1439 lines
36 KiB
1439 lines
36 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : LevelEdit *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Tools/LevelEdit/VSSClass.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/29/02 3:16p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 13 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vssclass.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "filemgr.h"
#include "oleauto.h"
#include "afxdisp.h"
#include "rawfile.h"
typedef struct tagVSS_ERROR
HRESULT hresult;
LPCTSTR description;
VSS_ERROR _ErrorArray[] =
{ -2147164975, "You cannot change the Admin name or access privileges" },
{ -2147166139, "Invalid DOS path: < >" },
{ -2147166373, "File < > is currently checked out by < >" },
{ -2147166374, "You currently have file < > checked out" },
{ -2147166386, "Cannot delete the root project" },
{ -2147166391, "You do not have access rights to < >" },
{ -2147166398, "Cannot move the root project" },
{ -2147166404, "File < > is not checked out" },
{ -2147166405, "File < > is not shared by any other projects" },
{ -2147166411, "Cannot Rename the root project" },
{ -2147166417, "A project cannot be shared under a descendant." },
{ -2147166418, "File < > is already shared by this project" },
{ -2147166424, "The SourceSafe database has been locked by the Administrator." },
{ -2147166519, "Invalid password" },
{ -2147166521, "Cannot delete the Admin user" },
{ -2147166522, "Permission denied " },
{ -2147166525, "User ""< >"" already exists" },
{ -2147166526, "User ""< >"" not found " },
{ -2147166572, "An item with the name < > already exists" },
{ -2147166574, "You can not move a project under itself" },
{ -2147166583, "Version not found" },
{ -2147167977, "The SourceSafe database path < > does not exist. Please select another database." },
{ -2147210887, "This command only works on projects." },
{ -2147210888, "This command only works on files." },
{ -2147352566, "Invalid access code (bad parameter)*" }
// Sys_String_To_ANSI
Sys_String_To_ANSI (BSTR bstr)
int len = ::SysStringLen (bstr);
TCHAR *ansi_string = new TCHAR[len + 1];
ASSERT(ansi_string != NULL);
// Convert the BSTR to ANSI using the ANSI code page
::WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,
len + 1,
// Ensure the new string is NULL terminated
ansi_string[len] = 0;
// Return a pointer to the ANSI string
return ansi_string;
// Alloc_Sys_String
Alloc_Sys_String (LPCTSTR string)
BSTR sys_string = NULL;
if (string != NULL) {
// Copy the ascii format string to a wide-character string
WCHAR *pwide_string = new WCHAR [::lstrlen (string) + 1];
WCHAR *ptemp_string = pwide_string;
while (*string) {
*ptemp_string++ = (WCHAR)*string++;
*ptemp_string = WCHAR('\0');
// Allocate a system-string (COM-safe) from the wide-character string.
sys_string = ::SysAllocString (pwide_string);
// Free the wide-character string we allocated earlier
delete [] pwide_string;
pwide_string = NULL;
// Return the system string
return sys_string;
// IDispatch_Get_Property
LPDISPATCH pdispatch,
DISPID dispid,
VARIANT *presult
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Params OK?
ASSERT (pdispatch != NULL);
if (pdispatch != NULL) {
// Get this property w/o passing any args
DISPPARAMS no_args = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0};
retval = SUCCEEDED (pdispatch->Invoke (dispid,
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// IDispatch_Get_Property
LPDISPATCH pdispatch,
DISPID dispid,
VARIANT &var_arg,
VARIANT *presult
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Params OK?
