/* ** Command & Conquer(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\mapedplc.cpv 2.16 16 Oct 1995 16:51:00 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*************************************************************************** ** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MAPEDPLC.CPP * * * * Programmer : Bill Randolph * * * * Start Date : November 18, 1994 * * * * Last Update : July 4, 1995 [JLB] * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Object-placement routines * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * MapEditClass::Placement_Dialog -- adds an object to the scenario * * MapEditClass::Start_Placement -- enters placement mode * * MapEditClass::Place_Object -- attempts to place the current object * * MapEditClass::Cancel_Placement -- cancels placement mode * * MapEditClass::Place_Next -- while placing object, goes to next * * MapEditClass::Place_Prev -- while placing object, goes to previous * * MapEditClass::Place_Next_Category -- places next object category * * MapEditClass::Place_Prev_Category -- places previous object category * * MapEditClass::Place_Home -- homes the placement object * * MapEditClass::Toggle_House -- toggles current placement object's house* * MapEditClass::Set_House_Buttons -- toggles house buttons for btn list * * MapEditClass::Start_Trigger_Placement -- enters trigger placement mode* * MapEditClass::Stop_Trigger_Placement -- exits trigger placement mode * * MapEditClass::Place_Trigger -- assigns trigger to object or cell * * MapEditClass::Start_Base_Building -- starts base-building mode * * MapEditClass::Cancel_Base_Building -- stops base-building mode * * MapEditClass::Build_Base_To -- builds the AI base to the given percent* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Placement_Dialog -- adds an object to the scenario * * * * This function sets LastChoice & LastHouse to the values chosen * * by the user. It's up to the caller to call Start_Placement to enter * * placement mode. * * This routine does not modify PendingObject or PendingHouse. * * * * ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ * * ³ [GDI] [NOD] [Neutral] ³ * * ³ ³ * * ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ * * ³ ³ ³ [Template] ³ * * ³ ³ ³ [Overlay ] ³ * * ³ ³ ³ [Smudge ] ³ * * ³ ³ ³ [Terrain ] ³ * * ³ ³ (Object picture) ³ [Unit ] ³ * * ³ ³ ³ [Infantry] ³ * * ³ ³ ³ [Aircraft] ³ * * ³ ³ ³ [Building] ³ * * ³ ³ ³ ³ * * ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ * * ³ [<-] [->] ³(Grid)³ ³ * * ³ ³ ³ ³ * * ³ [OK] [Cancel] ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ * * ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = cancel * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Placement_Dialog(void) { HousesType house; /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 480, D_DIALOG_H = 360, D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), D_TXT8_H = 22, D_MARGIN = 14, D_PICTURE_W = 304, // must be divisible by 8! D_PICTURE_H = 210, D_PICTURE_X = D_DIALOG_X + 16, // must start on a byte boundary! D_PICTURE_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H + D_MARGIN, D_PICTURE_CX = D_PICTURE_X + D_PICTURE_W / 2, D_GDI_W = 90, D_GDI_H = 18, D_GDI_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_GDI_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, D_NOD_W = 90, D_NOD_H = 18, D_NOD_X = D_GDI_X + D_GDI_W, D_NOD_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, D_NEUTRAL_W = 90, D_NEUTRAL_H = 18, D_NEUTRAL_X = D_NOD_X + D_NOD_W, D_NEUTRAL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, D_MULTI1_W = 44, D_MULTI1_H = 18, D_MULTI1_X = D_GDI_X, D_MULTI1_Y = D_GDI_Y, D_MULTI2_W = 44, D_MULTI2_H = 18, D_MULTI2_X = D_MULTI1_X + D_MULTI1_W, D_MULTI2_Y = D_GDI_Y, D_MULTI3_W = 44, D_MULTI3_H = 18, D_MULTI3_X = D_MULTI2_X + D_MULTI2_W, D_MULTI3_Y = D_GDI_Y, D_MULTI4_W = 44, D_MULTI4_H = 18, D_MULTI4_X = D_MULTI3_X + D_MULTI3_W, D_MULTI4_Y = D_GDI_Y, D_LEFT_W = 90, D_LEFT_H = 18, D_LEFT_X = D_PICTURE_CX - 5 - D_LEFT_W, D_LEFT_Y = D_PICTURE_Y + D_PICTURE_H + D_MARGIN, D_RIGHT_W = 90, D_RIGHT_H = 18, D_RIGHT_X = D_PICTURE_CX + 5, D_RIGHT_Y = D_PICTURE_Y + D_PICTURE_H + D_MARGIN, D_TEMPLATE_W = 140, D_TEMPLATE_H = 18, D_TEMPLATE_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_TEMPLATE_W, D_TEMPLATE_Y = D_PICTURE_Y, D_OVERLAY_W = 140, D_OVERLAY_H = 18, D_OVERLAY_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_OVERLAY_W, D_OVERLAY_Y = D_TEMPLATE_Y + D_TEMPLATE_H, D_SMUDGE_W = 140, D_SMUDGE_H = 18, D_SMUDGE_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_SMUDGE_W, D_SMUDGE_Y = D_OVERLAY_Y + D_OVERLAY_H, D_TERRAIN_W = 140, D_TERRAIN_H = 18, D_TERRAIN_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_TERRAIN_W, D_TERRAIN_Y = D_SMUDGE_Y + D_SMUDGE_H, D_UNIT_W = 140, D_UNIT_H = 18, D_UNIT_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_UNIT_W, D_UNIT_Y = D_TERRAIN_Y + D_TERRAIN_H, D_INFANTRY_W = 140, D_INFANTRY_H = 18, D_INFANTRY_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_INFANTRY_W, D_INFANTRY_Y = D_UNIT_Y + D_UNIT_H, D_AIRCRAFT_W = 140, D_AIRCRAFT_H = 18, D_AIRCRAFT_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_AIRCRAFT_W, D_AIRCRAFT_Y = D_INFANTRY_Y + D_INFANTRY_H, D_BUILDING_W = 140, D_BUILDING_H = 18, D_BUILDING_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_BUILDING_W, D_BUILDING_Y = D_AIRCRAFT_Y + D_AIRCRAFT_H, D_OK_W = 90, D_OK_H = 18, D_OK_X = D_PICTURE_CX - D_OK_W - 5, D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - D_MARGIN, D_CANCEL_W = 90, D_CANCEL_H = 18, D_CANCEL_X = D_PICTURE_CX + 5, D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_CANCEL_H - D_MARGIN, }; /*........................................................................ Grid Dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { GRIDSIZE = 10, GRIDBLOCK_W = 6, GRIDBLOCK_H = 6, D_GRID_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - (GRIDSIZE * GRIDBLOCK_W) - D_MARGIN, D_GRID_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - (GRIDSIZE * GRIDBLOCK_H) - D_MARGIN, }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations: ........................................................................*/ enum { BUTTON_GDI=100, BUTTON_NOD, BUTTON_NEUTRAL, BUTTON_JP, // placeholder BUTTON_MULTI1, BUTTON_MULTI2, BUTTON_MULTI3, BUTTON_MULTI4, BUTTON_NEXT, BUTTON_PREV, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_TEMPLATE, BUTTON_OVERLAY, BUTTON_SMUDGE, BUTTON_TERRAIN, BUTTON_UNIT, BUTTON_INFANTRY, BUTTON_AIRCRAFT, BUTTON_BUILDING, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_OBJECT, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables ........................................................................*/ RedrawType display; // display level bool process; // loop while true bool cancel = false; // true = user cancels const ObjectTypeClass * curobj; // Working object pointer. int x,y; // for drawing the grid KeyNumType input; // user input short const *occupy; // ptr into object's OccupyList int cell; // cell index for parsing OccupyList int i; int typeindex; // index of class type /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands; TextButtonClass gdibtn (BUTTON_GDI, "GDI", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDI_X, D_GDI_Y, D_GDI_W, D_GDI_H); TextButtonClass nodbtn (BUTTON_NOD, "NOD", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NOD_X, D_NOD_Y, D_NOD_W, D_NOD_H); TextButtonClass neutbtn (BUTTON_NEUTRAL, "Neutral", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NEUTRAL_X, D_NEUTRAL_Y, D_NEUTRAL_W, D_NEUTRAL_H); TextButtonClass multi1btn (BUTTON_MULTI1, "M1", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI1_X, D_MULTI1_Y, D_MULTI1_W, D_MULTI1_H); TextButtonClass multi2btn (BUTTON_MULTI2, "M2", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI2_X, D_MULTI2_Y, D_MULTI2_W, D_MULTI2_H); TextButtonClass multi3btn (BUTTON_MULTI3, "M3", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI3_X, D_MULTI3_Y, D_MULTI3_W, D_MULTI3_H); TextButtonClass multi4btn (BUTTON_MULTI4, "M4", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI4_X, D_MULTI4_Y, D_MULTI4_W, D_MULTI4_H); TextButtonClass nextbtn (BUTTON_NEXT, TXT_RIGHT, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_RIGHT_X, D_RIGHT_Y, D_RIGHT_W, D_RIGHT_H); TextButtonClass prevbtn (BUTTON_PREV, TXT_LEFT, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_LEFT_X, D_LEFT_Y, D_LEFT_W, D_LEFT_H); TextButtonClass okbtn (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W, D_CANCEL_H); TextButtonClass templatebtn (BUTTON_TEMPLATE, "Template", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_TEMPLATE_X, D_TEMPLATE_Y, D_TEMPLATE_W, D_TEMPLATE_H); TextButtonClass overlaybtn (BUTTON_OVERLAY, "Overlay", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OVERLAY_X, D_OVERLAY_Y, D_OVERLAY_W, D_OVERLAY_H); TextButtonClass smudgebtn (BUTTON_SMUDGE, "Smudge", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_SMUDGE_X, D_SMUDGE_Y, D_SMUDGE_W, D_SMUDGE_H); TextButtonClass terrainbtn (BUTTON_TERRAIN, "Terrain", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_TERRAIN_X, D_TERRAIN_Y, D_TERRAIN_W, D_TERRAIN_H); TextButtonClass unitbtn (BUTTON_UNIT, "Unit", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_UNIT_X, D_UNIT_Y, D_UNIT_W, D_UNIT_H); TextButtonClass infantrybtn (BUTTON_INFANTRY, "Infantry", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_INFANTRY_X, D_INFANTRY_Y, D_INFANTRY_W, D_INFANTRY_H); TextButtonClass aircraftbtn (BUTTON_AIRCRAFT, "Aircraft", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_AIRCRAFT_X, D_AIRCRAFT_Y, D_AIRCRAFT_W, D_AIRCRAFT_H); TextButtonClass buildingbtn (BUTTON_BUILDING, "Building", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_BUILDING_X, D_BUILDING_Y, D_BUILDING_W, D_BUILDING_H); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initialize addable objects list; we must do this every time in case one of the object pools has become exhausted; that object won't be available for adding. (Skip aircraft, since they won't be used in the editor.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Clear_List(); TemplateTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); OverlayTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); SmudgeTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); TerrainTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); UnitTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); InfantryTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); BuildingTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); /*........................................................................ Compute offset of each class type in the Objects array ........................................................................*/ TypeOffset[0] = 0; for (i=1; i= ObjCount) { LastChoice = 0; } curobj = Objects[LastChoice]; // current object to choose commands = &neutbtn; if (ScenPlayer == SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER) { multi1btn.Add_Tail(*commands); multi2btn.Add_Tail(*commands); multi3btn.Add_Tail(*commands); multi4btn.Add_Tail(*commands); } else { gdibtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); } nextbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); prevbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); okbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); templatebtn.Add_Tail(*commands); overlaybtn.Add_Tail(*commands); smudgebtn.Add_Tail(*commands); terrainbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); unitbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); infantrybtn.Add_Tail(*commands); aircraftbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); buildingbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /*........................................................................ If the current house isn't valid for the current object type, cycle to the next house. ........................................................................*/ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,curobj)) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,curobj); } /* ..................... Set the buttons for this house ..................... */ Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); /* -------------------------- Main processing loop -------------------------- */ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ........................ Invoke game callback ......................... */ Call_Back(); /* ---------------------- Refresh display if needed ---------------------- */ if (display > REDRAW_NONE) { /* ---------------------- Display the dialog box ---------------------- */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Display the current object: - save the current window dimensions - adjust the window size to the actual drawable area - draw the shape - reset the window dimensions ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (display >= REDRAW_OBJECT) { WindowList[WINDOW_EDITOR][WINDOWX] = D_PICTURE_X >> 3; WindowList[WINDOW_EDITOR][WINDOWY] = D_PICTURE_Y; WindowList[WINDOW_EDITOR][WINDOWWIDTH] = D_PICTURE_W >> 3; WindowList[WINDOW_EDITOR][WINDOWHEIGHT] = D_PICTURE_H; Change_Window((int)WINDOW_EDITOR); Draw_Box(D_PICTURE_X, D_PICTURE_Y, D_PICTURE_W, D_PICTURE_H, BOXSTYLE_GREEN_DOWN, true); curobj->Display(WinW<<2, WinH>>1, WINDOW_EDITOR, LastHouse); /* ........................ Erase the grid ......................... */ LogicPage->Fill_Rect(D_GRID_X - GRIDBLOCK_W * 2, D_GRID_Y, D_GRID_X + GRIDSIZE * GRIDBLOCK_W, D_GRID_Y + GRIDSIZE * GRIDBLOCK_H, BLACK); /* .............. Draw a box for every cell occupied ............... */ occupy = curobj->Occupy_List(); while ( (*occupy) != REFRESH_EOL) { cell = (*occupy); occupy++; x = D_GRID_X + ((cell % MAP_CELL_W) * GRIDBLOCK_W); y = D_GRID_Y + ((cell / MAP_CELL_W) * GRIDBLOCK_H); LogicPage->Fill_Rect(x, y, x + GRIDBLOCK_W - 1, y + GRIDBLOCK_H - 1, CC_BRIGHT_GREEN); } /* ..................... Draw the grid itself ...................... */ for (y = 0; y <= GRIDSIZE; y++) { for (x = 0; x <= GRIDSIZE; x++) { LogicPage->Draw_Line(D_GRID_X + x * GRIDBLOCK_W, D_GRID_Y, D_GRID_X + x * GRIDBLOCK_W, D_GRID_Y + GRIDSIZE * GRIDBLOCK_H, CC_GREEN_SHADOW); } LogicPage->Draw_Line(D_GRID_X, D_GRID_Y + y * GRIDBLOCK_H, D_GRID_X + GRIDSIZE * GRIDBLOCK_W, D_GRID_Y + y * GRIDBLOCK_H, CC_GREEN_SHADOW); } /*............................................................... Print the object's label from the class's Full_Name(). Warning: Text_String returns an EMS pointer, so standard string functions won't work! ...............................................................*/ Fancy_Text_Print (curobj->Full_Name(), D_PICTURE_CX, D_PICTURE_Y + D_MARGIN, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } /* -------------------------- Redraw buttons -------------------------- */ if (display >= REDRAW_BUTTONS) { /*............................................................... Figure out which class category we're in & highlight that button This updates 'typeindex', which is used below, and it also updates the category button states. ...............................................................*/ i = 0; for (typeindex = 0; typeindex < NUM_EDIT_CLASSES; typeindex++) { i += NumType[typeindex]; if (LastChoice < i) break; } templatebtn.Turn_Off(); overlaybtn.Turn_Off(); smudgebtn.Turn_Off(); terrainbtn.Turn_Off(); unitbtn.Turn_Off(); infantrybtn.Turn_Off(); aircraftbtn.Turn_Off(); buildingbtn.Turn_Off(); switch (typeindex + BUTTON_TEMPLATE) { case BUTTON_TEMPLATE: templatebtn.Turn_On(); break; case BUTTON_OVERLAY: overlaybtn.Turn_On(); break; case BUTTON_SMUDGE: smudgebtn.Turn_On(); break; case BUTTON_TERRAIN: terrainbtn.Turn_On(); break; case BUTTON_UNIT: unitbtn.Turn_On(); break; case BUTTON_INFANTRY: infantrybtn.Turn_On(); break; case BUTTON_AIRCRAFT: aircraftbtn.Turn_On(); break; case BUTTON_BUILDING: buildingbtn.Turn_On(); break; } } /* .......................... Redraw buttons .......................... */ commands->Draw_All(); Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ........................... Get user input ............................ */ input = commands->Input(); /* ------------------------- Process user input -------------------------- */ switch (input) { /* ---------------------------- GDI House ----------------------------- */ case (BUTTON_GDI | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_NOD | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_NEUTRAL | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI1 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI2 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI3 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI4 | KN_BUTTON): house = (HousesType)( (input & (~KN_BUTTON)) - BUTTON_GDI); /* ............... ignore if invalid for this object ............... */ if (!Verify_House(house,curobj)) { Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); break; } /* ...................... Set flags & buttons ...................... */ LastHouse = house; Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); display = REDRAW_OBJECT; break; /* --------------------------- Next in list --------------------------- */ case (KN_RIGHT): case (BUTTON_NEXT | KN_BUTTON): /* ..................... Increment to next obj ..................... */ LastChoice++; if (LastChoice == ObjCount) { LastChoice = 0; } curobj = Objects[LastChoice]; /* .................... Get valid house for obj .