1229 lines
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1229 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : LevelEdit *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Tools/LevelEdit/VisPointGenerator.cpp $Modtime:: $*
* *
* $Revision:: 25 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vispointgenerator.h"
#include "cameramgr.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "meshmdl.h"
#include "vector3.h"
#include "vector3i.h"
#include "collisiongroups.h"
#include "sceneeditor.h"
#include "physcoltest.h"
#include "hittestinfo.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "obbox.h"
#include "vispointnode.h"
#include "nodemgr.h"
#include "staticphys.h"
// Constants
const float CEILING_CHECK_HEIGHT = 250.0F;
const float FLOOR_CHECK_HEIGHT = -250.0F;
const float MIN_CEILING_HEIGHT = 2.0F;
const float PERCENT_FROM_COLLISION = 0.75F;
const float DEF_POINT_RAISE_HEIGHT = 6.5F;
const float FLAT_FACE_NORMAL_MIN = 0.0F;
const float VIEWPLANE_BOX_HALF_DEPTH = 0.0005F;
const float DEF_VIS_SAMPLE_HEIGHT = 20.0F; // we sample up to 20 meters above the vis sector
const float VERTICAL_GRANULARITY = 5.0F; // granularity of sampling in the Z axis
const float DEF_CAM_SIM_POINT_COUNT = 32.0F;
const float CAMERA_SIM_RADIUS = 10.0F;
const char * VIS_BIAS_STRING = "visbias";
// VisPointGeneratorClass
VisPointGeneratorClass::VisPointGeneratorClass (float granularity)
: m_Granularity (granularity),
m_BaseGranularity (granularity),
m_IgnoreBias (false),
m_ViewPlaneExtent (0, 0, 0),
m_WorldToGridTM (1),
m_CurrentNode (NULL),
m_StatWindow (NULL),
m_pCameraSimOffsets (NULL),
m_CurrentPointList (NULL),
m_PolygonsProcessed (0),
m_TotalPoints (0),
m_CameraSimPointCount (DEF_CAM_SIM_POINT_COUNT),
m_CurrentCeilingHeight (DEF_POINT_RAISE_HEIGHT),
Initialize_Camera_Sim ();
double hfov = 0;
double vfov = 0;
float znear = 0;
float zfar = 0;
::Get_Scene_Editor ()->Get_Vis_Camera_FOV (hfov, vfov);
::Get_Scene_Editor ()->Get_Vis_Camera_Clip_Planes (znear, zfar);
// Calculate what the extents of a box would be if we
// extruded the view plane by one millimeter.
// Note: The extents are half-extents.
float y_dim = znear * ::tan (hfov / 2);
float z_dim = znear * ::tan (vfov / 2);
float max_dim = max (y_dim, z_dim);
max_dim += 0.001F;
m_ViewPlaneExtent.Set (max_dim, max_dim, max_dim);
return ;
// ~VisPointGeneratorClass
VisPointGeneratorClass::~VisPointGeneratorClass (void)
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY (m_pCameraSimOffsets);
// Free the memory associated with the per-node point list
for (int index = 0; index < m_PointList.Count (); index ++) {
VisPointListClass *sub_point_list = m_PointList[index];
SAFE_DELETE (sub_point_list);
m_PointList.Delete_All ();
return ;
// Is_Numerical
static inline bool
Is_Numerical (char ch)
return ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '-' || ch == '+' || ch == '.');
// Read_Float_Param
static bool
Read_Float_Param (LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR key, float *value)
bool retval = false;
// Attempt to find the 'key' in this text block
CString lowercase_text (text);
lowercase_text.MakeLower ();
LPCTSTR key_start = ::strstr (lowercase_text, key);
if (key_start != NULL) {
// Move past the key designator
LPCTSTR key_value = key_start + ::lstrlen (key);
// Skip whitespace
while (key_value[0] != 0 && key_value[0] == ' ') {
key_value ++;
if (key_value[0] == '=') {
key_value ++;
// Skip whitespace
while (key_value[0] != 0 && key_value[0] == ' ') {
key_value ++;
// Determine how much of the string we should convert
// to a number.
int index = 0;
while (::Is_Numerical (key_value[index ++])) ;
if (index > 1) {
// Convert the string to a float and return the value
// to the caller.
