545 lines
28 KiB
545 lines
28 KiB
** Command & Conquer(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\audio.cpv 2.17 16 Oct 1995 16:50:20 JOE_BOSTIC $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : AUDIO.CPP *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : September 10, 1993 *
* *
* Last Update : May 4, 1995 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* Is_Speaking -- Checks to see if the eva voice is still playing. *
* Sound_Effect -- General purpose sound player. *
* Sound_Effect -- Plays a sound effect in the tactical map. *
* Speak -- Computer speaks to the player. *
* Speak_AI -- Handles starting the EVA voices. *
* Stop_Speaking -- Forces the EVA voice to stop talking. *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "function.h"
** Controls what special effects may occur on the sound effect.
typedef enum {
IN_NOVAR, // No variation or alterations allowed.
IN_JUV, // Juvenile sound effect alternate option.
IN_VAR, // Infantry variance response modification.
} ContextType;
static struct {
char const *Name; // Digitized voice file name.
int Priority; // Playback priority of this sample.
ContextType Where; // In what game context does this sample exist.
} SoundEffectName[VOC_COUNT] = {
** Special voices (typically associated with the commando).
{"BOMBIT1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_PRESENT "I've got a present for ya"
{"CMON1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_CMON "c'mon"
{"GOTIT1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_UGOTIT "you got it" *
{"KEEPEM1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_COMIN "keep 'em commin'"
{"LAUGH1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_LAUGH "hahaha"
{"LEFTY1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_LEFTY "that was left handed" *
{"NOPRBLM1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_NOPROB "no problem"
// {"OHSH1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_OHSH "oh shiiiiii...."
{"ONIT1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_ONIT "I'm on it"
{"RAMYELL1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_YELL "ahhhhhhh"
{"ROKROLL1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_ROCK "time to rock and roll"
{"TUFFGUY1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_TUFF "real tuff guy" *
{"YEAH1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_YEA "yea" *
{"YES1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_YES "yes" *
{"YO1", 20, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_RAMBO_YO "yo"
** Civilian voices (technicians too).
** Infantry and vehicle responses.
{"2DANGR1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_2DANGER "negative, too dangerous"
{"ACKNO", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_ACKNOWL "acknowledged"
{"AFFIRM1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_AFFIRM "affirmative"
{"AWAIT1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_AWAIT1 "awaiting orders"
// {"BACKUP", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_BACKUP "send backup"
// {"HELP", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_HELP "send help"
{"MOVOUT1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_MOVEOUT "movin' out"
{"NEGATV1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_NEGATIVE "negative"
{"NOPROB", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_NO_PROB "not a problem"
{"READY", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_READY "ready and waiting"
{"REPORT1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_REPORT "reporting"
{"RITWAWA", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_RIGHT_AWAY "right away sir"
{"ROGER", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_ROGER "roger"
// {"SIR1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_SIR1 "sir?"
// {"SQUAD1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_SQUAD1 "squad reporting"
// {"TARGET1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_PRACTICE "target practice"
{"UGOTIT", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_UGOTIT "you got it"
{"UNIT1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_UNIT1 "unit reporting"
{"VEHIC1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_VEHIC1 "vehicle reporting"
{"YESSIR1", 10, IN_VAR}, // VOC_YESSIR "yes sir"
** Sound effects that have a juvenile counterpart.
{"BAZOOK1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_BAZOOKA Gunfire
{"BLEEP2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_BLEEP Clean metal bing
{"BOMB1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_BOMB1 Crunchy parachute bomb type explosion
{"BUTTON", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_BUTTON Dungeon Master button click
{"COMCNTR1", 10, IN_JUV}, // VOC_RADAR_ON Elecronic static with beeps
{"CONSTRU2", 10, IN_JUV}, // VOC_CONSTRUCTION construction sounds
{"CRUMBLE", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_CRUMBLE muffled crumble sound
{"FLAMER2", 4, IN_JUV}, // VOC_FLAMER1 flame thrower
{"GUN18", 4, IN_JUV}, // VOC_RIFLE rifle shot
{"GUN19", 4, IN_JUV}, // VOC_M60 machine gun burst -- 6 rounds
{"GUN20", 4, IN_JUV}, // VOC_GUN20 bat hitting heavy metal door
{"GUN5", 4, IN_JUV}, // VOC_M60A medium machine gun burst
{"GUN8", 4, IN_JUV}, // VOC_MINI mini gun burst
{"GUNCLIP1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_RELOAD gun clip reload
{"HVYDOOR1", 5, IN_JUV}, // VOC_SLAM metal plates slamming together
{"HVYGUN10", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_HVYGUN10 loud sharp cannon
{"ION1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_ION_CANNON partical beam
{"MGUN11", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_MGUN11 alternate tripple burst
{"MGUN2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_MGUN2 M-16 tripple burst
