2210 lines
57 KiB
2210 lines
57 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : wwphys *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwphys/renegadeterrainpatch.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 3/12/02 2:33p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 5 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "renegadeterrainpatch.h"
#include "dx8vertexbuffer.h"
#include "dx8indexbuffer.h"
#include "dx8wrapper.h"
#include "sortingrenderer.h"
#include "rinfo.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "dx8fvf.h"
#include "vector2i.h"
#include "terrainmaterial.h"
#include "renegadeterrainmaterialpass.h"
#include "persistfactory.h"
#include "ww3dids.h"
#include "wwhack.h"
#include "inttest.h"
#include "matpass.h"
// WWHacks
// Local constants
// PersistFactory for RenegadeTerrainPatchClass
SimplePersistFactoryClass<RenegadeTerrainPatchClass, WW3D_PERSIST_CHUNKID_RENEGADE_TERRAIN> _TerrainPatchFactory;
// RenegadeTerrainPatchClass
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::RenegadeTerrainPatchClass (void) :
Density (1.0F),
GridPointsX (0),
GridPointsY (0),
GridPointCount (0),
Grid (NULL),
GridNormals (NULL),
VertexColors (NULL),
QuadFlags (NULL),
BaseMaterial (NULL),
LayerMaterial (NULL),
BaseShader (0),
LayerShader (0),
BoundingBoxMin (0, 0, 0),
BoundingBoxMax (0, 0, 0),
AreBuffersDirty (true),
IsPreLit (false)
Initialize ();
return ;
// RenegadeTerrainPatchClass
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::RenegadeTerrainPatchClass (const RenegadeTerrainPatchClass &src) :
Density (1.0F),
GridPointsX (0),
GridPointsY (0),
GridPointCount (0),
Grid (NULL),
GridNormals (NULL),
VertexColors (NULL),
QuadFlags (NULL),
BaseMaterial (NULL),
LayerMaterial (NULL),
BaseShader (0),
LayerShader (0),
BoundingBoxMin (0, 0, 0),
BoundingBoxMax (0, 0, 0),
AreBuffersDirty (true),
IsPreLit (false),
RenderObjClass (src)
Initialize ();
*this = src;
return ;
// ~RenegadeTerrainPatchClass
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::~RenegadeTerrainPatchClass (void)
REF_PTR_RELEASE (BaseMaterial);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (LayerMaterial);
Free_Rendering_Buffers ();
Free_Grid ();
Free_Materials ();
return ;
// operator=
const RenegadeTerrainPatchClass &
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::operator= (const RenegadeTerrainPatchClass &src)
return *this;
// Initialize
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Initialize (void)
// Initialize the material settings
Initialize_Material ();
return ;
// Allocate
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Allocate (int points_x, int points_y, float meters_per_point)
Free_Grid ();
// Calculate how many grid points we will have in the x and y directions
Density = meters_per_point;
GridPointsX = points_x;
GridPointsY = points_y;
GridPointsX = max (1, GridPointsX);
GridPointsY = max (1, GridPointsY);
GridPointCount = (GridPointsX * GridPointsY);
BoundingBoxMin.Z = 0.0F;
BoundingBoxMax.Z = 0.0F;
// Allocate and initialize the grid and supporting data structures
Allocate_Grid ();
return ;
// Allocate_Grid
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Allocate_Grid (void)
// Allocate the per-vertex arrays
GridNormals = new Vector3[GridPointCount];
Grid = new Vector3[GridPointCount];
VertexColors = new Vector3[GridPointCount];
// Initialize the vertex color array to white
for (int index = 0; index < GridPointCount; index ++) {
VertexColors[index].Set (1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
// Allocate and initiailze the array of quad flags
int quad_count = (GridPointsX - 1) * (GridPointsY - 1);
QuadFlags = new uint8[quad_count];
::memset (QuadFlags, 0, sizeof (uint8) * quad_count);
AreBuffersDirty = true;
return ;
// Free_Grid
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Free_Grid (void)
if (Grid != NULL) {
delete [] Grid;
Grid = NULL;
if (GridNormals != NULL) {
delete [] GridNormals;
GridNormals = NULL;
if (VertexColors != NULL) {
delete [] VertexColors;
VertexColors = NULL;
if (QuadFlags != NULL) {
delete [] QuadFlags;
QuadFlags = NULL;
Free_Materials ();
BoundingBoxMin.Z = 0;
BoundingBoxMax.Z = 0;
Density = 1.0F;
GridPointsX = 0;
GridPointsY = 0;
GridPointCount = 0;
return ;
// Render
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Render (RenderInfoClass &rinfo)
// Make sure our vertex and index buffers are up to date.
if (AreBuffersDirty) {
Update_Rendering_Buffers ();
AreBuffersDirty = false;
if (IsPreLit) {
BaseMaterial->Set_Ambient_Color_Source (VertexMaterialClass::COLOR1);
BaseMaterial->Set_Diffuse_Color_Source (VertexMaterialClass::COLOR1);
// Install the mesh'es transform. NOTE, this could go wrong if someone changes the
// transform between the time that the mesh is rendered and the time that the decal
// mesh is rendered... It shouldn't happen though.
DX8Wrapper::Set_Transform (D3DTS_WORLD, Get_Transform ());
if (rinfo.light_environment != NULL) {
DX8Wrapper::Set_Light_Environment (rinfo.light_environment);
// If the object's inherent materials are not disabled, render the terrain
if ((rinfo.Current_Override_Flags() & RenderInfoClass::RINFO_OVERRIDE_ADDITIONAL_PASSES_ONLY) == 0)
// Render the base passes first
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
Render_By_Texture (index, RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_BASE);
// Do a "z-bias" to offset the alpha polys by just a teeny bit. This
// avoids any z-fighting issues with the different passes.