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,curobj)) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,curobj); Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); } nextbtn.Turn_Off(); display = REDRAW_OBJECT; break; /* ------------------------- Previous in list ------------------------- */ case (KN_LEFT): case (BUTTON_PREV | KN_BUTTON): /* ..................... Decrement to prev obj ..................... */ LastChoice--; if (LastChoice < 0) { LastChoice = ObjCount-1; } curobj = Objects[LastChoice]; /* .................... Get valid house for obj .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,curobj)) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,curobj); Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); } prevbtn.Turn_Off(); display = REDRAW_OBJECT; break; /* ----------------------- Select a class type ------------------------ */ case (BUTTON_TEMPLATE | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_OVERLAY | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_SMUDGE | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_TERRAIN | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_UNIT | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_INFANTRY | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_AIRCRAFT | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_BUILDING | KN_BUTTON): /* ...................... Find index of class ...................... */ typeindex = input - (BUTTON_TEMPLATE | KN_BUTTON); /* ............ If no objects of that type, do nothing ............. */ if (NumType[typeindex]==0) { display = REDRAW_BUTTONS; // force to reset button states break; } /* ...................... Set current object ....................... */ LastChoice = TypeOffset[typeindex]; curobj = Objects[LastChoice]; /* .................... Get valid house for obj .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,curobj)) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,curobj); Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); } display = REDRAW_OBJECT; break; /* -------------------------- Next category --------------------------- */ case KN_PGDN: typeindex++; if (typeindex==NUM_EDIT_CLASSES) { typeindex = 0; } /* ...................... Set current object ....................... */ LastChoice = TypeOffset[typeindex]; curobj = Objects[LastChoice]; /* .................... Get valid house for obj .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,curobj)) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,curobj); Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); } display = REDRAW_OBJECT; break; /* ------------------------ Previous category ------------------------- */ case KN_PGUP: typeindex--; if (typeindex < 0) { typeindex = NUM_EDIT_CLASSES - 1; } /* ...................... Set current object ....................... */ LastChoice = TypeOffset[typeindex]; curobj = Objects[LastChoice]; /* .................... Get valid house for obj .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,curobj)) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,curobj); Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); } display = REDRAW_OBJECT; break; /* ------------------------ Jump to 1st choice ------------------------ */ case KN_HOME: LastChoice = 0; /* ...................... Set current object ....................... */ curobj = Objects[LastChoice]; /* .................... Get valid house for obj .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,curobj)) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,curobj); Set_House_Buttons(LastHouse, commands, BUTTON_GDI); } display = REDRAW_OBJECT; break; /* -------------------------------- OK -------------------------------- */ case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): cancel = false; process = false; break; /* ------------------------------ Cancel ------------------------------ */ case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; default: break; } } /* --------------------------- Redraw the display --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); if (cancel) { return(-1); } return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Start_Placement -- enters placement mode * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/04/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Start_Placement(void) { int i; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initialize addable objects list; we must do this every time in case one of the object pools has become exhausted; that object won't be available for adding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Clear_List(); TemplateTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); OverlayTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); SmudgeTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); TerrainTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); UnitTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); InfantryTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); //AircraftTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); BuildingTypeClass::Prep_For_Add(); /*........................................................................ Compute offset of each class type in the Objects array ........................................................................