diff --git a/CSTNet/CST.cs b/CSTNet/CST.cs
index 37da99b..36342a3 100644
--- a/CSTNet/CST.cs
+++ b/CSTNet/CST.cs
@@ -8,107 +8,79 @@ namespace CSTNet;
public static class CST
- const char CARET = '^';
- const string LF = "\u000A";
- const string CR = "\u000D";
- const string CRLF = "\u000D\u000A";
- const string LS = "\u2028";
+ const char CARET = '^';
+ const string LF = "\u000A";
+ const string CR = "\u000D";
+ const string CRLF = "\u000D\u000A";
+ const string LS = "\u2028";
- ///
- /// Gets the value from the digit-based key.
- ///
- /// Returns the entry
- public static string Parse(string content, int key) => Parse(content, key.ToString());
+ ///
+ /// Gets the value from the digit-based key.
+ ///
+ /// Returns the entry
+ public static string Parse(string content, int key) => Parse(content, key.ToString());
- ///
- /// Gets the value from the string-based key.
- ///
- /// Returns the entry
- public static string Parse(string content, string key)
- {
- var entries = NormalizeEntries(content);
- return GetEntry(entries, key);
- }
+ ///
+ /// Gets the value from the string-based key.
+ ///
+ /// Returns the entry
+ public static string Parse(string content, string key)
+ {
+ var entries = NormalizeEntries(content);
+ return GetEntry(entries, key);
+ }
#if (NET8_0 && DEBUG)
- [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "parse")]
- public static IntPtr Parse(IntPtr content, IntPtr key)
- {
- // => Parse(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(content), Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(key));
- var entries = NormalizeEntries(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(content));
- return Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(GetEntry(entries, Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(key)));
- }
+ [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "parse")]
+ public static IntPtr Parse(IntPtr content, IntPtr key)
+ {
+ // => Parse(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(content), Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(key));
+ var entries = NormalizeEntries(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(content));
+ return Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(GetEntry(entries, Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(key)));
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Normalizes the content by replacing various newline characters with Environment.NewLine and filters out comments.
+ ///
+ /// The content to normalize.
+ /// An enumerable of normalized lines.
+ public static IEnumerable NormalizeEntries(string content)
+ {
+ var newLines = new[] { LF, CR, CRLF, LS };
- ///
- /// Replaces the document's line endings with the native system line endings.
- ///
- /// This stage ensures there are no crashes during parsing.
- /// The content of the document.
- /// The document's content with native system line endings.
- static IEnumerable NormalizeEntries(string content)
- {
- // Check if the document already uses native system line endings.
- if (!content.Contains(Environment.NewLine))
- {
- // If not, check for and replace other line ending types.
- if (content.Contains(LF))
- content = content.Replace(LF,
- Environment.NewLine);
+ content = newLines.Aggregate(content, (current, nl) => current.Replace(nl, Environment.NewLine));
- if (content.Contains(CR))
- content = content.Replace(CR,
- Environment.NewLine);
+ return content.Split($"{CARET}{Environment.NewLine}", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+ .Where(line => !line.StartsWith("//") && !line.StartsWith('#') && !line.StartsWith("/*") && !line.EndsWith("*/"));
+ }
- if (content.Contains(CRLF))
- content = content.Replace(CRLF,
- Environment.NewLine);
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the value for the specified key from the given entries.
+ ///
+ /// The entries to search through.
+ /// The key to search for.
+ /// The value for the specified key, or a default string if not found.
+ static string GetEntry(IEnumerable entries, string key)
+ {
+ // Iterate through the entries.
+ foreach (var entry in entries)
+ {
+ // If the line doesn't start with the key, keep searching.
+ if (!entry.StartsWith(key))
+ continue;
- if (content.Contains(LS))
- content = content.Replace(LS,
- Environment.NewLine);
- }
+ // Locate the index of the caret character.
+ var startIndex = entry.IndexOf(CARET);
+ // Get the line from the caret character to the end of the string.
+ var line = entry[startIndex..];
- // Split the content by the caret and newline characters.
- var lines = content.Split(new[] { $"{CARET}{Environment.NewLine}" },
- StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
+ // Return the line with the caret characters trimmed.
+ return line.TrimStart(CARET).TrimEnd(CARET);
+ }
- // Filter out any lines that start with "//", "#", "/*", or end with "*/".
- return lines.Where(line =>
- !line.StartsWith("//") &&
- !line.StartsWith("#") &&
- !line.StartsWith("/*") &&
- !line.EndsWith("*/"))
- .AsEnumerable();
- }
- ///
- /// Retrieves the value for the specified key from the given entries.
- ///
- /// The entries to search through.
- /// The key to search for.
- /// The value for the specified key, or a default string if not found.
- static string GetEntry(IEnumerable entries, string key)
- {
- // Iterate through the entries.
- foreach (var entry in entries)
- {
- // If the line doesn't start with the key, keep searching.