ASSERT (pdispatch != NULL);
if (pdispatch != NULL) {
// Fill in the dispatch-params structure with our single param
DISPPARAMS args = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0};
args.rgvarg = &var_arg;
args.cArgs = 1;
// Get this property an pass in the single arguement
EXCEPINFO excep_info = { 0 };
retval = SUCCEEDED (pdispatch->Invoke (dispid,
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Get_VSS_Interface
VSSClass::Get_VSS_Interface (void)
if (m_pIVSSDatabase == NULL) {
// Attempt to create an instance of the VSS Database interface
LPUNKNOWN punknown = NULL;
HRESULT hresult = ::CoCreateInstance (CLSID_VSSDatabase,
(LPVOID *)&punknown);
if (SUCCEEDED (hresult)) {
// Get a pointer to the 'newest' interface we know about
punknown->QueryInterface (IID_IVSSDatabase, (LPVOID *)&m_pIVSSDatabase);
// Release our hold on the original IUnknown interface
COM_RELEASE (punknown);
return ;
// Open_Database
LPCTSTR ini_filename,
LPCTSTR username,
LPCTSTR password
// Make sure we have an interface to work with
Get_VSS_Interface ();
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
m_bReadOnly = TRUE;
ASSERT (m_pIVSSDatabase != NULL);
if (m_pIVSSDatabase != NULL) {
// Convert the string params to COM-safe system strings
BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (ini_filename);
BSTR bstr_username = ::Alloc_Sys_String (username != NULL ? username : "");
BSTR bstr_password = ::Alloc_Sys_String (password != NULL ? password : "");
// Ask VSS to open this database
retval = SUCCEEDED (m_pIVSSDatabase->Open (bstr_filename, bstr_username, bstr_password));
if (retval) {
// Determine if the user is read-only
IVSSUser *user = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (m_pIVSSDatabase->get_User (bstr_username, &user))) {
VARIANT_BOOL readonly = 0;
user->get_ReadOnly (&readonly);
m_bReadOnly = (readonly != 0);
// Set the working directory
/*IVSSItem *root_item = Get_VSS_Item ("$/");
if (root_item != NULL) {
LPCTSTR local_path = ::Get_File_Mgr ()->Get_Base_Path ();
BSTR bstr_local_path = ::Alloc_Sys_String (local_path);
HRESULT result = root_item->put_LocalSpec (bstr_local_path);
::SysFreeString (bstr_local_path);
COM_RELEASE (root_item);
// Free the system strings we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
::SysFreeString (bstr_username);
::SysFreeString (bstr_password);
// Free our inteface pointer if the function wasn't successfull
if (retval == false) {
COM_RELEASE (m_pIVSSDatabase);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path
IVSSItem *
VSSClass::Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Assume failure
IVSSItem *pitem = NULL;
ASSERT (m_pIVSSDatabase != NULL);
ASSERT (local_filename != NULL);
// State OK?
if ((m_pIVSSDatabase != NULL) &&
(local_filename != NULL)) {
// Lookup the relative path
TCHAR vss_path[MAX_PATH];
CString rel_path = ::Get_File_Mgr ()->Make_Relative_Path (local_filename);
::wsprintf (vss_path, "$/%s", (LPCTSTR)rel_path);
// Now, lookup the VSS item
pitem = Get_VSS_Item (vss_path);
// Return a pointer to the IVSSItem interface
return pitem;
// Get_VSS_Item
IVSSItem *
VSSClass::Get_VSS_Item (LPCTSTR vss_path)
// Assume failure
IVSSItem *pitem = NULL;
ASSERT (m_pIVSSDatabase != NULL);
ASSERT (vss_path != NULL);
// State OK?
if ((m_pIVSSDatabase != NULL) &&
(vss_path != NULL)) {
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
BSTR bstr_vss_path = ::Alloc_Sys_String (vss_path);
/*VARIANT var_arg;
var_arg.vt = VT_BSTR;
var_arg.bstrVal = bstr_vss_path;
VARIANT result = { 0 };
// Use the IDispatch interface to get the VSSItem property
bool success = ::IDispatch_Get_Property (m_pIVSSDatabase,
&result); */
HRESULT result = m_pIVSSDatabase->get_VSSItem (bstr_vss_path, 0, &pitem);
if (FAILED (result)) {
pitem = NULL;
// Was the property-get successful?
/*if (success) {
// The IVSSItem pointer should be passed back in the result
pitem = (IVSSItem *)result.ppdispVal;
// Free the system string we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_vss_path);
// Return a pointer to the IVSSItem interface
return pitem;
// Does_File_Exist
VSSClass::Does_File_Exist (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// If we successfully got the VSS item, then it exists in the DB
if (pitem != NULL) {
retval = true;
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Get_Type
VSSClass::Get_Type (LPCTSTR local_filename)
VSSItemType type = VSSITEM_FILE;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
int temp = 0;
pitem->get_Type (&temp);
type = (VSSItemType)temp;
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the type (either project or file)
return type;
// Get
VSSClass::Get (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// If this 'file' is a directory, then get files recursively, otherwise
// simply 'get' the desired file.
if (Get_Type (local_filename) == VSSITEM_PROJECT) {
retval = Get_Subproject (local_filename);
} else {
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Do the actual file 'get' from VSS.
retval = Get (local_filename, pitem);
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Get
LPCTSTR local_filename,
IVSSItem *pitem
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Params OK?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
if (Get_File_Status (local_filename, NULL, 0, pitem) != VSSFILE_CHECKEDOUT_ME) {
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (local_filename);
// Get the file
VARIANT_BOOL is_different = 0;
HRESULT hresult = pitem->get_IsDifferent (bstr_filename, &is_different);
if (!SUCCEEDED (hresult) || (is_different != 0)) {
retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->Get (&bstr_filename, VSSFLAG_TIMEMOD | VSSFLAG_REPREPLACE));
// Free the system string we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
} else {
retval = true;
// Only do the 'get' if the vss-version and local versions are different.
