@de-DE@ Micropolis: Choose a City
@de-DE@ Welcome to Micropolis!<br/><br/>Choose a city by selecting a scenario from the 'Scenarios' tab, or generating a new random city from the 'Generator' tab, or loading a city in the library from the 'Library' tab.<br/><br/>Then press the 'Play with This City' button below, to start playing Micropolis!
@de-DE@ Please log in or create an account in order to save your city.
@de-DE@ /wiki/index.php/About?lang=en-US
@de-DE@ /wiki/index.php/Help?lang=en-US
@de-DE@ Jan
@de-DE@ Feb
@de-DE@ Mar
@de-DE@ Apr
@de-DE@ May
@de-DE@ Jun
@de-DE@ Jul
@de-DE@ Aug
@de-DE@ Sep
@de-DE@ Oct
@de-DE@ Nov
@de-DE@ Dec
@de-DE@ Taxes Collected:
@de-DE@ Cash Flow:
@de-DE@ Previous Funds:
@de-DE@ Current Funds:
@de-DE@ Tax Rate:
@de-DE@ Road Request:
@de-DE@ Fire Request:
@de-DE@ Police Request:
@de-DE@ To change your password, first enter your old password, then enter your new password twice.
@de-DE@ Change Password
@de-DE@ Connecting to Micropolis Online server.
@de-DE@ Connection to Micropolis Online server failed.
@de-DE@ Status:
@de-DE@ Reconnect
@de-DE@ Are you really sure you want to start a new city?
@de-DE@ No, keep playing with this city.
@de-DE@ Yes, choose another city.
@de-DE@ Ultra Slow
@de-DE@ Super Slow
@de-DE@ Very Slow
@de-DE@ Slow
@de-DE@ Medium
@de-DE@ Fast
@de-DE@ Very Fast
@de-DE@ Super Fast
@de-DE@ Ultra Fast
@de-DE@ Astronomically Fast
@de-DE@ Resume
@de-DE@ Pause
@de-DE@ Simulator
@de-DE@ Paused.
@de-DE@ Running!
@de-DE@ Speed
@de-DE@ Save City
@de-DE@ New City
@de-DE@ Help
@de-DE@ About
@de-DE@ Disasters
@de-DE@ Auto Budget
@de-DE@ Auto Bulldoze
@de-DE@ Auto Goto
@de-DE@ Sound
@de-DE@ Animation
@de-DE@ Journal
@de-DE@ Notices
@de-DE@ Date:
@de-DE@ Funds:
@de-DE@ R
@de-DE@ C
@de-DE@ I
@de-DE@ Tools
@de-DE@ Zone
@de-DE@ Build
@de-DE@ More
@de-DE@ Tab
@de-DE@ Evaluation
@de-DE@ History
@de-DE@ Budget
@de-DE@ Overlays
@de-DE@ Control
@de-DE@ Funds
@de-DE@ Tax Rate
@de-DE@ Police Funds
@de-DE@ Road Funds
@de-DE@ Fire Funds
@de-DE@ Crime
@de-DE@ Pollution
@de-DE@ Housing
@de-DE@ Taxes
@de-DE@ Traffic
@de-DE@ Unemployment
@de-DE@ Fire
@de-DE@ Village
@de-DE@ Town
@de-DE@ City
@de-DE@ Capital
@de-DE@ Metropolis
@de-DE@ Megalopolis
@de-DE@ Easy
@de-DE@ Hard
@de-DE@ Approve:
@de-DE@ Disapprove:
@de-DE@ Population:
@de-DE@ Migration:
@de-DE@ City Value:
@de-DE@ Category:
@de-DE@ Game Level:
@de-DE@ Current Score:
@de-DE@ Annual Change:
@de-DE@ Popularity:
@de-DE@ Problems:
@de-DE@ Generate Random Map
@de-DE@ Generated Map
@de-DE@ Generated a new random map.
