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# Created by,visualstudiocode,macos,linux,windows
# Edit at,visualstudiocode,macos,linux,windows
### Linux ###
# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
# KDE directory preferences
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
### macOS ###
# General
# Icon must end with two \r
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
### macOS Patch ###
# iCloud generated files
### Obsidian ###
# config dir
### VisualStudioCode ###
# Local History for Visual Studio Code
# Built Visual Studio Code Extensions
### VisualStudioCode Patch ###
# Ignore all local history of files
### Windows ###
# Windows thumbnail cache files
# Dump file
# Folder config file
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files
# Windows shortcuts
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# Aidan Cheddar
- **Name:** Aidan Cheddar
- **Profession:** Tech specialist and escape artist
- **Physical Traits:** White mouse with mechanical legs and golden cybernetic eye
- **Age:** Young Adult
- **Hometown:** Brie Town, Bridgeport
## Personality
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec efficitur, nisi eget volutpat pharetra, lorem mi placerat magna, nec bibendum ex metus at augue. Integer ac velit suscipit, iaculis nulla id, pretium erat. Aliquam erat volutpat.
### Quirks
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Curabitur sit amet varius justo, vitae convallis orci.
- Sed porttitor metus sit amet risus iaculis, nec luctus erat volutpat.
- Vestibulum vehicula sem id augue consectetur, at pretium nulla interdum.
### Flaws
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Vivamus id purus eget purus hendrerit aliquam.
- Nulla vel dolor nec magna suscipit vulputate nec sit amet sapien.
## Relationships
- **John Doe:** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ut ex et magna fringilla viverra a eu eros.
- **Jane Smith:** Integer vulputate dolor a nibh finibus, in varius magna venenatis. Proin sed bibendum felis, vel feugiat mauris.
- **Alex Johnson:** Quisque accumsan mauris a metus suscipit feugiat. Sed porttitor metus sit amet risus iaculis, nec luctus erat.
## Career
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur pulvinar semper lectus sit amet sollicitudin. Cras vitae suscipit lorem. Nulla facilisi. Nam condimentum libero ac sapien porttitor, at aliquet lorem congue.
## Aspirations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu purus sit amet turpis facilisis ultricies non eu ante. Nam laoreet justo in tincidunt dignissim. Praesent lobortis odio non turpis blandit, vel vestibulum lorem feugiat.
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# Characters
## Main
| Name | Species | Gender | Role |
| Max Casey | Blue Fennec | Cuntboy | Protagonist |
| Zack Casey | Blue Fennec | Male | Deuteragonist |
| Aidan Cheddar | White Mouse | Male | Supporting/Protagonist |
| Tom Wilcox | Gray Border Collie | Cuntboy | Protagonist |
| Draxon Tigerpaw | Tiger | Male | Antagonist |
| Kit Welsh | Badger | Cuntboy | Supporting |
| Saville Cornell | Beagle | Male | Antagonist |
| Artemis | Pink Dog | | |
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Max Casey
- **Name:** Max Casey
- **Alter-ego:** Aqua Fox
- **Profession:** Guitarist, songwriter, rail fan, and leader of Bark Pack
- **Physical Traits:** Blue fennec, spiky brown hair with pink highlights, and heterochromia eyes
- **Attire:** Red letterman jacket and green pleated skirt with aviator goggles perched on forehead
- **Age:** Young Adult
- **Hometown:** Bridgeport
## Personality
Max Casey is known for his curiosity and creative independence. He is a musician who strives for a balance between his love of travel, music, and creative expression with a strategic, often with a sly approach to the industry. Max is willing to try nearly anything once, except flying. He often takes the lead and encourages collaboration, seeing teamwork as crucial to developing idea while protecting creative independence. Max publishes his own personal songs freely on open audio platforms, preferring accessibility and artistic freedom over corporate deals. While he typically avoids contracts, Max understands their strategic benefit, using them to support Bark Pack's tours while his solo projects remain firmly under his personal control. Meanwhile, his passion for trains and rail travel influence his tour travel preferences.
### Quirks
- Frequently wears aviator goggles, and only removes them for sleep.
- Prefers train travel over all other forms of transit.
- Abdominal pouch doubles as a bag.
