Tony Bark 65cc08fab6 Decoupling more hardcoded data
- Created a json helper to streamline decoupling of hardcoded data
- Removed non-existent VR bridge reference
- News ticker files are no longer hardcoded to the game.
- Removed hardcoded city and mayor names using Json helper
2022-08-08 16:10:14 -04:00

20 lines
579 B

extends Control
onready var debug_console = $Console
onready var tax_window = $TaxWindow
onready var advsior_meet_window = $AdvisorMeet
onready var tools_window = $ToolsWindow
func _ready():
SimData.city_name = SimData.city_name.capitalize()
SimData.mayor_name = SimData.mayor_name.capitalize()
SimEvents.emit_signal("advisor_message", SimData.Advisors.CITY_PLANNER, 0)
SimEvents.connect("send_alert", self, "_start_alert")
SimEvents.connect("rotate_news", self, "_rotate_news")
func _process(delta):
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_cheats"):