482 lines
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482 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *
Project Name: Generic Game Results Server
File Name : wencrypt.cpp
Author : Joe Howes
Start Date : Jul 9, 1999
Last Update : Jul 20, 1999
A simple encryption system for game results packets. Specifically designed
to work only with unsigned char buffers of least 15 bytes long.
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "wencrypt.h"
#include "wnet/packet.h"
/*extern "C" {
extern unsigned char* PrepareEncryptedPacket(unsigned char* packet, int* size);
| FUNCTION: PrepareEncryptedPacket() |
| If an error occurs, a NULL will be returned and the size value will be a |
| negative integer corresponding to an error in wencrypt.h. |
| JUL 20/99: In the Windows WOLAPI, the function RequestGameresSend requires |
| a buffer that can be passed to the constructor of PacketClass. Thus we need |
| to wrap our encrypted buffer in a packet with one big data field and pass |
| it's Comms Packet output back. |
unsigned char* PrepareEncryptedPacket(unsigned char* packet, int* size)
unsigned char* rlebuf = NULL;
unsigned char* encbuf = NULL;
PacketClass wrap;
static char field[5] = { "CNTL" };
rlebuf = (unsigned char *) malloc((*size)*2);
// Run length encode
RLEncode(packet, rlebuf, size); // Does not allocate any memory
// XOR encrypt
encbuf = SimpleEncrypt(rlebuf, size);
if( rlebuf != NULL ) free(rlebuf);
if( encbuf == NULL ) return NULL; // SimpleEncrypt fills the error in
// Now we have to wrap the encrypted data inside a valid PacketClass blob
wrap.Add_Field((char*)"CNTL", (void*)encbuf, *size);
return (unsigned char*)(wrap.Create_Comms_Packet(*size));
| FUNCTION: DecryptPacket() |
| If an error occurs, a NULL will be returned and the size value will be a |
| negative integer corresponding to an error in wencrypt.h |
#ifndef __CLIENT__
unsigned char* DecryptPacket(unsigned char* encbuf, int* size)
unsigned char* rlebuf;
unsigned char* packet;
rlebuf = SimpleDecrypt(encbuf, size);
if( rlebuf == NULL )
return NULL; // SimpleDecrypt fills the error in
packet = RLDecode(rlebuf, size); // Allocates memory!!
if( packet == NULL )
return NULL; // RLDecode fills the error in
return packet;
| FUNCTION: RLEncode() |
| - src is a buffer conatining the uncompressed data. |
| - dst is a buffer which should be twice the size of the src buffer. |
| - size indicates the size of the source buffer at the start of the function, |
| and is filled with the length of the dest buffer on return. |
| |
| NOTE: As is the nature of RLE, it is possible the "compressed" buffer |
| will be bigger than the uncompressed one by one byte. Actually in the |
| absolute worst case it can be bigger than that if the escape code occurs |
| often enough in the buffer and needs to be stuffed several times. I *think* |
| it's impossible for the compressed buffer to ever get twice as big as the |
| original, being that we choose the lowest frequency value as the escape, but |
| there will never be a memory overrun this way, and gameres packets are tiny. |
void RLEncode(unsigned char* src, unsigned char* dst, int* size)
int i, j, k;
int frequencies[256];
int lowest;
unsigned char escape;
unsigned char currtally = 1;
unsigned char curr;
// Determine what we should use for the escape code. Ideally it's a value
// that doesn't occur in the buffer, but we'll settle for the value that
// appears the least number of times.
memset(frequencies, 0, 256 * sizeof(int));
for(i = 0; i < *size; frequencies[src[i++]]++);
lowest = frequencies[0];
escape = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if( frequencies[i] == 0 )
escape = (unsigned char)i;
if( frequencies[i] < lowest )
lowest = frequencies[i];
escape = (unsigned char)i;
dst[0] = escape;
// Build the dest buffer
curr = src[0];
for(i = 1, j = 1; i <= *size; i++)
if( src[i] == curr && i < *size )
if( currtally > 3 )
dst[j++] = escape;
dst[j++] = currtally;
dst[j++] = curr;
// Stuff the escape character
for(k = 0; k < currtally; k++)
if( curr == escape )
dst[j++] = curr;
dst[j++] = curr;
curr = src[i];
currtally = 1;
*size = j;
| FUNCTION: RLDecode() |
| Nothing special...just remember byte 0 is the escape and not part of the |
| original buffer. If there is an error, the returned pointer will be NULL |
| and the size will contain a negative number indicating the error code. |
#ifndef __CLIENT__
unsigned char* RLDecode(unsigned char* src, int* size)
int i, j, k;
int dstsize = 0;
unsigned char escape = src[0];
unsigned char* dst;
// How big will the resultant buffer be?