- Unintentionally overhears conversations due to his large, sensitive, ears.
### Flaws
- Terrified of air travel, which sometimes complicates logistics for global tours.
- Sharp memory for significant moment but often forgets routine tasks.
- Finds contract negotiations and industry bureaucracy frustrating, preferring to bypass formalities.
## Relationships
- **Foxxo:** Cousin who Max shares a mutual respect with occasional banter. As an businessman and bakery owner, Foxxo often aids Max with his solo projects or when there's friction with his booking manager, Jake.
- **Jake Gold:** Once best friends, they often class over travel logistics and artifact decisions for Bark Pack. Though Max still sees the value Jake brings, his tolerance is wearing thin.
- **Zack Casey:** Max and Zack are practically inseparable, sharing both a love of music and an understanding of each other's quirks.
## Career
As a lead guitarist and songwriter for Bark Pack, Max channels his love for the gritty yet heartfelt music into every performance.
## Aspirations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu purus sit amet turpis facilisis ultricies non eu ante. Nam laoreet justo in tincidunt dignissim. Praesent lobortis odio non turpis blandit, vel vestibulum lorem feugiat.
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Wuffle Characters
This is expanded elements for the core Wuffle cast in the Caseyverse.
## Puipui
- Can't resist Wuffle's waffles.
- Naturally, has trust issues with Foxxo.
### Model Sheet

## Foxxo
- Matured after declining the Watermill deal
- Novice cook in the aftermath, but strength still lies in charisma
- Not nearly after reliant on Joe anymore, but still prefers his company and aid
### Model Sheet

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Zack Casey
- **Name:** Zack Casey
- **Profession:** [Character's Job or Role]
- **Physical Traits:** [Height, Build, Hair, etc.]
- **Age:** Young Adult
- **Hometown:** Bridgeport
## Personality
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec efficitur, nisi eget volutpat pharetra, lorem mi placerat magna, nec bibendum ex metus at augue. Integer ac velit suscipit, iaculis nulla id, pretium erat. Aliquam erat volutpat.
### Quirks
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Curabitur sit amet varius justo, vitae convallis orci.
- Sed porttitor metus sit amet risus iaculis, nec luctus erat volutpat.
- Vestibulum vehicula sem id augue consectetur, at pretium nulla interdum.
### Flaws
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Vivamus id purus eget purus hendrerit aliquam.
- Nulla vel dolor nec magna suscipit vulputate nec sit amet sapien.
## Relationships
- **John Doe:** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ut ex et magna fringilla viverra a eu eros.
- **Jane Smith:** Integer vulputate dolor a nibh finibus, in varius magna venenatis. Proin sed bibendum felis, vel feugiat mauris.
- **Alex Johnson:** Quisque accumsan mauris a metus suscipit feugiat. Sed porttitor metus sit amet risus iaculis, nec luctus erat.
## Career
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur pulvinar semper lectus sit amet sollicitudin. Cras vitae suscipit lorem. Nulla facilisi. Nam condimentum libero ac sapien porttitor, at aliquet lorem congue.
## Future Aspirations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu purus sit amet turpis facilisis ultricies non eu ante. Nam laoreet justo in tincidunt dignissim. Praesent lobortis odio non turpis blandit, vel vestibulum lorem feugiat.
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# Mouse Society
**Mouse Society** refers to the intricate and highly adaptive culture of anthropomorphic, regular-sized mice who exist in a world of larger mammals. Despite their small stature, mice have developed a vibrant society with its own unique customs, technology, and social structures, driven largely by the necessity to survive in a world that is both physically overwhelming and filled with larger, potentially dangerous creatures.
## Environment and Architecture
Mouse society is centered around innovative, small-scale adaptations to natural and human-made environments. Their habitats typically include hollowed-out tree trunks, burrows, or hidden nooks within larger structures, such as the walls of human homes or abandoned areas in cities. However, mouse architecture is far more sophisticated than that of ordinary mice, as they utilize found materials to construct complex, multi-tiered dwellings.
- **Materials**: Mice make use of scavenged items like paper, fabric, metal scraps, and discarded technology. These materials are repurposed into furniture, tools, and even structural components of their homes. Their skill in recycling and repurposing larger creatures' discarded objects is unparalleled.