//DX8Wrapper::Set_Pseudo_ZBias (1);
// Next render the alpha passes
for (index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
Render_By_Texture (index, RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_ALPHA);
// Render the procedural material passes
for (int i=0; i<rinfo.Additional_Pass_Count(); i++) {
MaterialPassClass * matpass = rinfo.Peek_Additional_Pass(i);
// Reset the z-bias
//DX8Wrapper::Set_Pseudo_ZBias (0);
// Reset the z-bias
//DX8Wrapper::Set_DX8_ZBias (0);
return ;
// Render_Procedural_Material_Pass
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Render_Procedural_Material_Pass(MaterialPassClass * matpass)
#if 0
if ((pass->Get_Cull_Volume() != NULL) && (MaterialPassClass::Is_Per_Polygon_Culling_Enabled())) {
** Generate the APT
Matrix3D modeltminv;
OBBoxClass localbox;
Vector3 view_dir;
view_dir = -view_dir;
if (Model->Has_Cull_Tree()) {
} else {
if (temp_apt.Count() > 0) {
int buftype = BUFFER_TYPE_DYNAMIC_DX8;
if (Model->Get_Flag(MeshGeometryClass::SORT) && WW3D::Is_Sorting_Enabled()) {
** Spew triangles in the APT into the dynamic index buffer
int min_v = Model->Get_Vertex_Count();
int max_v = 0;
DynamicIBAccessClass dynamic_ib(buftype,temp_apt.Count() * 3);
DynamicIBAccessClass::WriteLockClass lock(&dynamic_ib);
unsigned short * indices = lock.Get_Index_Array();
const TriIndex * polys = Model->Get_Polygon_Array();
for (int i=0; i < temp_apt.Count(); i++)
unsigned v0 = polys[temp_apt[i]].I;
unsigned v1 = polys[temp_apt[i]].J;
unsigned v2 = polys[temp_apt[i]].K;
indices[i*3 + 0] = (unsigned short)v0;
indices[i*3 + 1] = (unsigned short)v1;
indices[i*3 + 2] = (unsigned short)v2;
min_v = WWMath::Min(v0,min_v);
min_v = WWMath::Min(v1,min_v);
min_v = WWMath::Min(v2,min_v);
max_v = WWMath::Max(v0,max_v);
max_v = WWMath::Max(v1,max_v);
max_v = WWMath::Max(v2,max_v);
** Render
int vertex_offset = PolygonRendererList.Peek_Head()->Get_Vertex_Offset();
} else {
** Normal mesh case, render polys with this mesh's transform
// Render the base passes first
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
Submit_Rendering_Buffers (index, RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_BASE);
// Alias some data
DynamicVectorClass<int> &vert_list = MaterialPassList[index]->VertexRenderList[RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_BASE];
DynamicVectorClass<int> &quad_list = MaterialPassList[index]->QuadList[RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_BASE];
// Determine how many polygons and verts to render
int quad_count = quad_list.Count ();
int vert_count = vert_list.Count ();
int poly_count = quad_count * 2;
// Draw the mesh!
DX8Wrapper::Draw_Triangles (BUFFER_TYPE_DYNAMIC_DX8, 0, poly_count, 0, vert_count);
// }
// Submit_Rendering_Buffers
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Submit_Rendering_Buffers (int texture_index, int pass_type)
// Don't render this layer if there isn't anything to render!
if ( MaterialPassList[texture_index]->VertexBuffers[pass_type] == NULL ||
MaterialPassList[texture_index]->IndexBuffers[pass_type] == NULL)
return ;
// Set vertex and index buffers
DX8Wrapper::Set_Vertex_Buffer (MaterialPassList[texture_index]->VertexBuffers[pass_type]);
DX8Wrapper::Set_Index_Buffer (MaterialPassList[texture_index]->IndexBuffers[pass_type], 0);
return ;
// Render_By_Texture
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Render_By_Texture (int texture_index, int pass_type)
// Don't render this layer if there isn't anything to render!
if ( MaterialPassList[texture_index]->VertexBuffers[pass_type] == NULL ||
MaterialPassList[texture_index]->IndexBuffers[pass_type] == NULL)
return ;
// Pass the vertex and index buffers onto DX8
Submit_Rendering_Buffers (texture_index, pass_type);
// Configure the texture
DX8Wrapper::Set_Texture (0, MaterialPassList[texture_index]->Material->Peek_Texture ());
DX8Wrapper::Set_Texture (1, NULL);
// Configure the material and shader
if (pass_type == RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_BASE) {
DX8Wrapper::Set_Material (BaseMaterial);
DX8Wrapper::Set_Shader (BaseShader);
} else {
DX8Wrapper::Set_Material (LayerMaterial);
DX8Wrapper::Set_Shader (LayerShader);
// Alias some data
DynamicVectorClass<int> &vert_list = MaterialPassList[texture_index]->VertexRenderList[pass_type];
DynamicVectorClass<int> &quad_list = MaterialPassList[texture_index]->QuadList[pass_type];
// Determine how many polygons and verts to render
int quad_count = quad_list.Count ();
int vert_count = vert_list.Count ();
int poly_count = quad_count * 2;
// Draw the mesh!
