mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 07:11:20 +00:00
- New tax system - Advisor window modeled after SC3k's - Advisor start_dialogue() function is now connected to a SimEvent "advisor_message" signal - Advisor windows are now autoloaded and no longer part of the core interface node - Added 3D buildings from Micropolis repo
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43 lines
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extends WindowDialog
onready var res_slider = $TaxSlidersCtr/ResCtr/ResSlider
onready var com_slider = $TaxSlidersCtr/ComCtr/ComSlider
onready var ind_slider = $TaxSlidersCtr/IndCtr/IndSlider
onready var res_rate = $PrecentCtr/ResPctLbl
onready var com_rate = $PrecentCtr/ComPctLbl
onready var ind_rate = $PrecentCtr/IndPctLbl
onready var annual_income = $IncomeCtr/IcnomeLbl
func _ready():
if SimData.res_tax >= 0:
res_slider.value = SimData.res_tax
res_rate.text = str(SimData.res_tax) + "%"
if SimData.res_tax >= 0:
com_slider.value = SimData.comm_tax
com_rate.text = str(SimData.comm_tax) + "%"
if SimData.indust_tax >= 0:
ind_slider.value = SimData.indust_tax
ind_rate.text = str(SimData.indust_tax) + "%"
func _process(delta):
var total_income = int(SimData.res_income + SimData.comm_income + SimData.ind_income)
if total_income >= 1:
annual_income.text = "Income: " + SimData.currency + str(total_income) + "/yr"
func _on_ResSlider_value_changed(value):
SimData.res_tax = int(value)
res_rate.text = str(value) + "%"
func _on_ComSlider_value_changed(value):
SimData.comm_tax = int(value)
com_rate.text = str(value) + "%"
func _on_IndSlider_value_changed(value):
SimData.indust_tax = int(value)
ind_rate.text = str(value) + "%"