char *number_str = new char[index];
::lstrcpyn (number_str, key_value, index);
(*value) = ::atof (number_str);
delete [] number_str;
retval = true;
return retval;
// Determine_Granularity
VisPointGeneratorClass::Determine_Granularity (MeshClass &mesh)
// Default to the base granularity
m_Granularity = m_BaseGranularity;
// Should we use the vis-bias settings from the mesh?
if (m_IgnoreBias == false) {
// Check to see if this mesh uses a vis-bias parameter
float vis_bias = 1.0F;
CString user_text = mesh.Get_User_Text ();
if (::Read_Float_Param (user_text, VIS_BIAS_STRING, &vis_bias)) {
// Adjust the granularity based on the value of the
// VisBias setting.
m_Granularity = m_Granularity / vis_bias;
// Ensure the bias is inside an exceptable range
m_Granularity = max (m_Granularity, 0.1F);
m_Granularity = min (m_Granularity, 100.0F);
return ;
// Submit_Mesh
VisPointGeneratorClass::Submit_Mesh (MeshClass &mesh)
DWORD start_ticks = ::GetTickCount ();
// Make sure we use the right granularity for this mesh
Determine_Granularity (mesh);
// Create a grid we can use to effeciently build a list
// of vis points spaced 'granularity' meters apart.
AABoxClass box;
mesh.Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Box (box);
int cells_x = (int)fabs(((box.Extent.X * 2) / m_Granularity));
int cells_y = (int)fabs(((box.Extent.Y * 2) / m_Granularity));
int cells_z = (int)fabs((((box.Extent.Z * 2) + DEF_POINT_RAISE_HEIGHT) / m_Granularity));
m_Grid.Create_Grid (Vector3 (cells_x + 1, cells_y + 1, cells_z + 1), 0);
// Create a transformation matrix that can convert
// a vis-point from world space to 'grid' space.
Matrix3D object_tm = mesh.Get_Transform ();
object_tm.Get_Orthogonal_Inverse (m_WorldToGridTM);
Vector3 offset ( -(box.Center.X - box.Extent.X),
-(box.Center.Y - box.Extent.Y),
-(box.Center.Z - box.Extent.Z));
Vector3 pos = m_WorldToGridTM.Get_Translation ();
pos += offset;
m_WorldToGridTM.Set_Translation (pos);
// Get this mesh's polygon information
MeshModelClass *model = mesh.Get_Model ();
if (model != NULL) {
const TriIndex *poly_array = model->Get_Polygon_Array ();
const Vector3 *vertex_array = model->Get_Vertex_Array ();
const Vector4 *plane_array = model->Get_Plane_Array (true);
// Loop through all the polygons in the mesh
int poly_count = model->Get_Polygon_Count ();
for (int index = 0; index < poly_count; index ++) {
const TriIndex &poly_def = poly_array[index];
// Is this poly mostly flat?
if (plane_array[index].Z > FLAT_FACE_NORMAL_MIN) {
// Get the verticies that make up the triangle
Vector3 point1 = vertex_array[poly_def.I];
Vector3 point2 = vertex_array[poly_def.J];
Vector3 point3 = vertex_array[poly_def.K];
// Convert the points from obj-space to world space.
Matrix3D obj_tm = mesh.Get_Transform ();
point1 = obj_tm * point1;
point2 = obj_tm * point2;
point3 = obj_tm * point3;
// Determine what the center of the triangle is.
Vector3 center = (point1 + point2 + point3) / 3;
// Try to submit a vis point for vertex #1 of this triangle.
Find_Valid_Points (point1 + ((center-point1) * 0.1F), center, Matrix3(1), false);
// Try to submit a vis point for vertex #2 of this triangle.
Find_Valid_Points (point2 + ((center-point2) * 0.1F), center, Matrix3(1), false);
// Try to submit a vis point for vertex #3 of this triangle.
Find_Valid_Points (point3 + ((center-point3) * 0.1F), center, Matrix3(1), false);
// Recursively subdivide and submit center points
Subdivide_And_Submit_Centers (point1, point2, point3);
m_PolygonsProcessed ++;
//DWORD before_collection = ::GetTickCount ();
// Add all the vis points from the grid to the global list.
int cell_count = m_Grid.Get_Flat_Size ();
for (int cell = 0; cell < cell_count; cell ++) {
// Add the vis point from this cell to the list.