*/ TypeOffset[0] = 0; for (i=1; i= ObjCount) LastChoice = ObjCount - 1; PendingObject = Objects[LastChoice]; PendingHouse = LastHouse; PendingObjectPtr = PendingObject->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(LastHouse)); } else { if (LastChoice < TypeOffset[7]) LastChoice = TypeOffset[7]; if (LastChoice >= ObjCount) LastChoice = ObjCount - 1; PendingObject = Objects[LastChoice]; PendingHouse = LastHouse = Base.House; PendingObjectPtr = PendingObject->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(LastHouse)); } /* ------------------- Error if no more objects available ------------------- */ if (!PendingObjectPtr) { CCMessageBox().Process("No more objects of this type available."); HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); PendingObject = NULL; if (BaseBuilding) Cancel_Base_Building(); return; } /* ------------------------ Set the placement cursor ------------------------ */ Set_Cursor_Pos(); Set_Cursor_Shape(PendingObject->Occupy_List()); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Place_Object -- attempts to place the current object * * * * Placement of "real" objects is simply checked via their Unlimbo routine.* * Placement of templates is more complex: * * - for every cell in the template's OccupyList, check for objects * * already in that cell by looking at the cell's OccupyList & * * OverlapList * * - "lift" all the objects in the cell by Mark'ing them * * - temporarily place the template in that cell * * - try to Unlimbo all the objects that were in the cell. If any * * objects fail to Unlimbo onto that template, the template cannot * * be placed here * * * * It is assumed that the object being placed is a "new" object; the * * object's strength & mission are not set during Unlimbo. * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = unable to place * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/04/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Place_Object(void) { CELL template_cell; // cell being checked for template COORDINATE obj_coord; // coord of occupier object int okflag; // OK to place a template? short const *occupy; // ptr into template's OccupyList ObjectClass *occupier; // occupying object TemplateType save_ttype; // for saving cell's TType unsigned char save_ticon; // for saving cell's TIcon BaseNodeClass node; // for adding to an AI Base /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Placing a template: - first lift up any objects in the cell - place the template, and try to replace the objects; if they won't go back, the template can't go there ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //ScenarioInit++; if (PendingObject->What_Am_I() == RTTI_TEMPLATETYPE) { /* .......... Loop through all cells this template will occupy ........... */ okflag = true; occupy = PendingObject->Occupy_List(); while ((*occupy) != REFRESH_EOL) { /* ................. Check this cell for an occupier .................. */ template_cell = (ZoneCell+ZoneOffset) + (*occupy); if ((*this)[template_cell].Cell_Occupier()) { occupier = (*this)[template_cell].Cell_Occupier(); /* .................. Save object's coordinates .................... */ obj_coord = occupier->Coord; /* ................... Place the object in limbo ................... */ occupier->Mark(MARK_UP); /* ................ Set the cell's template values ................. */ save_ttype = (*this)[template_cell].TType; save_ticon = (*this)[template_cell].TIcon; (*this)[template_cell].TType = ((TemplateTypeClass *)PendingObject)->Type; (*this)[template_cell].TIcon = Cell_X(*occupy) + Cell_Y(*occupy) * ((TemplateTypeClass *)PendingObject)->Width; (*this)[template_cell].Recalc_Attributes(); /* ................ Try to put the object back down ................ */ if (occupier->Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(obj_coord)) != MOVE_OK) { okflag = false; } /* .............. Put everything back the way it was ............... */ (*this)[template_cell].TType = save_ttype; (*this)[template_cell].TIcon = save_ticon; (*this)[template_cell].Recalc_Attributes(); /* .......... Major error if can't replace the object now .......... */ occupier->Mark(MARK_DOWN); } occupy++; } /* ......... If it's still OK after ALL THAT, place the template ......... */ if (okflag) { if (PendingObjectPtr->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(ZoneCell + ZoneOffset))) { /*............................................................... Loop through all cells occupied by this template, and clear the smudge & overlay. ...............................................................*/ occupy = PendingObject->Occupy_List(); while ((*occupy) != REFRESH_EOL) { /* ............... Get cell for this occupy item ................ */ template_cell = (ZoneCell+ZoneOffset) + (*occupy); /* ................... Clear smudge & overlay ................... */ (*this)[template_cell].Overlay = OVERLAY_NONE; (*this)[template_cell].OverlayData = 0; (*this)[template_cell].Smudge = SMUDGE_NONE; /* ............ make adjacent cells recalc attrib's ............. */ (*this)[template_cell].Recalc_Attributes(); (*this)[template_cell].Wall_Update(); (*this)[template_cell].Concrete_Calc(); occupy++; } /* ......................... Set flags etc ......................... */ PendingObjectPtr = 0; PendingObject = 0; PendingHouse = HOUSE_NONE; Set_Cursor_Shape(0); //ScenarioInit--; TotalValue = Overpass(); Flag_To_Redraw(false); return(0); } /* ** Failure to deploy results in a returned failure code. */ //ScenarioInit--; return(-1); } /* ........................ Not OK; return error ......................... */ //ScenarioInit--; return(-1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Placing infantry: Infantry can go into cell sub-positions, so find the sub-position closest to the mouse & put him there ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (PendingObject->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE) { /* ....................... Find cell sub-position ........................ */ if (Is_Spot_Free(Pixel_To_Coord(Get_Mouse_X(),Get_Mouse_Y()))) { obj_coord = Closest_Free_Spot(Pixel_To_Coord(Get_Mouse_X(), Get_Mouse_Y())); } else { obj_coord = NULL; } /* ................ No free spots; don't place the object ................ */ if (obj_coord == NULL) { //ScenarioInit--; return(-1); } /* ......................... Unlimbo the object .......................... */ if (PendingObjectPtr->Unlimbo(obj_coord)) { ((InfantryClass *)PendingObjectPtr)->Set_Occupy_Bit(obj_coord); // Map[Coord_Cell(obj_coord)].Flag.Composite |= // (1 << CellClass::Spot_Index(obj_coord)); PendingObjectPtr = 0; PendingObject = 0; PendingHouse = HOUSE_NONE; Set_Cursor_Shape(0); //ScenarioInit--; return(0); } //ScenarioInit--; return(-1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Placing an object ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (PendingObjectPtr->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(ZoneCell + ZoneOffset))) { /* ** Update the Tiberium computation if we're placing an overlay */ if (PendingObject->What_Am_I() == RTTI_OVERLAYTYPE && ((OverlayTypeClass *)PendingObject)->IsTiberium) { TotalValue = Overpass(); Flag_To_Redraw(false); } /* ** If we're building a base, add this building to the base's Node list. */ if (BaseBuilding && PendingObject->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE) { node.Type = ((BuildingTypeClass *)PendingObject)->Type; node.Coord = PendingObjectPtr->Coord; Base.Nodes.Add(node); } PendingObjectPtr = 0; PendingObject = 0; PendingHouse = HOUSE_NONE; Set_Cursor_Shape(0); //ScenarioInit--; return(0); } return(-1); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Cancel_Placement -- cancels placement mode * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/04/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Cancel_Placement(void) { /* ---------------------- Delete the placement object ----------------------- */ delete PendingObjectPtr; PendingObject = 0; PendingObjectPtr = 0; PendingHouse = HOUSE_NONE; /* -------------------------- Restore cursor shape -------------------------- */ Set_Cursor_Shape(0); /* ----------------- Redraw the map to erase old leftovers ------------------ */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Place_Next -- while placing object, goes to next * * * * - Deletes the current 'PendingObjectPtr' * * - Increments LastChoice * * - Tries to create a new 'PendingObjectPtr'; if fails, keeps * * incrementing until it gets it * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/03/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Place_Next(void) { delete PendingObjectPtr; PendingObjectPtr = NULL; PendingObject = NULL; /* ------------------ Loop until we create a valid object ------------------- */ while (!PendingObjectPtr) { /* ................. Go to next object in Objects list ................... */ LastChoice++; if (LastChoice == ObjCount) { /* ** If we're in normal placement mode, wrap to the 1st object; ** if we're in base-building mode, wrap to the 1st building */ if (!BaseBuilding) { LastChoice = 0; } else { LastChoice = TypeOffset[7]; } } /* ................... Get house for this object type .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice])) { /* ** If we're in normal placement mode, change the current ** placement house to the one that can own this object. ** If we're building a base, skip ahead to the next object if the ** base's house can't own this one. */ if (!BaseBuilding) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice]); } else { continue; } } /* ....................... Create placement object ....................... */ PendingObject = Objects[LastChoice]; PendingHouse = LastHouse; PendingObjectPtr = PendingObject->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(PendingHouse)); if (!PendingObjectPtr) { PendingObject = NULL; } } /* ------------------------ Set the new cursor shape ------------------------ */ Set_Cursor_Pos(); Set_Cursor_Shape(0); Set_Cursor_Shape(PendingObject->Occupy_List()); /* ----------------- Redraw the map to erase old leftovers ------------------ */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Place_Prev -- while placing object, goes to previous * * * * - Deletes the current 'PendingObjectPtr' * * - Decrements LastChoice * * - Tries to create a new 'PendingObjectPtr'; if fails, keeps * * decrementing until it gets it * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/03/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Place_Prev(void) { delete PendingObjectPtr; PendingObjectPtr = NULL; PendingObject = NULL; /* ------------------ Loop until we create a valid object ------------------- */ while (!PendingObjectPtr) { /* ................. Go to prev object in Objects list .................. */ LastChoice--; /* ** If we're in normal placement mode, wrap at the 1st object. ** If we're building a base, wrap at the 1st building. */ if (!BaseBuilding) { if (LastChoice < 0) LastChoice = ObjCount - 1; } else { if (LastChoice < TypeOffset[7]) LastChoice = ObjCount - 1; } /* ................... Get house for this object type .