/* tool.cpp * * Micropolis, Unix Version. This game was released for the Unix platform * in or about 1990 and has been modified for inclusion in the One Laptop * Per Child program. Copyright (C) 1989 - 2007 Electronic Arts Inc. If * you need assistance with this program, you may contact: * http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Micropolis or email micropolis@laptop.org. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. You should have received a * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see . * * ADDITIONAL TERMS per GNU GPL Section 7 * * No trademark or publicity rights are granted. This license does NOT * give you any right, title or interest in the trademark SimCity or any * other Electronic Arts trademark. You may not distribute any * modification of this program using the trademark SimCity or claim any * affliation or association with Electronic Arts Inc. or its employees. * * Any propagation or conveyance of this program must include this * copyright notice and these terms. * * If you convey this program (or any modifications of it) and assume * contractual liability for the program to recipients of it, you agree * to indemnify Electronic Arts for any liability that those contractual * assumptions impose on Electronic Arts. * * You may not misrepresent the origins of this program; modified * versions of the program must be marked as such and not identified as * the original program. * * This disclaimer supplements the one included in the General Public * License. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, THIS * PROGRAM IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS," WITH ALL FAULTS, WITHOUT WARRANTY * OF ANY KIND, AND YOUR USE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE ENTIRE RISK OF * SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE RESIDES WITH YOU. ELECTRONIC ARTS * DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY * RIGHTS, AND WARRANTIES (IF ANY) ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, * USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. ELECTRONIC ARTS DOES NOT WARRANT AGAINST * INTERFERENCE WITH YOUR ENJOYMENT OF THE PROGRAM; THAT THE PROGRAM WILL * MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS; THAT OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE * UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT THE PROGRAM WILL BE COMPATIBLE * WITH THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE OR THAT ANY ERRORS IN THE PROGRAM WILL BE * CORRECTED. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN ADVICE PROVIDED BY ELECTRONIC ARTS OR * ANY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY. SOME * JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF OR LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OR THE LIMITATIONS ON THE APPLICABLE STATUTORY RIGHTS OF A * CONSUMER, SO SOME OR ALL OF THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS MAY * NOT APPLY TO YOU. */ /** * @file tool.cpp * @brief Implements tool actions and effects for Micropolis game. * * This file defines the behavior and effects of various tools (like * bulldozer, road construction, zone creation) used in Micropolis. It * includes functions for handling tool actions, applying their * effects to the game world, and managing the cost and consequences * of these actions. The file also contains logic for specific tools * such as query, wire, park, land alteration, and various zone * constructions (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.). */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "micropolis.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Constructor. */ ToolEffects::ToolEffects(Micropolis *mpolis) { this->sim = mpolis; this->clear(); } ToolEffects::~ToolEffects() { /* free all frontend messages */ while(!this->frontendMessages.empty()) { delete this->frontendMessages.back(); this->frontendMessages.pop_back(); } } /** Reset all effects. */ void ToolEffects::clear() { this->cost = 0; this->modifications.clear(); /* free all frontend messages */ while(!this->frontendMessages.empty()) { delete this->frontendMessages.back(); this->frontendMessages.pop_back(); } } /** * Perform the effects stored in the object to the simulator world. * @param sim Simulator object to modify. * @post Effects have been copied to the simulator world, and the #ToolEffects * object is ready for the next use. */ void ToolEffects::modifyWorld() { WorldModificationsMap::const_iterator modIter; FrontendMessages::const_iterator msgIter; Micropolis *mpolis = this->sim; mpolis->spend(this->cost); // Spend the costs mpolis->updateFunds(); /* Modify the world. */ for (modIter = this->modifications.begin(); modIter != this->modifications.end(); modIter++) { Position pos(modIter->first); mpolis->map[pos.posX][pos.posY] = modIter->second; } /* And finally send the messages. */ for (msgIter = this->frontendMessages.begin(); msgIter != this->frontendMessages.end(); msgIter++) { (*msgIter)->sendMessage(mpolis); } this->clear(); } /** * If there are enough funds, apply the effects. * @return The effects have been applied. * @note If funding was not adequate, the object is not modified (that is, the * effects are still available). */ bool ToolEffects::modifyIfEnoughFunding() { if (this->sim->totalFunds < this->cost) { return false; // Not enough money } this->modifyWorld(); return true; } /** * Get a map value from the world. * Unlike the simulator world, this method takes modifications made * previously by (other) tools into account. * @param pos Position of queried map value. Position must be on-map. * @return Map value of the queried position. */ MapValue ToolEffects::getMapValue(const Position &pos) const { WorldModificationsMap::const_iterator iter; iter = this->modifications.find(pos); if (iter == this->modifications.end()) { return this->sim->map[pos.posX][pos.posY]; } return (*iter).second; } /** * Set a new map value. * @param pos Position to set. * @param mapVal Value to set. */ void ToolEffects::setMapValue(const Position &pos, MapValue mapVal) { this->modifications[pos] = mapVal; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BuildingProperties BuildingProperties::BuildingProperties(int xs, int ys, MapTile base, EditingTool tl, std::string tName, bool anim) : sizeX(xs), sizeY(ys), baseTile(base), tool(tl), toolName(tName), buildingIsAnimated(anim) { } BuildingProperties::~BuildingProperties() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Cost of each tool. * Maybe move this information to eg #BuildingProperties? */ static const short gCostOf[] = { 100, 100, 100, 500, /* res, com, ind, fire */ 500, 0, 5, 1, /* police, query, wire, bulldozer */ 20, 10, 5000, 10, /* rail, road, stadium, park */ 3000, 3000, 5000, 10000, /* seaport, coal, nuclear, airport */ 100, 0, 0, 0, /* network, water, land, forest */ 0, }; /** * Size of each tool. * @note Actually it is the size of the building rather than the tool. * @todo This information is duplicated in the #BuildingProperties at least. */ static const short gToolSize[] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utilities /** * Put a park down at the give tile. * @param mapH X coordinate of the tile. * @param mapV Y coordinate of the tile. * @param effects Storage of effects of putting down the park. * @return Tool result. * @todo Add auto-bulldoze? (seems to be missing). */ ToolResult Micropolis::putDownPark(short mapH, short mapV, ToolEffects *effects) { short value = getRandom(4); MapValue tile = BURNBIT | BULLBIT; if (value == 4) { tile |= FOUNTAIN | ANIMBIT; } else { tile |= value + WOODS2; } if (effects->getMapValue(mapH, mapV) != DIRT) { return TOOLRESULT_NEED_BULLDOZE; } effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_PARK]); effects->setMapValue(mapH, mapV, tile); return TOOLRESULT_OK; } /** * Put down a communication network. * @param mapH X coordinate of the tile. * @param mapV Y coordinate of the tile. * @return Tool result. * @param effects Storage of effects of putting down the park. * @todo Auto-bulldoze costs should be pulled from a table/constant. */ ToolResult Micropolis::putDownNetwork(short mapH, short mapV, ToolEffects *effects) { MapTile tile = effects->getMapTile(mapH, mapV); if (tile != DIRT && tally(tile)) { effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_BULLDOZER]); effects->setMapValue(mapH, mapV, DIRT); tile = DIRT; } if (tile != DIRT) return TOOLRESULT_NEED_BULLDOZE; effects->setMapValue(mapH, mapV, TELEBASE | CONDBIT | BURNBIT | BULLBIT | ANIMBIT); effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_NETWORK]); return TOOLRESULT_OK; } /** * Put down a water tile. * @param mapH X coordinate of the tile. * @param mapV Y coordinate of the tile. * @return Tool result. */ ToolResult Micropolis::putDownWater(short mapH, short mapV, ToolEffects *effects) { MapTile tile = effects->getMapTile(mapH, mapV); if (tile == RIVER) return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; effects->setMapValue(mapH, mapV, RIVER); effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_WATER]); return TOOLRESULT_OK; } /** * Put down a land tile. * @param mapH X coordinate of the tile. * @param mapV Y coordinate of the tile. * @return Tool result. * @todo Auto-bulldoze deducts always 1. * @todo Auto-bulldoze costs should be pulled from a table/constant. */ ToolResult Micropolis::putDownLand(short mapH, short mapV, ToolEffects *effects) { int tile = effects->getMapTile(mapH, mapV); // static short dx[8] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, }; // static short dy[8] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, }; if (tile == DIRT) return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; effects->setMapValue(mapH, mapV, DIRT); // int i; // for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // int xx = mapH + dx[i]; // int yy = mapV + dy[i]; // if (testBounds(xx, yy)) { // //smoothTreesAt(xx, yy, true); // } // } effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_LAND]); return TOOLRESULT_OK; } /** * Put down a forest tile. * @param mapH X coordinate of the tile. * @param mapV Y coordinate of the tile. * @return Tool result. * @todo Auto-bulldoze deducts always 1. */ ToolResult Micropolis::putDownForest(short mapH, short mapV, ToolEffects *effects) { static short dx[8] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, }; static short dy[8] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, }; effects->setMapValue(mapH, mapV, WOODS | BLBNBIT); int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int xx = mapH + dx[i]; int yy = mapV + dy[i]; if (testBounds(xx, yy)) { smoothTreesAt(xx, yy, true, effects); } } effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_FOREST]); return TOOLRESULT_OK; } /** * Compute where the 'center' (at (1,1)) of the zone is, depending on where the * user clicked. * * Only inner tiles are recognized, and possibly not even complete (ie stadium * while game is playing). * * @param id Tile character value of the tile that the user clicked on. * @param deltaHPtr Pointer where horizontal position correction is written to. * @param deltaVPtr Pointer where vertical position correction is written to. * @return Size of the zone clicked at (or \c 0 if clicked outside zone). * @todo Make this table driven. */ static short checkBigZone(MapTile id, short *deltaHPtr, short *deltaVPtr) { switch (id) { case POWERPLANT: /* check coal plant */ case PORT: /* check sea port */ case NUCLEAR: /* check nuc plant */ case STADIUM: /* check stadium */ *deltaHPtr = 0; *deltaVPtr = 0; return 4; case POWERPLANT + 1: /* check coal plant */ case COALSMOKE3: /* check coal plant, smoke */ case COALSMOKE3 + 1: /* check coal plant, smoke */ case COALSMOKE3 + 2: /* check coal plant, smoke */ case PORT + 1: /* check sea port */ case NUCLEAR + 1: /* check nuc plant */ case STADIUM + 1: /* check stadium */ *deltaHPtr = -1; *deltaVPtr = 0; return 4; case POWERPLANT + 4: /* check coal plant */ case PORT + 4: /* check sea port */ case NUCLEAR + 4: /* check nuc plant */ case STADIUM + 4: /* check stadium */ *deltaHPtr = 0; *deltaVPtr = -1; return 4; case POWERPLANT + 5: /* check coal plant */ case PORT + 5: /* check sea port */ case NUCLEAR + 5: /* check nuc plant */ case STADIUM + 5: /* check stadium */ *deltaHPtr = -1; *deltaVPtr = -1; return 4; case AIRPORT: /* check airport */ *deltaHPtr = 0; *deltaVPtr = 0; return 6; case AIRPORT + 1: *deltaHPtr = -1; *deltaVPtr = 0; return 6; case AIRPORT + 2: *deltaHPtr = -2; *deltaVPtr = 0; return 6; case AIRPORT + 3: *deltaHPtr = -3; *deltaVPtr = 0; return 6; case AIRPORT + 6: *deltaHPtr = 0; *deltaVPtr = -1; return 6; case AIRPORT + 7: *deltaHPtr = -1; *deltaVPtr = -1; return 6; case AIRPORT + 8: *deltaHPtr = -2; *deltaVPtr = -1; return 6; case AIRPORT + 9: *deltaHPtr = -3; *deltaVPtr = -1; return 6; case AIRPORT + 12: *deltaHPtr = 0; *deltaVPtr = -2; return 6; case AIRPORT + 13: *deltaHPtr = -1; *deltaVPtr = -2; return 6; case AIRPORT + 14: *deltaHPtr = -2; *deltaVPtr = -2; return 6; case AIRPORT + 15: *deltaHPtr = -3; *deltaVPtr = -2; return 6; case AIRPORT + 18: *deltaHPtr = 0; *deltaVPtr = -3; return 6; case AIRPORT + 19: *deltaHPtr = -1; *deltaVPtr = -3; return 6; case AIRPORT + 20: *deltaHPtr = -2; *deltaVPtr = -3; return 6; case AIRPORT + 21: *deltaHPtr = -3; *deltaVPtr = -3; return 6; default: *deltaHPtr = 0; *deltaVPtr = 0; return 0; } } /** * Can the tile be auto-bulldozed?. * @param tileValue Value of the tile. * @return \c True if the tile can be auto-bulldozed, else \c false. */ bool Micropolis::tally(short tileValue) { return (tileValue >= FIRSTRIVEDGE && tileValue <= LASTRUBBLE) || (tileValue >= POWERBASE + 2 && tileValue <= POWERBASE + 12) || (tileValue >= TINYEXP && tileValue <= LASTTINYEXP + 2); } /** * Return the size of the zone that the tile belongs to. * @param tileValue Value of the tile in the zone. * @return Size of the zone if it is a known tile value, else \c 0. */ short Micropolis::checkSize(short tileValue) { // check for the normal com, resl, ind 3x3 zones & the fireDept & PoliceDept if ((tileValue >= RESBASE - 1 && tileValue <= PORTBASE - 1) || (tileValue >= LASTPOWERPLANT + 1 && tileValue <= POLICESTATION + 4) || (tileValue >= CHURCH1BASE && tileValue <= CHURCH7LAST)) { return 3; } if ((tileValue >= PORTBASE && tileValue <= LASTPORT) || (tileValue >= COALBASE && tileValue <= LASTPOWERPLANT) || (tileValue >= STADIUMBASE && tileValue <= LASTZONE)) { return 4; } return 0; } /** * Check and connect a new zone around the border. * @param xMap X coordinate of top-left tile. * @param yMap Y coordinate of top-left tile. * @param sizeX Horizontal size of the new zone. * @param sizeY Vertical size of the new zone. * @param effects Storage of the effects. */ void Micropolis::checkBorder(short xMap, short yMap, int sizeX, int