//Matrix3D *vis_point = m_Grid.Get_At_Flat (cell);
VisPointInfo *vis_point = m_Grid.Get_At_Flat (cell);
if (vis_point != NULL) {
// Allocate a new point list for this point
m_CurrentPointList = new VisPointListClass;
m_CurrentPointList->transform = vis_point->m_Transform;
m_CurrentPointList->sample_point = vis_point->m_Transform.Get_Translation ();
m_PointList.Add (m_CurrentPointList);
m_TotalPoints ++;
// Add 'sub-points' to this point list
if (vis_point->m_DoCameraRing) {
//Generate_Camera_Locations (vis_point->m_Transform);
// Convert the transform from an obj transform to a camera transform
Matrix3D world_to_cam_tm (Vector3 (0, -1, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 1), Vector3 (-1, 0, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 0));
m_CurrentPointList->transform = m_CurrentPointList->transform * world_to_cam_tm;
m_CurrentPointList->sample_point = m_CurrentPointList->transform.Get_Translation ();
// Free the grid-vis point
delete vis_point;
/*DWORD finished_ticks = ::GetTickCount ();
if (m_StatWindow != NULL) {
CString stats;
stats.Format ("Grid Size: %d, %d, %d.\nTotal Time: %d, Collection Time %d.",
m_Grid.Get_Cells_X (),
m_Grid.Get_Cells_Y (),
m_Grid.Get_Cells_Z (),
(finished_ticks - start_ticks),
(finished_ticks - before_collection));
SetWindowText (m_StatWindow, stats);
m_Grid.Free_Grid ();
return ;
// Subdivide_And_Submit_Centers
// submits the center point of the given triangle and recursively
// subdivides the triangle until it is smaller than the granularity
// value.
const Vector3 & point1,
const Vector3 & point2,
const Vector3 & point3
// submit the center point
Vector3 center = (point1 + point2 + point3) / 3.0f;
Find_Valid_Points (center, center, Matrix3(1), false);
// recurse if the edge lengths are greater than 2*granularity
float e0len = (point2 - point1).Length2();
float e1len = (point3 - point2).Length2();
float e2len = (point1 - point3).Length2();
float elen = m_Granularity * m_Granularity * 2.0f;
if ( (e0len > elen) || (e1len > elen) || (e2len > elen) ) {
// subdivide into four tris
Vector3 p12 = (point1 + point2) * 0.5f;
Vector3 p23 = (point2 + point3) * 0.5f;
Vector3 p31 = (point3 + point1) * 0.5f;
// Find_Valid_Point
const Vector3 &start,
const Vector3 &end,
const Matrix3 &orientation,
bool do_camera_ring
bool retval = false;
// Try a few different points along the line from [start, end].
const int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5;
// If the start and end point are very close together, only make
// one attempt.
int max_attempts = 5;
if ((end - start).Length() < 0.01f) {
max_attempts = 1;
for (int attempt = 0; (attempt < max_attempts) && !retval; attempt ++) {
// Build a transform to test along the provided line segment
float percent = ((float)attempt) / ((float)MAX_ATTEMPTS);
Vector3 position = start + ((end - start) * percent);
#if 0
// Check to make sure this vis-point isn't under a hill or mountain.
// If the vis-point's ceiling checks out, then raise the point up
// to the approximate camera height in the game.
float ceiling_dist = 0;
if ( Check_Ceiling (position, &ceiling_dist) &&
(ceiling_dist > MIN_CEILING_HEIGHT))
bool retval = true;
if (ceiling_dist < HEIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE) {
// The ceiling is low enough where we should just submit one point
retval &= Submit_Point (Matrix3D (position), do_camera_ring);
} else {
// The ceiling is high enough to try spreading points vertically
float delta_z = HEIGHT_SPREAD_DELTA;
while (retval && delta_z <= HEIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE) {
Vector3 point_pos = position;
point_pos.Z += delta_z;
retval &= Submit_Point (Matrix3D (point_pos), do_camera_ring);
// Search for the proper interval to sample above this sector.
// We search upwards for "floor" and "roof" polygons. We start above
// the highest floor encountered and sample up until we hit the lowest
// "roof" encountered.
