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-- Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
-- Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- - This script allows an artist to set up their MAX
-- scene to contain multiple LOD and damage models. It contains various
-- functions that the artist can invoke manually if they wish. Those
-- functions are named in "studlyCaps". Functions intended to be used
-- internally have lowercase names with underscores.
struct SS_bounding_box ( _min = [0,0,0], _max = [0,0,0] )
-- SS_replace_extension provides the same functionality as the "Assign
-- Extensions" button on the W3D tools panel, except in script.
function SS_replace_extension
= (
-- If there's no extension, return the given name.
if new_extension == undefined then
return name_str
-- Find the "." in the name. If there is none, just tack the
-- extension on then end and return it.
local dot_index = findString name_str "."
if dot_index == undefined then
if new_extension.count == 1 then
return name_str + ".0" + new_extension
return name_str + "." + new_extension
-- Replace the two characters after the dot with the new extension.
local replace_str
if new_extension.count == 1 then
replace_str = "0" + new_extension
replace_str = new_extension
return (replace name_str (dot_index+1) 2 replace_str)
-- SS_clone_tree is used to clone a whole hierarchy of objects. The cloning
-- procedure to be used is passed in as an argument, making this a very
-- flexible function. It operates recursively, cloning each object and
-- maintaining each object's place in the hierarchy and its W3D AppData.
function SS_clone_tree
= (
-- Create a new object that is a clone of the given one.
local new_object = clone_proc tree_root
-- Change the extension of this node's name if we were given one.
if extension != undefined then
local new_name = SS_replace_extension extension
if new_name != undefined then = new_name
-- Copy the AppData attached to the tree_root to the new node.
wwCopyAppData new_object tree_root
-- Move the new object by the given offset.
move new_object offset
-- Attach the object to its parent in the new tree (if it's not undefined).
if parent != undefined then
attachObjects parent new_object move:false
-- Dupe all the children of the current root.
for child in tree_root.children do
SS_clone_tree child offset:offset parent:new_object \
clone_proc:clone_proc extension:extension
-- Return the new root.
return new_object
function SS_duplicate_skin_info
new_wsm:undefined -- WWSkin WSM to attach target objects to
tree:undefined -- root node of the target tree
= (
if tree == undefined then tree = target_root
if source_root.modifiers["WWSkin Binding"] != undefined then
-- Copy the skin info for this object into the target object.
-- If we haven't copied the WSM yet, it will be copied.
local retval = wwCopySkinInfo source_root target_root new_wsm tree
if retval == undefined then
print("Error copying skin info from " + + \
" to " +
else new_wsm = retval
-- Duplicate the skin info for all of our children
local i
for i = 1 to source_root.children.count do
local source_child = source_root.children[i]
local target_child = target_root.children[i]
new_wsm = SS_duplicate_skin_info source_child target_child \
new_wsm:new_wsm tree:tree
return new_wsm
-- SS_create_lod_models creates a number of LOD models based on the given
-- hierarchy root. Each LOD is cloned from the previous one (as opposed
-- to them all being clones of the root).
function SS_create_lod_models
= (
local lod_roots = #()
local previous_lod = tree_root
for i = 1 to number do
local ext = i as string
lod_roots[i] = SS_clone_tree previous_lod offset:offset \
parent:previous_lod.parent clone_proc:clone_proc \
local original_wsm = wwFindSkinNode previous_lod
if original_wsm != undefined then
-- Find the WSM we cloned.
local cloned_wsm = wwFindSkinNode lod_roots[i]
if cloned_wsm == undefined then
print "Warning: A WWSkin object was found but it wasn't linked to the base object!"
-- Duplicate the WWSkin WSM (but meshes will not be bound to it).
-- ie. The duplicated WSM will contain the correct bone names.
local wsm = wwDuplicateSkinWSM original_wsm lod_roots[i]
if wsm == undefined then
messageBox("Error: Unable to duplicate the skin object for LOD " + ext)
-- Copy position, name, etc. =
wsm.transform = cloned_wsm.transform
wsm.parent = cloned_wsm.parent
delete cloned_wsm
-- Create a new WWSkin WSM for this LOD with no bindings at all.
--local wsm = WWSkinSpaceWarp() = SS_replace_extension ext
--wsm.transform = original_wsm.transform
--move wsm offset
--wsm.parent = lod_roots[i]
print ("Built model: " + lod_roots[i].name)
previous_lod = lod_roots[i]
-- Return the array of LOD root nodes in the order they were created.
return lod_roots
-- SS_create_damage_models creates a number of LOD models based on the
-- given hierarchy root. Each damage model is cloned from the root.
function SS_create_damage_models
= (
local apply_offset = offset
local damage_roots = #()
for i = 1 to number do
local ext = i as string
damage_roots[i] = SS_clone_tree tree_root offset:apply_offset \
parent:tree_root.parent clone_proc:clone_proc \
-- Rename the damage root from "Origin.xx" to "Damage.%02d",i
if i < 10 then
damage_roots[i].name = "Damage.0" + ext
damage_roots[i].name = "Damage." + ext
-- If there is an object bound to a WWSkin WSM, duplicate the
-- WSM and copy the skin information over to the new object.
