/* ** Command & Conquer(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\loaddlg.cpv 2.18 16 Oct 1995 16:51:18 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : LOADDLG.CPP * * * * Programmer : Maria Legg, Joe Bostic, Bill Randolph * * * * Start Date : March 19, 1995 * * * * Last Update : June 25, 1995 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * LoadOptionsClass::Clear_List -- clears the list box & Files arrays * * LoadOptionsClass::Compare -- for qsort * * LoadOptionsClass::Fill_List -- fills the list box & GameNum arrays * * LoadOptionsClass::LoadOptionsClass -- class constructor * * LoadOptionsClass::Num_From_Ext -- clears the list box & GameNum arrays * * LoadOptionsClass::Process -- main processing routine * * LoadOptionsClass::~LoadOptionsClass -- class destructor * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include // for unlink /*********************************************************************************************** * LoadOptionsClass::LoadOptionsClass -- class constructor * * * * INPUT: * * style style for this load/save dialog (LOAD/SAVE/DELETE) * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/14/1995 BR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ LoadOptionsClass::LoadOptionsClass(LoadStyleType style) { Style = style; Files.Clear(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * LoadOptionsClass::~LoadOptionsClass -- class destructor * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/14/1995 BR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ LoadOptionsClass::~LoadOptionsClass() { for (int i = 0; i < Files.Count(); i++) { delete Files[i]; } Files.Clear(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * LoadOptionsClass::Process -- main processing routine * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * false = User cancelled, true = operation completed * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/14/1995 BR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int LoadOptionsClass::Process(void) { /* ** Dialog & button dimensions */ int factor = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() == 320) ? 1 : 2; int d_dialog_w = 250 *factor; int d_dialog_h = 156 * factor; int d_dialog_x = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() - d_dialog_w) >> 1; int d_dialog_y = (SeenBuff.Get_Height() - d_dialog_h) >> 1; int d_dialog_cx = d_dialog_x + (d_dialog_w >> 1); int d_txt8_h = 11 * factor; int d_margin = 7 * factor; int d_list_w = d_dialog_w - (d_margin * 2); int d_list_h = 104 * factor; int d_list_x = d_dialog_x + d_margin; int d_list_y = d_dialog_y + d_margin + d_txt8_h + d_margin; int d_edit_w = d_dialog_w - (d_margin * 2); int d_edit_h = 13 * factor; int d_edit_x = d_dialog_x + d_margin; int d_edit_y = d_list_y + d_list_h - (30 * factor) + d_margin + d_txt8_h; #ifdef german int d_button_w = 50 * factor; #else int d_button_w = 40 * factor; #endif int d_button_h = 13 * factor; int d_button_x = d_dialog_cx - d_button_w - d_margin; int d_button_y = d_dialog_y + d_dialog_h - d_button_h - d_margin; #ifdef german int d_cancel_w = 50 * factor; #else int d_cancel_w = 40 * factor; #endif int d_cancel_h = 13 * factor; int d_cancel_x = d_dialog_cx + d_margin; int d_cancel_y = d_dialog_y + d_dialog_h - d_cancel_h - d_margin; #if(0) enum { D_DIALOG_W = 250, // dialog width D_DIALOG_H = 156, // dialog height D_DIALOG_X = ((320 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), // centered x-coord D_DIALOG_Y = ((200 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), // centered y-coord D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), // coord of x-center D_TXT8_H = 11, // ht of 8-pt text D_MARGIN = 7, // margin width/height D_LIST_W = D_DIALOG_W - (D_MARGIN * 2), D_LIST_H = 104, D_LIST_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_LIST_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H + D_MARGIN, D_EDIT_W = D_DIALOG_W - (D_MARGIN * 2), D_EDIT_H = 13, D_EDIT_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_EDIT_Y = D_LIST_Y + D_LIST_H - 30 + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, #if (GERMAN | FRENCH) D_BUTTON_W = 50, #else D_BUTTON_W = 40, #endif D_BUTTON_H = 13, D_BUTTON_X = D_DIALOG_CX - D_BUTTON_W - D_MARGIN, D_BUTTON_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_BUTTON_H - D_MARGIN, #if (GERMAN | FRENCH) D_CANCEL_W = 50,//BG:40 #else D_CANCEL_W = 40, #endif D_CANCEL_H = 13, D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_CX + D_MARGIN, D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_CANCEL_H - D_MARGIN, }; #endif /* ** Button enumerations */ enum { BUTTON_LOAD = 100, BUTTON_SAVE, BUTTON_DELETE, BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_LIST, BUTTON_EDIT, }; /* ** Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog */ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /* ** Dialog variables */ bool cancel = false; // true = user cancels int list_ht = d_list_h; // adjusted list box height /* ** Other Variables */ int btn_txt; // text on the 'OK' button int btn_id; // ID of 'OK' button int caption; // dialog caption int game_idx = 0; // index of game to save/load/etc int game_num = 0; // file number of game to load/save/etc char game_descr[40] = {0}; // save-game description char fname[13]; // for generating filename to delete void const *up_button; void const *down_button; if (InMainLoop){ up_button = Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"); down_button = Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP"); }else{ up_button = Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP2.SHP"); down_button = Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN2.SHP"); } /* ** Buttons */ ControlClass *commands = NULL; // the button list if (Style == LOAD) { btn_txt = TXT_LOAD_BUTTON; btn_id = BUTTON_LOAD; caption = TXT_LOAD_MISSION; } else { if (Style == SAVE) { btn_txt = TXT_SAVE_BUTTON; btn_id = BUTTON_SAVE; caption = TXT_SAVE_MISSION; list_ht -= 30; } else { btn_txt = TXT_DELETE_BUTTON; btn_id = BUTTON_DELETE; caption = TXT_DELETE_MISSION; } } TextButtonClass button (btn_id, btn_txt, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_CENTER|TPF_NOSHADOW, d_button_x, d_button_y, d_button_w); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_CENTER|TPF_NOSHADOW, d_cancel_x, d_cancel_y, d_cancel_w); ListClass listbtn (BUTTON_LIST, d_list_x, d_list_y, d_list_w, list_ht, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_NOSHADOW, up_button, down_button); EditClass editbtn (BUTTON_EDIT, game_descr, 40, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW, d_edit_x, d_edit_y, d_edit_w, -1, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC); /* ** Initialize. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Fill_List(&listbtn); /* ** Do nothing if list is empty. */ if ((Style == LOAD || Style == WWDELETE) && listbtn.Count()==0) { Clear_List(&listbtn); CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_NO_SAVES); return(false); } /* ** Create the button list. */ commands = &button; cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); listbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); if (Style == SAVE) { editbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); editbtn.Set_Focus(); } /* ** Main Processing Loop. */ bool firsttime = true; bool display = true; bool process = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback. */ if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { Call_Back(); } else { if (Main_Loop()) { process = false; cancel = true; } } /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=TRUE; } /* ** Refresh display if needed. */ if (display) { Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Redraw the map. */ if (InMainLoop){ HiddenPage.Clear(); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); Map.Render(); }else{ HiddenPage.Clear(); Load_Title_Screen("HTITLE.PCX", &HidPage, Palette); HidPage.Blit(SeenBuff); } /* ** Display the dialog box. */ if (display) { Dialog_Box(d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w, d_dialog_h); Draw_Caption(caption, d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w); if (Style == SAVE) { Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_MISSION_DESCRIPTION, d_dialog_cx, d_edit_y - d_txt8_h, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_CENTER | TPF_NOSHADOW); } } /* ** Redraw the buttons. */ if (display) { commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); } Show_Mouse(); display = false; } /* ** Get user input. */ KeyNumType input = commands->Input(); /* ** The first time through the processing loop, set the edit ** gadget to have the focus if this is the save dialog. The ** focus must be set here since the gadget list has changed ** and this change will cause any previous focus setting to be ** cleared by the input processing routine. */ if (firsttime && Style == SAVE) { firsttime = false; editbtn.Set_Focus(); editbtn.Flag_To_Redraw(); } /* ** If the key was pressed, then default to the appropriate ** action button according to the style of this dialog box. */ if (input == KN_RETURN) { switch (Style) { case SAVE: input = (KeyNumType)(BUTTON_SAVE|KN_BUTTON); break; case LOAD: input = (KeyNumType)(BUTTON_LOAD|KN_BUTTON); break; case WWDELETE: input = (KeyNumType)(BUTTON_DELETE|KN_BUTTON); break; } } /* ** Process input. */ switch (input) { /* ** Load: if load fails, present a message, and stay in the dialog ** to allow the user to try another game */ case (BUTTON_LOAD | KN_BUTTON): game_idx = listbtn.Current_Index(); game_num = Files[game_idx]->Num; if (Files[game_idx]->Valid) { CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_LOADING, TXT_NONE); if (!Load_Game(game_num)) { CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_LOADING_GAME); } else { Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Set_Palette(GamePalette); Show_Mouse(); process = false; } } else { CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_OBSOLETE_SAVEGAME); } break; /* ** Save: Save the game & exit the dialog */ case (BUTTON_SAVE | KN_BUTTON): if (!strlen(game_descr)) { CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_MUSTENTER_DESCRIPTION); firsttime = true; display = true; break; } game_idx = listbtn.Current_Index(); if (Disk_Space_Available() < SAVE_GAME_DISK_SPACE && game_idx == 0) { // CCMessageBox().Process("Insuficent disk space to save a game. Please delete a previous save to free up some disk space and try again."); CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_SPACE_CANT_SAVE); firsttime = true; display = true; break; } game_num = Files[game_idx]->Num; if (!Save_Game(game_num,game_descr)) { CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_SAVING_GAME); } else { CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_GAME_WAS_SAVED, TXT_NONE, TXT_NONE); } process = false; break; /* ** Delete: delete the file & stay in the dialog, to allow the user ** to delete multiple files. */ case (BUTTON_DELETE | KN_BUTTON): game_idx = listbtn.Current_Index(); game_num = Files[game_idx]->Num; if (CCMessageBox().Process(TXT_DELETE_FILE_QUERY,TXT_YES,TXT_NO)==0) { sprintf(fname,"SAVEGAME.%03d",game_num); unlink(fname); Clear_List(&listbtn); Fill_List(&listbtn); if (listbtn.Count() == 0) { process = false; } } display = true; break; /* ** If the user clicks on the list, see if the there is a new current ** item; if so, and if we're in SAVE mode, copy the list item into ** the save-game description field. */ case (BUTTON_LIST | KN_BUTTON): if (Style != SAVE) { break; } if (listbtn.Count() && listbtn.Current_Index() != game_idx) { game_idx = listbtn.Current_Index(); /* ** Copy the game's description, UNLESS it's the empty slot; if ** it is, set the edit buffer to empty. */ if (game_idx != 0) { strcpy(game_descr,listbtn.Get_Item(game_idx)); } else { game_descr[0] = 0; } editbtn.Set_Text(game_descr,40); } break; /* ** ESC/Cancel: break */ case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; default: break; } } Clear_List(&listbtn); if (cancel) return(false); return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * LoadOptionsClass::Clear_List -- clears the list box & Files arrays * * * * This step is essential, because it frees all the strings allocated for list items. * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/14/1995 BR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void