{"NUKEMISL", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_NUKE_FIRE long missile sound
{"NUKEXPLO", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_NUKE_EXPLODE long but not loud explosion
{"OBELRAY1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_LASER humming star wars laser beam
{"OBELPOWR", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_LASER_POWER warming-up sound of star wars laser beam
{"POWRDN1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_RADAR_OFF doom door slide
{"RAMGUN2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_SNIPER silenced rifle fire
{"ROCKET1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_ROCKET1 rocket launch variation #1
{"ROCKET2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_ROCKET2 rocket launch variation #2
{"SAMMOTR2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_MOTOR dentists drill
{"SCOLD2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_SCOLD cannot perform action feedback tone
{"SIDBAR1C", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_SIDEBAR_OPEN xylophone clink
{"SIDBAR2C", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_SIDEBAR_CLOSE xylophone clink
{"SQUISH2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_SQUISH2 crushing infantry
{"TNKFIRE2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_TANK1 sharp tank fire with recoil
{"TNKFIRE3", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_TANK2 sharp tank fire
{"TNKFIRE4", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_TANK3 sharp tank fire
{"TNKFIRE6", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_TANK4 big gun tank fire
{"TONE15", 0, IN_JUV}, // VOC_UP credits counting up
{"TONE16", 0, IN_JUV}, // VOC_DOWN credits counting down
{"TONE2", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_TARGET target sound
{"TONE5", 10, IN_JUV}, // VOC_SONAR sonar echo
{"TOSS", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_TOSS air swish
{"TRANS1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_CLOAK stealth tank
{"TREEBRN1", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_BURN burning crackle
{"TURRFIR5", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_TURRET muffled gunfire
{"XPLOBIG4", 5, IN_JUV}, // VOC_XPLOBIG4 very long muffled explosion
{"XPLOBIG6", 5, IN_JUV}, // VOC_XPLOBIG6 very long muffled explosion
{"XPLOBIG7", 5, IN_JUV}, // VOC_XPLOBIG7 very long muffled explosion
{"XPLODE", 1, IN_JUV}, // VOC_XPLODE long soft muffled explosion
{"XPLOS", 4, IN_JUV}, // VOC_XPLOS short crunchy explosion
{"XPLOSML2", 5, IN_JUV}, // VOC_XPLOSML2 muffled mechanical explosion
** Generic sound effects (no variations).
{"NUYELL1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM1 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL3", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM3 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL4", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM4 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL5", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM5 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL6", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM6 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL7", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM7 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL10", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM10 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL11", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM11 short infantry scream
{"NUYELL12", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_SCREAM12 short infantry scream
{"YELL1", 1, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_YELL1 long infantry scream
{"MYES1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_YES "Yes?"
{"MCOMND1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_COMMANDER "Commander?"
{"MHELLO1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_HELLO "Hello?"
{"MHMMM1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_HMMM "Hmmm?"
// {"MHASTE1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_PROCEED1 "I will proceed, post haste."
// {"MONCE1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_PROCEED2 "I will proceed, at once."
// {"MIMMD1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_PROCEED3 "I will proceed, immediately."
// {"MPLAN1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_EXCELLENT1 "That is an excellent plan."
// {"MPLAN2", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_EXCELLENT2 "Yes, that is an excellent plan."
{"MPLAN3", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_EXCELLENT3 "A wonderful plan."
// {"MACTION1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_EXCELLENT4 "Astounding plan of action commander."
// {"MREMARK1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_EXCELLENT5 "Remarkable contrivance."
{"MCOURSE1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_OF_COURSE "Of course."
{"MYESYES1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_YESYES "Yes yes yes."
{"MTIBER1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_QUIP1 "Mind the Tiberium."
// {"MMG1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_QUIP2 "A most remarkable Metasequoia Glyptostroboides."
{"MTHANKS1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_THANKS "Thank you."
{"CASHTURN", 1, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_CASHTURN Sound of money being piled up.
{"BLEEP2", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_BLEEPY3 Clean computer bleep sound.
{"DINOMOUT", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_DINOMOUT Movin' out in dino-speak.
{"DINOYES", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_DINOYES Yes Sir in dino-speak.
{"DINOATK1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_DINOATK1 Dino attack sound.
{"DINODIE1", 10, IN_NOVAR}, // VOC_DINODIE1 Dino die sound.