@de-DE@ Residential
@de-DE@ Show the residential population history.
@de-DE@ Commercial
@de-DE@ Show the commercial population history.
@de-DE@ Industrial
@de-DE@ Show the industrial population history.
@de-DE@ Money
@de-DE@ Show the city funds history.
@de-DE@ Show the crime rate history.
@de-DE@ Show the pollution rate history.
@de-DE@ 10 Years
@de-DE@ 120 Years
@de-DE@ Shared Cities
@de-DE@ My Cities
@de-DE@ Log in to see your cities.
@de-DE@ You haven't saved any cities yet.
@de-DE@ Are you really sure you want to delete your city?
@de-DE@ No, don't delete it.
@de-DE@ Yes, delete my city.
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@de-DE@ Backward
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@de-DE@ Created Date
@de-DE@ Modified Date
@de-DE@ Created
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@de-DE@ You are logged in as
@de-DE@ Please log in or create a new account, so you can save your cities and participate in the Micropolis Online community.
@de-DE@ You have successfully logged in, and you can configure your account.
@de-DE@ Please log in or create a new account.
@de-DE@ New and Registered Users, please enter your user name and password, and press the appropriate button.
@de-DE@ User Name:
@de-DE@ Old Password:
@de-DE@ Password:
@de-DE@ Log In to Existing Account
@de-DE@ New Users: Please repeat your password, and enter your full name and email address. Then press the 'Create New Account' button.
@de-DE@ Repeat Password:
@de-DE@ Full Name:
@de-DE@ EMail:
@de-DE@ Create New Account
@de-DE@ Please enter your full name and email address below.
@de-DE@ New Password:
@de-DE@ Log Out
@de-DE@ Cancel
@de-DE@ Log In
@de-DE@ Micropolis
@de-DE@ The city simulation has begun!
@de-DE@ Learn More
@de-DE@ Pan Map
@de-DE@ Disconnected (error).
@de-DE@ Disconnected.
@de-DE@ Connection failed.
@de-DE@ Connection rejected.
@de-DE@ Connected.
@de-DE@ Message failed.
@de-DE@ To
@de-DE@ Score
@de-DE@ Scenario
@de-DE@ Play With This Map
@de-DE@ Scenarios
@de-DE@ Generator
@de-DE@ Library
@de-DE@ User
@de-DE@ Configure Your City
@de-DE@ Title
@de-DE@ Description
@de-DE@ Share My City
@de-DE@ Delete My City
@de-DE@ Cost
@de-DE@ Gives people a place to live. Generates citizens and traffic.
@de-DE@ Gives people a place to shop. Generates jobs and traffic.
@de-DE@ Gives people a place to work. Generates jobs and traffic.
@de-DE@ Fire Station
@de-DE@ Puts out fires nearby.
@de-DE@ Query
@de-DE@ Describes zones.
@de-DE@ Police Station
@de-DE@ Reduces crime nearby.
@de-DE@ Wire
@de-DE@ Connects zones with power.
@de-DE@ Bulldozer
@de-DE@ Destroys zones and features.
@de-DE@ Railroad
@de-DE@ Draws a railroad on land or a tunnel under water.
@de-DE@ Road
@de-DE@ Draws a road on land or a bridge over water.
@de-DE@ Center
@de-DE@ Scrolls location to center of screen.
@de-DE@ PacBot
@de-DE@ Follows roads towards heavy traffic, and eats cars, reducing traffic.
@de-DE@ Stadium
@de-DE@ Helps residential zones.
@de-DE@ Park
@de-DE@ Makes the city a nicer place to live.
@de-DE@ Seaport
@de-DE@ Helps industrial zones.
@de-DE@ Coal Power
@de-DE@ Generates power, but pollutes.
@de-DE@ Airport
@de-DE@ Helps commercial zones.
@de-DE@ Nuclear Power
@de-DE@ Generates power, but might melt down.