sizeY, ToolEffects *effects) { short cnt; /* this will do the upper bordering row */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < sizeX; cnt++) { connectTile(xMap + cnt, yMap - 1, CONNECT_TILE_FIX, effects); } /* this will do the left bordering row */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < sizeY; cnt++) { connectTile(xMap - 1, yMap + cnt, CONNECT_TILE_FIX, effects); } /* this will do the bottom bordering row */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < sizeX; cnt++) { connectTile(xMap + cnt, yMap + sizeY, CONNECT_TILE_FIX, effects); } /* this will do the right bordering row */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < sizeY; cnt++) { connectTile(xMap + sizeX, yMap + cnt, CONNECT_TILE_FIX, effects); } } /** * Put down a building, starting at (\a leftX, \a topY) with size * (\a sizeX, \a sizeY). * @param leftX Position of left column of tiles of the building. * @param topY Position of top row of tiles of the building. * @param sizeX Horizontal size of the building. * @param sizeY Vertical size of the building. * @param baseTile Tile value to use at the top-left position. Tiles are laid * in column major mode. * @param aniFlag Set animation flag at relative position (1, 2) * @param effects Storage of the effects. * * @pre All tiles are within world boundaries. * * @todo We should ask the buildings themselves how they should be drawn. */ void Micropolis::putBuilding(int leftX, int topY, int sizeX, int sizeY, MapTile baseTile, bool aniFlag, ToolEffects *effects) { for (int dy = 0; dy < sizeY; dy++) { int posY = topY + dy; for (int dx = 0; dx < sizeX; dx++) { int posX = leftX + dx; MapValue tileValue = baseTile | BNCNBIT; if (dx == 1) { if (dy == 1) { tileValue |= ZONEBIT; } else if (dy == 2 && aniFlag) { tileValue |= ANIMBIT; } } effects->setMapValue(posX, posY, tileValue); baseTile++; } } } /** * Prepare the site where a building is about to be put down. * * This function performs some basic sanity checks, and implements the * auto-bulldoze functionality to prepare the site. * All effects are stored in the \a effects object. * * @param leftX Position of left column of tiles of the building. * @param topY Position of top row of tiles of the building. * @param sizeX Horizontal size of the building. * @param sizeY Vertical size of the building. * @param effects Storage of effects of preparing the site. * @return: Result of preparation. */ ToolResult Micropolis::prepareBuildingSite(int leftX, int topY, int sizeX, int sizeY, ToolEffects *effects) { // Check that the entire site is on the map if (leftX < 0 || leftX + sizeX > WORLD_W) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } if (topY < 0 || topY + sizeY > WORLD_H) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } // Check whether the tiles are clear for (int dy = 0; dy < sizeY; dy++) { int posY = topY + dy; for (int dx = 0; dx < sizeX; dx++) { int posX = leftX + dx; unsigned short tileValue = effects->getMapTile(posX, posY); if (tileValue == DIRT) { // DIRT tile is buidable continue; } if (!autoBulldoze) { // No DIRT and no bull-dozer => not buildable return TOOLRESULT_NEED_BULLDOZE; } if (!tally(tileValue)) { // tilevalue cannot be auto-bulldozed return TOOLRESULT_NEED_BULLDOZE; } effects->setMapValue(posX, posY, DIRT); effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_BULLDOZER]); } } return TOOLRESULT_OK; } /** * Build a building. * @param mapH Horizontal position of the 'center' tile in the world. * @param mapV Vertical position of the 'center' tile in the world. * @param buildingProps Building properties of the building being constructed. * @param effects Storage of effects of putting down the building. * @return Tool result. * * @todo Give #putBuilding a #BuildingProperties pointer instead. * @todo Move cost into building properties? */ ToolResult Micropolis::buildBuilding(int mapH, int mapV, const BuildingProperties *buildingProps, ToolEffects *effects) { mapH--; mapV--; // Move position to top-left ToolResult prepareResult = prepareBuildingSite(mapH, mapV, buildingProps->sizeX, buildingProps->sizeY, effects); if (prepareResult != TOOLRESULT_OK) { return prepareResult; } /* Preparation was ok, put down the building. */ effects->addCost(gCostOf[buildingProps->tool]); putBuilding(mapH, mapV, buildingProps->sizeX, buildingProps->sizeY, buildingProps->baseTile, buildingProps->buildingIsAnimated, effects); checkBorder(mapH, mapV, buildingProps->sizeX, buildingProps->sizeY, effects); return TOOLRESULT_OK; } /* Query */ /* search table for zone status string match */ static short idArray[29] = { DIRT, RIVER, TREEBASE, RUBBLE, FLOOD, RADTILE, FIRE, ROADBASE, POWERBASE, RAILBASE, RESBASE, COMBASE, INDBASE, PORTBASE, AIRPORTBASE, COALBASE, FIRESTBASE, POLICESTBASE, STADIUMBASE, NUCLEARBASE, // FIXME: I think HBRDG_END should be HBRDG0...? HBRDG0, RADAR0, FOUNTAIN, INDBASE2, // FIXME: What are tiles 952 and 956? FOOTBALLGAME1, VBRDG0, 952, 956, 9999, // a