DX8Wrapper::Draw_Triangles (BUFFER_TYPE_DYNAMIC_DX8, 0, poly_count, 0, vert_count);
return ;
// Free_Rendering_Buffers
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Free_Rendering_Buffers (void)
// Free each rendering layer
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
for (int pass = 0; pass < RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_COUNT; pass ++) {
REF_PTR_RELEASE (MaterialPassList[index]->IndexBuffers[pass]);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (MaterialPassList[index]->VertexBuffers[pass]);
return ;
// Update_Rendering_Buffers
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Update_Rendering_Buffers (void)
Free_Rendering_Buffers ();
// Build the rendering buffers for each layer
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
Build_Rendering_Buffers (index, RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_BASE);
Build_Rendering_Buffers (index, RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_ALPHA);
return ;
// Build_Rendering_Buffers
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Build_Rendering_Buffers (int texture_index, int pass_type)
// Alias some data
RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass *material_pass = MaterialPassList[texture_index];
DynamicVectorClass<int> &vert_list = material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass_type];
DynamicVectorClass<int> &quad_list = material_pass->QuadList[pass_type];
int *vertex_index_map = material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass_type];
// Determine the size of our data
int quad_count = quad_list.Count ();
int vert_count = vert_list.Count ();
int poly_count = quad_count * 2;
// Don't build the buffers if there's nothing to render in this layer
if (poly_count == 0 || vert_count == 0) {
return ;
// Allocate the vertex and index buffers
material_pass->IndexBuffers[pass_type] = new DX8IndexBufferClass (poly_count * 3);
material_pass->VertexBuffers[pass_type] = new DX8VertexBufferClass (DX8_FVF_XYZNDUV1, vert_count);
// Write index data to index buffers
{ // scope for lock
int col_count = (GridPointsX - 1);
// Lock the index buffer
IndexBufferClass::WriteLockClass lock (material_pass->IndexBuffers[pass_type]);
unsigned short * indices = lock.Get_Index_Array();
// Now, compose the triangles by indexing the verts into the vertex buffer
int ib_index = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < quad_count; index ++) {
// Determine which quad we're rendering
int quad_index = quad_list[index];
int quad_y_pos = (quad_index / col_count);
int quad_x_pos = quad_index - (quad_y_pos * col_count);
// Determine the "starting" vertex index from the current quad
int curr_src_index = (quad_y_pos * GridPointsX) + quad_x_pos;
// Calculate the 4 vertex indices that compose this quad
int v0_index = curr_src_index;
int v1_index = curr_src_index + 1;
int v2_index = curr_src_index + GridPointsX + 1;
int v3_index = curr_src_index + GridPointsX;
// Add the current quad to the index buffer
indices[ib_index ++] = (unsigned short)vertex_index_map[v0_index];
indices[ib_index ++] = (unsigned short)vertex_index_map[v2_index];
indices[ib_index ++] = (unsigned short)vertex_index_map[v3_index];
indices[ib_index ++] = (unsigned short)vertex_index_map[v2_index];
indices[ib_index ++] = (unsigned short)vertex_index_map[v0_index];
indices[ib_index ++] = (unsigned short)vertex_index_map[v1_index];
} // end scope for lock
const Vector3 white (1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
// Lock the vertex buffer
VertexBufferClass::WriteLockClass lock (material_pass->VertexBuffers[pass_type]);
VertexFormatXYZNDUV1 *vertices = (VertexFormatXYZNDUV1 *)lock.Get_Vertex_Array ();
// Specify some default values
const static Vector3 default_normal (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
const static Vector2 default_uv (0.0F, 0.0F);
// Write each vertex's definition to the dynamic vertex buffer
for (int index = 0; index < vert_count; index ++) {
int vert_index = vert_list[index];
// Set the vertex position and normal
vertices[index].x = Grid[vert_index].X;
vertices[index].y = Grid[vert_index].Y;
vertices[index].z = Grid[vert_index].Z;
vertices[index].nx = GridNormals[vert_index].X;
vertices[index].ny = GridNormals[vert_index].Y;
vertices[index].nz = GridNormals[vert_index].Z;
// Set the UV mapping
vertices[index].u1 = material_pass->GridUVs[vert_index].X;
vertices[index].v1 = material_pass->GridUVs[vert_index].Y;
// Set the vertex color
if (pass_type == RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_BASE) {
vertices[index].diffuse = DX8Wrapper::Convert_Color (VertexColors[vert_index], 1.0F);
} else {
// Compose a vertex color using the vertex alpha
float alpha = material_pass->VertexAlpha[vert_index];
vertices[index].diffuse = DX8Wrapper::Convert_Color (VertexColors[vert_index], alpha);
return ;
// Initialize_Material
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Initialize_Material (void)
// Allocate the vertex material
WWASSERT (BaseMaterial == NULL);
BaseMaterial = NEW_REF(VertexMaterialClass, ());
BaseMaterial->Set_Ambient (1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
BaseMaterial->Set_Diffuse (1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
BaseMaterial->Set_Specular (0, 0, 0);
BaseMaterial->Set_Emissive (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
BaseMaterial->Set_Opacity (1.0F);
BaseMaterial->Set_Shininess (0.0F);
BaseMaterial->Set_Lighting (true);
LayerMaterial = NEW_REF(VertexMaterialClass, ());
LayerMaterial->Set_Ambient (1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
LayerMaterial->Set_Diffuse (1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
LayerMaterial->Set_Specular (0, 0, 0);
LayerMaterial->Set_Emissive (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
LayerMaterial->Set_Opacity (1.0F);
LayerMaterial->Set_Shininess (0.0F);
LayerMaterial->Set_Lighting (true);
LayerMaterial->Set_Ambient_Color_Source (VertexMaterialClass::COLOR1);
LayerMaterial->Set_Diffuse_Color_Source (VertexMaterialClass::COLOR1);
// Initialize the shader
BaseShader = ShaderClass::_PresetOpaqueShader;