/*VARIANT_BOOL is_different = 0;
HRESULT hresult = pitem->get_IsDifferent (bstr_filename, &is_different);
if (!SUCCEEDED (hresult) || (is_different != 0)) {
// Get the last mod time of the version in VSS
SYSTEMTIME vss_file_time = { 0 };
if (Get_File_Date (pitem, vss_file_time)) {
// Get the last mod time of the local version
FILETIME local_file_time = { 0 };
Get_File_Time (local_filename, NULL, NULL, &local_file_time);
// Should this file be overwritten?
CTime vss_time (vss_file_time);
CTime local_time (local_file_time);
if (vss_time > local_time) {
retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->Get (&bstr_filename, VSSFLAG_TIMEMOD | VSSFLAG_REPREPLACE));
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Get_Subproject
VSSClass::Get_Subproject (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
Get_Recursive (local_filename, pitem);
retval = true;
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
//BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (::Get_File_Mgr ()->Make_Full_Path (local_filename));
// Ask the VSS interface to recursively 'get' this file for us
//retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->Get (&bstr_filename, VSSFLAG_TIMEMOD | VSSFLAG_RECURSYES));
// Free the system string we allocated earlier
//::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Check_Out
VSSClass::Check_Out (LPCTSTR local_filename, bool get_locally)
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (local_filename);
// Ask the VSS interface to 'checkout' this file for us
retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->Checkout (NULL, bstr_filename, (get_locally ? VSSFLAG_TIMEMOD : VSSFLAG_GETNO) | VSSFLAG_CHKEXCLUSIVENO));
// Free the system string we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Check_In
LPCTSTR local_filename,
LPCTSTR comment
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (local_filename);
BSTR bstr_comment = (comment != NULL) ? ::Alloc_Sys_String (comment) : NULL;
// Ask the VSS interface to 'Checkin' this file for us
retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->Checkin (bstr_comment, bstr_filename, VSSFLAG_CMPCHKSUM | VSSFLAG_RECURSNO | VSSFLAG_UPDUPDATE));
// Free the system strings we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
if (bstr_comment) {
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Add_File
LPCTSTR local_filename,
LPCTSTR comment
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
if (Build_Tree (local_filename)) {
TCHAR parent_dir[MAX_PATH];
::lstrcpy (parent_dir, ::Strip_Filename_From_Path (local_filename));
// Get a pointer to this item's parent inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (parent_dir);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (local_filename);
BSTR bstr_comment = (comment != NULL) ? ::Alloc_Sys_String (comment) : NULL;
// Ask the VSS interface to add this file for us
IVSSItem *pnew_item = NULL;
retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->Add (bstr_filename, bstr_comment, 0, &pnew_item));
// Free the system strings we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
if (bstr_comment) {
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
// Release our hold on these items
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
COM_RELEASE (pnew_item);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Build_Tree
VSSClass::Build_Tree (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Assume failure
bool retval = true;
// Create a relative path to use
CString rel_path = ::Get_File_Mgr ()->Make_Relative_Path (local_filename);
// Generate a list of folders from the path
CString *pfolder_list = NULL;
int count = ::Build_List_From_String (::Strip_Filename_From_Path (rel_path), "\\", &pfolder_list);
// Loop through all the folders in the path and make sure they
// exist in VSS
CString vss_path = "$";
CString parent = "$";
for (int ifolder = 0; (ifolder < count) && retval; ifolder ++) {
// See if this path exists in the VSS database
vss_path += CString ("\\") + pfolder_list[ifolder];
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item (vss_path);
if (pitem == NULL) {
// Get a pointer to the parent so we can create a new folder
pitem = Get_VSS_Item (parent + CString ("\\"));
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
BSTR bstr_foldername = ::Alloc_Sys_String (pfolder_list[ifolder]);
// Ask the VSS interface to add this folder for us
IVSSItem *pfolder = NULL;
retval &= (bool)SUCCEEDED (pitem->NewSubproject (bstr_foldername, NULL, &pfolder));
// Free any memory we allocated
::SysFreeString (bstr_foldername);
COM_RELEASE (pfolder);
