# Wuffle Characters This is expanded elements for the core Wuffle cast in the Caseyverse. ## Puipui - Can't resist Wuffle's waffles. - Naturally, has trust issues with Foxxo. ### Model Sheet ![PuiPui Model Sheet by Piti Yindee](../Attachments/PuiPui.jpg) ## Foxxo - Matured after declining the Watermill deal - Became a novice cook, but his strength still lies in his charisma - Not nearly after reliant on Joe anymore, but still prefers his company and aid ### Model Sheet ![Foxxo Model Sheet by Piti Yindee](../Attachments/Foxxo.jpg) ## Author's Notes These are actually one of the few furry characters from a popular artist that I'm willing to explore and merge into my own canon. This is because the web comics that they originated from was deeded into the public domain.