LoadOptionsClass::Clear_List(ListClass *list) { /* ** For every item in the list, free its buffer & remove it from the list. */ int j = list->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { list->Remove_Item(list->Get_Item(0)); } /* ** Clear the array of game numbers */ for (i = 0; i < Files.Count(); i++) { delete Files[i]; } Files.Clear(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * LoadOptionsClass::Fill_List -- fills the list box & GameNum arrays * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/14/1995 BR : Created. * * 06/25/1995 JLB : Shows which saved games are "(old)". * *=============================================================================================*/ void LoadOptionsClass::Fill_List(ListClass *list) { FileEntryClass *fdata; // for adding entries to 'Files' char descr[DESCRIP_MAX]; unsigned scenario; // scenario # HousesType house; // house struct find_t ff; // for _dos_findfirst int id; /* ** Make sure the list is empty */ Clear_List(list); /* ** Add the Empty Slot entry */ if (Style == SAVE) { fdata = new FileEntryClass; strcpy(fdata->Descr,Text_String(TXT_EMPTY_SLOT)); fdata->DateTime = 0xffffffff; // will always be first Files.Add(fdata); } /* ** Find all savegame files */ int rc = _dos_findfirst("SAVEGAME.*", _A_NORMAL, &ff); while (!rc) { /* ** Extract the game ID from the filename */ id = Num_From_Ext(ff.name); /* ** get the game's info; if success, add it to the list */ bool ok = Get_Savefile_Info(id, descr, &scenario, &house); fdata = new FileEntryClass; fdata->Descr[0] = '\0'; if (!ok) strcpy(fdata->Descr, Text_String(TXT_OLD_GAME)); strncat(fdata->Descr, descr, (sizeof(fdata->Descr)-strlen(fdata->Descr))-1); fdata->Valid = ok; fdata->Scenario = scenario; fdata->House = house; fdata->Num = id; fdata->DateTime = (((unsigned long)ff.wr_date) << 16) | (unsigned long)ff.wr_time; Files.Add(fdata); /* ** Find the next file */ rc = _dos_findnext(&ff); } /* ** If saving a game, determine a unique file ID for the empty slot */ if (Style == SAVE) { /* ** Find an un-used number to associate with the Empty Slot by looking in ** GameNum for each number from 0 to 'N', where 'N' is the # of entries ** in the list; if any number isn't found, use that number; otherwise, ** use 'N + 1'. */ for (int i = 0; i < Files.Count(); i++) { // i = the # we're searching for id = -1; // mark as 'not found' for (int j = 0; j < Files.Count(); j++) { // loop through all game ID's if (Files[j]->Num==i) { // if found, mark as found id = j; break; } } if (id == -1) break; // if ID not found, use this one } Files[0]->Num = i; // set the empty slot's ID } /* ** Now sort the list in order of Date/Time (newest first, oldest last) */ qsort((void *)(&Files[0]), Files.Count(), sizeof(class FileEntryClass *), LoadOptionsClass::Compare); /* ** Now add every file's name to the list box */ for (int i = 0; i < Files.Count(); i++) { list->Add_Item(Files[i]->Descr); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * LoadOptionsClass::Num_From_Ext -- clears the list box & GameNum arrays * * * * INPUT: * * fname filename to parse * * * * OUTPUT: * * File number for this name. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/14/1995 BR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int LoadOptionsClass::Num_From_Ext(char *fname) { char ext[_MAX_EXT]; _splitpath(fname, NULL, NULL, NULL, ext); int num = atoi(ext + 1); // skip the '.' return(num); } /*********************************************************************************************** * LoadOptionsClass::Compare -- for qsort * * * * INPUT: * * p1,p2 ptrs to elements to compare * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = same, -1 = (*p1) goes BEFORE (*p2), 1 = (*p1) goes AFTER (*p2) * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/14/1995 BR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int LoadOptionsClass::Compare(const void *p1, const void *p2) { class FileEntryClass *fe1,*fe2; fe1 = *((class FileEntryClass **)p1); fe2 = *((class FileEntryClass **)p2); if (fe1->DateTime > fe2->DateTime) return(-1); if (fe1->DateTime < fe2->DateTime) return(1); return(0); }