/* ** Command & Conquer(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\rawfile.cpv 2.18 16 Oct 1995 16:50:54 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Westwood Library * * * * File Name : RAWFILE.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : August 8, 1994 * * * * Last Update : October 18, 1994 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * RawFileClass::Close -- Perform a closure of the file. * * RawFileClass::Create -- Creates an empty file. * * RawFileClass::Delete -- Deletes the file object from the disk. * * RawFileClass::Error -- Handles displaying a file error message. * * RawFileClass::Is_Available -- Checks to see if the specified file is available to open. * * RawFileClass::Open -- Assigns name and opens file in one operation. * * RawFileClass::Open -- Opens the file object with the rights specified. * * RawFileClass::RawFileClass -- Simple constructor for a file object. * * RawFileClass::Read -- Reads the specified number of bytes into a memory buffer. * * RawFileClass::Seek -- Reposition the file pointer as indicated. * * RawFileClass::Set_Name -- Manually sets the name for a file object. * * RawFileClass::Size -- Determines size of file (in bytes). * * RawFileClass::Write -- Writes the specified data to the buffer specified. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wwlib32.h" #include "compat.h" #include "rawfile.h" extern GraphicBufferClass SeenBuff; extern GraphicBufferClass HidPage; /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Error -- Handles displaying a file error message. * * * * Display an error message as indicated. If it is allowed to retry, then pressing a key * * will return from this function. Otherwise, it will exit the program with "exit()". * * * * INPUT: error -- The error number (same as the DOSERR.H error numbers). * * * * canretry -- Can this routine exit normally so that retrying can occur? If this is * * false, then the program WILL exit in this routine. * * * * filename -- Optional filename to report with this error. If no filename is * * supplied, then no filename is listed in the error message. * * * * OUTPUT: none, but this routine might not return at all if the "canretry" parameter is * * false or the player pressed ESC. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine may not return at all. It handles being in text mode as well as * * if in a graphic mode. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void RawFileClass::Error(int error, int canretry, char const * filename) { char message[256]; // Staging buffer for error message string. /* ** Build the complete text of the error message. This text is used in either the graphic ** mode or the text mode version. */ #ifdef GERMAN strcpy(message, "DATEIFEHLER"); #else #ifdef FRENCH strcpy(message, "ERREUR DE FICHIER"); #else strcpy(message, "FILE ERROR"); #endif #endif if (filename) { strcat(message, "("); strcat(message, filename); strcat(message, ")"); } strcat(message, ": "); //BG: Borland only strcat(message, _sys_errlist[error]); strcat(message, strerror(error) ); strcat(message, ". "); /* ** If it can't properly handle displaying the error message in the ** current graphic mode, then this forces the error to become non ** recoverable. Go into text mode and proceed. */ if (!FontPtr && GraphicMode != TXT_MODE) { Set_Video_Mode(RESET_MODE); canretry = false; GraphicMode = TXT_MODE; } /* ** Add the text explaining the valid actions to take. */ if (canretry) { if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) strcat(message, "\n"); #ifdef GERMAN strcat(message, " Beliebige Taste drcken fr erneuten Versuch."); if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) strcat(message, "\n"); strcat(message, " drcken, um das Programm zu verlassen."); #else #ifdef FRENCH strcat(message, " Appuyez sur une touche pour recommencer."); if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) strcat(message, "\n"); strcat(message, " Appuyez sur Echap pour quitter le programme."); #else strcat(message, " Press any key to retry."); if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) strcat(message, "\n"); strcat(message, " Press to exit program."); #endif #endif if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) strcat(message, "\n"); } else { if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) strcat(message, "\n"); #ifdef GERMAN strcat(message, " Beliebige Taste drcken, um das Programm zu verlassen."); #else #ifdef FRENCH strcat(message, " Appuyez sur une touche pour quitter le programme."); #else strcat(message, " Press any key to exit program."); #endif #endif if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) strcat(message, "\n"); } /* ** In text mode, the error handler is very simple. It just prints the error message ** to the screen and waits for a response. */ if (GraphicMode == TXT_MODE) { int input; /* ** Display the error message and wait for a response. */ printf(message); Keyboard::Clear(); input = Keyboard::Get(); /* ** Check for input. If the ESC key was pressed or if retrying is not allowed, ** then exit the program. Otherwise, return from this routine for a retry ** attempt. */ if (input == KN_ESC || !canretry) { Prog_End(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { /* ** The graphic mode version of the error handler will display a simple message ** box on the screen. If the palette is black at this point, then the error will ** be invisible. For more thorough and pleasing results, you should replace this ** virtual function with one of your own, that is more aware of the environment ** in which is exists. */ void *background; // Pointer