/* ** Command & Conquer(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\ipxconn.cpv 1.9 16 Oct 1995 16:50:52 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*************************************************************************** ** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : IPXCONN.CPP * * * * Programmer : Bill Randolph * * * * Start Date : December 20, 1994 * * * * Last Update : April 9, 1995 [BRR] * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * IPXConnClass::IPXConnClass -- class constructor * * IPXConnClass::~IPXConnClass -- class destructor * * IPXConnClass::Init -- hardware-specific initialization routine * * IPXConnClass::Configure -- One-time initialization routine * * IPXConnClass::Start_Listening -- commands IPX to listen * * IPXConnClass::Stop_Listening -- commands IPX to stop listen * * IPXConnClass::Send -- sends a packet; invoked by SequencedConnection * * IPXConnClass::Open_Socket -- opens communications socket * * IPXConnClass::Close_Socket -- closes the socket * * IPXConnClass::Send_To -- sends the packet to the given address * * IPXConnClass::Broadcast -- broadcasts the given packet * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "ipx95.h" #include "tcpip.h" /* ********************************* Globals *********************************** */ unsigned short IPXConnClass::Socket; int IPXConnClass::ConnectionNum; ECBType * IPXConnClass::ListenECB; IPXHeaderType * IPXConnClass::ListenHeader; char * IPXConnClass::ListenBuf; ECBType * IPXConnClass::SendECB; IPXHeaderType * IPXConnClass::SendHeader; char * IPXConnClass::SendBuf; long IPXConnClass::Handler; int IPXConnClass::Configured = 0; int IPXConnClass::SocketOpen = 0; int IPXConnClass::Listening = 0; int IPXConnClass::PacketLen; /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::IPXConnClass -- class constructor * * * * INPUT: * * numsend desired # of entries for the send queue * * numreceive desired # of entries for the recieve queue * * maxlen max length of an application packet * * magicnum the packet "magic number" for this connection * * address address of destination (NULL = no address) * * id connection's unique numerical ID * * name connection's name * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ IPXConnClass::IPXConnClass (int numsend, int numreceive, int maxlen, unsigned short magicnum, IPXAddressClass *address, int id, char *name) : #ifdef SEQ_NET SequencedConnClass (numsend, numreceive, maxlen, magicnum, #else NonSequencedConnClass (numsend, numreceive, maxlen, magicnum, #endif 2, // retry delta -1, // max retries 60) // timeout { NetNumType net; NetNodeType node; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save the values passed in ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (address) Address = (*address); ID = id; strcpy (Name, name); if (!Winsock.Get_Connected()){ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ If our Address field is an actual address (ie NULL wasn't passed to the constructor), pre-compute the ImmediateAddress value for the SendECB. This allows pre-computing of the ImmediateAddress for all connections created after Configure() is called. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!Address.Is_Broadcast() && Configured==1) { Address.Get_Address(net,node); /*..................................................................... If the user is logged in & has a valid Novell Connection Number, get the bridge address the "official" way .....................................................................*/ if (ConnectionNum != 0) { if (IPX_Get_Local_Target (net, node, Socket, ImmediateAddress)!=0) memcpy(ImmediateAddress,node,6); } else { /*..................................................................... Otherwise, use the destination node address as the ImmediateAddress, and just hope there's no network bridge in the path. .....................................................................*/ memcpy(ImmediateAddress,node,6); } Immed_Set = 1; } else { memset (ImmediateAddress, 0, 6); Immed_Set = 0; } } } /* end of IPXConnClass */ /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Init -- hardware-specific initialization routine * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void IPXConnClass::Init (void) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invoke the parent's Init routine ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef SEQ_NET SequencedConnClass::Init(); #else NonSequencedConnClass::Init(); #endif } /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Configure -- One-time initialization routine * * * * This routine sets up static members that are shared by all IPX * * connections (ie those variables used by the Send/Listen/Broadcast * * routines). * * * * INPUT: * * socket socket ID for sending & receiving * * conn_num local IPX Connection Number (0 = not logged in) * * listen_ecb ptr to ECBType for listening * * send_ecb ptr to ECBType for sending * * listen_header ptr to IPXHeaderType for listening * * send_header ptr to IPXHeaderType for sending * * listen_buf ptr to buffer for listening * * send_buf ptr to buffer for sending * * handler_rm_ptr REAL-MODE pointer to event service routine * * (high word = segment, low word = offset) * * maxpacketlen max packet size to listen for * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * - All pointers must be protected-mode pointers, but must point to * * DOS real-mode memory (except the Handler segment/offset) * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void IPXConnClass::Configure (unsigned short socket, int conn_num, ECBType *listen_ecb, ECBType *send_ecb, IPXHeaderType *listen_header, IPXHeaderType *send_header, char *listen_buf, char *send_buf, long handler_rm_ptr, int