// If any floor is encountered that is itself another vis sector, we don't
// generate sample points at this location for this vis sector.
bool done = false;
bool ok_to_sample = false;
Vector3 start_point(position.X,position.Y,position.Z + 0.001f);
Vector3 end_point(position.X,position.Y,position.Z + m_VisSampleHeight);
while (!done) {
CastResultStruct res;
LineSegClass ray (start_point, end_point);
raytest.CheckDynamicObjs = false;
::Get_Scene_Editor ()->Cast_Ray (raytest);
if (res.Fraction == 1.0f) {
done = true;
} else {
Vector3 point;
PhysClass *physobj = raytest.CollidedPhysObj;
bool is_vis_sector = (physobj->As_StaticPhysClass() && physobj->As_StaticPhysClass()->Is_Vis_Sector());
if ((is_vis_sector) || (res.Normal.Z < 0.0f)) {
// If we hit a roof or another vis sector, snap the end point down and signal that we're done
end_point.Z = point.Z;
ok_to_sample = true;
done = true;
} else {
// If we hit a floor (or anything else), "ratchet" up past that point
start_point.Z = point.Z + 0.001f;
// If we didn't find a roof within the VIS_SAMPLE_HEIGHT (20 meters)
// then we'll just do a sanity check to make sure we're not underneath a backface above
// the 20 meter sampling distance. The purpose of this is to try to avoid
// generating sample points that will have to be rejected. These types of points can
// easily be generated when a vis sector protrudes underneath a hill or something else big.
// If this check passes, then it is ok to sample.
if (!ok_to_sample) {
float dist = 0.0f;
ok_to_sample = Check_Ceiling(end_point,&dist);
// Now generate samples between start_point and end_point
if (ok_to_sample) {
retval = true;
Vector3 sample_point(start_point);
if (DEF_INDOOR_POINT_RAISE_HEIGHT < end_point.Z - sample_point.Z) {
} else {
sample_point.Z = end_point.Z - 0.1f;
while (sample_point.Z < end_point.Z) {
retval &= Submit_Point (Matrix3D(sample_point), do_camera_ring);
return retval;
// Check_Ceiling
// This method casts a ray straight up from the candiate vis-point
// and checks to see if the object it hits (if any) is a valid
// vis 'ceiling'. This makes sure we don't generate points that are
// inside of hills or mountains.
VisPointGeneratorClass::Check_Ceiling (const Vector3 &position, float *ceiling_dist)
bool retval = true;
// Build a ray from the given position up 100 meters in the air.
Vector3 start_point = position + Vector3 (0, 0, 0.001F);
Vector3 end_point = position + Vector3 (0, 0, CEILING_CHECK_HEIGHT);
LineSegClass ray (start_point, end_point);
// Cast the ray into the world and see what it hits.
CastResultStruct res;
::Get_Scene_Editor ()->Cast_Ray (raytest);
// Return how far above us the ceiling is.
if (ceiling_dist != NULL) {
(*ceiling_dist) = (res.Fraction * (end_point.Z - start_point.Z));
// Did we hit anything?
if (res.Fraction < 1.0F) {
// Get the physics object we hit
PhysClass *physobj = raytest.CollidedPhysObj;
if (physobj != NULL) {
// Check to see if the node we hit is a static tile. Otherwise
// we don't care about it.
/*HITTESTINFO *hittest = (HITTESTINFO *)physobj->Peek_Model ()->Get_User_Data ();
if ( (hittest != NULL) &&
(hittest->Type == HITTESTINFO::Node) &&
(hittest->node != NULL) &&
(hittest->node->Is_Static ()))*/
if (physobj->As_StaticPhysClass () != NULL) {
// If this polygon is facing up, then make sure it satisfies
// our 'ceiling' requirements for back-face polygons.
if ((res.Normal.Z > 0) &&
Is_Object_Invalid_Roof (physobj->Peek_Model ()))
retval = false;
return retval;
// Is_Grid_Cell_Empty
VisPointGeneratorClass::Is_Grid_Cell_Empty (const Vector3 &position)
Vector3 grid_pos = m_WorldToGridTM * position;
grid_pos.X = grid_pos.X / m_Granularity;
grid_pos.Y = grid_pos.Y / m_Granularity;
grid_pos.Z = grid_pos.Z / m_Granularity;
return (m_Grid.Get_At (grid_pos.X, grid_pos.Y, grid_pos.Z) == NULL);
// Submit_Point
const Matrix3D & vis_transform,
bool do_camera_ring
bool was_valid = true;
// Convert the world-space position of the matrix to the
// grid-space position.