@de-DE@ Monster
@de-DE@ Fire
@de-DE@ Flood
@de-DE@ Meltdown
@de-DE@ Tornado
@de-DE@ Earthquake
@de-DE@ Pollution in your city has exceeded the maximum allowable amounts established by the Micropolis Pollution Agency. You are running the risk of grave ecological consequences.<br/>Either clean up your act or open a gas mask concession at city hall.
@de-DE@ Crime in your city is out of hand. Angry mobs are looting and vandalizing the central city. The president will send in the national guard soon if you cannot control the problem.
@de-DE@ Traffic in this city is horrible. The city gridlock is expanding. The commuters are getting militant.<br/>Either build more roads and rails or get a bulletproof limo.
@de-DE@ A fire has been reported!
@de-DE@ A large reptilian creature has been spotted in the water. It seems to be attracted to areas of high pollution. There is a trail of destruction wherever it goes.<br/>All you can do is wait till he leaves, then rebuild from the rubble.
@de-DE@ A tornado has been reported! There's nothing you can do to stop it, so you'd better prepare to clean up after the disaster!
@de-DE@ A major earthquake has occurred! Put out the fires as quickly as possible, before they spread, then reconnect the power grid and rebuild the city.
@de-DE@ A plane has crashed!
@de-DE@ A ship has wrecked!
@de-DE@ A train has crashed!
@de-DE@ A helicopter has crashed!
@de-DE@ Firebombs are falling!!
@de-DE@ There has been an explosion!!
@de-DE@ TOWN
@de-DE@ Congratulations, your village has grown to town status. You now have 2,000 citizens.
@de-DE@ CITY
@de-DE@ Your town has grown into a full sized city, with a current population of 10,000. Keep up the good work!
@de-DE@ Your city has become a capital. The current population here is 50,000. Your political future looks bright.
@de-DE@ Your capital city has now achieved the status of metropolis. The current population is 100,000. With your management skills, you should seriously consider running for governor.
@de-DE@ Congratulation, you have reached the highest category of urban development, the megalopolis.
@de-DE@ Sky Watch One reporting heavy traffic!
@de-DE@ Flooding has been been reported along the water's edge!
@de-DE@ A nuclear meltdown has occured at your power plant. You are advised to avoid the area until the radioactive isotopes decay.<br/>Many generations will confront this problem before it goes away, so don't hold your breath.
@de-DE@ RIOTS!
@de-DE@ The citizens are rioting in the streets!
@de-DE@ Start a New City
@de-DE@ Build your very own city from the ground up, starting with this map of uninhabited land.
@de-DE@ Restore a Saved City
@de-DE@ The city was restored.
@de-DE@ Your mayorial skill and city planning expertise have earned you the KEY TO THE CITY. Local residents will erect monuments to your glory and name their first-born children after you. Why not run for governor?
@de-DE@ The entire population of this city has finally had enough of your inept planning and incompetant management. An angry mob - led by your mother - has been spotted in the vicinity of city hall.<br/>You should seriously consider taking an extended vacation - NOW. (Or read the manual and try again.)
@de-DE@ About Micropolis
@de-DE@ Micropolis Copyright (C) 2007 by Electronic Arts.<br/>Based on the original SimCity concept, design and code by Will Wright and Fred Haslam.<br/>User Interface Designed and created by Don Hopkins.<br/>Ported to Linux, Optimized and Adapted for OLPC by Don Hopkins.<br/>Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3, with additional conditions.
@de-DE@ Things haven't changed much around here in the last hundred years or so and the residents are beginning to get bored. They think Dullsville could be the next great city with the right leader.<br/>It is your job to attract new growth and development, turning Dullsville into a Metropolis within 30 years.
@de-DE@ Damage from the earthquake was minor compared to that of the ensuing fires, which took days to control. 1500 people died.<br/>Controlling the fires should be your initial concern. Then clear the rubble and start rebuilding. You have 5 years.