LayerShader = ShaderClass::_PresetAlphaShader;
return ;
// Free_Materials
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Free_Materials (void)
// Free each material pass
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
delete MaterialPassList[index];
MaterialPassList.Delete_All ();
return ;
// Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Sphere
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Sphere (SphereClass &sphere) const
float delta_x = BoundingBoxMax.X - BoundingBoxMin.X;
float delta_y = BoundingBoxMax.Y - BoundingBoxMin.Y;
float delta_z = BoundingBoxMax.Z - BoundingBoxMin.Z;
sphere.Center.X = BoundingBoxMin.X + (delta_x * 0.5F);
sphere.Center.Y = BoundingBoxMin.Y + (delta_y * 0.5F);
sphere.Center.Z = BoundingBoxMin.Z + (delta_z * 0.5F);
// Determine which radius to use as the largest delta
sphere.Radius = max (delta_x, delta_y);
sphere.Radius = max (sphere.Radius, delta_z);
sphere.Radius += 1.0F;
//sphere.Radius *= 2.0F;
// sphere.Center.Set (0, 0, 0);
// sphere.Radius = 1000.0F;
return ;
// Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Box
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Box (AABoxClass &box) const
float delta_x = BoundingBoxMax.X - BoundingBoxMin.X;
float delta_y = BoundingBoxMax.Y - BoundingBoxMin.Y;
float delta_z = BoundingBoxMax.Z - BoundingBoxMin.Z;
box.Center.X = BoundingBoxMin.X + (delta_x * 0.5F);
box.Center.Y = BoundingBoxMin.Y + (delta_y * 0.5F);
box.Center.Z = BoundingBoxMin.Z + (delta_z * 0.5F);
// Fill in the extents of this box (really they are half-extents)
box.Extent.X = (delta_x) + 1.0F;
box.Extent.Y = (delta_y) + 1.0F;
box.Extent.Z = (delta_z) + 1.0F;
// box.Center.Set (0, 0, 0);;
// box.Extent.Set (500.0F, 500.0F, 500.0F);
return ;
// Cast_OBBox
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Cast_OBBox (OBBoxCollisionTestClass &boxtest)
// Skip this object if it doesn't match the collision type
if ((Get_Collision_Type() & boxtest.CollisionType) == 0) {
return false;
if (boxtest.Result->StartBad) {
return false;
// Get the world to object space transform
Matrix3D world_to_obj_tm;
Get_Inverse_Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
// Transform the OBBox into heightfield space
OBBoxClass obj_space_box;
OBBoxClass::Transform (world_to_obj_tm, boxtest.Box, &obj_space_box);
// Transform the movement vector into heightfield space
Vector3 obj_space_move = world_to_obj_tm * boxtest.Move;
// Create a new coliision box test object in heightfield space
OBBoxCollisionTestClass obj_space_test (obj_space_box, obj_space_move,
boxtest.Result, boxtest.CollisionType);
// Calculate what grid cells this box is "possibly" intersecting
int min_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (obj_space_test.SweepMin.X);
int min_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (obj_space_test.SweepMin.Y);
int max_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (obj_space_test.SweepMax.X);
int max_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (obj_space_test.SweepMax.Y);
int closest_index = 0;
// Now check all the quads in this region
bool retval = false;
for (int y_pos = min_y; y_pos <= max_y; y_pos ++) {
for (int x_pos = min_x; x_pos <= max_x; x_pos ++) {
int start_index = Grid_Index (x_pos, y_pos);
int v0_index = start_index;
int v1_index = start_index + 1;
int v2_index = start_index + GridPointsX + 1;
int v3_index = start_index + GridPointsX;
// Compose the two triangles for the collision check
TriClass tri1;
TriClass tri2;
Vector3 norm1 (0, 0, 0);
Vector3 norm2 (0, 0, 0);
tri1.N = &norm1;
tri2.N = &norm2;
tri1.V[0] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri1.V[1] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri1.V[2] = &Grid[v3_index];
tri2.V[0] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri2.V[1] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri2.V[2] = &Grid[v1_index];
tri1.Compute_Normal ();
tri2.Compute_Normal ();
// Do the collision test to determine if the box intersects either of these triangles
float percent = obj_space_test.Result->Fraction;
retval |= CollisionMath::Collide (obj_space_test.Box, obj_space_test.Move, tri1, Vector3 (0, 0, 0), obj_space_test.Result);
retval |= CollisionMath::Collide (obj_space_test.Box, obj_space_test.Move, tri2, Vector3 (0, 0, 0), obj_space_test.Result);
// Is this the closest collision yet?
if (obj_space_test.Result->Fraction < percent) {
closest_index = v0_index;
// Make sure to return our pointer to the caller
if (retval) {
// Determine which surface type was hit
if (MaterialPassList.Count () > 0) {
int best_pass = 0;
float best_alpha = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
float alpha = MaterialPassList[index]->VertexAlpha[closest_index];
if (alpha > best_alpha && alpha != 1.0F) {
best_alpha = alpha;
best_pass = index;
if (MaterialPassList[best_pass]->Material != NULL) {
boxtest.Result->SurfaceType = MaterialPassList[best_pass]->Material->Get_Surface_Type ();
// Transform the result back into world-space
if (boxtest.Result->ComputeContactPoint) {
boxtest.Result->ContactPoint = Get_Transform () * boxtest.Result->ContactPoint;
boxtest.CollidedRenderObj = this;
return retval;
// Intersect_AABox
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Intersect_AABox (AABoxIntersectionTestClass &boxtest)
// Skip this object if it doesn't match the collision type
if ((Get_Collision_Type() & boxtest.CollisionType) == 0) {
return false;
// First, transform the box into heightfield (object) space
Matrix3D world_to_obj_tm;
Get_Inverse_Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
AABoxClass obj_space_box;
AABoxClass::Transform (world_to_obj_tm, boxtest.Box, &obj_space_box);
// Calculate what grid cells this box is "possibly" intersecting
int min_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (obj_space_box.Center.X - obj_space_box.Extent.X);
int min_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (obj_space_box.Center.Y - obj_space_box.Extent.Y);
int max_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (obj_space_box.Center.X + obj_space_box.Extent.X);