huge short }; /* 0, 2, 21, 44, 48, 52, 53, 64, 208, 224, 240, 423, 612, 693, 709, 745, 761, 770, 779, 811, 827, 832, 840, 844, 932, 948, 952, 956 Clear, Water, Trees, Rubble, Flood, Radioactive Waste, Fire, Road, Power, Rail, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Port, AirPort, Coal Power, Fire Department, Police Department, Stadium, Nuclear Power, Draw Bridge, Radar Dish, Fountain, Industrial, 49er's 38 Bears 3, Draw Bridge, Ur 238, Unknown */ /** * Get string index for a status report on tile \a mapH, \a mapV on a * given status category. * @param catNo Category number: * 0: population density * 1: land value. * 2: crime rate. * 3: pollution. * 4: growth rate. * @param mapH X coordinate of the tile. * @param mapV Y coordinate of the tile. * @return Index into stri.202 file. */ int Micropolis::getDensity(short catNo, short mapH, short mapV) { int z; switch (catNo) { case 0: default: z = populationDensityMap.worldGet(mapH, mapV); z = z >> 6; z = z & 3; return z + STR202_POPULATIONDENSITY_LOW; case 1: z = landValueMap.worldGet(mapH, mapV); if (z < 30) return STR202_LANDVALUE_SLUM; if (z < 80) return STR202_LANDVALUE_LOWER_CLASS; if (z < 150) return STR202_LANDVALUE_MIDDLE_CLASS; return STR202_LANDVALUE_HIGH_CLASS; case 2: z = crimeRateMap.worldGet(mapH, mapV); z = z >> 6; z = z & 3; return z + STR202_CRIME_NONE; case 3: z = pollutionDensityMap.worldGet(mapH, mapV); if (z < 64 && z > 0) return 13; z = z >> 6; z = z & 3; return z + STR202_POLLUTION_NONE; case 4: z = rateOfGrowthMap.worldGet(mapH, mapV); if (z < 0) return STR202_GROWRATE_DECLINING; if (z == 0) return STR202_GROWRATE_STABLE; if (z > 100) return STR202_GROWRATE_FASTGROWTH; return STR202_GROWRATE_SLOWGROWTH; } } /** * Report about the status of a tile. * @param mapH X coordinate of the tile. * @param mapV Y coordinate of the tile. * @bug Program breaks for status on 'dirt' */ void Micropolis::doZoneStatus(short mapH, short mapV) { int tileCategory; int status[5]; short tileNum = map[mapH][mapV] & LOMASK; if (tileNum >= COALSMOKE1 && tileNum < FOOTBALLGAME1) { tileNum = COALBASE; } // Find the category where the tile belongs to // Note: If 'tileNum < idArray[i]', it belongs to category i-1 short i; for (i = 1; i < 29; i++) { if (tileNum < idArray[i]) { break; } } i--; // i contains the category that the tile belongs to (in theory 0..27). // However, it is 0..26, since 956 is the first unused tile // FIXME: This needs to be fixed to support plug-in churches. // TODO: This should also return the bounding box and hot spot of // the zone to the user interface, as well as other interesting // information. // Code below looks buggy, 0 is a valid value (namely 'dirt'), and upper // limit is not correctly checked either ('stri.219' has only 27 lines). // FIXME: This is strange... Normalize to zero based index. if (i < 1 || i > 28) { i = 28; // This breaks the program (when you click 'dirt') } // Obtain the string index of the tile category. // 'stri.219' has only 27 lines, so 0 <= i <= 26 is acceptable. tileCategory = i + 1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int id = clamp(getDensity(i, mapH, mapV) + 1, 1, 20); status[i] = id; } doShowZoneStatus( tileCategory, status[0], status[1], status[2], status[3], status[4], mapH, mapV); } /** Tell front-end to report on status of a tile. * @param tileCategoryIndex Category of the tile text index. * @param populationDensityIndex Population density text index. * @param landValueIndex Land value text index. * @param crimeRateIndex Crime rate text index. * @param pollutionIndex Pollution text index. * @param growthRateIndex Grow rate text index. * @param x X coordinate of the tile. * @param y Y coordinate of the tile. */ void Micropolis::doShowZoneStatus( int tileCategoryIndex, int populationDensityIndex, int landValueIndex, int crimeRateIndex, int pollutionIndex, int growthRateIndex, int x, int y) { callback->showZoneStatus(this, callbackVal, tileCategoryIndex, populationDensityIndex, landValueIndex, crimeRateIndex, pollutionIndex, growthRateIndex, x, y); } /** * Make a \a size by \a size tiles square of rubble * @param x Horizontal position of the left-most tile * @param y Vertical position of the left-most tile * @param size Size of the rubble square */ void Micropolis::putRubble(int x, int y, int size, ToolEffects *effects) { for (int xx = x; xx < x + size; xx++) { for (int yy = y; yy < y + size; yy++) { if (testBounds(xx, yy)) { int tile = effects->getMapTile(xx, yy); if (tile != RADTILE && tile != DIRT) { tile = (doAnimation ? (TINYEXP + getRandom(2)) : SOMETINYEXP); effects->setMapValue(xx, yy, tile | ANIMBIT | BULLBIT); } } } } } /** * Report to the front-end that a tool was used. * @param name: Name of the tool. * @param x X coordinate of where the tool was applied. * @param y Y coordinate of where the tool was applied. */ void Micropolis::didTool(std::string name, short x, short y) { std::string json; json += "["; json += name; json += "\","; json += std::to_string(x); json += ","; json += std::to_string(y); json += "]"; callback->didTool(this, callbackVal, name, x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tools /** * Do query tool. * @param x X coordinate of the position of the query. * @param y Y coordinate of the position of the query. * @return Tool result. */ ToolResult Micropolis::queryTool(short x, short y) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } doZoneStatus(x, y); didTool("Qry", x, y); return TOOLRESULT_OK; } ToolResult Micropolis::bulldozerTool(short x, short y) { ToolEffects effects(this); ToolResult result = bulldozerTool(x, y, &effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { effects.modifyWorld(); } return result; } /** * Apply bulldozer tool. * @param x X coordinate of the position of the query. * @param y Y coordinate of the position of the query. * @return Tool result. * * @todo Code is too complex/long. * @bug Tool does not return TOOLRESULT_NO_MONEY. * @bug Sometimes we can delete parts of a residential zone, but not always. * Decide what rule we should have, and fix accordingly. * * @note Auto-bulldoze functionality is in Micropolis::prepareBuildingSite() */ ToolResult Micropolis::bulldozerTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { ToolResult result = TOOLRESULT_OK; if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } MapValue mapVal = effects->getMapValue(x, y); MapTile tile = mapVal & LOMASK; short zoneSize = 0; // size of the zone, 0 means invalid. short deltaH; // Amount of horizontal shift to the center tile of the zone. short deltaV; // Amount of vertical shift to the center tile of the zone. FrontendMessage *frontendMsg; if (mapVal & ZONEBIT) { /* zone center bit is set */ zoneSize = checkSize(tile); deltaH = 0; deltaV = 0; } else { zoneSize = checkBigZone(tile, &deltaH, &deltaV); } if (zoneSize > 0) { effects->addCost(gCostOf[TOOL_BULLDOZER]); int dozeX = x; int dozeY = y; int centerX = x + deltaH; int centerY = y + deltaV; switch (zoneSize) { case 3: frontendMsg = new FrontendMessageMakeSound( "city", "Explosion-High", dozeX, dozeY); effects->addFrontendMessage(frontendMsg); putRubble(centerX - 1, centerY - 1, 3, effects); break; case 4: frontendMsg = new FrontendMessageMakeSound( "city", "Explosion-Low", dozeX, dozeY); effects->addFrontendMessage(frontendMsg); putRubble(centerX - 1, centerY - 1, 4, effects); break; case 6: frontendMsg = new FrontendMessageMakeSound( "city", "Explosion-High", dozeX, dozeY); effects->addFrontendMessage(frontendMsg); frontendMsg = new FrontendMessageMakeSound( "city", "Explosion-Low", dozeX, dozeY); effects->addFrontendMessage(frontendMsg); putRubble(centerX - 1, centerY - 1, 6, effects); break; default: NOT_REACHED(); break; } if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ frontendMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Dozr", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(frontendMsg); } return result; } if (tile == RIVER || tile == REDGE || tile == CHANNEL) { result = connectTile(x, y, CONNECT_TILE_BULLDOZE, effects); if (tile != effects->getMapTile(x, y)) { effects->addCost(5); } } else { result = connectTile(x, y, CONNECT_TILE_BULLDOZE, effects); } if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ frontendMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Dozr", x, y); didTool("Dozr", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(frontendMsg); } return result; } /** * Build a road at a tile. * @param x Horizontal position of the tile to lay road. * @param y Vertical position of the tile to lay road. * @param effects Storage of effects of laying raod at the tile. * @return Tool result. * @todo Merge roadTool, railroadTool, wireTool, and parkTool functions. */ ToolResult Micropolis::roadTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } ToolResult result = connectTile(x, y, CONNECT_TILE_ROAD, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Road", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } /** * Build a rail track at a tile. * @param x Horizontal position of the tile. * @param y Vertical position of the tile. * @param effects Storage of effects of laying the rail. * @return Tool result. */ ToolResult Micropolis::railroadTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } ToolResult result = connectTile(x, y, CONNECT_TILE_RAILROAD, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Rail", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } /** * Build a wire at a tile. * @param x Horizontal position of the tile to wire. * @param y Vertical position of the tile to wire. * @param effects Storage of effects of wiring the tile. * @return Tool result. */ ToolResult Micropolis::wireTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } ToolResult result = connectTile(x, y, CONNECT_TILE_WIRE, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Wire", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } /** * Build