for(i = 1; i < *size; i++)
if( src[i] == escape && i < (*size-1) )
if( src[i+1] == escape )
dstsize++; // Stuffed escape
dstsize += (int)src[i+1]; // Add the occurences
i += 2; // Skip the token
else if( src[i] == escape && i == (*size-1) )
return NULL;
// Build the new buffer
dst = malloc( dstsize );
j = 0;
for(i = 1; i < *size; i++)
if( src[i] == escape && i < (*size-1) )
if( src[i+1] == escape )
dst[j++] = src[i]; // Stuffed escape
for(k = 0; k < (int)src[i+1]; k++)
dst[j+k] = src[i+2];
j += k;
i += 2; // Skip the token
else if( src[i] == escape && i == (*size-1) )
delete[] dst;
return NULL;
dst[j++] = src[i];
*size = dstsize;
return dst;
| FUNCTION: ran3() |
| From 'Numerical Recipies In C', Chapter 7, 'Portable Random Number Generators'. |
float ran3(long* idnum)
static int inext, inextp;
static long ma[66];
static int iff = 0;
long mj, mk;
int i, ii, k;
if( *idnum < 0 || iff == 0 )
iff = 1;
mj = MSEED - (*idnum < 0 ? -*idnum : *idnum);
mj %= MBIG;
ma[55] = mj;
mk = 1;
for(i = 1; i <= 54; i++)
ii = (21*i) % 55;
ma[ii] = mk;
mk = mj - mk;
if( mk < MZ ) mk += MBIG;
mj = ma[ii];
for(k = 1; k <=4; k++)
for(i = 1; i <= 55; i++)
ma[i] -= ma[1+(i+30) % 55];
if( ma[i] < MZ ) ma[i] += MBIG;
inext = 0;
inextp = 31;
*idnum = 1;
if( ++inext == 56 ) inext = 1;
if( ++inextp == 56 ) inextp = 1;
mj = ma[inext] - ma[inextp];
if( mj < MZ ) mj += MBIG;
ma[inext] = mj;
return (float) (mj*FAC );
| FUNCTION: GenerateKey() |
| Make a key the same length as the buffer. Gameres packets are typically |
| < 600 bytes so period isn't a concern. |
void GenerateKey(unsigned char* key, int len, long seed)
int i;
float running;
long num;
if( seed > 0 ) seed *= -1; // Initial val must be negative
running = ran3(&seed);
for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
num = (long)(running * (float)255.0);
if( num < 0 ) num *= -1;
key[i] = (unsigned char)num;
running = ran3(&seed);
| FUNCTON: SimpleEncrypt() |
| Ok, not entirely simple but it's not bad. We generate the |
| key, then prepare a new buffer which will contain the |
| encrypted data. Byte 6 of the buffer is a random offset into |
| bytes 10 - 256 which will contain the four byte seed value |
| used to construct the key. |
| If there is an error, the returned pointer will be NULL and |
| the len value will be filled with a negative number |
| indicating the error code. |
unsigned char* SimpleEncrypt(const unsigned char* src, int* len)
int i, j;
unsigned char* key;
unsigned char* dst;
unsigned char offset = 0;
long offsetseed = 0;
unsigned long netseed;
long seed;
float limit;
key = (unsigned char *) malloc( *len );
dst = (unsigned char *) malloc( (*len)+5 );
if( *len < 15 )
*len = -2;
free( key );
free( dst );
return NULL;
// Generate the random stuff
seed = (long)time(NULL);
if( seed > 0 ) seed *= -1; // Don't check for seed == 0 because a ligit
// packet builder should never set a seed of
// 0 and it's another mistake a cracker could
// possibly make.
netseed = htonl((unsigned long)seed);
GenerateKey(key, *len, seed);
// We want the offset to be somewhere between byte 10 and byte (255-14), or
// (*len - 4), whichever is smaller
offsetseed = (long)time(NULL);
if( offsetseed > 0 ) offsetseed *= -1;
limit = ((*len) < 241) ? (float)((*len)-14) : (float)241.0;
offset = (unsigned char)(ran3(&offsetseed) * limit);
offset += (unsigned char)10;
// Construct the buffer
for(i = 0, j = 0; i < *len; i++)
if( j == 5 )
dst[j++] = offset;
if( j == (int)offset )
memcpy(&dst[j], &netseed, 4);
j += 4;
dst[j++] = src[i] ^ key[i];
*len += 5;
free( key );
return dst;
| FUNCTON: SimpleDecrypt() |
| We look for the offset, grab the seed, generate a key, then |
| decrypt. |
#ifndef __CLIENT__
unsigned char* SimpleDecrypt(unsigned char* src, int* len)
int i, j;
unsigned char* key;
unsigned char* dst;
unsigned char offset = 0;
unsigned long netseed;
long seed;
key = malloc( *len );
dst = malloc((*len) - 5 );
if( *len < 20 )
*len = -2;
delete[] key;
delete[] dst;
return NULL;
// Generate the key
offset = src[5];
memcpy(&netseed, &src[offset], 4);
seed = (long)ntohl(netseed);
if( seed > 0 )
*len = -3;
delete[] key;
delete[] dst;
return NULL;
GenerateKey(key, (*len)-5, seed);
// Construct the buffer
for(i = 0, j = 0; i < *len; i++)
if( i == 5 )
else if( i >= (int)offset && i <= (int)(offset+(unsigned char)3) )
dst[j] = src[i] ^ key[j];
*len -= 5;
delete[] key;
return dst;
#endif |