Tony Bark f8a0f97767 Slightly rewrote the news ticker architecture
- The news ticker is now a stealth button that opens a window.
- News window now has brandings for FNN and Pawprint Press.
- Ticker now provides extra lore by me if is_caseyverse.txt is present.
- Moved the news ticker functions to the window source, for now.
- Added .gdignore
2022-08-08 03:53:39 -04:00

18 lines
307 B

extends Node
signal has_power
signal budget
signal game_speed
# Policies and Advisors
signal policy_message(policy)
signal policy_analysis(advisor, policy)
signal advisor_message(advisor, message)
# News
signal send_alert(message)
signal rotate_news
# Policies
signal clean_air_act
signal energy_saving