Zack Casey is a blue fennec is a programmer who self-hosts his own internet radio station from a card-sized micro computer. While he boasts with charisma around his friends, Zack is shy and has trouble coping with crowds.
Aidan Cheddar is a white with black splotches that was enhanced with cybernetics at a lab.
## Tom Wilcox
Tom Wilcox is gray border with red hair. He can be seen wearing a beanie vest and denim skirt. Tom's primarily likes to entertain by skating, his favorite hobby.
## Raffy Engström
Raffy Engstrom is gray yeen, striped markings and purple with green highlights. He is owner of The Velvet Pulse nightclub and lounge. Raffy can be seen wearing a blue collar, black coat over leather harness and short plastic skirt that reveal his fishnet panties.