- **Underground and Vertical Living**: Due to the dangers of predation, mouse society often gravitates toward building homes underground or high in trees or structures, minimizing exposure to larger creatures. These homes are typically connected by a series of tunnels, bridges, or ropes, allowing for quick escape routes.
## Social Hierarchy and Governance
Mice live in tightly knit communities where cooperation is paramount for survival. Their social hierarchy is relatively flat compared to the more structured systems of larger mammals, with a focus on collective responsibility and merit-based leadership.
- **Leadership**: Mouse leaders are often chosen for their intelligence, quick thinking, and ability to negotiate with larger mammals or navigate dangerous situations. Council systems are common, with elders and specialists (such as engineers, healers, and foragers) contributing to decision-making.
- **Community Networks**: Mouse society is built on an intricate network of alliances and relationships. Communities often form federations, where multiple mouse colonies work together for mutual defense and resource sharing. These federations might span entire regions, particularly in areas where resources are scarce or danger is constant.
- **Justice and Law**: Justice in mouse society is swift but fair, often focused on maintaining harmony and ensuring the survival of the group. Disputes are resolved through negotiation or, if necessary, through exile, which is considered the most severe punishment due to the perils of surviving alone.
## Technology and Tools
Given their small size and the constant threat posed by larger creatures, mouse society places heavy emphasis on innovation and practical ingenuity. Necessity has led to the development of a variety of tools and systems to maximize their safety and efficiency.
- **Scaled-Down Technology**: Mice have mastered the art of adapting and miniaturizing technology. Their tools are often crafted from found items such as pins, screws, buttons, and wires. For example, a thimble might serve as a helmet, and needles could be repurposed as spears. Mouse engineers excel at creating pulley systems, gliders, and mechanical traps that help them evade danger or outsmart predators.
- **Foraging and Resource Management**: Mice are expert foragers, scavenging food from both natural environments and the leftovers of larger creatures. Their society has developed an intricate system of food storage, with underground caches and hidden reserves, ensuring they can survive long periods of scarcity.
- **Transport and Communication**: Since covering large distances is a challenge, mouse society has developed transportation methods that include rafts made from leaves, rudimentary hot-air balloons made from fabric scraps, and even "mousetails," which are intricate zipline systems connecting colonies. Communication between communities is done using coded sounds, vibrations, and even tiny smoke signals.
## Relations with Larger Species
Mice are acutely aware of their vulnerability and have, over time, developed sophisticated methods for surviving in a world of larger, potentially dangerous mammals. Diplomacy plays a critical role in their interactions with other species.
- **Alliances and Pacts**: Mice often seek alliances with larger but less predatory animals. They may form pacts with herbivores or larger species like bears, deer, or horses, offering their services as scouts, messengers, or even engineers in exchange for protection or resources.
- **Predators and Threats**: Cats, birds of prey, and snakes are among the primary predators in mouse society. As a result, mice have developed advanced warning systems and use stealth and camouflage to evade these threats. It’s not uncommon for mouse settlements to have dedicated "watchmice" or sentries whose sole job is to observe the skies and surroundings for signs of danger.
## Culture, Art, and Education
The creative and intellectual lives of mice are deeply influenced by their environment. Art, literature, and education all revolve around themes of survival, community, and cleverness.
- **Storytelling and Oral Tradition**: Mouse culture is rich in folklore, much of it centered around heroes who outwitted larger animals or discovered new ways to thrive. These stories are passed down through generations, often serving as both entertainment and education for younger mice.
- **Art and Craftsmanship**: Miniature craftsmanship is highly prized in mouse society. Every day objects like leaves, feathers, and seeds are transformed into art, clothing, and tools. Mice use natural dyes from flowers and fruits to create vibrant tapestries and decorate their homes.
- **Education**: Mice educate their young through apprenticeships, where skills such as engineering, foraging, and navigation are taught by elders. Problem-solving and quick thinking are emphasized from an early age, as these are essential for survival.
## Religion and Beliefs
Mouse society often venerates the natural world and the elements that help them survive, such as the earth, wind, and trees.