@de-DE@ Allied fire-bombing of German cities in WWII caused tremendous damage and loss of life. People living in the inner cities were at greatest risk.<br/>You must control the firestorms during the bombing and then rebuild the city after the war. You have 5 years.
@de-DE@ The roads here are becoming more congested every day, and the residents are upset. They demand that you do something about it.<br/>Some have suggested a mass transit system as the answer, but this would require major rezoning in the downtown area. You have 10 years.
@de-DE@ TOKYO, JAPAN 1957
@de-DE@ A large reptilian creature has been spotted heading for Tokyo bay. It seems to be attracted to the heavy levels of industrial pollution there.<br/>Try to control the fires, then rebuild the industrial center. You have 5 years.
@de-DE@ DETROIT, MI. 1972
@de-DE@ By 1970, competition from overseas and other economic factors pushed the once "automobile capital of the world" into recession. Plummeting land values and unemployment then increased crime in the inner-city to chronic levels.<br/>You have 10 years to reduce crime and rebuild the industrial base of the city.
@de-DE@ BOSTON, MA. 2010
@de-DE@ A major meltdown is about to occur at one of the new downtown nuclear reactors. The area in the vicinity of the reactor will be severly contaminated by radiation, forcing you to restructure the city around it.<br/>You have 5 years to get the situation under control.
@de-DE@ In the mid-21st century, the greenhouse effect raised global temperatures 6 degrees F. Polar icecaps melted and raised sea levels worldwide. Coastal areas were devastated by flood and erosion.<br/>You have 10 years to turn this swamp back into a city again.
@de-DE@ All Zones
@de-DE@ Residential Zones
@de-DE@ Commercial Zones
@de-DE@ Industrial Zones
@de-DE@ Power Connectivity
@de-DE@ Transportation Network
@de-DE@ Population Density
@de-DE@ Rate of Growth
@de-DE@ Traffic Density
@de-DE@ Pollution Density
@de-DE@ Crime Rate
@de-DE@ Land Value
@de-DE@ Fire Station Coverage
@de-DE@ Police Station Coverage
@de-DE@ Dullsville
@de-DE@ Boredom
@de-DE@ San Francsico
@de-DE@ Earthquake
@de-DE@ Hamburg
@de-DE@ Bombing
@de-DE@ Bern
@de-DE@ Traffic
@de-DE@ Tokyo
@de-DE@ Monster Attack
@de-DE@ Detroit
@de-DE@ Crime
@de-DE@ Boston
@de-DE@ Nuclear Meltdown
@de-DE@ Rio de Janeiro
@de-DE@ Coastal Flooding
@de-DE@ You are logged in. Welcome back to Micropolis Online!
@de-DE@ Incorrect user name or password.
@de-DE@ You are already logged out, and you may log in or create an account.
@de-DE@ You are logged out. Come back soon!
@de-DE@ Please enter a user name.
@de-DE@ The user name contains invalid characters. Please use only letters, numbers, underscores or dashes.
@de-DE@ Please enter a password.
@de-DE@ A user of that name already exists.
@de-DE@ Please repeat the same password in the next field.
@de-DE@ An account with that email address already exists.
@de-DE@ A new account has been created for you, and you are logged in. Welcome to Micropolis Online!
@de-DE@ Incorrect old password.
@de-DE@ The new passwords do not match.
@de-DE@ You must enter your new password twice.
@de-DE@ Your password has been changed.
@de-DE@ Autonomous
@de-DE@ Reset
@de-DE@ Manual
@de-DE@ Delete
@de-DE@ Xenu
@de-DE@ Christian Church
@de-DE@ This is a Christian church.
