class_name License extends Resource ## Holds AUTO GENERATED License information ## SPDX-License-Identifier or similar to it. CASE SENSITIVE[br] ## Like "CC0-1.0"[br] ## See [url=]SPDX Identifier List[/url] var identifier: String = "" ## The License's Name. [br] ## Like "CC0 1.0 Universal" var name: String = "" ## License Terms; The text of a license file var terms: String = "" ## Returns a string containing this license's information, formatted to [url=]SPDX Standards[/url] func to_formatted_string() -> String: return "License: {identifier}\n{terms}".format({ 'identifier': identifier, 'terms': _add_line_padding(terms) }) # wouldn't recomend using this, unless you know what your doing # but if you do, this loads and parses all licenses (.txt files) in a directory, # plus Godot's built-in Licenses static func _load_licenses_in(dir: String): var dict = {} # get game licenses var names = DirAccess.get_files_at(dir) if names.size() == 0: print_verbose("\nSimple License: No License files found in dir\n", dir, "\nif you have no license files there, then this can be ignored\n") for _name in names: var ext = _name.rsplit('.', false, 1) if ext.size() == 0 or ext[-1] != 'txt': continue var l = new() l.identifier = _name.split('.', false, 1)[0] = l.identifier l.terms =, FileAccess.READ).get_as_text() dict[l.identifier] = l # get licenses built into the Godot Engine var tmp = Engine.get_license_info() for id in tmp: if dict.has(id): continue var l = new() l.identifier = id l.terms = tmp[id] dict[id] = l return dict # this is for formatting individual lines accoring to SPDX standards static func _add_line_padding(combined_lines: String, padding: String = " ") -> String: if combined_lines.is_empty(): return combined_lines var lines = combined_lines.split("\n") var s = "" for i in len(lines): if lines[i].is_empty() or lines[i] == "\n": if i+1 < len(lines): s += padding + "." + "\n" else: s += '\n' else: s += padding + lines[i] + "\n" s = s.strip_edges(false) s += '\n' return s