* Sound_Effect -- Plays a sound effect in the tactical map. *
* *
* This routine is used when a sound effect occurs in the game world. It handles fading *
* the sound according to distance. *
* *
* INPUT: voc -- The sound effect number to play. *
* *
* coord -- The world location that the sound originates from. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 11/12/1994 JLB : Created. *
* 01/05/1995 JLB : Reduces sound more dramatically when off screen. *
void Sound_Effect(VocType voc, COORDINATE coord, int variation)
unsigned distance;
CELL cell_pos;
int pan_value;
if (!Options.Volume || voc == VOC_NONE || !SoundOn || SampleType == SAMPLE_NONE) {
if (coord) {
cell_pos = Coord_Cell(coord);
distance = 0xFF;
pan_value = 0;
if (coord && !Map.In_View(cell_pos)) {
distance = Map.Cell_Distance(cell_pos, Coord_Cell(Map.TacticalCoord));
distance = (unsigned int)MIN((int)distance, (int)MAP_CELL_W);
distance = Cardinal_To_Fixed(MAP_CELL_W, distance);
distance = MIN(distance, 0xFFu);
distance ^= 0xFF;
distance /= 2;
distance = MAX(distance, 25);
pan_value = Cell_X(cell_pos);
pan_value -= Coord_XCell(Map.TacticalCoord) + (Lepton_To_Cell(Map.TacLeptonWidth) >> 1);
if (ABS(pan_value) > Lepton_To_Cell(Map.TacLeptonWidth >> 1)) {
pan_value *= 0x8000;
pan_value /= (MAP_CELL_W >> 2);
pan_value = Bound(pan_value, -0x7FFF, 0x7FFF);
// pan_value = MAX((int)pan_value, (int)-0x7FFF);
// pan_value = MIN((int)pan_value, 0x7FFF);
} else {
pan_value = 0;
Sound_Effect(voc, (VolType)Fixed_To_Cardinal(distance, Options.Volume), variation, pan_value);
* Sound_Effect -- General purpose sound player. *
* *
* This is used for general purpose sound effects. These are sounds that occur outside *
* of the game world. They do not have a corresponding game world location as their source. *
* *
* INPUT: voc -- The sound effect number to play. *
* *
* volume -- The volume to assign to this sound effect. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the sound handle (-1 if no sound was played). *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 11/12/1994 JLB : Created. *
* 11/12/1994 JLB : Handles cache logic. *
* 05/04/1995 JLB : Variation adjustments. *
int Sound_Effect(VocType voc, VolType volume, int variation, signed short pan_value)
char name[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; // Working filename of sound effect.
if (!Options.Volume || voc == VOC_NONE || !SoundOn || SampleType == SAMPLE_NONE) {
** Fetch a pointer to the sound effect data. Modify the sound as appropriate and desired.
char const * ext = ".AUD";
if (Special.IsJuvenile && SoundEffectName[voc].Where == IN_JUV) {
ext = ".JUV";
} else {
if (SoundEffectName[voc].Where == IN_VAR) {
** For infantry, use a variation on the response. For vehicles, always
** use the vehicle response table.
if (variation < 0) {
if (ABS(variation) % 2) {
ext = ".V00";
} else {
ext = ".V02";
} else {
if (variation % 2) {
ext = ".V01";
} else {
ext = ".V03";
_makepath(name, NULL, NULL, SoundEffectName[voc].Name, ext);
void const * ptr = MixFileClass::Retrieve(name);
** If the sound data pointer is not null, then presume that it is valid.
if (ptr) {
return(Play_Sample(ptr, Fixed_To_Cardinal(SoundEffectName[voc].Priority, (int)volume), (int)volume, pan_value));
** This elaborates all the EVA speech voices.
char const * Speech[VOX_COUNT] = {
"ACCOM1", // mission accomplished
"FAIL1", // your mission has failed
"BLDG1", // unable to comply, building in progress
"CONSTRU1", // construction complete
"UNITREDY", // unit ready
"NEWOPT1", // new construction options
"DEPLOY1", // cannot deploy here
"GDIDEAD1", // GDI unit destroyed
"NODDEAD1", // Nod unit destroyed
"CIVDEAD1", // civilian killed
// "EVAYES1", // affirmative
// "EVANO1", // negative
// "UPUNIT1", // upgrade complete, new unit available
// "UPSTRUC1", // upgrade complete, new structure available
"NOCASH1", // insufficient funds
"BATLCON1", // battle control terminated
"REINFOR1", // reinforcements have arrived
"CANCEL1", // canceled
"BLDGING1", // building
"LOPOWER1", // low power
"NOPOWER1", // insufficient power
"MOCASH1", // need more funds
"BASEATK1", // our base is under attack
"INCOME1", // incoming missile
"ENEMYA", // enemy planes approaching
"NUKE1", // nuclear warhead approaching
// "RADOK1", // radiation levels are acceptable
// "RADFATL1", // radiation levels are fatal
"NOBUILD1", // unable to build more
"PRIBLDG1", // primary building selected
// "REPDONE1", // repairs completed
"NODCAPT1", // Nod building captured
"GDICAPT1", // GDI building captured