@de-DE@ Pacmania Church
@de-DE@ This is a Pacmania church.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PacMan
@de-DE@ The Church of Pacmania
@de-DE@ Pacmania is a religion dedicated to the PacBot.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PacMan
@de-DE@ The Church of Pacmania
@de-DE@ Pacmania is polytheistic: each Pacmania church can spawn up to four PacBots.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PacMan
@de-DE@ The Church of Pacmania
@de-DE@ The PacBot follows roads around, eating traffic.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PacMan
@de-DE@ The Church of Pacmania
@de-DE@ The PacBot is attracted to heavy traffic, which it loves to consume.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PacMan
@de-DE@ The Church of Pacmania
@de-DE@ Pacmania churches generate lots of traffic, to attract the PacBot.
@de-DE@ Church of Scientology
@de-DE@ This is a Church of Scientology.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology
@de-DE@ The Church of Scientology
@de-DE@ Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by L. Ron Hubbard (1911–1986), starting in 1952, as a successor to his earlier self-help system, Dianetics. Hubbard characterized Scientology as a religion, and in 1953 incorporated the Church of Scientology in New Jersey.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology
@de-DE@ The Church of Scientology
@de-DE@ Scientology teaches that people are immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature. Its method of spiritual rehabilitation is a type of counseling known as auditing, in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic events in their past, in order to free themselves of their limiting effects. Study materials and auditing courses are made available to members in return for specified donations. Scientology is legally recognized as a tax-exempt religion in the United States and some other countries, and the Church of Scientology emphasizes this as proof that it is a bona fide religion. Other countries such as Germany and France continue to deny Scientology religious status.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology
@de-DE@ The Church of Scientology
@de-DE@ A large number of organizations overseeing the application of Scientology have been established, the most notable of these being the Church of Scientology. Scientology sponsors a variety of social service programs. These include a set of moral guidelines expressed in a brochure called The Way to Happiness, the Narconon anti-drug program, the Criminon prison rehabilitation program, the Study Tech education methodology, a volunteer organization, and a business management method.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology
@de-DE@ The Church of Scientology
@de-DE@ Scientology has been surrounded by controversies since its inception. It has often been described as a cult that financially defrauds and abuses its members, charging exorbitant fees for its spiritual services. The Church of Scientology has consistently used litigation against such critics, and its aggressiveness in pursuing its foes has been condemned as harassment. Further controversy has focused on Scientology's belief that souls ("thetans") reincarnate and have lived on other planets before living on Earth. Former members say that some of Hubbard's writings on this remote extraterrestrial past, included in confidential Upper Levels, are not revealed to practitioners until they have paid thousands of dollars to the Church of Scientology. Another controversial belief held by Scientologists is that the practice of psychiatry is destructive and abusive and must be abolished.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Beliefs_and_practices
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices
@de-DE@ Scientology has been surrounded by controversies since its inception. It has often been described as a cult that financially defrauds and abuses its members, charging exorbitant fees for its spiritual services. The Church of Scientology has consistently used litigation against such critics, and its aggressiveness in pursuing its foes has been condemned as harassment. Further controversy has focused on Scientology's belief that souls ("thetans") reincarnate and have lived on other planets before living on Earth. Former members say that some of Hubbard's writings on this remote extraterrestrial past, included in confidential Upper Levels, are not revealed to practitioners until they have paid thousands of dollars to the Church of Scientology. Another controversial belief held by Scientologists is that the practice of psychiatry is destructive and abusive and must be abolished.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Body_and_spirit
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Body and spirit
@de-DE@ Scientology has an associated mythology that its adherents hold to reflect religious truth. In Scientology, this mythology revolves around the thetan, believed to be the individualized expression of the cosmic source, or life force, named after the Greek letter theta (θ). The thetan is thought to be the true identity of a person – an intrinsically good, omniscient, non-material core capable of unlimited creativity.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Body_and_spirit
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Body and spirit