Vector3 grid_pos = vis_transform.Get_Translation ();
grid_pos = m_WorldToGridTM * grid_pos;
grid_pos.X = grid_pos.X / m_Granularity;
grid_pos.Y = grid_pos.Y / m_Granularity;
grid_pos.Z = grid_pos.Z / m_Granularity;
grid_pos.X = WWMath::Clamp (grid_pos.X, 0, (float)(m_Grid.Get_Cells_X () - 1));
grid_pos.Y = WWMath::Clamp (grid_pos.Y, 0, (float)(m_Grid.Get_Cells_Y () - 1));
grid_pos.Z = WWMath::Clamp (grid_pos.Z, 0, (float)(m_Grid.Get_Cells_Z () - 1));
/*grid_pos.X = max (0.0F, grid_pos.X);
grid_pos.Y = max (0.0F, grid_pos.Y);
grid_pos.Z = max (0.0F, grid_pos.Z);
grid_pos.X = min (0.0F, grid_pos.X);
grid_pos.Y = min (0.0F, grid_pos.Y);
grid_pos.Z = min (0.0F, grid_pos.Z);*/
float half_gran = m_Granularity / 2;
Vector3 cell_center ((grid_pos.X * m_Granularity) + half_gran,
(grid_pos.Y * m_Granularity) + half_gran,
(grid_pos.Z * m_Granularity) + half_gran);
Matrix3D grid_to_world_tm;
m_WorldToGridTM.Get_Orthogonal_Inverse (grid_to_world_tm);
cell_center = grid_to_world_tm * cell_center;
float new_point_dist = (vis_transform.Get_Translation () - cell_center).Length ();
// Only insert the point into the grid if the grid cell is
// empty.
VisPointInfo *cell_contents = m_Grid.Get_At (grid_pos.X, grid_pos.Y, grid_pos.Z);
if ((cell_contents == NULL) ||
((cell_contents->m_Transform.Get_Translation () - cell_center).Length () > new_point_dist)) {
// See if the camera would intersect a wall if a vis point
// were positioned here.
was_valid = Do_View_Planes_Pass (vis_transform);
if (1 || was_valid) {
// Convert the world-space transform to a
// camera space transform.
//Matrix3D world_to_cam_tm (Vector3 (0, -1, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 1), Vector3 (-1, 0, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 0));
VisPointInfo *vis_info = new VisPointInfo;
vis_info->m_Transform = vis_transform;
vis_info->m_DoCameraRing = do_camera_ring;
// Insert this point into the grid
m_Grid.Set_At (grid_pos.X, grid_pos.Y, grid_pos.Z, vis_info);
SAFE_DELETE (cell_contents);
return was_valid;
// Do_View_Planes_Pass
// This method checks the view-plane in each of the six directions around
// the candidate point and determines if any of them intersect a 'wall'.
VisPointGeneratorClass::Do_View_Planes_Pass (const Matrix3D &vis_transform)
bool retval = true;
Vector3 center = vis_transform.Get_Translation ();
Matrix3 orig_basis (vis_transform);
// Loop through and test each of the 6 orienations
// of the view plane to make sure none of them intersect
// a 'wall'.
/*CastResultStruct result;
for (int index = 0; (index < VIS_RENDER_DIRECTIONS) && retval; index ++) {
// Build the orientation of the view-plane
Matrix3 basis = orig_basis;
basis.Rotate_X (VIS_RENDER_TABLE[index].X);
basis.Rotate_Y (VIS_RENDER_TABLE[index].Y);
basis.Rotate_Z (VIS_RENDER_TABLE[index].Z);*/
// Create a box representing the view plane
AABoxClass box (center, m_ViewPlaneExtent);
// Check to see if this viewplane 'box' collides
// with anything.
//result.Reset ();
CastResultStruct result;
PhysAABoxCollisionTestClass collision_test (box, Vector3(0,0,0), &result, GAME_COLLISION_GROUP, COLLISION_TYPE_ALL);
SceneEditorClass *scene = ::Get_Scene_Editor ();
scene->Cast_AABox (collision_test);
retval = (result.StartBad == false) && !(result.Fraction < 1.0F);
return retval;
// Test_Camera_Sim_Point
const Vector3 & start_point,
const Vector3 & end_point,
Matrix3D * transform_result,
NodeClass ** node_result
bool retval = false;
AABoxClass box (start_point, m_ViewPlaneExtent);
Vector3 sweep_vector = end_point - start_point;
// Check to see if the camera's 'box' collides with anything.
