From 348730547893a6b0a1c7a78850ff59e5225a2355 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anthony Wilcox <> Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 20:45:22 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Default to Godot 3.1 --- 3.0/project.godot | 33 --- 3.0/scn/GameScn.tscn | 12 - 3.0/scn/TitleScn.tscn | 108 ------- 3.0/scn/WinDialogs.tscn | 358 ----------------------- 3.1/default_env.tres | 101 ------- 3.1/icon.png | Bin 3498 -> 0 bytes 3.1/icon.png.import | 29 -- 3.1/lang/local.csv | 14 - 3.1/lang/local.csv.import | 16 - 3.1/lang/local.en.translation | Bin 852 -> 0 bytes 3.1/lang/ | Bin 868 -> 0 bytes 3.1/src/ | 15 - 3.1/src/ | 6 - 3.1/src/ | 10 - 3.1/src/ | 21 -- | 3 - 3.0/default_env.tres => default_env.tres | 0 3.0/icon.png => icon.png | Bin 3.0/icon.png.import => icon.png.import | 0 {3.0/lang => lang}/local.csv | 0 {3.0/lang => lang}/local.csv.import | 0 {3.0/lang => lang}/local.en.translation | Bin {3.0/lang => lang}/ | Bin 3.1/project.godot => project.godot | 0 {3.1/scn => scn}/GameScn.tscn | 0 {3.1/scn => scn}/TitleScn.tscn | 0 {3.1/scn => scn}/WinDialogs.tscn | 0 {3.0/src => src}/ | 0 {3.0/src => src}/ | 0 {3.0/src => src}/ | 0 {3.0/src => src}/ | 0 31 files changed, 726 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 3.0/project.godot delete mode 100644 3.0/scn/GameScn.tscn delete mode 100644 3.0/scn/TitleScn.tscn delete mode 100644 3.0/scn/WinDialogs.tscn delete mode 100644 3.1/default_env.tres delete mode 100644 3.1/icon.png delete mode 100644 3.1/icon.png.import delete mode 100644 3.1/lang/local.csv delete mode 100644 3.1/lang/local.csv.import delete mode 100644 3.1/lang/local.en.translation delete mode 100644 3.1/lang/ delete mode 100644 3.1/src/ delete mode 100644 3.1/src/ delete mode 100644 3.1/src/ delete mode 100644 3.1/src/ delete mode 100644 rename 3.0/default_env.tres => default_env.tres (100%) rename 3.0/icon.png => icon.png (100%) rename 3.0/icon.png.import => icon.png.import (100%) rename {3.0/lang => lang}/local.csv (100%) rename {3.0/lang => lang}/local.csv.import (100%) rename {3.0/lang => lang}/local.en.translation (100%) rename {3.0/lang => lang}/ (100%) rename 3.1/project.godot => project.godot (100%) rename {3.1/scn => scn}/GameScn.tscn (100%) rename {3.1/scn => scn}/TitleScn.tscn (100%) rename {3.1/scn => scn}/WinDialogs.tscn (100%) rename {3.0/src => src}/ (100%) rename {3.0/src => src}/ (100%) rename {3.0/src => src}/ (100%) rename {3.0/src => src}/ (100%) diff --git a/3.0/project.godot b/3.0/project.godot deleted file mode 100644 index 57acdd8..0000000 --- a/3.0/project.godot +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -; Engine configuration file. -; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly, -; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious. -; -; Format: -; [section] ; section goes between [] -; param=value ; assign values to parameters - -config_version=3 - -[application] - -config/name="Anthony's Godot 3.0 Template" -run/main_scene="res://scn/TitleScn.tscn" - -[autoload] - -GameKit="*res://src/" -WinDialogs="*res://scn/WinDialogs.tscn" - -[display] - -window/size/resizable=false - -[input] - -ui_pause=[ Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":0,"alt":false,"shift":false,"control":false,"meta":false,"command":false,"pressed":false,"scancode":16777217,"unicode":0,"echo":false,"script":null) -, Object(InputEventJoypadButton,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":0,"button_index":11,"pressure":0.0,"pressed":false,"script":null) - ] - -[locale] - -translations=PoolStringArray( "res://lang/local.en.translation", "res://lang/" ) diff --git a/3.0/scn/GameScn.tscn b/3.0/scn/GameScn.tscn deleted file mode 100644 index 8360ca7..0000000 --- a/3.0/scn/GameScn.tscn +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2] - -[ext_resource path="res://src/" type="Script" id=1] -[ext_resource path="res://scn/WinDialogs.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2] - 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-Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or -distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled -binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any -means. - -In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors -of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the -software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit -of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and -successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of -relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this -software under copyright law. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR -OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, -ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR -OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -For more information, please refer to " -visible_characters = -1 -percent_visible = 1.0 -meta_underlined = true -tab_size = 4 -text = "This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. - -Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or -distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled -binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any -means. - -In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors -of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the -software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit -of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and -successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of -relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this -software under copyright law. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR -OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, -ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR -OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -For more information, please refer to " -scroll_active = true -scroll_following = false -selection_enabled = false -override_selected_font_color = false -_sections_unfolded = [ "BBCode" ] - -[connection signal="pressed" from="PauseWin/PauseVbox/SettingsBtn" to="." method="_on_SettingsBtn_pressed"] - -[connection signal="pressed" from="PauseWin/PauseVbox/ResumeBtn" to="." method="_on_ResumeBtn_pressed"] - 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diff --git a/3.1/icon.png b/3.1/icon.png deleted file mode 100644 index a0b64eee944cb4cfb2aa8dc0d8d78faf6ca44dc1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 3498 zcmV;b4OQ}qP)% zdvH`$n!tbO-hQU@>JCZgK>`UR0Wu_jNB~7FAPOkpus*=C*qH%bc6M=ecWTDjftr2P zz(}c6<;KLdCS>sd8X;~ZVy~@fNA7?nzXd6 z&m0p2dUBUn)};@_l#%zU zRxQsJl7v3Nh+3;hl4OJsy@)fvd1Abg>Ruq(g&n?DCT3K2sKvrw@fAhuzNU{pGR*yi)T3K2s1=WEE z0c4HtR_pey(P3*)9e7XzvViZz*YDsuTeBpAhzI($!