mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 23:12:19 +00:00
- Added another existing character, Cindy Diamond, to take over as City Planning now that City Limits officially takes place in Nethington. Zack now handles transport. - News keys are now properly shuffled after index. - Updated screenshot to the recent look - Simplified money cheat - Updated credits in README
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extends AcceptDialog
var dialogue_file
# "character" would be "name" but it's already used by the base class
var character
var rank
var avatar
var dialogue_keys = []
var dialogue_name = ""
var dialogue_text = ""
onready var avatar_texture = $Container/Advisor/Avatar
onready var rank_label = $Container/Advisor/RankLbl
onready var name_label = $Container/Advisor/NameLbl
onready var description_label = $Container/DescriptionLbl
func _start_dialogue(advisor, message):
if advisor == SimData.Advisors.CITY_PLANNER:
dialogue_file = "res://dialog/advisors/cityplanner.json"
avatar_texture.texture = preload("res://sprites/avatars/cindy.png")
name_label.text = "Cindy Diamond"
rank_label.text = "City Planner"
elif advisor == SimData.Advisors.FINANCIAL:
dialogue_file = "res://dialog/advisors/finacial.json"
avatar_texture.texture = preload("res://sprites/avatars/kit.png")
name_label.text = "Kit Welsh"
rank_label.text = "Financial Advisor"
elif advisor == SimData.Advisors.FINANCIAL:
dialogue_file = "res://dialog/advisors/transport.json"
avatar_texture.texture = preload("res://sprites/avatars/zc.png")
name_label.text = "Zack Casey"
rank_label.text = "Transportation Advisor"
description_label.text = dialogue_keys[message].text
window_title = dialogue_keys[message].name
func _index_dialogue():
var dialogue = _load_dialogue()
for key in dialogue:
func _load_dialogue():
var file = File.new()
if file.file_exists(dialogue_file):
file.open(dialogue_file, file.READ)
var dialogue = parse_json(file.get_as_text())
return dialogue
func _ready():
SimEvents.connect("advisor_message", self, "_start_dialogue")