class_name LicenseLink extends Resource ## Files that are under this license [br] ## [color=red]WARNING[/color] DO NOT put in any file that Godot Cannot load, via Resource.load() [br] ## or it will prevent the game from launching. files like .txt .csg etc @export var link_files: Array[Resource] ## Directories that are under this license [br] ## The given file's Parent Directory will be tracked [br] ## [color=red]WARNING[/color] DO NOT put in any file that Godot Cannot load, via Resource.load() [br] ## or it will prevent the game from launching. files like .txt .csg etc @export var link_dirs: Array[Resource] ## Files that are under this license [br] ## Note: These paths are [b]NOT[/b] automatically tracked, [br] ## you will have to, manually keep these paths up to date @export var link_paths: Array ## Example: Godot_Icon, Custom Font Name, Your Games Name, etc @export var componet_name: String = "" ## Gets included in [method to_formatted_string] right after [member componet_name] [br] ## as part of the "Comment:" Section of the SPDX format @export var extra: String = "" ## SPDX-License-Identifier or similar to it. CASE SENSITIVE[br] ## Like "CC0-1.0" or more complex entries like [br] ## "CC0-1.0 or MIT" [br] ## "CC0-1.0 and MIT" [br] ## See [url=]SPDX Identifier List[/url] @export var license_identifier: String = "" : set = _set_identifier ## who and when was the copyright was created [br] ## example [br] ## 2022, John Doe [br] ## (next entry) [br] ## 2022-2023, Jim Stirling, Corp xyz [br] @export var copyright: Array[String] var license: License ## Unlike [member license_identifier] this contains [b]ONLY[/b] the identifiers [br] var license_identifiers: Array[String] ## Either "Godot Engine" or "Game" [br] ## This value is AUTO GENERATED [br] ## [b]DON'T SET THIS VALUE MANUALLY[/b], IT CAN BREAK THINGS var component_of: String = "" func _init() -> void: _set_identifier(license_identifier) func _set_identifier(v: String): license_identifier = v var tmp = v.replace(' and ', '!break!').replace(' or ', '!break!').split('!break!', false) for x in tmp: license_identifiers.append(x) func _to_string() -> String: return self.to_formatted_string() ## Returns a string containing this link's information, formatted to [url=]SPDX Standards[/url] func to_formatted_string(hide_files: bool = false): var _files = "" if not hide_files: for x in link_files: _files += x.resource_path.replace("res://", " ./").strip_edges() + "\n" for x in link_dirs: _files += ( x.resource_path.replace("res://", " ./").rsplit("/", false, 1)[0].strip_edges() + "/*\n" ) for x in link_paths: _files += x.replace("res://", " ./").strip_edges() + "\n" _files = _files.strip_edges() var _comment = "" if not componet_name.is_empty(): _comment += componet_name if not extra.is_empty(): _comment += "\n" if not extra.is_empty(): _comment += extra return "Files:{files}\nComment:{comment}\nCopyright:{copyright}\nLicense:{identifier}\n".format( { "files": _add_line_padding(_files, " "), "comment": _add_line_padding(_comment, " "), "copyright": _add_line_padding("\n".join(copyright), " "), "identifier": _add_line_padding(license_identifier, " "), } ) # wouldn't recomend using this, unless you know what your doing # but if you do, this loads and parses all links (LicenseLink Resource files) in a directory, # plus Godot's built-in Licenses # # exclude engine: excludes loading Godot's built-in license information # this is for mods, in which the main game will have already shown the Godot Engine's Licensing static func _load_links_in(dir: String, exclude_engine: bool = false): var dict = { 'array': [], 'by_identifier': {}, 'by_parent': {}, } if not DirAccess.dir_exists_absolute(dir): printerr('Simple License: LicenseLinks directory is missing! ', dir) return dict # get Game license links var names = DirAccess.get_files_at(dir) if len(names) == 0: print_verbose("\nSimple License: No LicenseLinks found in dir\n", dir, "\nif you have no LicenseLinks there, then this can be ignored\n") for name in names: name = name.replace('.remap', '') var path = dir.path_join(name) var res = ResourceLoader.load(path) if res is Resource and res.get("copyright") != null: if res.component_of.is_empty(): res.component_of = "Game" dict.array.append(res) dict.by_identifier[res.license_identifier] = res if not dict.by_parent.has(res.component_of): dict.by_parent[res.component_of] = {} dict.by_parent[res.component_of][res.license_identifier] = res # Get Engine license links if not exclude_engine: for a in Engine.get_copyright_info(): var l = new() l.componet_name = l.component_of = "Godot Engine" l.link_paths =[0].files l.license_identifier =[0].license l.copyright.append_array([0].copyright) dict.array.append(l) dict.by_identifier[l.license_identifier] = l if not dict.by_parent.has(l.component_of): dict.by_parent[l.component_of] = {} if not dict.by_parent[l.component_of].has(l.license_identifier): dict.by_parent[l.component_of][l.license_identifier] = l return dict # this is for formatting individual lines accoring to SPDX standards static func _add_line_padding(combined_lines: String, padding: String) -> String: if combined_lines.is_empty(): return combined_lines var lines = combined_lines.split("\n") var s = "" for i in len(lines): if lines[i].is_empty() or lines[i] == "\n": if i+1 < len(lines): s += padding + "." + "\n" else: s += '\n' else: s += padding + lines[i] + "\n" s = s.strip_edges(false) return s