; ; Command & Conquer(tm) ; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; ;*************************************************************************** ;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** ;*************************************************************************** ;* * ;* Project Name : VQLIB * ;* * ;* File Name : HANDLER.ASM * ;* * ;* Programmer : Bill Randolph * ;* * ;* Start Date : April 7, 1995 * ;* * ;* Last Update : April 7, 1995 [BRR] * ;* * ;*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* Functions: * ;* IPXHandler -- callback routine for IPX * ;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * ;********************* Model & Processor Directives ************************ IDEAL MODEL LARGE P386N LOCALS ?? ;******************************** Includes ********************************* ;******************************** Defines *********************************** ;****************************** Declarations ******************************** global C IPXHandler:FAR ;********************************* Code ************************************ CODESEG ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The markers let the application verify that it's mapping this memory ; correctly. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marker1 DW 1111h ; placeholder to find data start ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This is the IPX Event Control Block: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECB_LinkAddress DD ? ECB_EventServiceRoutine DD ? ; Event Handler ptr ECB_InUse DB ? ; 0 = event is complete ECB_CompletionCode DB ? ; 0 = OK, IPX error otherwise ECB_SocketNumber DW ? ; socket to listen/send on ECB_ConnectionID DW ? ECB_RestOfWorkspace DW ? ECB_DriverWorkSpace DB 12 DUP (?) ECB_ImmediateAddress DB 6 DUP (?) ; bridge address ECB_PacketCount DW ? ; # data areas (2) ECB_HeaderAddress DD ? ; ptr to IPX header buffer ECB_HeaderLength DW ? ; length of IPX header buffer ECB_PacketAddress DD ? ; ptr to packet buffer ECB_PacketLength DW ? ; length of packet buffer ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The rest of the variables are for telling IPX which buffer to store the ; next incoming packet in. They must be initialized by the application. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NumBufs DW 0 ; # buffers provided by app BufferFlags DD 0 ; array of in-use flags (1 = in use) PacketSize DW 0 ; total size of 1 buf (incl IPX hdr) FirstPacketBuf DD 0 ; ptr to 1st packet buffer CurIndex DW 0 ; current packet/flag index CurPacketBuf DD 0 ; ptr to current packet buf FuncOffset DW StartLabel ; offset of our routine ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; These values are for preventing re-entrancy; they're currently not used. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semaphore DB 0 ; prevents re-entrancy ReEntrantCount DW 0 ; times we've been called re-entrantly ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Local stack space ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- StackPtr DW 0 ; saved copy of stack ptr StackSeg DW 0 ; saved copy of stack seg StackPtr_int DW 0 ; our internal stack ptr StackSeg_int DW 0 ; our internal stack seg StackCheck DW 1234h ; check for stack overflow DW 256 DUP (0) ; stack storage space StackSpace DW 0 ; label for our stack space ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; These bytes mark the end of the real-mode data area ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marker2 DW 2222h ; placeholder to find data end ;*************************************************************************** ;* IPXHandler -- IPX callback routine * ;* * ;* This routine is assembled as a stand-alone executable, then loaded * ;* into low DOS memory by a protected-mode application. * ;* * ;* INPUT: * ;* none. * ;* * ;* OUTPUT: * ;* none. * ;* * ;* WARNINGS: * ;* none. * ;* * ;* HISTORY: * ;* 04/07/1995 BRR : Created. * ;*=========================================================================* label StartLabel PROC IPXHandler C FAR USES ;................................................................... ; Turn off interrupts; make sure memory copies go forward ;................................................................... pushf cli cld ;................................................................... ; Set up segment registers to point DS to CS ;................................................................... push ds push ax mov ax,cs mov ds,ax ;................................................................... ; Set up our local stack; save SS & SP first. ;................................................................... mov [StackSeg],ss mov [StackPtr],sp mov [StackPtr_int], OFFSET StackSpace mov [StackSeg_int], SEG StackSpace lss sp, [DWORD PTR StackPtr_int] ;................................................................... ; Save all registers ;................................................................... pushad push es ;................................................................... ; If we've been called re-entrantly, just exit ;................................................................... cmp [Semaphore],0 jz ??Start_Handler add [ReEntrantCount],1 jmp ??Exit_Handler ??Start_Handler: ;................................................................... ; Set our semaphore ;................................................................... mov [Semaphore],1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set 'CurIndex' to the index of the next-available receive buffer, ; and 'CurPacketBuf to the next-available packet buffer ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;................................................................... ; Get 'CurIndex' & increment it. Wrap to 0 if we reach 'NumBufs' ; Since I'm treating 'CurPacketBuf' as a long integer (and not as ; a segment:offset), the entire data area can't be larger than 64K. ;................................................................... mov dx,[CurIndex] ; DX = CurIndex mov eax,[CurPacketBuf] ; EAX = current packet buffer addr inc dx ; DX = next index add ax,[PacketSize] ; EAX = next buffer ptr cmp dx,[NumBufs] ; see if DX is past # buffers jb ??Get_Flag mov dx,0 ; wrap to 1st index mov eax,[FirstPacketBuf] ; wrap to 1st packet buffer ??Get_Flag: ;................................................................... ; Get the next buffer-in-use flag; if it's 0, load [CurIndex] with ; the value of SI (the next index). If it's 1, skip the updating of ; the index, flag & buffer ptr. ; DX = new CurIndex ; EAX = new CurPacketBuf ;................................................................... les di,[BufferFlags] ; ES:DI = BufferFlags address mov bx,di ; BX = DI + new CurIndex add bx,dx cmp [BYTE PTR es:bx],0 ; compare next flag to 0 (avail) jne ??Set_ECB ; if not avail, skip setting new values ;................................................................... ; The next buffer is available; so, set this buffer's In-Use flag ; to 1, and move on to the next buffer. Do not set this buffer's ; flag to 1 until we move on to the next buffer, to prevent the ; application from reading the currently-in-use packet buffer. ; DX = new CurIndex ; EAX = new CurPacketBuf ; ES:DI = BufferFlags address ;................................................................... mov bx,di ; BX = DI + old CurIndex add bx,[CurIndex] mov [BYTE PTR es:bx],1 ; set old BufferFlags value to in-use mov [CurIndex],dx ; save new index mov [CurPacketBuf],eax ; save new packet address ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set up the Event Control Block to tell IPX to start listening. ; The following entries are filled in by the app, and should be left ; alone: ; - EventServiceRoutine ; - SocketNumber ; The rest should be re-initialized. Note that EBX is now pointing ; to an unavailable buffer if the next buffer was already in use; ; so it must be reloaded with the correct buffer address from ; [CurPacketBuf]. ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ??Set_ECB: mov [ECB_LinkAddress],0 ; default mov [ECB_InUse],0 ; default mov [ECB_CompletionCode],0 ; default mov [ECB_ConnectionID],0 ; default mov [ECB_RestOfWorkspace],0 ; default mov [ECB_DriverWorkSpace],0 ; default mov [ECB_ImmediateAddress],0 ; default mov [ECB_PacketCount],2 ; use 2 data areas mov ebx,[CurPacketBuf] ; get current buffer address mov [ECB_HeaderAddress],ebx ; set header address mov [ECB_HeaderLength],30 ; size of IPX header add ebx,30 ; point to past the header mov [ECB_PacketAddress],ebx ; set packet data address mov ax,[PacketSize] ; get size of one buffer sub ax,30 ; remove size of IPX header mov [ECB_PacketLength],ax ; set size of packet data ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Clear the IPX header for this packet ;------------------------------------------------------------------- les di,[ECB_HeaderAddress] ; ES:DI = IPX Listen Header mov cx,30 ; (30 bytes = size of header) mov al,0 rep stosb ; clear to 0's ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Command IPX to start listening again. ;------------------------------------------------------------------- mov bx,4 ; IPX code for Listen mov ax,ds ; ES = segment of ListenECB mov es,ax mov ax,OFFSET ECB_LinkAddress mov si,ax ; ES:SI = address of ECB int 07ah ; call IPX interrupt ;................................................................... ; Clear our semaphore ;................................................................... mov [Semaphore],0 ??Exit_Handler: ;................................................................... ; Pop values from our local stack ;................................................................... pop es popad ;................................................................... ; Check our stack-check value; if the stack has overflowed, generate ; a debugger break. ;................................................................... cmp [StackCheck],1234h je ??Restore_Stack int 3 ;................................................................... ; Restore the stack to its previous value ;................................................................... ??Restore_Stack: lss sp, [DWORD PTR StackPtr] ;................................................................... ; Pop the rest of the registers ;................................................................... pop ax pop ds popf ret ENDP IPXHandler END ;************************** End of handler.asm *****************************