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice])) { /* ** If we're in normal placement mode, change the current ** placement house to the one that can own this object. ** If we're building a base, skip ahead to the next object if the ** base's house can't own this one. */ if (!BaseBuilding) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice]); } else { continue; } } /* ....................... Create placement object ....................... */ PendingObject = Objects[LastChoice]; PendingHouse = LastHouse; PendingObjectPtr = PendingObject->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(PendingHouse)); if (!PendingObjectPtr) { PendingObject = NULL; } } /* ------------------------ Set the new cursor shape ------------------------ */ Set_Cursor_Pos(); Set_Cursor_Shape(0); Set_Cursor_Shape(PendingObject->Occupy_List()); /* ----------------- Redraw the map to erase old leftovers ------------------ */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Place_Next_Category -- places next category of object * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/03/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Place_Next_Category(void) { int i; /* ** Don't allow this command if we're building a base; the only valid ** category for base-building is buildings. */ if (BaseBuilding) { return; } delete PendingObjectPtr; PendingObjectPtr = NULL; PendingObject = NULL; /* ------------------ Go to next category in Objects list ------------------- */ i = LastChoice; while (Objects[i]->What_Am_I() == Objects[LastChoice]->What_Am_I()) { i++; if (i == ObjCount) { i = 0; } } LastChoice = i; /* ------------------ Loop until we create a valid object ------------------- */ while (!PendingObjectPtr) { /* ................... Get house for this object type .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice])) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice]); } /* ....................... Create placement object ....................... */ PendingObject = Objects[LastChoice]; PendingHouse = LastHouse; PendingObjectPtr = PendingObject->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(PendingHouse)); /* .................. If this one failed, try the next ................... */ if (!PendingObjectPtr) { PendingObject = NULL; LastChoice++; if (LastChoice == ObjCount) { LastChoice = 0; } } } /* ------------------------ Set the new cursor shape ------------------------ */ Set_Cursor_Pos(); Set_Cursor_Shape(0); Set_Cursor_Shape(PendingObject->Occupy_List()); /* ----------------- Redraw the map to erase old leftovers ------------------ */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Place_Prev_Category -- places previous category of object * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/03/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Place_Prev_Category(void) { int i; /* ** Don't allow this command if we're building a base; the only valid ** category for base-building is buildings. */ if (BaseBuilding) { return; } delete PendingObjectPtr; PendingObjectPtr = NULL; PendingObject = NULL; /* ------------------ Go to prev category in Objects list ------------------- */ i = LastChoice; /* ..................... Scan for the previous category ..................... */ while (Objects[i]->What_Am_I() == Objects[LastChoice]->What_Am_I()) { i--; if (i < 0) { i = ObjCount - 1; } } /* .................... Scan for start of this category ..................... */ LastChoice = i; while (Objects[i]->What_Am_I() == Objects[LastChoice]->What_Am_I()) { LastChoice = i; i--; if (i < 0) { i = ObjCount - 1; } } /* ------------------ Loop until we create a valid object ------------------- */ while (!PendingObjectPtr) { /* ................... Get house for this object type .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice])) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice]); } /* ....................... Create placement object ....................... */ PendingObject = Objects[LastChoice]; PendingHouse = LastHouse; PendingObjectPtr = PendingObject->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(PendingHouse)); /* .................. If this one failed, try the next ................... */ if (!PendingObjectPtr) { PendingObject = NULL; LastChoice--; if (LastChoice < 0) { LastChoice = ObjCount - 1; } } } /* ------------------------ Set the new cursor shape ------------------------ */ Set_Cursor_Pos(); Set_Cursor_Shape(0); Set_Cursor_Shape(PendingObject->Occupy_List()); /* ----------------- Redraw the map to erase old leftovers ------------------ */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Place_Home -- homes the placement object * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/03/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Place_Home(void) { delete PendingObjectPtr; PendingObjectPtr = NULL; PendingObject = NULL; /* ** Don't allow this command if we're building a base; the only valid ** category for base-building is buildings. */ if (BaseBuilding) { return; } /* ------------------ Loop until we create a valid object ------------------- */ LastChoice = 0; while (!PendingObjectPtr) { /* ................... Get house for this object type .................... */ if (!Verify_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice])) { LastHouse = Cycle_House(LastHouse,Objects[LastChoice]); } /* ....................... Create placement object ....................... */ PendingObject = Objects[LastChoice]; PendingHouse = LastHouse; PendingObjectPtr = PendingObject->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(PendingHouse)); /* .................. If this one failed, try the next ................... */ if (!PendingObjectPtr) { PendingObject = NULL; LastChoice++; if (LastChoice == ObjCount) { LastChoice = 0; } } } /* ------------------------ Set the new cursor shape ------------------------ */ Set_Cursor_Pos(); Set_Cursor_Shape(0); Set_Cursor_Shape(PendingObject->Occupy_List()); /* ----------------- Redraw the map to erase old leftovers ------------------ */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Toggle_House -- toggles current placement object's house * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/04/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Toggle_House(void) { TechnoClass *tp; /* ** Don't allow this command if we're building a base; the only valid ** house for base-building is the one assigned to the base. */ if (BaseBuilding) { return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Only techno objects can be owned by a