[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bd353xd0hihgf"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/game.gd" id="1_7k055"] [node name="Game" type="Control"] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 script = ExtResource("1_7k055") metadata/_edit_use_anchors_ = true metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="DistroBox" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."] layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 5 anchor_left = 0.5 anchor_right = 0.5 offset_left = -171.0 offset_top = 20.0 offset_right = 171.0 offset_bottom = 78.0 grow_horizontal = 2 alignment = 1 [node name="DistroBox" type="VBoxContainer" parent="DistroBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="DistroLbl" type="Label" parent="DistroBox/DistroBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "MyDistro" [node name="VerValLbl" type="Label" parent="DistroBox/DistroBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "1.0" horizontal_alignment = 1 [node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="DistroBox"] layout_mode = 2 [node name="UserBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="DistroBox/VBoxContainer"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="UsersLbl" type="Label" parent="DistroBox/VBoxContainer/UserBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Users:" [node name="UsrValLbl" type="Label" parent="DistroBox/VBoxContainer/UserBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "1.0" [node name="AgeBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="DistroBox/VBoxContainer"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="AgeLbl" type="Label" parent="DistroBox/VBoxContainer/AgeBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Ver. Age:" [node name="AgeValLbl" type="Label" parent="DistroBox/VBoxContainer/AgeBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "0" [node name="MainBox" type="VBoxContainer" parent="."] layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 9 anchor_bottom = 1.0 offset_left = 10.0 offset_top = 13.0 offset_right = 163.0 grow_vertical = 2 [node name="HypeBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="HypeLbl" type="Label" parent="MainBox/HypeBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Hype:" [node name="HypeVal" type="Label" parent="MainBox/HypeBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "0" horizontal_alignment = 2 [node name="BugBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="BugsLbl" type="Label" parent="MainBox/BugBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Bugs:" [node name="BugsVal" type="Label" parent="MainBox/BugBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "0" horizontal_alignment = 2 [node name="SizeBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="SizeLbl" type="Label" parent="MainBox/SizeBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Size(GB):" [node name="SizeVal" type="Label" parent="MainBox/SizeBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "0" horizontal_alignment = 2 [node name="VolBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="VolLbl" type="Label" parent="MainBox/VolBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Volunteers:" [node name="VolVal" type="Label" parent="MainBox/VolBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "0" horizontal_alignment = 2 [node name="PaidBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="PaidLbl" type="Label" parent="MainBox/PaidBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Paid Workers:" [node name="PaidVal" type="Label" parent="MainBox/PaidBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "0" horizontal_alignment = 2 [node name="PackagesBtn" type="Button" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Packages" metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="WorkersBtn" type="Button" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Workers" metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="SaveBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="SaveBtn" type="Button" parent="MainBox/SaveBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Save" [node name="SpeedBtn" type="Button" parent="MainBox/SaveBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Pause" [node name="MetaBox" type="HSplitContainer" parent="MainBox"] layout_mode = 2 metadata/_edit_lock_ = true [node name="QuitBtn" type="Button" parent="MainBox/MetaBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Quit" [node name="RestartBtn" type="Button" parent="MainBox/MetaBox"] layout_mode = 2 text = "Restart" [node name="NameDistroWin" type="AcceptDialog" parent="."] title = "Name your new Distro" initial_position = 3 size = Vector2i(300, 100) current_screen = 0 ok_button_text = "Submit" [node name="DistroNameInput" type="LineEdit" parent="NameDistroWin"] offset_left = 8.0 offset_top = 8.0 offset_right = 292.0 offset_bottom = 51.0 placeholder_text = "MyDistro" alignment = 1 [node name="IntroWin" type="AcceptDialog" parent="."] initial_position = 2 size = Vector2i(400, 200) [node name="RichTextLabel" type="RichTextLabel" parent="IntroWin"] offset_left = 8.0 offset_top = 8.0 offset_right = 392.0 offset_bottom = 151.0 text = "Welcome to New Technology (NT) era. A lot has changed since we last met. The NT era has brought with a shift towards user expereince. " [connection signal="pressed" from="MainBox/SaveBox/SaveBtn" to="." method="_on_save_btn_pressed"] [connection signal="confirmed" from="NameDistroWin" to="." method="_on_name_distro_win_confirmed"]