a park. * @param x Horizontal position of 'center tile' of the park. * @param y Vertical position of 'center tile' of the park. * @param effects Storage of effects of putting down the park. * @return Tool result. */ ToolResult Micropolis::parkTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } ToolResult result = putDownPark(x, y, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Park", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } /** * Build a building. * @param x Horizontal position of center tile of the new building. * @param y Vertical position of center tile of the new building. * @param buildingProps Building properties of the building being constructed. * @param effects Storage of effects of putting down the building. * @return Tool result. */ ToolResult Micropolis::buildBuildingTool(short x, short y, const BuildingProperties *buildingProps, ToolEffects *effects) { ToolResult result = buildBuilding(x, y, buildingProps, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool(buildingProps->toolName, x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } /** Building properties of a residential zone. */ static const BuildingProperties residentialZoneBuilding = BuildingProperties(3, 3, RESBASE, TOOL_RESIDENTIAL, "Res", false); /** Building properties of a commercial zone. */ static const BuildingProperties commercialZoneBuilding = BuildingProperties(3, 3, COMBASE, TOOL_COMMERCIAL, "Com", false); /** Building properties of a industrial zone. */ static const BuildingProperties industrialZoneBuilding = BuildingProperties(3, 3, INDBASE, TOOL_INDUSTRIAL, "Ind", false); /** Building properties of a police station. */ static const BuildingProperties policeStationBuilding = BuildingProperties(3, 3, POLICESTBASE, TOOL_POLICESTATION, "Pol", false); /** Building properties of a fire station. */ static const BuildingProperties fireStationBuilding = BuildingProperties(3, 3, FIRESTBASE, TOOL_FIRESTATION, "Fire", false); /** Building properties of a stadium. */ static const BuildingProperties stadiumBuilding = BuildingProperties(4, 4, STADIUMBASE, TOOL_STADIUM, "Stad", false); /** Building properties of a coal power station. */ static const BuildingProperties coalPowerBuilding = BuildingProperties(4, 4, COALBASE, TOOL_COALPOWER, "Coal", false); /** Building properties of a nuclear power station. */ static const BuildingProperties nuclearPowerBuilding = BuildingProperties(4, 4, NUCLEARBASE, TOOL_NUCLEARPOWER, "Nuc", true); /** Building properties of a seaport. */ static const BuildingProperties seaportBuilding = BuildingProperties(4, 4, PORTBASE, TOOL_SEAPORT, "Seap", false); /** Building properties of a airport. */ static const BuildingProperties airportBuilding = BuildingProperties(6, 6, AIRPORTBASE, TOOL_AIRPORT, "Airp", false); /** * Put down a network. * @todo Is this ever used? */ ToolResult Micropolis::networkTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } ToolResult result = putDownNetwork(x, y, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Net", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } ToolResult Micropolis::waterTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } ToolResult result = bulldozerTool(x, y, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { result = putDownWater(x, y, effects); } if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Water", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } ToolResult Micropolis::landTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } /// @todo: Is this good? It is not auto-bulldoze!! /// @todo: Handle result value (probably) ToolResult result = bulldozerTool(x, y, effects); result = putDownLand(x, y, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Land", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } return result; } ToolResult Micropolis::forestTool(short x, short y, ToolEffects *effects) { ToolResult result = TOOLRESULT_OK; if (!testBounds(x, y)) { return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } MapValue tile = effects->getMapValue(x, y); if (isTree(tile)) { return TOOLRESULT_OK; } if ((tile & LOMASK) != DIRT) { /// @todo bulldozer should be free in terrain mode or from a free tool. result = bulldozerTool(x, y, effects); } tile = effects->getMapValue(x, y); if (tile == DIRT) { result = putDownForest(x, y, effects); if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { /* send 'didtool' message */ FrontendMessage *didToolMsg; didToolMsg = new FrontendMessageDidTool("Forest", x, y); effects->addFrontendMessage(didToolMsg); } } else { result = TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } return result; } /** * Apply a tool. * @param tool Tool to use. * @param tileX Horizontal position in the city map. * @param tileY Vertical position in the city map. * @return Tool result. */ ToolResult Micropolis::doTool(EditingTool tool, short tileX, short tileY) { ToolEffects effects(this); ToolResult