local wsm = SS_duplicate_skin_info tree_root damage_roots[i]
-- Skin information has been duplicated, now replace the cloned
-- skin WSM with the one we just created with the correct data.
if wsm != undefined then
local cloned_wsm = wwFindSkinNode damage_roots[i]
if cloned_wsm != undefined then
( =
wsm.transform = cloned_wsm.transform
wsm.parent = cloned_wsm.parent
delete cloned_wsm
print "Warning: A WWSkin object was found but it wasn't linked to the base object!"
print ("Built model: " + damage_roots[i].name)
-- Shift the next model by offset again.
apply_offset = apply_offset + offset
-- Return the array of damage root nodes in the order they were created.
return damage_roots
-- SS_query_integer prompts the user to input an integer value. This
-- interaction takes place in the pink/white window in the bottom left
-- of the MAX interface, making it a fallback UI.
function SS_query_integer
= (
local number = getKBValue prompt:prompt
if classOf number != integer then
throw "The number must be an integer!"
return number
-- SS_get_tree_bbox figures out the bounding box of a hierarchical model.
-- Returns a SS_bounding_box struct containing the min and max points of the
-- node and its children.
function SS_get_tree_bbox
= (
if root == undefined then return undefined
if bbox == undefined then
bbox = SS_bounding_box _min:root.min _max:root.max
if root.min.x < bbox._min.x then
bbox._min.x = root.min.x
if root.min.y < bbox._min.y then
bbox._min.y = root.min.y
if root.min.z < bbox._min.z then
bbox._min.z = root.min.z
if root.max.x > bbox._max.x then
bbox._max.x = root.max.x
if root.max.y > bbox._max.y then
bbox._max.y = root.max.y
if root.max.z > bbox._max.z then
bbox._max.z = root.max.z
for child in root.children do
bbox = SS_get_tree_bbox child bbox:bbox
return bbox
-- SS_get_set_bbox figures out the bounding box of an ObjectSet.
function SS_get_set_bbox
= (
if object_set == undefined then return undefined
bbox = SS_bounding_box _min:object_set.min _max:object_set.max
return bbox
-- SS_get_origin_size figures out how big to make the origin cube based
-- on the size of the bounding box of the given object (including it's
-- children in the bbox calculation).
function SS_get_origin_size
= (
bbox = SS_get_set_bbox object_set
if bbox == undefined then
print "Bounding box calculation error for new origin, defaulting" \
" to origin of size 5"
return 5.0
-- Figure out the smallest bounding box dimension.
local min_size = bbox._max.x - bbox._min.x
if (bbox._max.y - bbox._min.y) < min_size then
min_size = bbox._max.y - bbox._min.y
if (bbox._max.z - bbox._min.z) < min_size then
min_size = bbox._max.z - bbox._min.z
-- Origin size will be 1/6 of the smallest bounding box dimension.
return min_size / 6
-- SS_create_origin creates a box to serve as the origin of a model. This is used
-- by sceneSetup if there is no Origin.00 node present in the scene.
function SS_create_origin
= (
-- Figure out how big our origin should be. Its size will be based
-- on the bounding box of the objects in the scene.
local origin_size = SS_get_origin_size geometry
-- Create a new box, and rename it to the given name.
-- The origin is created very small so that it doesn't interfere with
-- the bounding box calculations later on when we figure out exactly
-- how big the origin should be!
local origin = Box width:origin_size height:origin_size length:origin_size = name
origin.pos.z -= origin_size / 2
origin.pivot.z = 0
-- Set the box's AppData to the appropriate values for an origin node.
wwSetOriginAppData origin
return origin
-- SS_build_hierarchy attaches all top-level objects to the given root node.
-- It then assigns ALL OBJECTS IN THE SCENE an extension of ".00"
function SS_build_hierarchy
= (
-- Attach all top-level objects to the given root.
local top_level = $/*
for obj in top_level do
if obj == root then continue
print ("Attaching " + + " to " +
attachObjects root obj move:false
-- Append a ".00" extension to ALL objects in the scene.
for obj in objects do
local new_name = SS_replace_extension "00"
if new_name != undefined then = new_name
-- USER-CALLABLE: Set up LODs based on the Origin.00 hierarchy (by default).
-- The user can specify the number of LODs to create, how much to offset
-- each model by, the method of cloning (copy, instance, reference), and
-- the root of the hierarchy the LODs should be based on.
