{ "1": { "text": "50 Car Pile-Up Results In New City Sculpture." }, "2": { "text": "After 36 Years Of Marriage, Man Discovers Wife Is Actually A Rare Yucca Plant." }, "3": { "text": "All Raccoons Cheat At Poker, Animal Researchers Say." }, "4": { "text": "[outlet]: Don't Blame Us If You're Not Paying Attention" }, "5": { "text": "Cat Hijacks Municipal Bus; Riders Applaud Good Timing At Stops And Courteous Meows." }, "6": { "text": "From The Desk Of Wise Guy Sammy: Check Your Facts Before Making A Fool Of Yourself." }, "7": { "text": "Rumor Of Kitty Kibble Shortage Causes Futures To Drop; Consumers Stockpile." }, "8": { "text": "From The Desk Of Wise Guy Sammy: The Insides Of Golf Balls Are Mostly Rubber Bands." }, "9": { "text": "Tommy B. Saif Sez: No Left Turn, Except Buses." }, "10": { "text": "Truckload Of Apples Overturns, [city] Diner Offers Applesauce Special." }, "11": { "text": "Ordinary Days In [city] Become Common." }, "12": { "text": "Semicolon Declared Sexier Than Comma At Grammarian's Fete." }, "13": { "text": "Spotted Owl Spotted." }, "14": { "text": "This Space For Rent." }, "15": { "text": "Crime Lord Spotted In [city]; Mayor Says \"No Comment\"." }, "16": { "text": "Cat Burglar Spotted, Mistaken For Dalmatian." }, "17": { "text": "[outlet]: Information With As Few Words As Possible." }, "18": { "text": "[city] Phonebooks Print All Wrong Numbers; Results In 15 New Marriages." }, "19": { "text": "[outlet]: Properly Spelled Words From Beginning To End." }, "20": { "text": "[outlet]: Not For The Faint Of Heart." }, "21": { "text": "[city] Tourist Bureau Launches City Beautification Project." }, "22": { "text": "Local Cop Found To Be Ticketing Only Lantern-Jawed Males." }, "23": { "text": "From The Desk Of Wise Guy Sammy: Better To Aim High And Miss Then To Aim Low And Hit." }, "24": { "text": "Weasel Rejected As [city]'s Crime-Fighting Mascot." }, "25": { "text": "Cats Demand Longer Breaks, Cleaner Litter, Slower Mice." }, "26": { "text": "Black And White Ball Disrupted By Bank Robbery." }, "27": { "text": "[outlet]: Journalistic Integrity Without All The Advertising." }, "28": { "text": "Chefs Find Broccoli Effective Tool For Cutting Cheese." }, "29": { "text": "[outlet]: No Advertisements Since Before The Beginning." }, "30": { "text": "[city] Baker Wins Pickled Crumpet Toss Three Years Running." }, "31": { "text": "Local Merchants Puzzled By Rumors Of Kitty Kibble Shortage; \"We Have Plenty,\" Say Most." }, "32": { "text": "Cats Concerned By Rumors Of Kitty Kibble Shortage; Owners In Panic." }, "33": { "text": "No Kitty Kibble Shortage Says Local Representative Of Kitty Kibble Association." }, "34": { "text": "Rumors Persist In Kitty Kibble Shortage; Unfounded Say Many." }, "35": { "text": "Is Kitty Kibble Shortage A Hoax? Cats Search For Truth." }, "37": { "text": "Cats Say Not Enough Being Done In Kitty Kibble Shortage." }, "38": { "text": "Rumors Persist In Kitty Kibble Shortage; Unfounded Say Many." }, "39": { "text": "Enough Kitty Kibble For Twenty Years, Experts Agree." }, "40": { "text": "From The Desk Of Wise Guy Sammy: One Word In This Ticker Is Mispelled." }, "50": { "text": "From The Desk Of Wise Guy Sammy: One Word In This Ticker Is Sdrawkcab (Backwards)." }, "51": { "text": "From The Desk Of Wise Guy Sammy: It Is Easier To Get Forgiveness Than Permission." }, "52": { "text": "From The Desk Of Wise Guy Sammy: You Can't Outwait A Bureaucracy." } }