result; switch (tool) { case TOOL_RESIDENTIAL: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &residentialZoneBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_COMMERCIAL: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &commercialZoneBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_INDUSTRIAL: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &industrialZoneBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_FIRESTATION: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &fireStationBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_POLICESTATION: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &policeStationBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_QUERY: return queryTool(tileX, tileY); case TOOL_WIRE: result = wireTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_BULLDOZER: result = bulldozerTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_RAILROAD: result = railroadTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_ROAD: result = roadTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_STADIUM: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &stadiumBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_PARK: result = parkTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_SEAPORT: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &seaportBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_COALPOWER: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &coalPowerBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_NUCLEARPOWER: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &nuclearPowerBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_AIRPORT: result = buildBuildingTool(tileX, tileY, &airportBuilding, &effects); break; case TOOL_NETWORK: result = networkTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_WATER: result = waterTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_LAND: result = landTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; case TOOL_FOREST: result = forestTool(tileX, tileY, &effects); break; default: return TOOLRESULT_FAILED; } // Perform the effects of applying the tool if enough funds. if (result == TOOLRESULT_OK) { if (!effects.modifyIfEnoughFunding()) { return TOOLRESULT_NO_MONEY; } } return result; } void Micropolis::toolDown(EditingTool tool, short tileX, short tileY) { ToolResult result = doTool(tool, tileX, tileY); if (result == TOOLRESULT_NEED_BULLDOZE) { sendMessage(MESSAGE_BULLDOZE_AREA_FIRST, NOWHERE, NOWHERE, false, true); /// @todo: Multi player: This sound should only be heard by the user /// who called this function. makeSound("interface", "UhUh", tileX <<4, tileY <<4); } else if (result == TOOLRESULT_NO_MONEY) { sendMessage(MESSAGE_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS, NOWHERE, NOWHERE, false, true); /// @todo: Multi player: This sound should only be heard by the user /// who called this function. makeSound("interface", "Sorry", tileX <<4, tileY <<4); } simPass = 0; invalidateMaps(); } /** * Drag a tool from (\a fromX, \a fromY) to (\a toX, \a toY). * @param tool Tool being dragged. * @param fromX Horizontal coordinate of the starting position. * @param fromY Vertical coordinate of the starting position. * @param toX Horizontal coordinate of the ending position. * @param toY Vertical coordinate of the ending position. */ void Micropolis::toolDrag(EditingTool tool, short fromX, short fromY, short toX, short toY) { // Do not drag big tools. int toolSize = gToolSize[tool]; if (toolSize > 1) { doTool(tool, toX, toY); simPass = 0; // update editors overlapping this one invalidateMaps(); return; } short dirX = (toX > fromX) ? 1 : -1; // Horizontal step direction. short dirY = (toY > fromY) ? 1 : -1; // Vertical step direction. if (fromX == toX && fromY == toY) { return; } doTool(tool, fromX, fromY); // Ensure the start position is done. // Vertical line up or down if (fromX == toX && fromY != toY) { while (fromY != toY) { fromY += dirY; doTool(tool, fromX, fromY); } simPass = 0; // update editors overlapping this one invalidateMaps(); return; } // Horizontal line left/right if (fromX != toX && fromY == toY) { while (fromX != toX) { fromX += dirX; doTool(tool, fromX, fromY); } simPass = 0; // update editors overlapping this one invalidateMaps(); return; } // General case: both X and Y change. short dx = absoluteValue(fromX - toX); // number of horizontal steps. short dy = absoluteValue(fromY - toY); // number of vertical steps. short subX = 0; // Each X step is dy sub-steps. short subY = 0; // Each Y step is dx sub-steps. short numSubsteps = min(dx, dy); // Number of sub-steps we can do. while (fromX != toX || fromY != toY) { subX += numSubsteps; if (subX >= dy) { subX -= dy; fromX += dirX; doTool(tool, fromX, fromY); } subY += numSubsteps; if (subY >= dx) { subY -= dx; fromY += dirY; doTool(tool, fromX, fromY); } } simPass = 0; invalidateMaps(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////