Tony Bark 72e2c96542 SC3k-style Ordinances
This wound up being a bigger commit than I had initially planned.

- New SC3k-style policies based on the advisor code.
- Added license file to Font Awesome folder.
- Refactored the advisor code so it can handle multiple files.
- Updated icons. Should be more consistent now.
- Replaced Sims with Animals in ticker text.
- Moved dialogs to windows directory.
2021-05-27 10:33:08 -04:00

51 lines
650 B

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Developed by
Tony Bark
Sprites by
Icons by
Font Awesome
Powered by
Godot Engine
Inspired by
text = "
Developed by
Tony Bark
Sprites by
Icons by
Font Awesome
Powered by
Godot Engine
Inspired by
__meta__ = {
"_edit_use_anchors_": false