to background saving buffer. GraphicBufferClass * oldpage; // Copy of old logic page. int oldwindow; // Copy of old window number. void const *oldfont; // Copy of old font pointer. int oldspacing; // Old font X spacing. /* ** Setup display in preparation for printing the error message. */ oldpage = Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); oldwindow = Change_Window(ErrorWindow); oldfont = Set_Font(FontPtr); oldspacing = FontXSpacing; FontXSpacing = 0; Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Try to allocate a storage buffer for the background to the ** error window. */ background = new char [Size_Of_Region(WinW<<3, WinH)]; /* ** If there is memory for the background storage, then save the ** screen image area to that buffer. */ if (background) { SeenBuff.To_Buffer(WinX<<3, WinY, WinW<<3, WinH, background, Size_Of_Region(WinW<<3, WinH)); } /* ** Draw a rudimentary box. */ New_Window(); LogicPage->Draw_Rect(WinX<<3, WinY, (WinX+WinW)<<3, WinY+WinH, WinC); /* ** shrinks window down one byte in all directions. */ WindowList[Window][WINDOWX] += 1; WindowList[Window][WINDOWY] += 1<<3; WindowList[Window][WINDOWWIDTH] -= 1<<1; WindowList[Window][WINDOWHEIGHT] -= 1<<4; Change_Window(Window); WinCx = WinCy = 0; Window_Print(message); Keyboard::Clear(); /* ** Check for input. If the ESC key was pressed or if retrying is not allowed, ** then exit the program. Otherwise, return from this routine for a retry ** attempt. */ int input = Keyboard::Get(); if (input == KN_ESC || !canretry) { Prog_End(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* ** Restore the window back to its original size. */ WindowList[Window][WINDOWX] -= 1; WindowList[Window][WINDOWY] -= 1<<3; WindowList[Window][WINDOWWIDTH] += 1<<1; WindowList[Window][WINDOWHEIGHT] += 1<<4; Change_Window(Window); WinCx = WinCy = 0; /* ** If the background was saved off, then restore it. */ if (background) { Buffer_To_Page(WinX<<3, WinY, WinW<<3, WinH, background, SeenBuff); delete [] background; } /* ** Restore the system global settings to original values. */ Show_Mouse(); Change_Window(oldwindow); Set_Font(oldfont); Set_Logic_Page(oldpage); FontXSpacing = oldspacing; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::RawFileClass -- Simple constructor for a file object. * * * * This constructor is called when a file object is created with a supplied filename, but * * not opened at the same time. In this case, an assumption is made that the supplied * * filename is a constant string. A duplicate of the filename string is not created since * * it would be wasteful in that case. * * * * INPUT: filename -- The filename to assign to this file object. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ RawFileClass::RawFileClass(char const *filename) : Handle(-1), Filename(filename), Allocated(false) { } RawFileClass::~RawFileClass(void) { if (Allocated && Filename) { free((char *)Filename); } Allocated = false; Filename = 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Set_Name -- Manually sets the name for a file object. * * * * This routine will set the name for the file object to the name specified. This name is * * duplicated in free store. This allows the supplied name to be a temporarily constructed * * text string. Setting the name in this fashion doesn't affect the closed or opened state * * of the file. * * * * INPUT: filename -- The filename to assign to this file object. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the allocated copy of this filename. This pointer is * * guaranteed to remain valid for the duration of this file object or until the name * * is changed -- whichever is sooner. * * * * WARNINGS: Because of the allocation this routine must perform, memory could become * * fragmented. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ char const * RawFileClass::Set_Name(char const *filename) { if (Filename && Allocated) { free((char*)Filename); Filename = 0; Allocated = false; } if (!filename) return(NULL); Filename = strdup(filename); if (!Filename) { Error(ENOMEM, false, filename); } Allocated = true; return(Filename); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Open -- Assigns name and opens file in one operation. * * * * This routine will assign the specified filename to the file object and open it at the * * same time. If the file object was already open, then it will be closed first. If the * * file object was previously assigned a filename, then it will be replaced with the new * * name. Typically, this routine is used when an anonymous file object has been crated and * * now it needs to be assigned a name and opened. * * * * INPUT: filename -- The filename to assign to this file object. * * * * rights -- The open file access rights to use. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the file opened? The return value of this is moot, since the open file * * is designed to never return unless it succeeded. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int RawFileClass::Open(char const *filename, int rights) { Set_Name(filename); return(Open(rights)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Open -- Opens the file object with the rights specified. * * * * This routine is used to open the specified file object with the access rights indicated. * * This only works if the file has already been assigned a filename. It is guaranteed, by * * the error handler, that this routine will always return with success. * * * * INPUT: rights -- The file access rights to use when opening this file. This is a * * combination of READ and/or WRITE bit flags. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the file opened successfully? This will always return true by reason of * * the error handler. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int RawFileClass::Open(int rights) { Close(); /* ** Verify that there is a filename associated with this file object. If not, then this is a ** big error condition. */ if (!Filename) { Error(ENOENT, false); } /* ** Record the access rights used for this open call. These rights will be used if the ** file object is duplicated. */ Rights = rights; /* ** Repetatively try to open the file. Abort if a fatal error condition occurs. */ for (;;) { /* ** Try to open the file according to the access rights specified. */ Hard_Error_Occured = 0; switch (rights) { /* ** If the access rights are not recognized, then report this as ** an invalid access code. */ default: errno = EINVAL; break; case READ: _dos_open(Filename, O_RDONLY|SH_DENYNO, &Handle); break; case WRITE: _dos_creat(Filename, 0, &Handle); break; case READ|WRITE: _dos_open(Filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|SH_DENYWR, &Handle); break; } /* ** If the handle indicates the file is not open, then this is an error condition. ** For the case of the file cannot be found, then allow a retry. All other cases ** are fatal. */ if (Handle < 0) { /* ** If this flag is set, then some hard error occurred. Just assume that the error ** is probably a removed CD-ROM and allow a retry. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); } else { if (errno == ENOENT) { Error(ENOENT, true, Filename); } else { Error(errno, false, Filename); } } continue; } break; } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Is_Available -- Checks to see if the specified file is available to open. * * * * This routine will examine the disk system to see if the specified file can be opened * * or not. Use this routine before opening a file in order to make sure that is available * * or to perform other necessary actions. * * * * INPUT: force -- Should this routine keep retrying until the file becomes available? If * * in this case it doesn't become available, then the program will abort. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is the file available to be opened? * * * * WARNINGS: Depending on the parameter passed in, this routine may never return. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int RawFileClass::Is_Available(int forced) { int file; // Working file handle. int open_failed; /* ** If the file is already open, then is must have already passed the availability check. ** Return true in this case. */ if (Is_Open()) { return(true); } /* ** If this is a forced check, then go through the normal open channels, since those ** channels ensure that the file must exist. */ if (forced) { RawFileClass::Open(READ); RawFileClass::Close(); return(true); } /* ** Perform a raw open of the file. If this open fails for ANY REASON, including a missing ** CD-ROM, this routine will return a failure condition. In all but the missing file ** condition, go through the normal error recover channels. */ for (;;) { Hard_Error_Occured = 0; open_failed = _dos_open(Filename, O_RDONLY|SH_DENYNO, &file); /* ** If DOS reports that everything is just fine except that the file is not present, ** then return with this fact. Any other case will fall through to the error handler ** routine. */ if (open_failed && errno == ENOENT) { return(false); } /* ** If we got an access error it could be because there is no cd in ** the drive. Call the error handler but allow a continue if it ** returns. */ if (open_failed && errno == EACCES) { // Error(errno, true, Filename); // continue; return(false); } /* ** If the file could not be found, then return with this information. If a more ** serious error occurred, then display the error message and abort. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { return(false); // Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); // continue; } else { if (open_failed) { /* ** An unhandled error condition is fatal. Display the error message and then ** abort. */ // Error(errno, false, Filename); return(false); } } break; } /* ** Since the file could be opened, then close it and return that the file exists. */ if (_dos_close(file)) { Error(errno, false, Filename); } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Close -- Perform a closure of the file. * * * * Close the file object. In the rare case of an error, handle it as appropriate. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Some rare error conditions may cause this routine to abort the program. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void RawFileClass::Close(void) { /* ** If the file is open, then close it. If the file is already closed, then just return. This ** isn't considered an error condition. */ if (Is_Open()) { for (;;) { /* ** Close the file. If there was an error in the close operation -- abort. */ Hard_Error_Occured = 0; if (_dos_close(Handle)) { /* ** By definition, this error can only be a bad file handle. This a fatal condition ** of course, so abort with an error message. */ Error(errno, false, Filename); } /* ** In the condition (if it is even possible) of a hard error occurring, then ** assume it is the case of missing media. Display an error message and try ** again if indicated. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); continue; } break; } /* ** At this point the file must have been closed. Mark the file as empty and return. */ Handle = -1; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Read -- Reads the specified number of bytes into a memory buffer. * * * * This routine will read the specified number of bytes and place the data into the buffer * * indicated. It is legal to call this routine with a request for more bytes than are in * * the file. This condition can result in fewer bytes being read than requested. Determine * * this by examining the return value. * * * * INPUT: buffer -- Pointer to the buffer to read data into. If NULL is passed, no read * * is performed. * * * * size -- The number of bytes to read. If NULL is passed, then no read is * * performed. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes read into the buffer. If this number is less * * than requested, it indicates that the file has been exhausted. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ long RawFileClass::Read(void *buffer, long size) { long bytesread = 0; // Running count of the number of bytes read into the buffer. int opened = false; // Was the file opened by this routine? int readresult; /* ** If the file isn't opened, open it. This serves as a convenience ** for the programmer. */ if (!Is_Open()) { /* ** The error check here is moot. Open will never return unless it succeeded. */ if (!Open(READ)) { return(0); } opened = true; } /* ** Read the file in convenient chunk sizes. When the actual number ** of bytes read does not match the desired, then assume that the file ** is exhausted and bail. This loop was adjusted to take into ** consideration the fact that "read" returns a SIGNED value whereas ** it takes an UNSIGNED value as the byte count. */ while (size) { unsigned desired; // Bytes desired to be read this pass. unsigned actual; // Actual number of bytes read. /* ** Break the read request into chunks no bigger than the low level DOS read ** can handle. */ desired = size; Hard_Error_Occured = 0; readresult = _dos_read(Handle, buffer, desired, &actual); /* ** If a hard error occurred, then assume that it is the case of the CD-ROM or ** floppy media having been removed. Display the error and retry as directed. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); continue; // Not technically needed, but to be consistent... } else { /* ** If negative one is returned from the read operation, then this indicates ** either a bad file number or invalid access. These are fatal conditions, so ** display the error and then abort. */ if (readresult != 0) { Error(errno, false, Filename); } else { /* ** No error occurred during the read. Adjust the pointers and size counters and ** loop again if more data is needed to be read. */ buffer = Add_Long_To_Pointer(buffer, actual); bytesread += actual; size -= actual; if (actual != desired) break; // No more data? } } } /* ** Close the file if it was opened by this routine and return ** the actual number of bytes read into the buffer. */ if (opened) Close(); return(bytesread); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Write -- Writes the specified data to the buffer specified. * * * * This routine will write the data specified to the file. * * * * INPUT: buffer -- The buffer that holds the data to write. * * * * size -- The number of bytes to write to the file. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes written to the file. This routine catches the * * case of a disk full condition, so this routine will always return with the number * * matching the size request. * * * * WARNINGS: A fatal file condition could cause this routine to never return. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ long RawFileClass::Write(void const *buffer, long size) { long bytesread = 0; int opened = false; // Was the file manually opened? int writeresult; /* ** Check to open status of the file. If the file is open, then merely write to ** it. Otherwise, open the file for writing and then close the file when the ** output is finished. */ if (!Is_Open()) { if (!Open(WRITE)) { return(0); } opened = true; } /* ** Write the data to the file in chunks no bigger than what the low level DOS write ** can handle. */ while (size) { unsigned desired; // Bytes desired to be write this pass. unsigned actual; // Actual number of bytes written. Hard_Error_Occured = 0; // desired = (unsigned)MIN(size, Transfer_Block_Size()); desired = size; writeresult = _dos_write(Handle, buffer, desired, &actual); /* ** If a hard error occurred, then assume it is the case of the media being ** removed. Print the error message an retry as directed. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); continue; // Not technically needed, but to be consistent... } else { /* ** If negative one is returned by the DOS read, then this indicates a bad file ** handle or invalid access. Either condition is fatal -- display error condition ** and abort. */ if (writeresult != 0) { Error(errno, false, Filename); } else { /* ** A successful write occurred. Update pointers and byte counter as appropriate. */ buffer = Add_Long_To_Pointer((void *)buffer, actual); bytesread += actual; size -= actual; /* ** If the actual bytes written is less than requested, assume this is a case of ** the disk being full. Consider this a fatal error condition. */ if (actual != desired) { Error(ENOSPC, false, Filename); } } } } /* ** If this routine had to open the file, then close it before returning. */ if (opened) { Close(); } /* ** Return with the number of bytes written. This will always be the number of bytes ** requested, since the case of the disk being full is caught by this routine. */ return(bytesread); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Seek -- Reposition the file pointer as indicated. * * * * Use this routine to move the filepointer to the position indicated. It can move either * * relative to current position or absolute from the beginning or ending of the file. This * * routine will only return if it successfully performed the seek. * * * * INPUT: pos -- The position to seek to. This is interpreted as relative to the position * * indicated by the "dir" parameter. * * * * dir -- The relative position to relate the seek to. This can be either SEEK_SET * * for the beginning of the file, SEEK_CUR for the current position, or * * SEEK_END for the end of the file. * * * * OUTPUT: This routine returns the position that the seek ended up at. * * * * WARNINGS: If there was a file error, then this routine might never return. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ long RawFileClass::Seek(long pos, int dir) { /* ** If the file isn't opened, then this is a fatal error condition. */ if (!Is_Open()) { Error(EBADF, false, Filename); } /* ** Keep trying to seek until a non-retry condition occurs. */ for (;;) { /* ** Perform the low level seek on the file. */ Hard_Error_Occured = 0; pos = lseek(Handle, pos, dir); /* ** If a hard error occurred, then assume that it is the case of removed media. Display ** error message and retry. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); continue; } else { /* ** A negative one indicates a fatal error with the seek operation. Display error ** condition and then abort. */ if (pos == -1) { Error(errno, false, Filename); } } break; } /* ** Return with the new position of the file. This will range between zero and the number of ** bytes the file contains. */ return(pos); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Size -- Determines size of file (in bytes). * * * * Use this routine to determine the size of the file. The file must exist or this is an * * error condition. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes in the file. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine handles error conditions and will not return unless the file * * exists and can successfully be queried for file length. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ long RawFileClass::Size(void) { long size = 0; /* ** If the file is open, then proceed normally. */ if (Is_Open()) { /* ** Repetitively try to determine the file size until a fatal error condition or success ** is achieved. */ for (;;) { Hard_Error_Occured = 0; size = filelength(Handle); /* ** If a hard error occurred, then assume it is the case of removed media. Display an ** error condition and allow retry. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); continue; } else { if (size == -1) { Error(errno, false, Filename); } } break; } } else { /* ** If the file wasn't open, then open the file and call this routine again. Count on ** the fact that the open function must succeed. */ if (Open()) { size = Size(); /* ** Since we needed to open the file we must remember to close the file when the ** size has been determined. */ Close(); } } return(size); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Create -- Creates an empty file. * * * * This routine will create an empty file from the file object. The file object's filename * * must already have been assigned before this routine will function. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the file successfully created? This routine will always return true. * * * * WARNINGS: A fatal error condition could occur with this routine. Especially if the disk * * is full or a read-only media was selected. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int RawFileClass::Create(void) { Close(); if (Open(WRITE)) { Close(); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RawFileClass::Delete -- Deletes the file object from the disk. * * * * This routine will delete the file object from the disk. If the file object doesn't * * exist, then this routine will return as if it had succeeded (since the effect is the * * same). * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the file deleted? If the file was already missing, the this value will * * be false. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int RawFileClass::Delete(void) { /* ** If the file was open, then it must be closed first. */ Close(); /* ** If there is no filename associated with this object, then this indicates a fatal error ** condition. Report this and abort. */ if (!Filename) { Error(ENOENT, false); } /* ** Repetitively try to delete the file if possible. Either return with success, or ** abort the program with an error. */ for (;;) { /* ** If the file is already missing, then return with this fact. No action is necessary. ** This can occur as this section loops if the file exists on a floppy and the floppy ** was removed, the file deleted on another machine, and then the floppy was ** reinserted. Admittedly, this is a rare case, but is handled here. */ if (!Is_Available()) { return(false); } Hard_Error_Occured = 0; if (remove(Filename) == -1) { /* ** If a hard error occurred, then assume that the media has been removed. Display ** error message and retry as directed. */ if (Hard_Error_Occured) { Error(Hard_Error_Occured, true, Filename); continue; } /* ** If at this point, DOS says the file doesn't exist, then just exit with this ** fact. It should have been caught earlier, but in any case, this is a legal ** condition. */ if (errno == ENOENT) break; /* ** The only way it can reach this point is if DOS indicates that access is denied ** on the file. This occurs when trying to delete a file on a read-only media such ** as a CD-ROM. Report this as a fatal error and then abort. */ Error(errno, false, Filename); } break; } /* ** DOS reports that the file was successfully deleted. Return with this fact. */ return(true); }