int max_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (obj_space_box.Center.Y + obj_space_box.Extent.Y);
// Now check all the quads in this region
bool retval = false;
for (int y_pos = min_y; y_pos <= max_y; y_pos ++) {
for (int x_pos = min_x; x_pos <= max_x; x_pos ++) {
int start_index = Grid_Index (x_pos, y_pos);
int quad_index = y_pos * (GridPointsX - 1) + x_pos;
// Skip this quad if its hidden
if (QuadFlags[quad_index] & QF_HIDDEN) {
int v0_index = start_index;
int v1_index = start_index + 1;
int v2_index = start_index + GridPointsX + 1;
int v3_index = start_index + GridPointsX;
// Compose the two triangles for the collision check
TriClass tri1;
TriClass tri2;
Vector3 norm1 (0, 0, 0);
Vector3 norm2 (0, 0, 0);
tri1.N = &norm1;
tri2.N = &norm2;
tri1.V[0] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri1.V[1] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri1.V[2] = &Grid[v3_index];
tri2.V[0] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri2.V[1] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri2.V[2] = &Grid[v1_index];
tri1.Compute_Normal ();
tri2.Compute_Normal ();
// Do the collision test to determine if the box intersects either of these triangles
retval |= (CollisionMath::Overlap_Test (obj_space_box, tri1) != CollisionMath::OUTSIDE);
retval |= (CollisionMath::Overlap_Test (obj_space_box, tri2) != CollisionMath::OUTSIDE);
// Make sure to return our pointer to the caller
/*if (retval) {
boxtest.CollidedRenderObj = this;
return retval;
// Intersect_OBBox
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Intersect_OBBox (OBBoxIntersectionTestClass &boxtest)
// Skip this object if it doesn't match the collision type
if ((Get_Collision_Type() & boxtest.CollisionType) == 0) {
return false;
// First, transform the box into heightfield (object) space
Matrix3D world_to_obj_tm;
Get_Inverse_Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
OBBoxClass obj_space_box;
OBBoxClass::Transform (world_to_obj_tm, boxtest.Box, &obj_space_box);
OBBoxIntersectionTestClass obj_space_test (obj_space_box, boxtest.CollisionType);
const AABoxClass &obj_space_aabox = obj_space_test.BoundingBox;
// Calculate what grid cells this box is "possibly" intersecting
int min_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (obj_space_aabox.Center.X - obj_space_aabox.Extent.X);
int min_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (obj_space_aabox.Center.Y - obj_space_aabox.Extent.Y);
int max_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (obj_space_aabox.Center.X + obj_space_aabox.Extent.X);
int max_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (obj_space_aabox.Center.Y + obj_space_aabox.Extent.Y);
// Now check all the quads in this region
bool retval = false;
for (int y_pos = min_y; y_pos <= max_y; y_pos ++) {
for (int x_pos = min_x; x_pos <= max_x; x_pos ++) {
int start_index = Grid_Index (x_pos, y_pos);
int v0_index = start_index;
int v1_index = start_index + 1;
int v2_index = start_index + GridPointsX + 1;
int v3_index = start_index + GridPointsX;
// Compose the two triangles for the collision check
TriClass tri1;
TriClass tri2;
Vector3 norm1 (0, 0, 0);
Vector3 norm2 (0, 0, 0);
tri1.N = &norm1;
tri2.N = &norm2;
tri1.V[0] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri1.V[1] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri1.V[2] = &Grid[v3_index];
tri2.V[0] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri2.V[1] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri2.V[2] = &Grid[v1_index];
tri1.Compute_Normal ();
tri2.Compute_Normal ();
// Do the collision test to determine if the box intersects either of these triangles
retval |= (CollisionMath::Overlap_Test (obj_space_box, tri1) != CollisionMath::OUTSIDE);
retval |= (CollisionMath::Overlap_Test (obj_space_box, tri2) != CollisionMath::OUTSIDE);
// Make sure to return our pointer to the caller
/*if (retval) {
boxtest.CollidedRenderObj = this;
return retval;
// Cast_AABox
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Cast_AABox (AABoxCollisionTestClass &boxtest)
// Skip this object if it doesn't match the collision type
if ((Get_Collision_Type() & boxtest.CollisionType) == 0) {
return false;
if (boxtest.Result->StartBad) {
return false;
// First, transform the boxtest into heightfield (object) space
Matrix3D world_to_obj_tm;
Get_Inverse_Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
boxtest.Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
// Calculate what grid cells this box is "possibly" intersecting
int min_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (boxtest.SweepMin.X);
int min_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (boxtest.SweepMin.Y);
int max_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (boxtest.SweepMax.X);
int max_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (boxtest.SweepMax.Y);
int closest_index = 0;
// Now check all the quads in this region
bool retval = false;
for (int y_pos = min_y; y_pos <= max_y; y_pos ++) {
for (int x_pos = min_x; x_pos <= max_x; x_pos ++) {
int start_index = Grid_Index (x_pos, y_pos);
int quad_index = y_pos * (GridPointsX - 1) + x_pos;
// Skip this quad if its hidden
if (QuadFlags[quad_index] & QF_HIDDEN) {
int v0_index = start_index;
int v1_index = start_index + 1;
int v2_index = start_index + GridPointsX + 1;
int v3_index = start_index + GridPointsX;
// Compose the two triangles for the collision check
TriClass tri1;
TriClass tri2;
Vector3 norm1 (0, 0, 0);
Vector3 norm2 (0, 0, 0);
tri1.N = &norm1;
tri2.N = &norm2;
tri1.V[0] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri1.V[1] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri1.V[2] = &Grid[v3_index];
tri2.V[0] = &Grid[v2_index];
tri2.V[1] = &Grid[v0_index];
tri2.V[2] = &Grid[v1_index];
tri1.Compute_Normal ();
tri2.Compute_Normal ();
// Do the collision test to determine if the box intersects either of these triangles
float percent = boxtest.Result->Fraction;
retval |= CollisionMath::Collide (boxtest.Box, boxtest.Move, tri1, boxtest.Result);
retval |= CollisionMath::Collide (boxtest.Box, boxtest.Move, tri2, boxtest.Result);
// Is this the closest collision yet?
