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extends Node2D
# Signaux
# Exports
@export var max_log_capacity:int = 2
# Variables publiques
var logs_count:int = 0
# Variables privées
@onready var _btroot:BTRoot = $AI
var _cutting_log:bool = false
var _cutting_tree:Node2D
# Fonctions Godot redéfinies
# Fonctions publiques
func on_state_entered() :
_btroot.enabled = true
func can_carry_more_logs() -> bool:
return logs_count < max_log_capacity
func has_no_log() -> bool:
return logs_count == 0
func has_remaining_trees() -> bool:
return not get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("tree").is_empty()
func get_nearest_tree() -> Node2D:
var nearest_tree:Node2D
var nearest_distance_to_tree:float = 99999.0
for tree in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("tree"):
var distance_to_tree:float = global_position.distance_to(tree.global_position)
if distance_to_tree < nearest_distance_to_tree:
nearest_distance_to_tree = distance_to_tree
nearest_tree = tree
return nearest_tree
func get_nearest_warehouse() -> Node2D:
var nearest_warehouse:Node2D
var nearest_distance_to_warehouse:float = 99999.0
for warehouse in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("warehouse"):
var distance_to_warehouse:float = global_position.distance_to(warehouse.global_position)
if distance_to_warehouse < nearest_distance_to_warehouse:
nearest_distance_to_warehouse = distance_to_warehouse
nearest_warehouse = warehouse
return nearest_warehouse
func tree_is_valid(tree:Node2D) -> bool:
return is_instance_valid(tree) and tree.has_logs()
func cut_log(tree:Node2D) -> int:
if not _cutting_log:
_cutting_log = true
_cutting_tree = tree
get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout.connect(_on_log_cut, CONNECT_ONE_SHOT)
return BTTickResult.RUNNING if _cutting_log else BTTickResult.FAILURE
func drop_logs_to_warehouse() -> void:
logs_count = 0
func move_to(delta:float, node:Node2D) -> int:
if global_position.distance_to(node.global_position) > 10:
global_position = global_position.move_toward(node.global_position, delta * 300)
return BTTickResult.RUNNING
return BTTickResult.SUCCESS
# Fonctions privées
func _on_log_cut() -> void:
if is_instance_valid(_cutting_tree):
_cutting_tree = null
logs_count += 1
_cutting_log = false