- **Spirits and Ancestors**: Mice believe in ancestral spirits who guide and protect their communities. Ceremonies to honor these spirits involve offerings of food or handmade objects, often left in hidden places within the settlement.
- **The Great Balance**: A core belief in mouse society is the concept of the "Great Balance," the idea that all creatures, regardless of size, play a role in the natural world. This philosophy drives their diplomatic approaches to other species and their deep respect for the environment.
## Festivals and Celebrations
Mice celebrate various festivals that reflect the cycles of nature and their triumphs over adversity.
- **Harvest Festival**: Held during the autumn when food is plentiful, mice gather to share food, tell stories, and prepare for the coming winter.
- **Survival Day**: This celebration marks the end of winter, where mice honor those who have passed and celebrate the ingenuity that allowed their community to endure.
## Challenges and Future Outlook
Mouse society faces ongoing challenges from both the natural world and encroachment by larger, more powerful species. However, their adaptability, intelligence, and tightly woven social fabric continue to offer them hope for long-term survival. Many mice view their future as one of continued innovation and alliance-building, with the potential to create a more balanced co-existence with larger species.
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# Zack Casey (GPT Draft)
# Zack Casey
- **Career:** DJ and internet radio host for Creek Radio under the alias "FBDJ"
- **Hobby:** Creating trance mixes, modding software, coding, and casual fitness
- **Physical Traits:** Blue-furred fennec fox with green eyes, lean masculine frame, tousled brown hair, often seen wearing a backward baseball cap, green hoodie, and either shorts or jeans
- **Voice:** Soft, slightly raspy, with a calming warmth
## Personality
Zack is a blend of introversion and hidden charisma. Though shy in crowds and often preferring to fade into the background, he thrives in smaller, intimate settings where his sharp wit, dry humor, and compassionate nature shine. He has a natural ability to put people at ease, whether through his music or personal interactions. Zack is thoughtful, introspective, and quick to offer a helping hand, even if he tends to underestimate his impact on those around him.
## Appearance
Zack’s lean, athletic build belies his relaxed demeanor and lack of awareness of his physical strength. His blue fur is vibrant and striking, complemented by sharp green eyes that seem to sparkle with curiosity. His tousled brown hair peeks out messily from beneath his backward baseball cap, giving him an effortlessly casual style. He wears a green hoodie with a worn, comfortable look, paired with either shorts or jeans, embodying a laid-back vibe that matches his personality.
## Background
Zack grew up in the lively streets of Bridgeport, sharing a strong bond with his sibling, Max Casey, with whom he currently resides at the Sunset Arms apartments. Drawn to music and technology from an early age, Zack channeled his passions into building Creek Radio, a self-run internet station hosted on a credit card-sized microcomputer. His alias, "FBDJ" (Furry Blue DJ), reflects both his love for his furred heritage and his dedication to crafting a unique auditory experience for his audience.
While Zack’s shy nature often makes him an unlikely leader, he unintentionally found a small but devoted community of listeners who resonate with his mellow trance mixes and his ability to create a soothing atmosphere. Behind the scenes, Zack devotes countless hours to perfecting his station’s schedule, modding software, and experimenting with new coding projects.
## Quirks
- Always wears his baseball cap backward, as he believes it helps him focus.
- Random bursts of exercise, like push-ups or jumping jacks.
- Inadvertently underestimates his own strength, often surprising others (and himself) when moving furniture or opening jars.
- Tends to hum or drum his fingers to a beat when lost in thought.
- Known for his oddly specific metaphors during conversations (e.g., "fixing this code feels like untangling earbuds after a tumble in the dryer").
## Flaws
- Shy in crowds, often struggling with public speaking despite his confidence behind the microphone.
- Clumsy with hardware, frequently breaking devices while trying to fix or upgrade them.
- Prone to overworking himself, losing track of time while tweaking his station or creating music.
- Reluctant to seek help, preferring to solve problems on his own even when it’s not practical.
## Powers or Skills
- **Music Production:** Skilled at creating trance mixes that evoke a relaxing and immersive atmosphere.
- **Coding and Software Modding:** Exceptionally talented at customizing and tweaking software for personal or creative use.
- **Fitness and Strength:** Though not a traditional athlete, Zack’s random bouts of exercise and natural strength keep him surprisingly fit.
