/* ** Command & Conquer(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\ending.cpv 1.5 16 Oct 1995 16:50:30 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : ENDING.H * * * * Programmer : Barry W. Green * * * * Start Date : July 10, 1995 * * * * Last Update : July 10, 1995 [BWG] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "textblit.h" void GDI_Ending(void) { #ifdef DEMO Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Load_Title_Screen("DEMOPIC.PCX", &HidPage, Palette); HidPage.Blit(SeenBuff); Fade_Palette_To(Palette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Clear_KeyBuffer(); Get_Key_Num(); Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); VisiblePage.Clear(); #else if (TempleIoned) { Play_Movie("GDIFINB"); } else { Play_Movie("GDIFINA"); } Score.Presentation(); if (TempleIoned) { Play_Movie("GDIEND2"); } else { Play_Movie("GDIEND1"); } CountDownTimerClass count; if (CCFileClass("TRAILER.VQA").Is_Available()) { Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Load_Uncompress(CCFileClass("ATTRACT2.CPS"), SysMemPage, SysMemPage, Palette); SysMemPage.Scale(SeenBuff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 199, 640, 398); Fade_Palette_To(Palette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Clear_KeyBuffer(); count.Set(TIMER_SECOND*3); while (count.Time()) { Call_Back(); } Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Play_Movie("TRAILER"); // Red Alert teaser. } Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Load_Uncompress(CCFileClass("ATTRACT2.CPS"), SysMemPage, SysMemPage, Palette); SysMemPage.Scale(SeenBuff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 199, 640, 398); Fade_Palette_To(Palette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Clear_KeyBuffer(); // CountDownTimerClass count; count.Set(TIMER_SECOND*3); while (count.Time()) { Call_Back(); } Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Play_Movie("CC2TEASE"); #endif } #ifndef DEMO /*********************************************************************************************** * Nod_Ending -- play ending movies for Nod players * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 7/10/1995 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Nod_Ending(void) { static char const _tanpal[]={0x0,0xED,0xED,0x2C,0x2C,0xFB,0xFB,0xFD,0xFD,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x52,0x0}; char fname[12]; #ifdef NOT_FOR_WIN95 char *satpic = new char[64000]; #endif //NOT_FOR_WIN95 int oldfontxspacing = FontXSpacing; void const *oldfont; Score.Presentation(); oldfont = Set_Font(ScoreFontPtr); PseudoSeenBuff = new GraphicBufferClass(320,200,(void*)NULL); TextPrintBuffer = new GraphicBufferClass(SeenBuff.Get_Width(), SeenBuff.Get_Height(), (void*)NULL); TextPrintBuffer->Clear(); BlitList.Clear(); SeenBuff.Clear(); HidPage.Clear(); PseudoSeenBuff->Clear(); void * localpal = Load_Alloc_Data(CCFileClass("SATSEL.PAL")); Load_Uncompress(CCFileClass("SATSEL.CPS"), SysMemPage, SysMemPage); #ifdef NOT_FOR_WIN95 memcpy(satpic, HidPage.Get_Buffer(), 64000); #else SysMemPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff); #endif //NOT_FOR_WIN95 void *kanefinl = Load_Sample("KANEFINL.AUD"); void *loopie6m = Load_Sample("LOOPIE6M.AUD"); Play_Movie("NODFINAL", THEME_NONE, false); Hide_Mouse(); Wait_Vert_Blank(); Set_Palette(localpal); #ifdef NOT_FOR_WIN95 memcpy(SeenBuff.Get_Buffer(), satpic, 64000); #endif //NOT_FOR_WIN95 Show_Mouse(); InterpolationPaletteChanged = TRUE; InterpolationPalette = (unsigned char*)localpal; Increase_Palette_Luminance(InterpolationPalette , 30,30,30,63); Read_Interpolation_Palette("SATSELIN.PAL"); Interpolate_2X_Scale(PseudoSeenBuff, &SeenBuff,"SATSELIN.PAL"); Keyboard::Clear(); Play_Sample(kanefinl,255,128); Play_Sample(loopie6m,255,128); bool mouseshown = false; bool done = false; int selection = 1; bool printedtext = false; while (!done) { if (!printedtext && !Is_Sample_Playing(kanefinl)) { printedtext++; Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(Text_String(TXT_SEL_TARGET), 0, 180,_tanpal)); mouseshown = true; Show_Mouse(); } Call_Back_Delay(1); if (!Keyboard::Check()) { if (!Is_Sample_Playing(loopie6m)) Play_Sample(loopie6m,255,128); } else { if (Is_Sample_Playing(kanefinl)) { Clear_KeyBuffer(); } else { int key = Keyboard::Get(); if ((key & 0x10FF) == KN_LMOUSE && !(key & KN_RLSE_BIT)) { int mousex = _Kbd->MouseQX; int mousey = _Kbd->MouseQY; if (mousey >= 22*2 && mousey <= 177*2) { done++; if (mousex < 160*2 && mousey < 100*2) selection = 2; if (mousex < 160*2 && mousey >= 100*2) selection = 3; if (mousex >= 160*2 && mousey >= 100*2) selection = 4; } } } } } if (mouseshown) Hide_Mouse(); #ifdef NOT_FOR_WIN95 delete satpic; #else delete PseudoSeenBuff; #endif //NOT_FOR_WIN95 /* get rid of all the animating objects */ for (int i = 0; i < MAXSCOREOBJS; i++) if (ScoreObjs[i]) { delete ScoreObjs[i]; ScoreObjs[i] = 0; } // erase the "choose a target" text SeenBuff.Fill_Rect(0,180*2,319*2,199*2,0); TextPrintBuffer->Fill_Rect(0,180*2,319*2,199*2,0); Hide_Mouse(); Keyboard::Clear(); Set_Font(oldfont); FontXSpacing = oldfontxspacing; Free_Sample(kanefinl); Free_Sample(loopie6m); sprintf(fname,"NODEND%d",selection); PreserveVQAScreen = 1; Play_Movie(fname); CountDownTimerClass count; if (CCFileClass("TRAILER.VQA").Is_Available()) { Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Load_Uncompress(CCFileClass("ATTRACT2.CPS"), SysMemPage, SysMemPage, Palette); SysMemPage.Scale(SeenBuff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 199, 640, 398); Fade_Palette_To(Palette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Clear_KeyBuffer(); count.Set(TIMER_SECOND*3); while (count.Time()) { Call_Back(); } Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Play_Movie("TRAILER"); // Red Alert teaser. } Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Load_Uncompress(CCFileClass("ATTRACT2.CPS"), SysMemPage, SysMemPage, Palette); SysMemPage.Scale(SeenBuff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 199, 640, 398); Fade_Palette_To(Palette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Clear_KeyBuffer(); // CountDownTimerClass count; count.Set(TIMER_SECOND*3); while (count.Time()) { Call_Back(); } Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); Play_Movie("CC2TEASE"); delete [] localpal; delete TextPrintBuffer; BlitList.Clear(); } #endif