// "SOLD1", // structure sold
"IONCHRG1", // ion cannon charging
"IONREDY1", // ion cannon ready
"NUKAVAIL", // nuclear weapon available
"NUKLNCH1", // nuclear weapon launched
"UNITLOST", // unit lost
"STRCLOST", // structure lost
"NEEDHARV", // need harvester
"SELECT1", // select target
"AIRREDY1", // airstrike ready
"NOREDY1", // not ready
"TRANSSEE", // Nod transport sighted
"TRANLOAD", // Nod transport loaded
"ENMYAPP1", // enemy approaching
"SILOS1", // silos needed
"ONHOLD1", // on hold
"REPAIR1", // repairing
"ESTRUCX", // enemy structure destroyed
"GSTRUC1", // GDI structure destroyed
"NSTRUC1", // NOD structure destroyed
"ENMYUNIT", // Enemy unit destroyed
// "GUKILL1", // gold unit destroyed
// "GSTRUD1", // gold structure destroyed
// "GONLINE1", // gold player online
// "GLEFT1", // gold player has departed
// "GOLDKILT", // gold player destroyed
// "GOLDWIN", // gold player is victorious
// "RUKILL1", // red unit destroyed
// "RSTRUD1", // red structure destroyed
// "RONLINE1", // red player online
// "RLEFT1", // red player has departed
// "REDKILT", // red player destroyed
// "REDWIN", // red player is victorious
// "GYUKILL1", // grey unit destroyed
// "GYSTRUD1", // grey structure destroyed
// "GYONLINE", // grey player online
// "GYLEFT1", // grey player has departed
// "GREYKILT", // grey player destroyed
// "GREYWIN", // grey player is victorious
// "OUKILL1", // orange unit destroyed
// "OSTRUD1", // orange structure destroyed
// "OONLINE1", // orange player online
// "OLEFT1", // orange player has departed
// "ORANKILT", // orange player destroyed
// "ORANWIN", // orange player is victorious
// "GNUKILL1", // green unit destroyed
// "GNSTRUD1", // green structure destroyed
// "GNONLINE", // green player online
// "GNLEFT1", // green player has departed
// "GRENKILT", // green player destroyed
// "GRENWIN", // green player is victorious
// "BUKILL1", // blue unit destroyed
// "BSTRUD1", // blue structure destroyed
// "BONLINE1", // blue player online
// "BLEFT1", // blue player has departed
// "BLUEKILT", // blue player destroyed
// "BLUEWIN" // blue player is victorious
static VoxType CurrentVoice = VOX_NONE;
* Speak -- Computer speaks to the player. *
* *
* This routine is used to have the game computer (EVA) speak to the player. *
* *
* INPUT: voice -- The voice number to speak (see defines.h). *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the handle of the playing speech (-1 if no voice started). *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 11/12/1994 JLB : Created. *
void Speak(VoxType voice)
if (Options.Volume && SampleType != 0 && voice != VOX_NONE && voice != SpeakQueue && voice != CurrentVoice && SpeakQueue == VOX_NONE) {
SpeakQueue = voice;
* Speak_AI -- Handles starting the EVA voices. *
* *
* This starts the EVA voice talking as well. If there is any speech request in the queue, *
* it will be started when the current voice is finished. Call this routine as often as *
* possible (once per game tick is sufficient). *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 12/27/1994 JLB : Created. *
void Speak_AI(void)
static VoxType _last = VOX_NONE;
if (SampleType == 0) return;
if (!Is_Sample_Playing(SpeechBuffer)) {
CurrentVoice = VOX_NONE;
if (SpeakQueue != VOX_NONE) {
if (SpeakQueue != _last) {
char name[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT];
_makepath(name, NULL, NULL, Speech[SpeakQueue], ".AUD");
if (CCFileClass(name).Read(SpeechBuffer, SPEECH_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
Play_Sample(SpeechBuffer, 254, Options.Volume);
_last = SpeakQueue;
} else {
Play_Sample(SpeechBuffer, 254, Options.Volume);
SpeakQueue = VOX_NONE;
* Stop_Speaking -- Forces the EVA voice to stop talking. *
* *
* Use this routine to immediately stop the EVA voice from speaking. It also clears out *
* the pending voice queue. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 12/27/1994 JLB : Created. *
void Stop_Speaking(void)
SpeakQueue = VOX_NONE;
if (SampleType != 0) {
* Is_Speaking -- Checks to see if the eva voice is still playing. *
* *
* Call this routine when the EVA voice being played needs to be checked. A typical use *
* of this would be when some action needs to be delayed until the voice has finished -- *
* say the end of the game. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Is the EVA voice still playing? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/12/1995 JLB : Created. *
bool Is_Speaking(void)
if (SampleType != 0 && (SpeakQueue != VOX_NONE || Is_Sample_Playing(SpeechBuffer))) {