m_MovingObject;
#endif //__SCENEEDITOR_H