house; return if not a techno ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!PendingObjectPtr->Is_Techno()) { return; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Select the house that will own this object ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LastHouse = Cycle_House(PendingObjectPtr->Owner(), PendingObject); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Change the house ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ tp = (TechnoClass *)PendingObjectPtr; tp->House = HouseClass::As_Pointer(LastHouse); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Set house variables to new house ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PendingHouse = LastHouse; } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Set_House_Buttons -- toggles house buttons for btn list * * * * Looks in the given button list for the given GDI, NOD & Neutral button * * id's. Sets the On/Off state of the buttons based on the given house, * * only if that button is found in the list. * * * * INPUT: * * house house to set buttons to * * btnlist ptr to button list to search * * base_id button ID for GDI; assumes other id's are sequential* * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/23/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Set_House_Buttons(HousesType house, GadgetClass *btnlist, int base_id) { HousesType h; int id; TextButtonClass *btn; /* ** Loop through all houses, searching the button list for each one. */ for (h = HOUSE_FIRST; h < HOUSE_COUNT; h++) { /* ** Compute the desired button ID; get a pointer to the button */ id = (int)h + base_id; btn = (TextButtonClass *)btnlist->Extract_Gadget(id); if (btn) { /* ** If this house value is the desired one, turn the button on; ** otherwise, turn it off. */ if (h == house) { btn->Turn_On(); } else { btn->Turn_Off(); } } } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Start_Trigger_Placement -- enters trigger placement mode * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/01/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Start_Trigger_Placement(void) { Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_CAN_MOVE); Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_CAN_MOVE); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Stop_Trigger_Placement -- exits trigger placement mode * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/01/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Stop_Trigger_Placement(void) { CurTrigger = NULL; Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Place_Trigger -- assigns trigger to object or cell * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/01/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Place_Trigger(void) { ObjectClass * object=NULL; // Generic object clicked on. int x,y; CELL cell; // Cell that was selected. /* -------------------- See if an object was clicked on --------------------- */ x = _Kbd->MouseQX; y = _Kbd->MouseQY; /* ............................ Get cell for x,y ............................ */ cell = Click_Cell_Calc(x, y); /* ............... Convert x,y to offset from cell upper-left ............... */ x = (x-TacPixelX) % ICON_PIXEL_W; y = (y-TacPixelY) % ICON_PIXEL_H; /* ......................... Get object at that x,y ......................... */ object = Cell_Object(cell, x, y); /* ---------------------- Assign trigger to an object ----------------------- */ if (object && TriggerClass::Event_Need_Object(CurTrigger->Event)) { object->Trigger = CurTrigger; } else { /* ------------------------ Assign trigger to a cell ------------------------ */ if (CurTrigger->Event <= EVENT_OBJECTFIRST) { Map[cell].IsTrigger = 1; CellTriggers[cell] = CurTrigger; } } /* -------------------------- Force map to redraw --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Start_Base_Building -- starts base-building mode * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/01/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Start_Base_Building(void) { /* ** Fully build the base so the user can edit it */ Build_Base_To(100); /* ** Start placement mode */ BaseBuilding = 1; Start_Placement(); /* ** Force map to redraw */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Cancel_Base_Building -- stops base-building mode * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/01/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Cancel_Base_Building(void) { /* ** Build the base to the proper amount */ Build_Base_To(BasePercent); /* ** Cancel placement mode */ Cancel_Placement(); BaseBuilding = 0; /* ** Force map to redraw */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Build_Base_To -- builds the AI base to the given percent * * * * INPUT: * * percent percentage to build base to * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/01/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Build_Base_To(int percent) { int i; int num_buildings; BuildingTypeClass const *objtype; BuildingClass *obj; //ScenarioInit++; /* ** Completely dismantle the base, so we start at a known point */ for (i = 0; i < Base.Nodes.Count(); i++) { if (Base.Is_Built(i)) { obj = Base.Get_Building(i); delete obj; } } /* ** Compute number of buildings to build */ num_buildings = (Base.Nodes.Count() * percent) / 100; /* ** Build the base to the desired amount */ for (i = 0; i < num_buildings; i++) { /* ** Get a ptr to the type of building to build, create one, and unlimbo it. */ objtype = &BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(Base.Nodes[i].Type); obj = (BuildingClass *)objtype->Create_One_Of(HouseClass::As_Pointer(Base.House)); /* ** If unlimbo fails, error out */ if (!obj->Unlimbo(Base.Nodes[i].Coord)) { delete obj; CCMessageBox().Process("Unable to build base!"); return; } } //ScenarioInit--; } #endif