CastResultStruct result;
PhysAABoxCollisionTestClass collision_test (box, sweep_vector, &result, GAME_COLLISION_GROUP, COLLISION_TYPE_ALL);
SceneEditorClass *scene = ::Get_Scene_Editor ();
scene->Cast_AABox (collision_test);
// If we collided with an object, then move the sample point in a little...
Vector3 test_point = end_point;
if (result.Fraction < 1.0F) {
test_point = start_point + (sweep_vector * result.Fraction * PERCENT_FROM_COLLISION);
// Find the node this point lies over
NodeClass *node = Find_Floor_Node (test_point);
// If the point doesn't lie over the current node, then
// we've successfully found a new point.
if ((node != m_CurrentNode) && (node != NULL)) {
(*node_result) = node;
(*transform_result).Make_Identity ();
(*transform_result).Obj_Look_At (test_point, start_point, 0);
retval = true;
return retval;
// Find_Floor_Node
NodeClass *
VisPointGeneratorClass::Find_Floor_Node (const Vector3 &start_point)
NodeClass *node = NULL;
// Build a ray from the given position down 1000 meters
Vector3 end_point = start_point + Vector3 (0, 0, FLOOR_CHECK_HEIGHT);
LineSegClass ray (start_point, end_point);
// Cast the ray into the world and see what it hits.
CastResultStruct res;
PhysRayCollisionTestClass raytest (ray, &res, GAME_COLLISION_GROUP, COLLISION_TYPE_ALL);
::Get_Scene_Editor ()->Cast_Ray (raytest);
// Did we hit anything?
if (res.Fraction < 1.0F) {
// Get the physics object we hit
PhysClass *physobj = raytest.CollidedPhysObj;
if (physobj != NULL) {
// Check to see if the 'node' we hit is different then the node
// we are currently processing.
HITTESTINFO *hittest = (HITTESTINFO *)physobj->Peek_Model ()->Get_User_Data ();
if ( (hittest != NULL) &&
(hittest->Type == HITTESTINFO::Node))
// Pass the node we found back to the caller.
node = hittest->node;
return node;
// Is_Object_Invalid_Roof
// This method determines if it is valid for a vis-point to be generated
// underneath a given object.
// An object is considered 'invalid' for a vis-point's 'roof' if:
// - The mesh's polygons are visible.
// - The mesh's polygons are single-sided
// - The mesh's polygons can be physically collideable.
// - The mesh is marked for vis generation itself.
VisPointGeneratorClass::Is_Object_Invalid_Roof (RenderObjClass *render_obj)
bool retval = true;
// Loop through all the render object's sub-objects
int count = render_obj->Get_Num_Sub_Objects ();
for (int index = 0; (index < count) && retval; index ++) {
// Check this subobject
RenderObjClass *sub_object = render_obj->Get_Sub_Object (index);
if (sub_object != NULL) {
retval &= Is_Object_Invalid_Roof (sub_object);
MEMBER_RELEASE (sub_object);
// Is this render object a mesh?
if (render_obj->Class_ID () == RenderObjClass::CLASSID_MESH) {
MeshModelClass *model = ((MeshClass *)render_obj)->Get_Model ();
if (model != NULL) {
// The mesh is invalid if:
// a) The mesh's polys are single-sided AND
// b) The mesh is a vis-sector AND
// c) The mesh is physically collideable AND
// d) The mesh visible
retval &= (model->Get_Flag (MeshModelClass::TWO_SIDED) != MeshModelClass::TWO_SIDED);
//retval &= ((render_obj->Get_Collision_Type () & COLLISION_TYPE_VIS) == COLLISION_TYPE_VIS);
retval &= ((render_obj->Get_Collision_Type () & COLLISION_TYPE_PHYSICAL) == COLLISION_TYPE_PHYSICAL);
retval &= (render_obj->Is_Not_Hidden_At_All () != 0);
return retval;
// Initialize_Camera_Sim
VisPointGeneratorClass::Initialize_Camera_Sim (void)
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY (m_pCameraSimOffsets);
m_pCameraSimOffsets = new Vector3[m_CameraSimPointCount];
for (int index = 0; index < m_CameraSimPointCount; index ++) {
// Calculate an arbitrary number of points around a circle
// and store these 'offsets' in a vector array.