maxpacketlen) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save the values passed in ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Socket = socket; ConnectionNum = conn_num; ListenECB = listen_ecb; SendECB = send_ecb; ListenHeader = listen_header; SendHeader = send_header; ListenBuf = listen_buf; SendBuf = send_buf; Handler = handler_rm_ptr; PacketLen = maxpacketlen; Configured = 1; } /* end of Configure */ /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Start_Listening -- commands IPX to listen * * * * This routine may be used to start listening in polled mode (if the * * ECB's Event_Service_Routine is NULL), or in interrupt mode; it's * * up to the caller to fill the ECB in. If in polled mode, Listening * * must be restarted every time a packet comes in. * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * - The ListenECB must have been properly filled in by the IPX Manager.* * - Configure must be called before calling this routine. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool IPXConnClass::Start_Listening(void) { #ifndef NOT_FOR_WIN95 if (Winsock.Get_Connected()) return (true); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the Socket ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!Open_Socket(Socket)) return(false); if (IPX_Start_Listening95()){ Listening =1; return (TRUE); }else{ return (FALSE); } #else void *hdr_ptr; unsigned long hdr_val; void *buf_ptr; unsigned long buf_val; int rc; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't do a thing unless we've been configured, and we're not listening. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (Configured==0 || Listening==1) return(false); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the Socket ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!Open_Socket(Socket)) return(false); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clear the ECB & header ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ memset(ListenECB, 0, sizeof(ECBType)); memset(ListenHeader, 0, sizeof(IPXHeaderType)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Convert protected-mode ptrs to real-mode ptrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ hdr_val = (unsigned long)ListenHeader; hdr_ptr = (void *)(((hdr_val & 0xffff0) << 12) | (hdr_val & 0x000f)); buf_val = (unsigned long)ListenBuf; buf_ptr = (void *)(((buf_val & 0xffff0) << 12) | (buf_val & 0x000f)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fill in the ECB ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ListenECB->SocketNumber = Socket; ListenECB->PacketCount = 2; ListenECB->Packet[0].Address = hdr_ptr; ListenECB->Packet[0].Length = sizeof(IPXHeaderType); ListenECB->Packet[1].Address = buf_ptr; ListenECB->Packet[1].Length = (unsigned short)PacketLen; ((long &)ListenECB->Event_Service_Routine) = Handler; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command IPX to listen ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rc = IPX_Listen_For_Packet(ListenECB); if (rc!=0) { Close_Socket(Socket); return(false); } else { Listening = 1; return(true); } #endif //NOT_FOR_WIN95 } /* end of Start_Listening */ /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Stop_Listening -- commands IPX to stop listen * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * - This routine MUST NOT be called if IPX is not listening already! * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool IPXConnClass::Stop_Listening(void) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't do anything unless we're already Listening. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (Listening==0) return(false); #ifndef NOT_FOR_WIN95 if (Winsock.Get_Connected()){ Listening = 0; return (true); }else{ IPX_Shut_Down95(); Close_Socket(Socket); } #else //NOT_FOR_WIN95 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shut IPX down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IPX_Cancel_Event(ListenECB); Close_Socket(Socket); #endif //NOT_FOR_WIN95 Listening = 0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ All done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return(true); } /* end of Stop_Listening */ /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Send -- sends a packet; invoked by SequencedConnection * * * * INPUT: * * socket desired socket ID number * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK, 0 = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int IPXConnClass::Send(char *buf, int buflen) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invoke our own Send_To routine, filling in our Address as the destination. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (Immed_Set) { return(Send_To (buf, buflen, &Address, ImmediateAddress)); } else { return(Send_To (buf, buflen, &Address, NULL)); } } /* end of Send */ /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Open_Socket -- opens communications socket * * * * INPUT: * * socket desired socket ID number * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK, 0 = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int IPXConnClass::Open_Socket(unsigned short socket) { int rc; if (Winsock.Get_Connected()){ SocketOpen = 1; return (true); } SocketOpen = 0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try to open a listen socket. The socket may have been left open by a previously-crashed program, so ignore the state of the SocketOpen flag for this call; use IPX to determine if the socket was already open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rc = IPX_Open_Socket(socket); if (rc) { /* ................. If already open, close & reopen it .................. */ if (rc==IPXERR_SOCKET_ERROR) { IPX_Close_Socket(socket); rc = IPX_Open_Socket(socket); /* .................. Still can't open: return error .................. */ if (rc) { return(false); } } } SocketOpen = 1; return(true); } /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Close_Socket -- closes the socket * * * * INPUT: * * socket desired socket ID number * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * Calling this routine when the sockets aren't open may crash! * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void IPXConnClass::Close_Socket(unsigned short socket) { if (Winsock.Get_Connected()){ SocketOpen = 0; return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever, close a socket that isn't open. You'll regret it forever (or until at least until you're through rebooting, which, if you're on a Pentium is the same thing). ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (SocketOpen==1) IPX_Close_Socket(socket); SocketOpen = 0; } /* end of Close_Socket */ /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Send_To -- sends the packet to the given address * * * * The "ImmediateAddress" field of the SendECB must be filled in with the * * address of a bridge, or the node address of the destination if there * * is no bridge. The NETX call to find this address will always crash * * if NETX isn't loaded (ConnectionNum is 0), so this case is trapped & * * prevented. * * Also, if the address of this IPX connection is known when the * * constructor is called, and Configure has been called, Get_Local_Target * * is called to precompute the ImmediateAddress; this case is detected & * * if the value is already computed, it's just memcpy'd over. * * * * INPUT: * * buf buffer to send * * buflen length of buffer * * address Address to send to * * immed ImmediateAddress value, NULL if none * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK, 0 = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ #pragma off (unreferenced) int IPXConnClass::Send_To(char *buf, int buflen, IPXAddressClass *address, NetNodeType immed) { void *hdr_ptr; void *buf_ptr; unsigned long hdr_val; unsigned long buf_val; NetNumType net; NetNodeType node; int rc; unsigned short target_mask; unsigned char send_address[6]; if (Winsock.Get_Connected()){ #ifdef VIRTUAL_SUBNET_SERVER if (immed){ memcpy(send_address, immed, 6); }else{ address->Get_Address(net,node); memcpy (send_address, node, 6); } /* ** Use first two bytes of ipx address as target mask */ unsigned short *maskptr = (unsigned short*)&send_address[0]; target_mask = *maskptr; char *tempsend = new char [buflen + sizeof (target_mask)]; *(unsigned short*)tempsend = htons(target_mask); memcpy (tempsend+2, buf, buflen); #if (0) char tempbuf[256]; CommHeaderType *packet = (CommHeaderType *)(&tempsend[2]); static char pcode [4][18]={ "PACKET_DATA_ACK", // this is a data packet requiring an ACK "PACKET_DATA_NOACK", // this is a data packet not requiring an ACK "PACKET_ACK", // this is an ACK for a packet "PACKET_COUNT" // for computational purposes }; sprintf (tempbuf, "Sending unicast packet type %d, ID=%d, code=%s, length=%d\n", tempsend[sizeof(CommHeaderType)+2], packet->PacketID, pcode[packet->Code], buflen + sizeof (target_mask)); CCDebugString (tempbuf); #endif //(0) Winsock.Write((void*)tempsend, buflen + sizeof (target_mask)); delete [] tempsend; #else // VIRTUAL_SUBNET_SERVER Winsock.Write((void*)buf, buflen); #endif // VIRTUAL_SUBNET_SERVER return (true); } if (immed) { memcpy(send_address, immed, 6); //memcpy(node, immed, 6); //memset (net, 0, sizeof(net) ); address->Get_Address(net,node); } else { address->Get_Address(net,node); /*..................................................................... If the user is logged in & has a valid Novell Connection Number, get the bridge address the "official" way .....................................................................*/ if (ConnectionNum != 0) { rc = IPX_Get_Local_Target (net, node, Socket, &send_address[0]); if (rc!=0) { return(false); } } else { /*..................................................................... Otherwise, use the destination node address as the ImmediateAddress, and just hope there's no network bridge in the path. .....................................................................*/ memcpy(send_address,node,6); } } return (IPX_Send_Packet95(&send_address[0], (unsigned char*)buf, buflen, (unsigned char*)net, (unsigned char*)node)); } #pragma on (unreferenced) /*************************************************************************** * IPXConnClass::Broadcast -- broadcasts the given packet * * * * INPUT: * * socket desired socket ID number * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK, 0 = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int IPXConnClass::Broadcast(char *buf, int buflen) { if (Winsock.Get_Connected()){ #ifdef VIRTUAL_SUBNET_SERVER char *tempsend = new char [buflen + sizeof (unsigned short)]; memcpy (tempsend+2, buf, buflen); *tempsend = 0; *(tempsend+1) = 0; #if (0) char tempbuf[256]; CommHeaderType *packet = (CommHeaderType *)(&tempsend[2]); static char pcode [4][18]={ "PACKET_DATA_ACK", // this is a data packet requiring an ACK "PACKET_DATA_NOACK", // this is a data packet not requiring an ACK "PACKET_ACK", // this is an ACK for a packet "PACKET_COUNT" // for computational purposes }; sprintf (tempbuf, "Sending multicast packet type %d, ID=%d, code=%s, length=%d\n", tempsend[sizeof(CommHeaderType)+2], packet->PacketID, pcode[packet->Code], buflen + sizeof (unsigned short)); CCDebugString (tempbuf); #endif //(0) Winsock.Write((void*)tempsend, buflen + sizeof (unsigned short)); delete [] tempsend; #else // VIRTUAL_SUBNET_SERVER Winsock.Write((void*)buf, buflen); #endif // VIRTUAL_SUBNET_SERVER return(true); }else{ return (IPX_Broadcast_Packet95((unsigned char*)buf, buflen)); } }