@de-DE@ In the primordial past, according to Scientologist teachings, thetans brought the material universe into being largely for their own pleasure. The universe is thought to have no independent reality, but to derive its apparent reality from the fact that most thetans agree it exists. Scientologists believe that thetans fell from grace when they began to identify with their creation, rather than their original state of spiritual purity. Eventually, they lost their memory of their true nature, along with the associated spiritual and creative powers. As a result, thetans came to think of themselves as nothing but embodied beings.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Body_and_spirit
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Body and spirit
@de-DE@ Thetans are believed to be reborn time and time again in new bodies through a process called "assumption" which is analogous to reincarnation. Like Hinduism, Scientology posits a causal relationship between the experiences of earlier incarnations and one's present life, and with each rebirth, the effects of the MEST universe (MEST here stands for matter, energy, space, and time) on the thetan are believed to become stronger.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Emotions_and_the_mind
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Emotions and the mind
@de-DE@ Scientology presents two major divisions of the mind. The reactive mind is thought to absorb all pain and emotional trauma, while the analytical mind is a rational mechanism which is responsible for consciousness. The reactive mind stores mental images which are not readily available to the analytical (conscious) mind; these are referred to as engrams. Engrams are believed to be painful and debilitating; as they accumulate, people move further away from their true identity. To avoid this fate is the Scientologist's basic goal. Dianetic training is the tool through which the Scientologist progresses towards the Clear state, winning gradual freedom from the reactive mind's engrams, and acquiring certainty of his or her reality as a thetan.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Emotions_and_the_mind
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Emotions and the mind
@de-DE@ Scientology uses an emotional classification system called the tone scale. The tone scale is a tool used in counseling; Scientologists maintain that knowing a person's place on the scale makes it easier to predict their actions and to assist them in bettering their condition.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Survival_and_ethics
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Survival and ethics
@de-DE@ Scientology emphasizes the importance of survival, which it subdivides into eight classifications that are referred to as dynamics. An individual's desire to survive is considered to be the first dynamic, while the second dynamic relates to procreation and family. The remaining dynamics encompass wider fields of action, involving groups, mankind, all life, the physical universe, the spirit, and the Supreme Being. The optimum solution to any problem is held to be the one that brings the greatest benefit to the greatest number of dynamics.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Survival_and_ethics
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Survival and ethics
@de-DE@ Scientology teaches that spiritual progress requires and enables the attainment of high ethical standards. In Scientology, rationality is stressed over morality. Actions are considered ethical if they promote survival across all eight dynamics, thus benefiting the greatest number of people possible while harming the fewest.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#ARC_and_KRC_triangles
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: ARC and KRC triangles
@de-DE@ The ARC and KRC triangles are concept maps which show a relationship between three concepts to form another concept. These two triangles are present in the Scientology logo. The lower triangle, the ARC triangle, is a summary representation of the knowledge the Scientologist strives for. It encompasses Affinity (affection, love or liking), Reality (consensual reality) and Communication (the exchange of ideas). Scientologists believe that improving one of the three aspects of the triangle "increases the level" of the other two, but Communication is held to be the most important. The upper triangle is the KRC triangle, the letters KRC positing a similar relationship between Knowledge, Responsibility and Control.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#ARC_and_KRC_triangles
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: ARC and KRC triangles
@de-DE@ In Scientology, social problems are ascribed to breakdowns in ARC – in other words, a lack of agreement on reality, a failure to communicate effectively, or a failure to develop affinity. These can take the form of overts – harmful acts against another, either intentionally or by omission – which are usually followed by withholds – efforts to conceal the wrongdoing, which further increase the level of tension in the relationship.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Social_and_antisocial_personalities
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Social and antisocial personalities