- **Calming Presence:** A natural at diffusing tension and making others feel at ease, often through his voice, humor, or kindness.
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# Stainless Steel Mouse
## Plot Synopsis
In the city of Bridgeport, surveillance controls every facet of life. Automated profiling, used to predict and prevent crime, ensures a society of safety and control - at the cost of personal freedom. Among these individuals is Aidan Cheddar, a genetically and cybernetically enhanced mouse who thrives in the rodent district of Brie Town. Bored out of his mind by the stifling order, Aidan was able to outsmart the predictive algorithms and become a master thief. With a quick mind and a love of high-stakes heists, he targeted only conglomerates.
The Special Corps, a government agency tasked with capturing criminals like Aidan, is led by Agent Vera Halcyon, who views him as her ultimate challenge. Vera uses the same surveillance system Aidan has outsmarted, making their pursuit a tense game of cat-and-mouse. As Aidan pulls off increasingly audacious heists across the city, from towering headquarters to hidden vaults, their battle raises questions about control, autonomy, and rebellion in a city where privacy is an illusion.
The Stainless Steel Mouse is a modern retelling of the first two chapters from The Stainless Steel Rat as they appeared in Astounding magazine.
# Characters
- **Aidan Cheddar**: Aidan is a master thief with a strict code of ethics, targeting corporations rather than individuals. With his mechanical legs and golden cybernetic eye, Aidan is always two step ahead.
- **Character 2**: Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce sit amet sollicitudin nisi, sit amet fringilla sem.
- **Character 3**: Cras vitae tortor a sapien facilisis aliquam. Etiam sit amet arcu sed arcu malesuada molestie.
- **Character 4**: Nulla facilisi. Praesent nec nisl a lorem porttitor convallis nec a libero.
# Themes
- **Theme 1**: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- **Theme 2**: Proin facilisis massa ut ligula volutpat, ac aliquam orci ultrices.
- **Theme 3**: Integer in leo vitae lacus scelerisque eleifend at a sapien.
- **Theme 4**: Pellentesque tincidunt tortor sit amet metus posuere, quis ornare nisl vehicula.
# Possible Endings
### Ending 1: Aidan Wins
Aidan successfully evades capture, outsmarting both Agent Halcyon and the corporations at every turn. His final heist targets the central hub of the surveillance system itself, allowing him to dismantle it and expose the conglomerates' corruption. As Bridgeport’s citizens awaken to the truth, corporate control collapses, and Aidan becomes a symbol of rebellion, sparking widespread reform. The city's future is uncertain, but for the first time, it is free.
### Ending 2: Special Corps Wins
After a long and exhausting chase, Vera Halcyon finally captures Aidan and shuts down his operations. She upholds the corporate surveillance system, convinced that it is necessary for maintaining order in Bridgeport. Despite lingering doubts about the ethical compromises, Vera chooses security over freedom, allowing the corporations to tighten their grip on society. Aidan is imprisoned, and the rebellion is crushed, leaving the city under tighter control than ever.
### Ending 3: Double-Cross
Agent Halcyon initially outsmarted Aidan, capturing him after a high-stakes chase and forcing him to join the Special Corps as part of a deal to avoid prison. Aidan reluctantly agrees, helping them track down others like himself. However, during a seemingly routine mission, Aidan stumbles upon a hidden conspiracy: companies that fund surveillance have been concealing massive breaches and abuses, manipulating both the populace and the government for profit. Using this new information, Aidan forms a daring plan from within, exposing the corruption at the heart of the system. In the end, he turns the tables, dismantling the state from the inside, and the system collapses. Aidan became a symbol of rebellion, sparking widespread reform. The city's future is uncertain, but for the first time, they are free.
## Notes
The Stainless Steel Mouse is much like the book that it gets its name from, The Stainless Steel Rat. However, it differs in its themes in that it follows surveillance from a modern perspective. The Double Cross is a reimagined version of the Rat's canonical timeline. Instead of surveillance being mandated by the government, it is now consented upon with IoT devices, such as smart cameras, that occasionally phone home. Only a few have their own DIY setups that are not connected to their respective walled gardens. When Aidan joins the force, he discovers the backdoors that are hidden in plain sight.
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