Tony Bark 239fa63a0c Basic AI
- If a power plant is present, the zone animates. Just like the original.
- Your budget also goes through the roof

This is just a proof-of-concept right now, and will likely crash your machine if you leave it on too long.
2023-01-21 05:45:38 -05:00

18 lines
420 B

extends ConditionLeaf
export var cost: int = 10000
export var income: int = 100
export var expense: int = 0
func tick(actor, blackboard):
if SimData.has_power:
if SimData.budget >= expense:
SimData.budget -= expense
SimData.expenses = expense
if SimData.has_power:
var total_income = SimData.res_tax * income
SimData.budget += total_income
SimData.res_income = total_income
return RUNNING