- if (!entry.StartsWith(key))
- continue;
- // Locate the index of the caret character.
- var startIndex = entry.IndexOf(CARET);
- // Get the line from the caret character to the end of the string.
- var line = entry[startIndex..];
- // Return the line with the caret characters trimmed.
- return line.TrimStart(CARET).TrimEnd(CARET);
- }
- // If no entry is found, return a default string.
- return "***MISSING***";
- }
+ // If no entry is found, return a default string.
+ return "***MISSING***";
+ }
diff --git a/CSTNet/CSTNet.csproj b/CSTNet/CSTNet.csproj
index a9aa843..fdb390e 100644
--- a/CSTNet/CSTNet.csproj
+++ b/CSTNet/CSTNet.csproj
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
- net6.0;net8.0
- 2.1.100
- enable
- latest
- enable
- Tony Bark
- Caret-Separated Text (or CST) is a key-value pair format represented by digits or words
- as keys and the value as text enclosed between carets. ([key] ^[value]^)
+ net6.0;net8.0
+ 2.1.101-alpha
+ enable
+ latest
+ enable
+ Tony Bark
+ Caret-Separated Text (or CST) is a key-value pair format represented by digits or words
+ as keys and the value as text enclosed between carets. ([key] ^[value]^)
- CSTNet provides you the framework for parsing the CST format.
- https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet
- BSD-3-Clause
+ CSTNet provides you the framework for parsing the CST format.
+ https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet
+ BSD-3-Clause
- true
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CSTNet/UIText.cs b/CSTNet/UIText.cs
index b60b16c..0d02d1a 100644
--- a/CSTNet/UIText.cs
+++ b/CSTNet/UIText.cs
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ namespace CSTNet;
public class UIText : IUIText
- ///
- /// The language of the text.
- ///
- string Language { get; set; } = "english";
+ ///
+ /// The language of the text.
+ ///
+ string Language { get; set; } = "english";
/// The base directory for the language files.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 68f9d37..20f783e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
+# [CST.NET](http://CST.NET)

+<p align="center"><a href="https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/blob/main/LICENSE"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/tonytins/cstdotnet" alt="GitHub license"></a> <a href="https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/actions?query=workflow%3Abuild.yml"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/tonytins/cstdotnet/build.yml" alt="GitHub Workflow Status"></a> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/w/tonytins/cstdotnet" alt="GitHub commit activity"> <a href="code_of_conduct.md"></br> <img src="https://img.shields.io/codeclimate/maintainability-percentage/tonytins/cstdotnet" alt="Code Climate maintainability"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/CSTNet" alt="NuGet Downloads"> <a href="https://www.nuget.org/packages/tonybark.updatetools"><img src="https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/cstnet.svg" /></a></br><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-v2.0%20adopted-ff69b4.svg" alt="Contributor Covenant"></a></br> </p>
-CST.NET is a library for parsing Maxis' key-value pair format. It can be used in conjunction with your own custom frameworks, or the original ``UIText`` APIs.
+CST.NET is a library for parsing Maxis' key-value pair format. It can be used in conjunction with your own custom frameworks, or the original `UIText` APIs.
-Caret-Separated Text (or CST) is a key-value pair format represented by digits or words as keys and the value as text enclosed between carets. (e.g. `` ^^``) Any text which is not enclosed with carets is considered a comment and ignored. Neither strings nor comments may use the caret character.
+Caret-Separated Text (or CST) is a key-value pair format represented by digits or words as keys and the value as text enclosed between carets. (e.g. ` ^^`) Any text which is not enclosed with carets is considered a comment and ignored. Neither strings nor comments may use the caret character.
## Changelog
@@ -23,7 +16,7 @@ See [/docs](./doc/README.md).
## To-do
-- [ ] Support for parameters (e.g. ``%1``)
+- [ ] Support for parameters (e.g. `%1`)
## Known issues
@@ -38,6 +31,20 @@ See [/docs](./doc/README.md).
- [.NET Interactive](https://github.com/dotnet/interactive/blob/main/README.md) for notebooks (optional).
- [VSCode Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.dotnet-interactive-vscode) or [nteract](https://nteract.io/).
+# Contributing
+You can contribute to CST.NET by testing cutting edge features in the latest releases, filing bugs, and joining in the discussion on our forums!
+* [Getting Started](https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/wiki)
+* [Project Structure](https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/wiki/Project-structure)
+* [Coding Standards](https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/wiki/Coding-standards)
+* [Pull Requests](https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/pulls): [Open](https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/pulls)/[Closed](https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/issues?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed)
+Looking for something to do? Check out the issues tagged as [help wanted](https://github.com/tonytins/cstdotnet/labels/help%20wanted) to get started.
+Regarding translations, full object and UI translations should currently be released on the forums. This is far from perfect and is due to be reworked. Stay tuned!
## License
-I license this project under the BSD-3-Clause license - see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.
+I license this project under the BSD-3-Clause license - see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.
\ No newline at end of file