if (boxtest.Result->Fraction < percent) {
closest_index = v0_index;
// Make sure to return our pointer to the caller
if (retval) {
// Determine which surface type was hit
if (MaterialPassList.Count () > 0) {
int best_pass = 0;
float best_alpha = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
float alpha = MaterialPassList[index]->VertexAlpha[closest_index];
if (alpha > best_alpha && alpha != 1.0F) {
best_alpha = alpha;
best_pass = index;
if (MaterialPassList[best_pass]->Material != NULL) {
boxtest.Result->SurfaceType = MaterialPassList[best_pass]->Material->Get_Surface_Type ();
// Transform the result back into world-space
boxtest.Transform (Get_Transform ());
boxtest.CollidedRenderObj = this;
return retval;
// Cast_Ray
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Cast_Ray (RayCollisionTestClass &raytest)
// Skip this object if it doesn't match the collision type
if ( (Get_Collision_Type() & raytest.CollisionType) == 0 ||
return false;
bool retval = false;
#if 0
CastResultStruct temp_result = (*raytest.Result);
retval = Brute_Force_Cast_Ray (raytest);
static bool do_it = false;
if (do_it) {
CastResultStruct brute_result = (*raytest.Result);
(*raytest.Result) = temp_result;
bool retval2 = Cast_Non_Vertical_Ray (raytest);
if (do_it && (retval != retval2 || brute_result.Fraction != raytest.Result->Fraction)) {
(*raytest.Result) = temp_result;
goto do_it_start;
retval = Cast_Non_Vertical_Ray (raytest);
// Test for completely vertical ray
/*if ( raytest.Ray.Get_DP ().X == 0.0F &&
raytest.Ray.Get_DP ().Y == 0.0F)
retval = Cast_Vertical_Ray (raytest);
} else {
retval = Cast_Non_Vertical_Ray (raytest);
return retval;
// Cast_Vertical_Ray
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Cast_Vertical_Ray (RayCollisionTestClass &raytest)
// Sanity check
if (raytest.Ray.Get_DP ().Z == 0) {
return false;
bool retval = false;
// First, transform the ray into heightfield (object) space
Matrix3D world_to_obj_tm;
Get_Inverse_Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
const Vector3 &world_p0 = raytest.Ray.Get_P0 ();
const Vector3 &world_p1 = raytest.Ray.Get_P1 ();
Vector3 p0;
Vector3 p1;
Matrix3D::Transform_Vector (world_to_obj_tm, world_p0, &p0);
Matrix3D::Transform_Vector (world_to_obj_tm, world_p1, &p1);
// Build a line segement from the transformed points that we'll use later
// for collision detection.
LineSegClass line_seg (p0, p1);
// Is this point somewhere over or under the grid?
if ( p0.X >= BoundingBoxMin.X && p0.Y >= BoundingBoxMin.Y &&
p0.X <= BoundingBoxMax.X && p0.Y <= BoundingBoxMax.Y)
int quad_index_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (p0.X);
int quad_index_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (p0.Y);
// Simply test this quad to see if the ray collides with it...
retval = Collide_Quad (line_seg, quad_index_x, quad_index_y, *raytest.Result);
return retval;
// Brute_Force_Cast_Ray
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Brute_Force_Cast_Ray (RayCollisionTestClass &raytest)
bool retval = false;
// First, transform the ray into heightfield (object) space
Matrix3D world_to_obj_tm;
Get_Inverse_Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
const Vector3 &world_p0 = raytest.Ray.Get_P0 ();
const Vector3 &world_p1 = raytest.Ray.Get_P1 ();
Vector3 p0;
Vector3 p1;
Matrix3D::Transform_Vector (world_to_obj_tm, world_p0, &p0);
Matrix3D::Transform_Vector (world_to_obj_tm, world_p1, &p1);
// Build a line segement from the transformed points that we'll use later
// for collision detection.
LineSegClass line_seg (p0, p1);
// Now check all the quads in this region
for (int y_pos = 0; y_pos < (GridPointsY-1); y_pos ++) {
for (int x_pos = 0; x_pos < (GridPointsX-1); x_pos ++) {
int quad_index = y_pos * (GridPointsX - 1) + x_pos;
// Skip this quad if its hidden
if (QuadFlags[quad_index] & QF_HIDDEN) {
Collide_Quad (line_seg, x_pos, y_pos, *raytest.Result);
if (retval) {
raytest.CollidedRenderObj = this;
return retval;
// Cast_Non_Vertical_Ray
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Cast_Non_Vertical_Ray (RayCollisionTestClass &raytest)
bool retval = false;
// First, transform the ray into heightfield (object) space
Matrix3D world_to_obj_tm;
Get_Inverse_Transform (world_to_obj_tm);
const Vector3 &world_p0 = raytest.Ray.Get_P0 ();
const Vector3 &world_p1 = raytest.Ray.Get_P1 ();
Vector3 p0;
Vector3 p1;
Matrix3D::Transform_Vector (world_to_obj_tm, world_p0, &p0);
Matrix3D::Transform_Vector (world_to_obj_tm, world_p1, &p1);
// Build a line segement from the transformed points that we'll use later
// for collision detection.
LineSegClass line_seg (p0, p1);
const Vector3 &delta_p = line_seg.Get_DP ();
// Calculate where on the grid we need to search
int start_cell_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (p0.X);
int start_cell_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (p0.Y);
int end_cell_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (p1.X);
int end_cell_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (p1.Y);
// Determine how many vertical grid lines to search
int x_inc = 1;
if (start_cell_x > end_cell_x) {
x_inc = -1;
// Determine how many horizontal grid lines to search
int y_inc = 1;
if (start_cell_y > end_cell_y) {
y_inc = -1;
int cells_x = ::abs (end_cell_x - start_cell_x);
int cells_y = ::abs (end_cell_y - start_cell_y);
// Determine if we need to offset the cell we're searching each
// time we stop at a vertical or horizontal grid intersection
int cell_x_offset = 0;
int cell_y_offset = 0;
if (x_inc > 0) {
cell_x_offset = -1;
if (y_inc > 0) {
cell_y_offset = -1;
CastResultStruct vertical_result = *(raytest.Result);
CastResultStruct horizontal_result = *(raytest.Result);
bool did_vertical_collide = false;
bool did_horizontal_collide = false;
// Now, determine what the actual starting and ending cell coordinates are...