-- Sample call:
-- createLOD count:2 offset:[-2,0,0] clone_by:copy root:$'Origin.02'
function createLOD
count:-1 -- default of -1 means prompt the user
offset:[-100,0,0] -- offset by -100 on X axis by default
clone_by:reference -- default to cloning by reference
root:undefined -- clone Origin.00 if not specified
= (
if root == undefined then
root = $'Origin.00'
if root == undefined then
-- Create the origin node and link up a hierarchy.
root = SS_create_origin()
SS_build_hierarchy root
-- Query the user for the number of LODs to create if she didn't supply one.
local num_lods = count
if num_lods == -1 then
num_lods = SS_query_integer prompt:"Number of LODs to create:"
-- Create LODs by cloning the hierarchy 'count' times.
local lod_roots = SS_create_lod_models num_lods root offset:offset \
-- USER-CALLABLE: Set up Damage models based on the Origin.00 hierarchy
-- (by default). The user can specify the number of damage models to
-- create, how much to offset each model by, the method of cloning
-- (copy, instance, reference), and the root of the hierarchy the models
-- should be based on.
-- Sample call:
-- createDamage count:3 offset:[0,-2,0] clone_by:instance root:$'Origin.00'
function createDamage
count:-1 -- default of -1 means prompt the user
offset:[0,-100,0] -- offset each model by -100 on the Y axis
clone_by:reference -- default to cloning by reference
root:undefined -- default to Origin.00 if not supplied
= (
if root == undefined then
root = $'Origin.00'
if root == undefined then
-- Create the origin node and link up a hierarchy.
root = SS_create_origin()
SS_build_hierarchy root
-- Query the user for the number of Damage models to create if she didn't supply one.
local num_damage = count
if num_damage == -1 then
num_damage = SS_query_integer prompt:"Number of Damage models:"
-- Create the damage models by cloning the hierarchy 'count' times.
local damage_roots = SS_create_damage_models num_damage root offset:offset \
-- USER-CALLABLE: Displays a friendly dialog where the user can choose a number
-- of settings for how the scene should be set up. This function has no arguments
-- and will be displayed as a button on the MAX UI.
-- Sample call:
-- sceneSetup()
function sceneSetup
= (
-- Figure out some reasonable values for the lod and damage offsets.
-- These values will be plugged into the dialog that prompts the user
-- for values.
local bbox
if $'Origin.00' != undefined then
bbox = SS_get_tree_bbox $'Origin.00'
bbox = SS_get_set_bbox geometry
local x_offset = (bbox._max.x - bbox._min.x) * -1.5
local y_offset = (bbox._max.y - bbox._min.y) * -1.5
-- Create an array of default values that will be displayed in the dialog.
-- (lod_count, lod_offset, lod_clone_proc, damage_count, damage_offset,
-- damage_clone_proc)
-- for procs: 1==copy 2==instance 3==reference
--local default_args = #(2, -2, 3, 3, -3, 3)
local default_args = #(2, x_offset, 3, 3, y_offset, 3)
-- Show the dialog to get the parameters from the user.
-- The user's choices will override the above default values.
local chosen_args = wwSceneSetup default_args
if chosen_args != undefined then
-- Pick the user's choices out of the array returned from wwSceneSetup.
local lod_count = chosen_args[1]
local lod_offset = chosen_args[2]
local lod_clone_proc = chosen_args[3]
local damage_count = chosen_args[4]
local damage_offset = chosen_args[5]
local damage_clone_proc = chosen_args[6]
local lod_proc
local damage_proc
-- Choose the clone procs
case lod_clone_proc of
1: lod_proc = copy
2: lod_proc = instance
3: lod_proc = reference
default: throw "Invalid selection for LOD cloning procedure" lod_clone_proc
case damage_clone_proc of
1: damage_proc = copy
2: damage_proc = instance
3: damage_proc = reference
default: throw "Invalid selection for Damage cloning procedure" damage_clone_proc
-- Create the LOD models
createLOD count:lod_count offset:[lod_offset,0,0] clone_by:lod_proc
-- Create the Damage models
createDamage count:damage_count offset:[0,damage_offset,0] clone_by:damage_proc
return OK
-- The macro script definition for the toolbar button.
macroScript LOD_And_Damage_Setup
category:"Westwood Scripts"
buttonText:"LOD and Damage Setup"
toolTip:"LOD and Damage Setup"
icon:#("GameTools", 1)
if objects.count == 0 then
messageBox("There are no objects in the current scene. Load " + \
"a scene first.")
-- The macro script definition for the "create origin" toolbar
-- button. This will create a new origin object centered at 0,0,0
-- assign all objects a ".00" extension, and link all top-level
-- objects to the new origin.
macroScript Create_Origin
category:"Westwood Scripts"
buttonText:"Create Origin"
toolTip:"Create Origin"
icon:#("Helpers", 2)
if objects.count == 0 then
messageBox "An origin is not useful in an empty scene."
return OK
if $'Origin.00' == undefined then
local origin = SS_create_origin()
SS_build_hierarchy origin
print( + " created.")
messageBox "Origin.00 already exists"