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
parent += CString ("\\") + pfolder_list[ifolder];
// Free the list
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY (pfolder_list);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Undo_Check_Out
VSSClass::Undo_Check_Out (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Convert the ascii string to a COM-safe BSTR
BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (local_filename);
// Ask the VSS interface to undo our 'checkout' on this file for us
retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->UndoCheckout (bstr_filename, 0));
// Free the system string we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Destroy
VSSClass::Destroy (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Ask the VSS interface to completely destroy this file for us
retval = SUCCEEDED (pitem->Destroy ());
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Get_File_Version
VSSClass::Get_File_Version (LPCTSTR local_filename)
long version = 0L;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Get the version number for this item
VARIANT result = { 0 };
::IDispatch_Get_Property (pitem, 0x00000008, &result);
// Pass the result back to the caller
version = result.lVal;
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the version ID
return version;
// Is_File_Different
VSSClass::Is_File_Different (LPCTSTR local_filename)
bool different = false;
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Convert the ansi string to a system string
BSTR bstr_filename = ::Alloc_Sys_String (local_filename);
VARIANT var_arg = { 0 };
var_arg.vt = VT_BSTR;
var_arg.bstrVal = bstr_filename;
// Ask VSS if the local and checked-in copy are different
VARIANT result = { 0 };
::IDispatch_Get_Property (pitem, 0x00000010, var_arg, &result);
// Convert the COM-bool to a C++ bool
different = (result.boolVal == 0 ? false : true);
// Free the system strings we allocated earlier
::SysFreeString (bstr_filename);
// Release our hold on the item
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the true/false result code
return different;
// Get_File_Date
//LPCTSTR local_filename,
IVSSItem *pitem,
SYSTEMTIME &system_time
// Params OK?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Determine which version number we want the date for.
long current_ver_num = 0;
pitem->get_VersionNumber (¤t_ver_num);
// Get the 'versions' list for this item
IVSSVersions *pversions = NULL;
HRESULT hresult = pitem->get_Versions (VSSFLAG_HISTIGNOREFILES, &pversions);
if (SUCCEEDED (hresult) && (pversions != NULL)) {
// Get the version enumerator for this item
IUnknown *penum_variant = NULL;
HRESULT hresult = pversions->_NewEnum (&penum_variant);
if (SUCCEEDED (hresult)) {
// Convert the IUnknown version enumerator to a standard
// VARIANT enumerator.
IEnumVARIANT *pversion_enum = NULL;
hresult = penum_variant->QueryInterface (IID_IEnumVARIANT, (LPVOID *)&pversion_enum);
if (SUCCEEDED (hresult) && (pversion_enum != NULL)) {
// Loop through all the versions until we've found the right one.
bool found = false;
VARIANT version_info = { 0 };
while ((pversion_enum->Next (1, &version_info, NULL) == S_OK) && !found) {
IVSSVersionOld *pversion = (IVSSVersionOld *)version_info.pdispVal;
if (pversion != NULL) {
// Get this version's number
long ver_num = 0L;
pversion->get_VersionNumber (&ver_num);
// Is this the version we were looking for?
if (ver_num == current_ver_num) {
// Get the date from the version
DATE file_date = { 0 };
pversion->get_Date (&file_date);
// Convert the OLE date to a SYSTEMTIME structure
COleDateTime date_obj (file_date);
date_obj.GetAsSystemTime (system_time);
// Success!
found = true;
COM_RELEASE (pversion);
COM_RELEASE (pversion_enum);
// Get the date of this file
/*if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (pcheckout, 0x00000004, &result)) {
COleDateTime date_obj (result.dateVal);
SYSTEMTIME system_time;
date_obj.GetAsSystemTime (system_time);
LPTSTR username = ::Sys_String_To_ANSI (result.bstrVal);
// Copy the username back to the buffer the caller supplied
::lstrcpyn (checked_out_username, username, buffer_size);
checked_out_username[buffer_size-1] = 0;
// Free the temporary buffer we used to hold the username
delete [] username;
username = NULL;
COM_RELEASE (penum_variant);
// Release our hold on the interface
COM_RELEASE (pversions);
// Return the current file status
return true;
// Get_File_Status
LPCTSTR local_filename,
LPTSTR checked_out_username,
DWORD buffer_size,
IVSSItem * item_to_use
// Assume not checked out
// Get a pointer to this 'item' inside the VSS database.