Vector2i cell_coord_p0 (start_cell_x, start_cell_y);
Vector2i cell_coord_p1 (end_cell_x, end_cell_x);
if (delta_p.X != 0.0F) {
float clamped_p0_x = WWMath::Clamp (p0.X, BoundingBoxMin.X, BoundingBoxMax.X);
float clamped_p1_x = WWMath::Clamp (p1.X, BoundingBoxMin.X, BoundingBoxMax.X);
float clamped_p0_y = p0.Y + (delta_p.Y * ((clamped_p0_x - p0.X) / delta_p.X));
float clamped_p1_y = p0.Y + (delta_p.Y * ((clamped_p1_x - p0.X) / delta_p.X));
cell_coord_p0.Set (Get_Quad_Index_X (clamped_p0_x), Get_Quad_Index_Y (clamped_p0_y));
cell_coord_p1.Set (Get_Quad_Index_X (clamped_p1_x), Get_Quad_Index_Y (clamped_p1_y));
} else if (delta_p.Y != 0.0F) {
float clamped_p0_y = WWMath::Clamp (p0.Y, BoundingBoxMin.Y, BoundingBoxMax.Y);
float clamped_p1_y = WWMath::Clamp (p1.Y, BoundingBoxMin.Y, BoundingBoxMax.Y);
float clamped_p0_x = p0.X + (delta_p.X * ((clamped_p0_y - p0.Y) / delta_p.Y));
float clamped_p1_x = p0.X + (delta_p.X * ((clamped_p1_y - p0.Y) / delta_p.Y));
cell_coord_p0.Set (Get_Quad_Index_X (clamped_p0_x), Get_Quad_Index_Y (clamped_p0_y));
cell_coord_p1.Set (Get_Quad_Index_X (clamped_p1_x), Get_Quad_Index_Y (clamped_p1_y));
// Test quad of triangles in the starting cell to see if you need go no further.
if (Collide_Quad (line_seg, cell_coord_p0.I, cell_coord_p0.J, vertical_result)) {
did_vertical_collide = true;
} else {
// Test vertical grid lines first
if (delta_p.X != 0.0F) {
// Find the first intersection point moving along vertical grid lines
for (int curr_x = start_cell_x; cells_x >= 0; cells_x --, curr_x += x_inc) {
// Determine where the ray intersects this grid line
float x_pos = Get_Grid_Line_Pos_X (curr_x);
float percent = (x_pos - p0.X) / delta_p.X;
// Don't test the cell if its outside the range of the line segment
if (percent >= 0 && percent <= 1.0F) {
float y_pos = p0.Y + (delta_p.Y * percent);
// Now determine what grid cell this is
int cell_x = curr_x + cell_x_offset;
int cell_y = Get_Quad_Index_Y (y_pos, false);
if (Is_Valid_Quad (cell_x, cell_y)) {
// Test this quad to see if either of its triangles intersect
if (Collide_Quad (line_seg, cell_x, cell_y, vertical_result)) {
did_vertical_collide = true;
// Test horizontal grid lines next
if (delta_p.Y != 0.0F) {
// Find the first intersection point moving along horizontal grid lines
for (int curr_y = start_cell_y; cells_y >= 0; cells_y --, curr_y += y_inc) {
// Determine where the ray intersects this grid line
float y_pos = Get_Grid_Line_Pos_Y (curr_y);
float percent = (y_pos - p0.Y) / delta_p.Y;
// Don't test the cell if its outside the range of the line segment
if (percent >= 0 && percent <= 1.0F) {
float x_pos = p0.X + (delta_p.X * percent);
// Now determine what grid cell this is
int cell_y = curr_y + cell_y_offset;
int cell_x = Get_Quad_Index_X (x_pos, false);
if (Is_Valid_Quad (cell_x, cell_y)) {
// Test this quad to see if either of its triangles intersect
if (Collide_Quad (line_seg, cell_x, cell_y, horizontal_result)) {
did_horizontal_collide = true;
// Make sure to test the ending cell
if (did_vertical_collide == false && did_horizontal_collide == false) {
if (Collide_Quad (line_seg, cell_coord_p1.I, cell_coord_p1.J, vertical_result)) {
did_vertical_collide = true;
// Did either collide?
if (did_vertical_collide || did_horizontal_collide) {
retval = true;
// Determine which result was hit first
if (did_vertical_collide && did_horizontal_collide) {
// Both triangles intersected, so find the one that hit first.
if (vertical_result.Fraction < horizontal_result.Fraction) {
*(raytest.Result) = vertical_result;
} else {
*(raytest.Result) = horizontal_result;
} else if (did_vertical_collide) {
*(raytest.Result) = vertical_result;
} else {
*(raytest.Result) = horizontal_result;
return retval;
// Get_Factory
const PersistFactoryClass &
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Get_Factory (void) const
return _TerrainPatchFactory;
// Save
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Save (ChunkSaveClass &csave)
// Write the variables
csave.Begin_Chunk (CHUNKID_VARIABLES);
csave.End_Chunk ();
// Now, write out the "array" of heights
csave.Begin_Chunk (CHUNKID_HEIGHTS);
for (int index = 0; index < GridPointCount; index ++) {
csave.Write (&Grid[index].X, sizeof (float) * 3);
csave.End_Chunk ();
// Now, write out the "array" of normals
csave.Begin_Chunk (CHUNKID_NORMALS);
for (index = 0; index < GridPointCount; index ++) {
csave.Write (&GridNormals[index].X, sizeof (float) * 3);
csave.End_Chunk ();
// Now, write out the "array" of vertex colors
csave.Begin_Chunk (CHUNKID_VERTEX_COLORS);
for (index = 0; index < GridPointCount; index ++) {
csave.Write (&VertexColors[index].X, sizeof (float) * 3);
csave.End_Chunk ();
// Now, write out the array of quad flags
csave.Begin_Chunk (CHUNKID_QUAD_FLAGS);
int quad_count = (GridPointsX - 1) * (GridPointsY - 1);
csave.Write (QuadFlags, sizeof (uint8) * quad_count);
csave.End_Chunk ();
// Now, save each material layer
for (index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
// Don't save the material information if there' no material configured...