@de-DE@ While Scientology believes that many social problems are the unintentional results of people's imperfections, it states that there are also truly malevolent individuals. Hubbard believed that approximately 80 percent of all people are what he called social personalities – people who welcome and contribute to the welfare of others. The remaining 20 percent of the population, Hubbard thought, were suppressive persons. According to Hubbard, only about 2.5 percent of this 20 percent are hopelessly antisocial personalities; these make up the small proportion of truly dangerous individuals in humanity: "the Adolf Hitlers and the Genghis Khans, the unrepentant murderers and the drug lords." Scientologists believe that any contact with suppressive or antisocial individuals has an adverse effect on one's spiritual condition, necessitating disconnection.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Social_and_antisocial_personalities
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Social and antisocial personalities
@de-DE@ In Scientology, defectors who turn into critics of the movement are declared suppressive persons, and the Church of Scientology has a reputation for moving aggressively against such detractors. A Scientologist who is actively in communication with a suppressive person and as a result shows signs of antisocial behaviour is referred to as a Potential Trouble Source.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Auditing
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Auditing
@de-DE@ Scientology asserts that people have hidden abilities which have not yet been fully realized. It is believed that increased spiritual awareness and physical benefits are accomplished through counseling sessions referred to as auditing. Through auditing, it is said that people can solve their problems and free themselves of engrams. This restores them to their natural condition as thetans and enables them to be at cause in their daily lives, responding rationally and creatively to life events rather than reacting to them under the direction of stored engrams. Accordingly, those who study Scientology materials and receive auditing sessions advance from a status of Preclear to Clear and Operating Thetan. Scientology's utopian aim is to "clear the planet", a world in which everyone has cleared themselves of their engrams.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Auditing
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Auditing
@de-DE@ Auditing is a one-on-one session with a Scientology counselor or auditor. It bears a superficial similarity to confession or pastoral counseling, but the auditor does not dispense forgiveness or advice the way a pastor or priest might do. Instead, the auditor's task is to help the person discover and understand engrams, and their limiting effects, for themselves. Most auditing requires an E-meter, a device that measures minute changes in electrical resistance through the body when a person holds electrodes (metal "cans"), and a small current is passed through them. Scientology asserts that watching for changes in the E-meter's display helps locate engrams. Once an area of concern has been identified, the auditor asks the individual specific questions about it, in order to help them eliminate the engram, and uses the E-meter to confirm that the engram's "charge" has been dissipated and the engram has in fact been cleared. As the individual progresses, the focus of auditing moves from simple engrams to engrams of increasing complexity. At the more advanced OT auditing levels, Scientologists perform solo auditing sessions, acting as their own auditors.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#The_Bridge_to_Total_Freedom
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: The Bridge to Total Freedom
@de-DE@ Spiritual development within Scientology is accomplished by studying Scientology materials. Scientology materials (called Technology or Tech in Scientology jargon) are structured in sequential levels (or gradients), so that easier steps are taken first and greater complexities are handled at the appropriate time. This process is sometimes referred to as moving along the Bridge to Total Freedom, or simply the Bridge. It has two sides: training and processing. Training means education in the principles and practices of auditing. Processing is personal development through participation in auditing sessions.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#The_Bridge_to_Total_Freedom
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: The Bridge to Total Freedom
@de-DE@ The Church of Scientology believes in the principle of reciprocity, involving give-and-take in every human transaction. Accordingly, members are required to make donations for study courses and auditing as they move up the Bridge, the amounts increasing as higher levels are reached. Participation in higher-level courses on the Bridge may cost several thousand dollars, and Scientologists usually move up the Bridge at a rate governed by their income.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Space_opera_and_confidential_materials
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Space opera and confidential materials
@de-DE@ The Church of Scientology holds that at the higher levels of initiation (OT levels) mystical teachings are imparted that may be harmful to unprepared readers. These teachings are kept secret from members who have not reached these levels. The Church states that the secrecy is warranted to keep its materials' use in context, and to protect its members from being exposed to materials they are not yet prepared for.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Space_opera_and_confidential_materials
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Space opera and confidential materials
@de-DE@ These are the OT levels, the levels above Clear, whose contents are guarded within Scientology. The OT level teachings include accounts of various cosmic catastrophes that befell the thetans. Hubbard described these early events collectively as space opera.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Space_opera_and_confidential_materials
