/* ** Command & Conquer(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /************************************************************************************* ** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** ************************************************************************************* * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer - Red Alert * * * * File Name : INTERNET.CPP * * * * Programmer : Steve Tall * * * * Start Date : March 11th, 1996 * * * * Last Update : August 5th, 1996 [ST] * * * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Overview: * * * * Miscellaneous junk related to H2H internet connection. * * * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Check_From_WChat -- Interprets start game packet from WChat * * Read_Game_Options -- Read the game setup options from the wchat packet * * Is_User_WChat_Registered -- retrieve the users wchat entry from registry * * Spawn_WChat -- spawns or switches focus to wchat * * Spawn_Registration_App -- spawns the C&C/Planet westwood registration app * * Do_The_Internet_Menu_Thang -- Handle case where user clicks on 'Internet' button * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "tcpip.h" #include "ccdde.h" /*************************************************************************** ** Internet specific globals */ char PlanetWestwoodHandle[] = {"Handle"}; //Planet WW user name char PlanetWestwoodPassword[] = {"Password"}; //Planet WW password char PlanetWestwoodIPAddress[IP_ADDRESS_MAX] = {""}; //IP of server or other player long PlanetWestwoodPortNumber = 1234; //Port number to send to bool PlanetWestwoodIsHost = false; //Flag true if player has control of game options unsigned long PlanetWestwoodGameID; //Game ID unsigned long PlanetWestwoodStartTime; //Time that game was started HWND WChatHWND = 0; //Handle to Wchat window. bool UseVirtualSubnetServer; int InternetMaxPlayers; int WChatMaxAhead; int WChatSendRate; int Read_Game_Options(void); extern bool SpawnedFromWChat; /*********************************************************************************************** * Check_From_WChat -- This function reads in C&CSPAWN.INI and interprets it * * C&CSPAWN.INI is now sent to us by WCHAT via DDE * * * * * * * * INPUT: Name of C&CSPAWN.INI file. If NULL then get file from DDE Server * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 6/9/96 1:44PM ST : Created * *=============================================================================================*/ void Check_From_WChat(char *wchat_name) { #ifndef DEMO char default_string[] = {"Error"}; char key_string[256]; char *ini_file; RawFileClass wchat_file; /* ** Get a pointer to C&CSPAWN.INI either by reading it from disk or getting it from ** the DDE server. */ if (wchat_name){ ini_file = new char [8192]; }else{ ini_file = DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info(); #if (0) /* ** Save it to disk as well so I can see it */ RawFileClass anotherfile ("FROMCHAT.TXT"); anotherfile.Write(ini_file, DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info_Length()); #endif //(0) } if (wchat_name){ wchat_file.Set_Name(wchat_name); } if (!wchat_name || wchat_file.Is_Available()){ /* ** Read the ini file from disk if we founf it there */ if (wchat_name){ wchat_file.Read(ini_file, wchat_file.Size()); } /* ** Get the IP address */ key_string[0] = 0; WWGetPrivateProfileString("Internet", "Address", default_string, key_string, sizeof(key_string), ini_file); if (!strcmp (key_string, default_string)) { if (wchat_name) delete ini_file; return; } strcpy (PlanetWestwoodIPAddress, key_string); /* ** Get the port number */ key_string[0] = 0; WWGetPrivateProfileString("Internet", "Port", default_string, key_string, sizeof(key_string), ini_file); if (!strcmp (key_string, default_string)) { if (wchat_name) delete ini_file; return; } PlanetWestwoodPortNumber = atol(key_string); /* ** Get host or client */ key_string[0] = 0; WWGetPrivateProfileString("Internet", "Host", default_string, key_string, sizeof(key_string), ini_file); if (!strcmp (key_string, default_string)) { if (wchat_name) delete ini_file; return; } if (strchr (key_string, '1')){ PlanetWestwoodIsHost = true; }else{ PlanetWestwoodIsHost = false; } UseVirtualSubnetServer = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Internet", "UseVSS", 0, ini_file); Special.IsFromWChat = true; } if (wchat_name) delete ini_file; #else //DEMO wchat_name = wchat_name; #endif //DEMO } //EventClass Wibble; /*************************************************************************** * Read_Game_Options -- reads multiplayer game options from disk * * * * This routine is used for multiplayer games which read the game options * * from disk, rather than through a connection dialog. * * * * INPUT: * * name of C&CSPAWN.INI file. Null if data should be got from DDE server* * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK, 0 = error * * * * WARNINGS: \ * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/11/1996 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int Read_Game_Options(char *name) { char *buffer; char filename[256] = {"INVALID.123"}; if (name){ strcpy (filename, name); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create filename and read the file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCFileClass file (filename); if (name && !file.Is_Available()) { return(0); } else { if (name){ buffer = new char [8192]; // INI staging buffer pointer. memset(buffer, '\0', 8192); file.Read(buffer, 8192-1); file.Close(); }else{ buffer = DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info(); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get the player's name ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ WWGetPrivateProfileString("Options", "Handle", "Noname", MPlayerName, sizeof(MPlayerName), buffer); strcpy(MPlayerGameName, MPlayerName); MPlayerColorIdx = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Color", 0, buffer); MPlayerPrefColor = MPlayerColorIdx; MPlayerHouse = (HousesType)WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Side", HOUSE_GOOD, buffer); MPlayerCredits = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Credits", 0, buffer); MPlayerBases = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Bases", 0, buffer); MPlayerTiberium = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Tiberium", 0, buffer); MPlayerGoodies = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Crates", 0, buffer); MPlayerGhosts = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "AI", 0, buffer); BuildLevel = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "BuildLevel", 0, buffer); MPlayerUnitCount = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "UnitCount", 0, buffer); Seed = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Seed", 0, buffer); Special.IsCaptureTheFlag = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "CaptureTheFlag", 0, buffer); PlanetWestwoodGameID = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Internet", "GameID", 0, buffer); PlanetWestwoodStartTime = WWGetPrivateProfileInt ("Internet", "StartTime", 0, buffer); WChatHWND = (HWND) WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Internet", "HWND", (int)FindWindow("OWL_Window", "Westwood Chat"), buffer); InternetMaxPlayers = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Internet", "MaxPlayers", 2, buffer); if (MPlayerTiberium) { Special.IsTGrowth = 1; Special.IsTSpread = 1; } else { Special.IsTGrowth = 0; Special.IsTSpread = 0; } ScenarioIdx = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Options", "Scenario", 0, buffer); Scenario = ScenarioIdx; //MPlayerFilenum[ScenarioIdx]; Options.GameSpeed = 0; MPlayerLocalID = Build_MPlayerID (MPlayerColorIdx, MPlayerHouse); MPlayerMaxAhead = WChatMaxAhead = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Timing", "MaxAhead", 9, buffer); FrameSendRate = WChatSendRate = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Timing", "SendRate", 3, buffer); if (name) delete buffer; return (1); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Get_Registry_Sub_Key -- search a registry key for a sub-key * * * * * * * * INPUT: handle of key to search * * text to search for * * true if old key should be closed when new key opened * * * * OUTPUT: handle to the key we found or 0 * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 1/12/96 2:11PM ST : Created * *=============================================================================================*/ extern HKEY Get_Registry_Sub_Key (HKEY base_key, char *search_key, BOOL close); void Just_Path(char *path, char *destpath) { char *terminator = NULL; //He'll be back. strcpy (destpath, path); terminator = strrchr (destpath, '\\'); if (terminator){ *terminator = 0; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Is_User_WChat_Registered -- retrieve the users wchat entry from the registry * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: TRUE if users wchat entry was found in the registry * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 1/12/96 2:13PM ST : Created * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Is_User_WChat_Registered(char *buffer, int buffer_len) { HKEY key; char user_handle[256]; DWORD user_handle_size = sizeof (user_handle); char user_pword[256]; DWORD user_pword_size = sizeof (user_pword); /* ** Check HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT first. Old versions of Wchat register there */ key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Wchat", FALSE); if (key){ key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Nick1", TRUE); if (key){ if (RegQueryValue(key, "Nick", user_handle, (long*)&user_handle_size) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ if (RegQueryValue(key, "Pass", user_pword, (long*)&user_pword_size) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ /* ** If the first char of the users name is non-numberic and there is a password ** then return success */ if ((user_handle[0] < '0' || user_handle[0] > '9') && user_pword[0]){ RegCloseKey( key ); return (TRUE); } } } } RegCloseKey ( key ); } /* ** Check HKEY_LOCAL_MACKINE/Software */ user_handle_size = sizeof (user_handle); key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE", FALSE); if (!key) return (FALSE); key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Westwood", TRUE); if (!key) return (FALSE); key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "InetReg", TRUE); if (!key) return (FALSE); //key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "UserName", TRUE); //if (!key) return (FALSE); //key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Nick", TRUE); //if (!key) return (FALSE); if (RegQueryValueEx(key, "UserName", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)user_handle, &user_handle_size) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ RegCloseKey(key); return (FALSE); } RegCloseKey(key); memcpy (buffer, user_handle, min(buffer_len, user_handle_size)); /* ** If the first char of the users name is non-numeric then return success */ if (user_handle[0] < '0' || user_handle[0] > '9'){ return (TRUE); }else{ return (FALSE); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Spawn_WChat -- spawns or switches focus to wchat * * * * * * * * INPUT: can launch. If set then we are allowed to launch WChat if not already running * * * * OUTPUT: True if wchat was spawned * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 6/8/96 12:33PM ST : Created * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Poke_WChat(void); bool Spawn_WChat(bool can_launch) { CCDebugString ("C&C95 - In Spawn_WChat.\n"); char packet[10] = {"Hello"}; HWND chat_window = NULL; /* ** See if WChat is already running... */ if (WChatHWND && IsWindow (WChatHWND) ){ chat_window = WChatHWND; }else{ chat_window = FindWindow ( "OWL_Window", "Westwood Chat" ); } if (chat_window){ /* ** WChat is already running. Minimize myself then try to give it focus. */ Set_Palette(BlackPalette); VisiblePage.Clear(); ShowWindow (MainWindow, SW_MINIMIZE); /* ** Give windoze a couple of secs to sort itself out. */ CountDownTimerClass wibble_timer; wibble_timer.Set ( 60 * 3, true); while (wibble_timer.Time()){ /* ** Call our message loop to make sure we get all the messages that are sent to us ** when we minimise. */ Keyboard::Check(); } /* ** Send chat a tickle message so it knows to send the game stats to the server. */ if (GameStatisticsPacketSent && !PlanetWestwoodIsHost) { Send_Data_To_DDE_Server (packet, strlen(packet), DDEServerClass::DDE_TICKLE); } /* ** Give the focus to WChat */ SetForegroundWindow ( chat_window ); ShowWindow ( chat_window, SW_RESTORE ); return(true); } /* ** Fail if we aren't allowed to launch wchat and we couldnt find its window. */ if (!can_launch) return (false); /* ** Find where WChat was installed to */ HKEY key; char wchat_loc[256]; DWORD wchat_loc_size = 256; key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE", FALSE); if (!key) return (FALSE); key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Westwood", TRUE); if (!key) return (FALSE); key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "WChat", TRUE); if (!key) return (FALSE); //key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "UserName", TRUE); //if (!key) return (FALSE); //key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Nick", TRUE); //if (!key) return (FALSE); if (RegQueryValueEx(key, "InstallPath", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)wchat_loc, &wchat_loc_size) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ RegCloseKey(key); return (FALSE); } RegCloseKey(key); PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info; STARTUPINFO start_info; memset ((void*)&start_info, 0, sizeof(start_info)); start_info.cb = sizeof(start_info); char justpath [256]; Just_Path(wchat_loc, justpath); /* ** We found WChat in the registry. Minimize myself then try to spawn it. */ Set_Palette(BlackPalette); VisiblePage.Clear(); ShowWindow (MainWindow, SW_MINIMIZE); /* ** Give windoze a couple of secs to sort itself out. */ CountDownTimerClass wibble_timer; wibble_timer.Set ( 60 * 3, true); while (wibble_timer.Time()){ /* ** Call our message loop to make sure we get all the messages that are sent to us ** when we minimise. */ Keyboard::Check(); } bool success = CreateProcess (wchat_loc, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, justpath, &start_info, &process_info); if (success){ return (true); }else{ ShowWindow (MainWindow, SW_RESTORE); while ( Keyboard::Check() ) {}; return (false); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Spawn_Registration_App -- spawns the C&C/Planet westwood registration app * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: True if app was spawned * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 6/8/96 12:33PM ST : Created * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Spawn_Registration_App(void) { /* ** Find where inetreg was installed to */ HKEY key; char inetreg_loc[256]; DWORD inetreg_loc_size = 256; key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE", FALSE); if (!key) return (FALSE); key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Westwood", TRUE); if (!key) return (FALSE); key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "InetReg", TRUE); if (!key) return (FALSE); if (RegQueryValueEx(key, "InstallPath", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)inetreg_loc, &inetreg_loc_size) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ RegCloseKey(key); return (FALSE); } RegCloseKey(key); PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info; STARTUPINFO start_info; char justpath [256]; memset ((void*)&start_info, 0, sizeof(start_info)); start_info.cb = sizeof(start_info); Just_Path(inetreg_loc, justpath); BOOL success = CreateProcess (inetreg_loc, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, justpath, &start_info, &process_info); if (success){ //WaitForSingleObject (process_info.hProcess, 1000*10000); //SetForegroundWindow ( MainWindow ); //ShowWindow ( MainWindow, SW_RESTORE ); } return (success); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Do_The_Internet_Menu_Thang -- Handle case where user clicks on 'Internet' button * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 6/7/96 8:30PM ST : Created * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Do_The_Internet_Menu_Thang(void) { #ifndef DEMO int factor = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() == 320) ? 1 : 2; /* ** Dialog & button dimensions */ int d_dialog_w = 120 *factor; // dialog width int d_dialog_h = 80*factor; // dialog height int d_dialog_x = ((320*factor - d_dialog_w) / 2); // dialog x-coord int d_dialog_y = ((200*factor - d_dialog_h) / 2); // centered y-coord int d_dialog_cx = d_dialog_x + (d_dialog_w / 2); // center x-coord int d_margin1=10; int d_txt6_h=15; #if (GERMAN | FRENCH) int d_cancel_w = 50*factor; #else int d_cancel_w = 40*factor; #endif int d_cancel_h = 9*factor; int d_cancel_x = d_dialog_cx - d_cancel_w / 2; int d_cancel_y = d_dialog_y + d_dialog_h - 20*factor; char packet[10] = {"Hello"}; #if (GERMAN | FRENCH) int width=160*factor; int height=80*factor; #else int width=120*factor; int height=80*factor; #endif //GERMAN | FRENCH Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE,0,0,TBLACK,TBLACK,TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_NOSHADOW); Format_Window_String((char*)Text_String (TXT_CONNECTING), SeenBuff.Get_Height(), width, height); #if (GERMAN | FRENCH) d_dialog_w = width + 25*factor; d_dialog_x = ((320*factor - d_dialog_w) / 2); // dialog x-coord d_cancel_x = d_dialog_cx - (d_cancel_w / 2); #endif /* ** Button Enumerations */ enum { BUTTON_CANCEL = 100, }; /* ** Buttons */ //TextButtonClass *buttons; // button list TextButtonClass cancelbtn(BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, //#if (GERMAN | FRENCH) // d_cancel_x, d_cancel_y); //#else d_cancel_x, d_cancel_y, d_cancel_w, d_cancel_h); //#endif //buttons = &cancelbtn; Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); char users_name[256]; int buffer_len = sizeof (users_name); bool process; bool display; KeyNumType input; if (!Special.IsFromWChat && !SpawnedFromWChat){ /* ** If the user is registered with Planet Westwood then spawn WChat. */ if (Is_User_WChat_Registered(users_name, buffer_len)){ GameStatisticsPacketSent = false; if (!Spawn_WChat(true)){ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Load_Title_Screen("HTITLE.PCX", &HidPage, Palette); HidPage.Blit(SeenBuff); Set_Palette(Palette); CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_RUN_WCHAT, TXT_OK); LogicPage->Clear(); return(false); } }else{ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Load_Title_Screen("HTITLE.PCX", &HidPage, Palette); HidPage.Blit(SeenBuff); Set_Palette(Palette); if (CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_EXPLAIN_REGISTRATION, TXT_REGISTER, TXT_CANCEL)){ LogicPage->Clear(); return(false); }else{ LogicPage->Clear(); Spawn_Registration_App(); return(false); } } } /* ** ** User is registered and we spawned WChat. Wait for a game start message from WChat. ** */ process = true; display = true; while (process){ /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored = FALSE; display = true; } if (display) { Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Redraw backgound & dialog box */ Load_Title_Screen("HTITLE.PCX", &HidPage, Palette); HidPage.Blit(SeenBuff); Set_Palette(Palette); Dialog_Box(d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w, d_dialog_h); /* ** Dialog & Field labels */ Draw_Caption (TXT_NONE, d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_CONNECTING, d_dialog_cx-width/2, d_dialog_y + 25*factor, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); //cancelbtn.Zap(); //buttons = &cancelbtn; /* .................... Rebuild the button list .................... */ //buttons->Draw_All(); cancelbtn.Draw_Me(true); Show_Mouse(); display = false; } /* ** See if the game start packet has arrived from wchat yet. */ if (DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info()){ //MessageBox (NULL, "About to restore focus to C&C95", "C&C95", MB_OK); //SetForegroundWindow ( MainWindow ); //ShowWindow ( MainWindow, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ); return(true); } //input = buttons->Input(); input = cancelbtn.Input(); /* ---------------------------- Process input ---------------------------- */ switch (input) { /* ** Cancel. Just return to the main menu */ case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): process = false; Send_Data_To_DDE_Server (packet, strlen(packet), DDEServerClass::DDE_CONNECTION_FAILED); GameStatisticsPacketSent = false; Spawn_WChat(false); break; } } #endif //DEMO return (false); }