IVSSItem *pitem = item_to_use;
if (pitem == NULL) {
pitem = Get_VSS_Item_From_Local_Path (local_filename);
// Did we succesfully get the VSS item?
ASSERT (pitem != NULL);
if (pitem != NULL) {
// Get the current check-out status for this item
VARIANT result = { 0 };
::IDispatch_Get_Property (pitem, 0x0000000e, &result);
// Pass the result back to the caller
status = (VSSFileStatus)result.lVal;
// Should we lookup the name of user who has this file checked out?
if ((status != VSSFILE_NOTCHECKEDOUT) &&
(checked_out_username != NULL)) {
// Get a pointer to the 'checkouts' interface for this item
bool success = ::IDispatch_Get_Property (pitem, 0x0000000f, &result);
IVSSCheckouts *pcheckouts = (IVSSCheckouts *)result.ppdispVal;
if (success && (pcheckouts != NULL)) {
// Get the count of 'checkouts' on this file (should be 1 for our purposes)
if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (pcheckouts, 0x00000001, &result)) {
int count = result.lVal;
if (count > 0) {
VARIANT var_test = { 0 };
var_test.vt = VT_I4;
var_test.lVal = 1;
VARIANT var_arg = { 0 };
var_arg.vt = VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF;
var_arg.pvarVal = &var_test;
// Attempt to lookup an interface that represents the first 'checkout'.
// Remember, VSS supports multiple checkouts per file.
if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (pcheckouts, 00000000, var_arg, &result)) {
IVSSCheckout *pcheckout = (IVSSCheckout *)result.ppdispVal;
// Get the username of this 'checkout'
if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (pcheckout, 0x00000001, &result)) {
LPTSTR username = ::Sys_String_To_ANSI (result.bstrVal);
// Copy the username back to the buffer the caller supplied
::lstrcpyn (checked_out_username, username, buffer_size);
checked_out_username[buffer_size-1] = 0;
// Free the temporary buffer we used to hold the username
delete [] username;
username = NULL;
// Release our hold on the checkout interface
COM_RELEASE (pcheckout);
// Release our hold on the interface
COM_RELEASE (pcheckouts);
// Release our hold on the item
if (item_to_use == NULL) {
COM_RELEASE (pitem);
// Return the current file status
return status;
// Get_Error_Description
VSSClass::Get_Error_Description (HRESULT hresult)
LPCTSTR description = NULL;
// Loop through all the VSS specific errors that we know about
int error_count = sizeof (_ErrorArray) / sizeof (VSS_ERROR);
for (int error = 0;
(error < error_count) && (description == NULL);
error ++) {
// Is this the error we are looking for?
if (_ErrorArray[error].hresult == hresult) {
description = _ErrorArray[error].description;
// Return a string containing the error description.
return description;
// Retry_Check_Out
LPCTSTR local_filename,
int iattempts,
int idelay
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Try for up to 'iattempts' times to check-out the file
for (int iattempt = 0; (iattempt < iattempts) && !retval; iattempt ++) {
// Attempt to checkout the file, if unsucccessful, then wait for a second
retval = Check_Out (local_filename);
if (retval == false) {
::Sleep (idelay);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Retry_Check_In
LPCTSTR local_filename,
int iattempts,
int idelay
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Try for up to 'iattempts' times to check-in the file
for (int iattempt = 0; (iattempt < iattempts) && !retval; iattempt ++) {
// Attempt to checkin the file, if unsucccessful, then wait for a second
retval = Check_In (local_filename);
if (retval == false) {
::Sleep (idelay);
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Get_Recursive
LPCTSTR local_path,
IVSSItem *pparent
// Get a pointer to the 'IVSSItems' interface for this item
VARIANT result = { 0 };
//bool success = ::IDispatch_Get_Property (pparent, 0x00000009, &result);
IVSSItems *pitems = NULL;
pparent->get_Items (0, &pitems);
//IVSSItems *pitems = (IVSSItems *)result.ppdispVal;
if (pitems != NULL) {
// Get the sub-item count
if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (pitems, 0x00000001, &result)) {
int count = result.lVal;