float angle = ((2 * 3.14159265359F) * index) / m_CameraSimPointCount;
float x = CAMERA_SIM_RADIUS * ::cos (angle);
float y = CAMERA_SIM_RADIUS * ::sin (angle);
m_pCameraSimOffsets[index] = Vector3 (y, -x, 0);
return ;
// Generate_Camera_Locations
// This method generates extra phantom vis-points for a given position to
// simulate areas the camera can be. These points are checked to see if
// they are over a different mesh. If they are over a different mesh,
// then the height information is used by the mesh when generating its
// vis-points;
VisPointGeneratorClass::Generate_Camera_Locations (const Matrix3D &real_vis_point)
Vector3 position = real_vis_point.Get_Translation ();
Matrix3D vis_point;
NodeClass * node;
CAMERA_SIM_POINTS *sim_points = new CAMERA_SIM_POINTS[m_CameraSimPointCount];
// Loop through each camera simulation point (they lie
// in a circle around the position)
for (int index = 0; index < m_CameraSimPointCount; index ++) {
// Build a ray from the given position down 1000 meters
Vector3 end_point = position + m_pCameraSimOffsets[index];
sim_points[index].vis_point.Make_Identity ();
sim_points[index].node = NULL;
// Test the point to see if lies over another mesh
Test_Camera_Sim_Point ( position,
// Now submit the 'middle' point of each node series
int start_index = 0;
NodeClass *current_node = NULL;
for (index = 0; index < m_CameraSimPointCount; index ++) {
// Has the node changed?
if ((sim_points[index].node != current_node) ||
(index == m_CameraSimPointCount - 1)) {
if (index > 0) {
// Attempt to find the 'middle' of the series
int middle_index = start_index + ((index - start_index) >> 1);
bool found = false;
int max = ((index - start_index) >> 1) + 1;
for (int offset = 0; (offset < max) && !found; offset ++) {
if (((middle_index + offset) < index) &&
(sim_points[middle_index + offset].node != NULL))
middle_index += offset;
found = true;
} else if (((middle_index - offset) >= start_index) &&
(sim_points[middle_index - offset].node != NULL))
middle_index -= offset;
found = true;
// Add the point to our list
if (found) {
// Convert the transform from an obj trasform to a camera transform
Matrix3D world_to_cam_tm (Vector3 (0, -1, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 1), Vector3 (-1, 0, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 0));
Matrix3D camera_tm = sim_points[middle_index].vis_point * world_to_cam_tm;
m_CurrentPointList->Add (camera_tm);
m_TotalPoints ++;
// Start working on points over another node.
start_index = index;
current_node = sim_points[index].node;
// Free our 'sim-points' array
delete [] sim_points;
return ;
// Set_Current_Node
VisPointGeneratorClass::Set_Current_Node (NodeClass *node)
m_CurrentNode = node;
return ;
// Post_Process_Nodes
VisPointGeneratorClass::Post_Process_Nodes (void)
return ;
// Add_Manual_Nodes
VisPointGeneratorClass::Add_Manual_Nodes (void)
/*VisPointNodeClass *vis_point = NULL;
for ( vis_point = (VisPointNodeClass *)NodeMgrClass::Get_First (NODE_TYPE_VIS_POINT);
vis_point != NULL;
vis_point = (VisPointNodeClass *)NodeMgrClass::Get_Next (vis_point, NODE_TYPE_VIS_POINT))
// Convert the object transform to a camera transform
Matrix3D transform = vis_point->Get_Transform ();
Matrix3D cam_transform (Vector3 (0, -1, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 1), Vector3 (-1, 0, 0), Vector3 (0, 0, 0));
Matrix3D new_transform = transform * cam_transform;
// Allocate a new point list for this point
m_CurrentPointList = new VisPointListClass;
m_CurrentPointList->transform = transform;
m_CurrentPointList->sample_point = vis_point->Get_Vis_Tile_Location ();
m_PointList.Add (m_CurrentPointList);
m_TotalPoints ++;
return ;