extends Control onready var input_box = $Input onready var output_box = $Output onready var command_handler = $CommandHandler func _ready(): input_box.grab_focus() func process_command(text: String): var words = text.split(" ") words = Array(words) for i in range(words.count("")): words.erase("") if words.size() == 0: return var cmd_word = words.pop_front() for cmd in command_handler.valid_commands: if cmd[0] == cmd_word: if words.size() != cmd[1].size(): output_text(str('Failure executing command "', cmd_word, '", expected ', cmd[1].size(), ' parameters')) return for i in range(words.size()): if not check_type(words[i], cmd[1][i]): output_text(str('Failure executing command "', cmd_word, '", parameter ', (i + 1), ' ("', words[i], '") is of the wrong type')) return output_text(command_handler.callv(cmd_word, words)) return output_text(str('Command: "', cmd_word, '" does not exist')) func check_type(string: String, type): if type == command_handler.ARG_INT: return string.is_valid_integer() if type == command_handler.ARG_FLOAT: return string.is_valid_float() if type == command_handler.ARG_STRING: return true if type == command_handler.ARG_BOOL: return (string == "true" or string == "false") return false func output_text(text): output_box.text = str(output_box.text + "\n", text) func _on_Input_text_entered(new_text): input_box.clear() process_command(new_text)