if (MaterialPassList[index]->Material != NULL) {
// Save this material layer to its own chunk
MaterialPassList[index]->Save (csave);
csave.End_Chunk ();
csave.End_Chunk ();
return true;
// Load
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Load (ChunkLoadClass &cload)
Free_Grid ();
while (cload.Open_Chunk ()) {
switch (cload.Cur_Chunk_ID ()) {
// Load all the variables from this chunk
Load_Variables (cload);
// Read the array of heights
for (int index = 0; index < GridPointCount; index ++) {
cload.Read (&Grid[index].X, sizeof (float) * 3);
// Read the array of normals
for (int index = 0; index < GridPointCount; index ++) {
cload.Read (&GridNormals[index].X, sizeof (float) * 3);
// Read the array of vertex colors
for (int index = 0; index < GridPointCount; index ++) {
cload.Read (&VertexColors[index].X, sizeof (float) * 3);
// Read the array of quad flags
int quad_count = (GridPointsX - 1) * (GridPointsY - 1);
cload.Read (QuadFlags, sizeof (uint8) * quad_count);
Load_Materials (cload);
cload.Close_Chunk ();
return true;
// Load_Variables
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Load_Variables (ChunkLoadClass &cload)
while (cload.Open_Micro_Chunk ()) {
switch (cload.Cur_Micro_Chunk_ID ()) {
// Read each of the microchunks
cload.Close_Micro_Chunk ();
// Allocate and initialize the grid and supporting data structures
Allocate_Grid ();
return ;
// Load_Materials
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Load_Materials (ChunkLoadClass &cload)
while (cload.Open_Chunk ()) {
switch (cload.Cur_Chunk_ID ()) {
// Create and load the material
RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass *material = new RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass;
material->Load (cload);
// Add the material to our list
MaterialPassList.Add (material);
cload.Close_Chunk ();
return ;
// Add_Material
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Add_Material (TerrainMaterialClass *material)
// Add a reference to the material
if (material != NULL) {
material->Add_Ref ();
// Allocate a new pass for this material
RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass *material_pass = new RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass;
material_pass->Allocate (GridPointCount);
material_pass->Material = material;
// Add this material
int retval = MaterialPassList.Count ();
MaterialPassList.Add (material_pass);
return retval;
// Reset_Material_Passes
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Reset_Material_Passes (void)
// Reset each of the materials
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
MaterialPassList[index]->Reset ();
return ;
// Update_UVs
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Update_UVs (void)
for (int y_pos = 0; y_pos < GridPointsY; y_pos ++) {
int start_index = (y_pos * GridPointsX);
for (int x_pos = 0; x_pos < GridPointsX; x_pos ++) {
// Calculate the UV coordinate for this texture at this vertex
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
if (MaterialPassList[index]->Material != NULL) {
float meters_per_texture = MaterialPassList[index]->Material->Get_Meters_Per_Tile ();
float u_value = Grid[start_index + x_pos].X / meters_per_texture;
float v_value = Grid[start_index + x_pos].Y / meters_per_texture;
// Handle mirrored UVs
if (MaterialPassList[index]->Material->Are_UVs_Mirrored ()) {
int u_int_value = WWMath::Float_To_Int_Floor (u_value);
int v_int_value = WWMath::Float_To_Int_Floor (v_value);
u_value = u_value - u_int_value;
v_value = v_value - v_int_value;
if (u_int_value & 1) {
u_value = 1.0F - u_value;
if (v_int_value & 1) {
v_value = 1.0F - v_value;
MaterialPassList[index]->GridUVs[start_index + x_pos].Set (u_value, v_value);
AreBuffersDirty = true;
return ;
// Update_Vertex_Render_Lists
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Update_Vertex_Render_Lists (void)
int col_count = GridPointsX - 1;
// Loop over each material layer
for (int index = 0; index < MaterialPassList.Count (); index ++) {
// Loop over each pass for this layer
RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass *material_pass = MaterialPassList[index];
for (int pass = 0; pass < RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass::PASS_COUNT; pass ++) {
// Loop over each quad that is rendered in this material pass
for (int quad_index = 0; quad_index < material_pass->QuadList[pass].Count (); quad_index ++) {
// Determine the coordinate for this quad
int real_quad_index = material_pass->QuadList[pass][quad_index];
int quad_y = (real_quad_index / col_count);
int quad_x = real_quad_index - (quad_y * col_count);
// Get the vertex indices that define the four corners of this quad
int curr_src_index = Grid_Index (quad_x, quad_y);
int v0_index = curr_src_index;
int v1_index = curr_src_index + 1;
int v2_index = curr_src_index + GridPointsX + 1;
int v3_index = curr_src_index + GridPointsX;
// Add the verts from this quad to the render list
if (material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v0_index] == -1) {
material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v0_index] = material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Count ();
material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Add (v0_index);
if (material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v1_index] == -1) {
material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v1_index] = material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Count ();
material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Add (v1_index);
if (material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v2_index] == -1) {
material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v2_index] = material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Count ();
material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Add (v2_index);
if (material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v3_index] == -1) {
material_pass->VertexIndexMap[pass][v3_index] = material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Count ();
material_pass->VertexRenderList[pass].Add (v3_index);
AreBuffersDirty = true;
return ;
// Peek_Material_Pass
RenegadeTerrainMaterialPassClass *
RenegadeTerrainPatchClass::Get_Material_Pass (int index, TerrainMaterialClass *material)
// Grow the list as necessary
while (index >= MaterialPassList.Count ()) {
Add_Material (NULL);
// Ensure the material is correct at this layer
if (MaterialPassList[index]->Material != material) {
REF_PTR_SET (MaterialPassList[index]->Material, material);
return MaterialPassList[index];