for (int index = 0; index < count; index ++) {
VARIANT var_index = { 0 };
var_index.vt = VT_I4;
var_index.lVal = index + 1;
VARIANT var_arg = { 0 };
var_arg.vt = VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF;
var_arg.pvarVal = &var_index;
// Get the subitem at this index
if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (pitems, 0x00000000, var_arg, &result)) {
IVSSItem *psub_item = (IVSSItem *)result.ppdispVal;
if (psub_item != NULL) {
// Get the sub-item's name
TCHAR sub_item_name[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (psub_item, 0x00000006, &result)) {
char *ansi_name = ::Sys_String_To_ANSI (result.bstrVal);
::lstrcpy (sub_item_name, ansi_name);
SAFE_DELETE (ansi_name);
// Build a filename from the path and the subitem name
TCHAR sub_item_path[MAX_PATH];
::lstrcpy (sub_item_path, local_path);
if (sub_item_path[::lstrlen (sub_item_path)-1] != '\\') {
::lstrcat (sub_item_path, "\\");
::lstrcat (sub_item_path, sub_item_name);
// Get the sub-item's type
VSSItemType sub_item_type = VSSITEM_PROJECT;
if (::IDispatch_Get_Property (psub_item, 0x00000004, &result)) {
sub_item_type = (VSSItemType)result.lVal;
// Recursively 'get' items for this subitem
if (sub_item_type == VSSITEM_PROJECT) {
Get_Recursive (sub_item_path, psub_item);
} else {
Get (sub_item_path, psub_item);
// Release our hold on this subitem's interface
COM_RELEASE (psub_item);
// Release our hold on the interface
COM_RELEASE (pitems);
return ;
// Check_Out_Ex
VSSClass::Check_Out_Ex (LPCTSTR local_filename, HWND parent_wnd)
bool retval = false;
// Determine the checkout status of the file
CString user_name;
VSSFileStatus status = Get_File_Status (local_filename, user_name.GetBufferSetLength (64), 64);
// Check out the file
retval = Retry_Check_Out (local_filename, 10, 250);
if (retval == false) {
CString message;
message.Format ("Unable to check out %s.", local_filename);
::MessageBox (parent_wnd, message, "VSS Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
} else if (status == VSSFILE_CHECKEDOUT) {
// Let the user know who has the file checked out.
CString message;
message.Format ("User %s already has this file checked out.", user_name);
::MessageBox (parent_wnd, message, "Checkout Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
} else if (status == VSSFILE_CHECKEDOUT_ME) {
retval = true;
return retval;
// Check_In_Ex
VSSClass::Check_In_Ex (LPCTSTR local_filename, HWND parent_wnd)
bool retval = false;
// Make sure the file is checked out to the current user
if (Get_File_Status (local_filename) == VSSFILE_CHECKEDOUT_ME) {
// Check in the file
retval = Retry_Check_In (local_filename, 10, 250);
if (retval == false) {
CString message;
message.Format ("Unable to check in file: %s.", local_filename);
::MessageBox (parent_wnd, message, "VSS Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
} else if (Does_File_Exist (local_filename) == false) {
// If the file did not exist, then add it to the database.
retval = Add_File (local_filename);
return retval;
// Get_File_Status
VSSClass::Get_File_Status (LPCTSTR local_filename, StringClass *checked_out_user_name)
AssetDatabaseClass::FILE_STATUS retval = AssetDatabaseClass::UNKNOWN;
LPTSTR username = NULL;
DWORD buffer_size = 0;
if (checked_out_user_name != NULL) {
username = checked_out_user_name->Get_Buffer (64);
buffer_size = 64;
// Lookup the vss status of this file
VSSFileStatus vss_status = Get_File_Status (local_filename, username, buffer_size);
// Map the return value to a generic
if (vss_status == VSSFILE_CHECKEDOUT_ME) {
retval = AssetDatabaseClass::CHECKED_OUT_TO_ME;
} else if (vss_status == VSSFILE_NOTCHECKEDOUT) {
retval = AssetDatabaseClass::NOT_CHECKED_OUT;
} else if (vss_status == VSSFILE_CHECKEDOUT) {
retval = AssetDatabaseClass::CHECKED_OUT;
return retval;
// Get_File
FileClass *
VSSClass::Get_File (LPCTSTR local_filename)
// Do this to get around an oddity of the class when you pass in
// the filename to the constructor
RawFileClass *file_obj = new RawFileClass;
file_obj->Set_Name (local_filename);
return file_obj;