/* ** Command & Conquer(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\jshell.h_v 2.16 16 Oct 1995 16:45:06 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : JSHELL.H * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : 03/13/95 * * * * Last Update : March 13, 1995 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #ifndef JSHELL_H #define JSHELL_H /* ** Interface class to the keyboard. This insulates the game from library vagaries. Most ** notable being the return values are declared as "int" in the library whereas C&C ** expects it to be of KeyNumType. */ class Keyboard { public: static KeyNumType Get(void) {return (KeyNumType)Get_Key_Num();}; static KeyNumType Check(void) {return (KeyNumType)Check_Key_Num();}; static KeyASCIIType To_ASCII(KeyNumType key) {return (KeyASCIIType)KN_To_KA(key);}; static void Clear(void) {Clear_KeyBuffer();}; static void Stuff(KeyNumType key) {Stuff_Key_Num(key);}; static int Down(KeyNumType key) {return Key_Down(key);}; static int Mouse_X(void) {return Get_Mouse_X();}; static int Mouse_Y(void) {return Get_Mouse_Y();}; }; #ifdef NEVER inline void * operator delete(void * data) { Free(data); } inline void * operator delete[] (void * data) { Free(data); } #endif /* ** These templates allow enumeration types to have simple bitwise ** arithmatic performed. The operators must be instatiated for the ** enumerated types desired. */ template inline T operator ++(T & a) { a = (T)((int)a + (int)1); return(a); } template inline T operator ++(T & a, int) { T aa = a; a = (T)((int)a + (int)1); return(aa); } template inline T operator --(T & a) { a = (T)((int)a - (int)1); return(a); } template inline T operator --(T & a, int) { T aa = a; a = (T)((int)a - (int)1); return(aa); } template inline T operator |(T t1, T t2) { return((T)((int)t1 | (int)t2)); } template inline T operator &(T t1, T t2) { return((T)((int)t1 & (int)t2)); } template inline T operator ~(T t1) { return((T)(~(int)t1)); } /* ** The shape flags are likely to be "or"ed together and other such bitwise ** manipulations. These instatiated operator templates allow this. */ inline ShapeFlags_Type operator |(ShapeFlags_Type, ShapeFlags_Type); inline ShapeFlags_Type operator &(ShapeFlags_Type, ShapeFlags_Type); inline ShapeFlags_Type operator ~(ShapeFlags_Type); void Set_Bit(void * array, int bit, int value); #pragma aux Set_Bit parm [esi] [ecx] [eax] \ modify [esi ebx] = \ "mov ebx,ecx" \ "shr ebx,5" \ "and ecx,01Fh" \ "btr [esi+ebx*4],ecx" \ "or eax,eax" \ "jz ok" \ "bts [esi+ebx*4],ecx" \ "ok:" int Get_Bit(void const * array, int bit); #pragma aux Get_Bit parm [esi] [eax] \ modify [esi ebx] \ value [eax] = \ "mov ebx,eax" \ "shr ebx,5" \ "and eax,01Fh" \ "bt [esi+ebx*4],eax" \ "setc al" int First_True_Bit(void const * array); #pragma aux First_True_Bit parm [esi] \ modify [esi ebx] \ value [eax] = \ "mov eax,-32" \ "again:" \ "add eax,32" \ "mov ebx,[esi]" \ "add esi,4" \ "bsf ebx,ebx" \ "jz again" \ "add eax,ebx" int First_False_Bit(void const * array); #pragma aux First_False_Bit parm [esi] \ modify [esi ebx] \ value [eax] = \ "mov eax,-32" \ "again:" \ "add eax,32" \ "mov ebx,[esi]" \ "not ebx" \ "add esi,4" \ "bsf ebx,ebx" \ "jz again" \ "add eax,ebx" extern int Bound(int original, int min, int max); #pragma aux Bound parm [eax] [ebx] [ecx] \ modify [eax] \ value [eax] = \ "cmp ebx,ecx" \ "jl okorder" \ "xchg ebx,ecx" \ "okorder: cmp eax,ebx" \ "jg okmin" \ "mov eax,ebx" \ "okmin: cmp eax,ecx" \ "jl okmax" \ "mov eax,ecx" \ "okmax:" #ifdef NEVER extern unsigned Bound(unsigned original, unsigned min, unsigned max); #pragma aux Bound parm [eax] [ebx] [ecx] \ modify [eax] \ value [eax] = \ "cmp ebx,ecx" \ "jb okorder" \ "xchg ebx,ecx" \ "okorder: cmp eax,ebx" \ "ja okmin" \ "mov eax,ebx" \ "okmin: cmp eax,ecx" \ "jb okmax" \ "mov eax,ecx" \ "okmax:" #endif unsigned Fixed_To_Cardinal(unsigned base, unsigned fixed); #pragma aux Fixed_To_Cardinal parm [eax] [edx] \ modify [edx] \ value [eax] = \ "mul edx" \ "add eax,080h" \ "test eax,0FF000000h" \ "jz ok" \ "mov eax,000FFFFFFh" \ "ok:" \ "shr eax,8" unsigned Cardinal_To_Fixed(unsigned base, unsigned cardinal); #pragma aux Cardinal_To_Fixed parm [ebx] [eax] \ modify [edx] \ value [eax] = \ "or ebx,ebx" \ "jz fini" \ "shl eax,8" \ "xor edx,edx" \ "div ebx" \ "fini:" #endif