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Space opera and confidential materials
@de-DE@ In the OT levels, Hubbard explains how to reverse the effects of past-life trauma patterns that supposedly extend millions of years into the past. Among these advanced teachings is the story of Xenu (sometimes Xemu), introduced as an alien ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy." According to this story, 75 million years ago Xenu brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and detonated hydrogen bombs in the volcanoes. The thetans then clustered together, stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to do this today. Scientologists at advanced levels place considerable emphasis on isolating body thetans and neutralizing their ill effects.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Space_opera_and_confidential_materials
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Space opera and confidential materials
@de-DE@ The material contained in the OT levels has been characterized as bad science fiction by critics, while others claim it bears structural similarities to gnostic thought and ancient Hindu myths of creation and cosmic struggle. J. Gordon Melton suggests that these elements of the OT levels may never have been intended as descriptions of historical events, and that, like other religious mythology, they may have their truth in the realities of the body and mind which they symbolize. He adds that on whatever level Scientologists might have received this mythology, they seem to have found it useful in their spiritual quest.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Space_opera_and_confidential_materials
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Space opera and confidential materials
@de-DE@ The high-ranking OT levels are made available to Scientologists only by invitation, after a review of the candidate's character and contribution to the aims of Scientology. Individuals who have read these materials may not disclose what they contain without jeopardizing their standing in the Church. Excerpts and descriptions of OT materials were published online by a former member in 1995 and then circulated in mainstream media. This occurred after the teachings were submitted as evidence in court cases involving Scientology, thus becoming a matter of public record. There are eight publicly-known OT levels, OT I to VIII. The highest level, OT VIII, is only disclosed at sea, on the Scientology cruise ship Freewinds. It was released in the late 1980s. It has been rumored that additional OT levels, said to be based on material written by Hubbard long ago, will be released at some appropriate point in the future.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Space_opera_and_confidential_materials
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Space opera and confidential materials
@de-DE@ There is a large Church of Spiritual Technology symbol carved into the ground at Scientology's Trementina Base that is visible from the air. Washington Post reporter Richard Leiby wrote, "Former Scientologists familiar with Hubbard’s teachings on reincarnation say the symbol marks a 'return point' so loyal staff members know where they can find the founder’s works when they travel here in the future from other places in the universe."
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Ceremonies
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Ceremonies
@de-DE@ In Scientology, ceremonies for events such as weddings, child naming, and funerals are observed. Friday services are held to commemorate the completion of a person's religious services during the prior week. Ordained Scientology ministers may perform such rites. However, these services and the clergy who perform them play only a minor role in Scientologists' religious lives.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Influences
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Influences
@de-DE@ In Dianetics, Hubbard gives credit to Francis Bacon and Herbert Spencer. Hubbard recalled meeting Cmdr. Joseph Cheesman Thompson, a U.S. Navy officer who studied with Sigmund Freud, when he was 12 years old, and when Hubbard wrote to the American Psychological Association in 1949, he stated that he was conducting research based on the "early work of Freud". Scientology's view of the mind has some similarities to the Freudian one.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Influences
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Influences
@de-DE@ In the 1940s, Hubbard was in contact with Jack Parsons, a rocket scientist and member of the Ordo Templi Orientis then led by Aleister Crowley, and there have been suggestions that this connection influenced some of the ideas and symbols of Scientology. Religious scholars like Gerald Willms and J. Gordon Melton have pointed out that the teachings of Crowley's "satanism" bear little if any resemblance to Scientology doctrine.
@de-DE@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology#Influences
@de-DE@ Scientology beliefs and practices: Influences
@de-DE@ As noted, there are elements of Eastern religions evident in Scientology, in particular the concepts of karma, as present in Hinduism and in Jainism, and dharma. In addition to the links to Hindu texts, Hubbard tried to connect Scientology with Taoism and Buddhism. Scientology has been said to share features with Gnosticism as well.