%IpqFm-$hxmo63^X3jTGj)6k zNeTTo{phe&AmaP&v!|Jom_21YlkO^FSl&Q{5GabmrqA~A!kZgImifh^N10nT5g`OY zMWN#SC3YVvXUpdYuvlCBMbDT!plE0g3+7DazOh9JAyHn}%Da23Ieej+ad{@5Dx1jv z?%YpBbzPTog}GVGEt|-?{TDcR-pbg)M#c;>vFOq1Ed09%*md|6?{417sdKe4)ia~a_^WClol6~JJ3w-Kr^Mqh1@e{1RD<3;_?Q%l(E=6yuGKICGQ*}IWeAT6Gz2T z<=D0WhpXM-IE_q;(-$(&)?;(eY3;MmZNnc%XG-RzK&QCQwOwNYnll< zHQ)}J$L$O9()Kf$lXSGX+MSfBSJT+)#^Vq6D7#(eH+95{m^z@<<^b9a3di9K)~IE7 z$n2;iRz%$g=(K9G(+7l1%T7-PzWG|Qq(f#$9o_35fKD5Iy-~G*Uq1a9-=8)SfZd17 z`Q5vlxpesodaZ_^FM5=RCf`kUlby;&Thxm5MrEUo>Lxq?`OH(4mK3t;&5gJ`Ub52% z@a%#)Od9(=0RFsVA1mM35V2e_V%n1mfWep+HscS!KaHQve~9B*g!pd?qTiRttQt_11VwTLC$^a{#>ZB*>STb)Wwe=Q0KX9T~ znZ33E^MGX5zxZ=%n!P-~;TXO^*RPvzj>q8%P~YO}qj}MhnXJd4m8opBcX_Xt1;2f4 z6oZT!=KpLJjaOPimhWf*y>^1jm&`+w)vVffx|{I;m5ugq-FSfd7FRdp0ek_4RohM@ z$!eA_nb)hFunw3#rIc~Sg}m|CDjM5DkL$N1jcsn;_-hs8iVK-Nr8I2bunriSlgUM^ zlkF!PVyfV`!S<64T(mkFnv)qeUswk;G+D_u#WATM^w@hlGpQhzY*QQ!P2ne9VIA<{ z$Ga)7tYPW20!#)?Ocm@;Oa={0rxj3MS;L1P?+%+ctOJ6&;-NN0uDU=oU9@4tilogq|J2!<_)^6cq!G-o)2Dk`^27`>ll493(W)e#7?(pyjuE3lLzTtG)?@XYxEOjIj+El;WM+-ZWJp>9 z%?>ZeYn%D-U~P{p$AQK;ygomF`gCtZ@*`dg=yjSN1Ew7q(&kh)zVn7H%MMVV`i=|uou3ftsJRrW?`+Rc(k|dBMLB2VmyW9cs?Aq0R z2(wr$R8&+TgkW$=-}ess?0}|gflsYg8!}y^(a>azej43mbEDCOo_loE)nw~?e6Y_B zXl!$H@v4LT{Co-uy8bRDNn+;A862*TJ_L5S+RDtCGmxaNDi#zLke{E=#jB2(tWRPR z7JuoJ3KRq@f4hRRvNF=s%@h?Cv0~+KaO%zMJlz9$!FV&7Nx3?5QTpsK;ve;_?MT=Dk^BzBlOd1$s3ez#mXp|7A_Y zawCy>Gu+uHpkhG8EkFpt6QzTgQJhJ$!;977#p>`}_w1#jp^b*t{*4@EB$Jk>!z|q=fPSy2%7GTArC1l*ND7$L+V0Cyo-O$E>1T8tno)>L55>+2?pz12` z?5*zd&Unr9Pv1X;5t&J0%Rl=-0okVTv$x5^Qdzv_P><;Y60{t@*vuPWRAF^^X?Ap7 z5dHl7 zr33ua)Oq1CF-oM9*04-Eb#e5538YwxD#w`b6||?IV@)LwEyl3 z(%XNZH@eE4s6!=7)Le0N_8B++)m(9)k|oSHtPln5VXlJo#4dG(!f4RY62%5;#4VuW zLLI}0=Jl9vwYN9LRZo0#fWhhU|F|5BGstu6k9L01+XYF$%k#&Osuw)+&;NzT8-6H^cx$W! zkJrbGYc??~BZ=o8DCBlJM=eBqBzRaxA}_7k)T{B=6V))dW8X1y(o`P2Xvs4WhUKK#H=af7+*3Bl`InoDpXl)R9|sW-|V8X&5fnaO{>d?%NrmNRA{|+ zOfE^UMwSG6jZBhWOto^C55?^49g=o%S@^%{2HMrnyjr<*EMqd%z2JiRCD4?HSQ>S_;5sZMkpHG z9v=r!oaNw&vz_lWY84r&CNffuB*q(v(`!*l62_$VaJjYBP9PY>>GIHKchJz(Ohc0u zuP^dB{mr6MQ0xK`uP92t-5K!u{M6K2sHyM1Z*VJ6uFc{U6uX2%J+xmY`mWGvt3tix zbo;jh1iW|78KAz>VXM3FqW$`OjWg(ZKM?f)W8>MA|J_=Bv~%wK Y|LV|6es%hBO8@`>07*qoM6N<$f`}~Z-v9sr diff --git a/3.1/icon.png.import b/3.1/icon.png.import deleted file mode 100644 index 0041ef8..0000000 --- a/3.1/icon.png.import +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -[remap] - -importer="texture" -type="StreamTexture" -path="res://.import/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.stex" - -[deps] - -source_file="res://icon.png" -dest_files=[ "res://.import/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.stex" ] - -[params] - -compress/mode=0 -compress/lossy_quality=0.7 -compress/hdr_mode=0 -compress/normal_map=0 -flags/repeat=0 -flags/filter=true -flags/mipmaps=false -flags/anisotropic=false -flags/srgb=2 -process/fix_alpha_border=true -process/premult_alpha=false -process/HDR_as_SRGB=false -stream=false -size_limit=0 -detect_3d=true -svg/scale=1.0 diff --git a/3.1/lang/local.csv b/3.1/lang/local.csv deleted file mode 100644 index c544972..0000000 --- a/3.1/lang/local.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -,en,sv -KENG,English,Engelsk -KSWD,Swedish,Svenska -KRUS,Resume,Återuppta -KPUS,Paused,Pausad -KPLY,Play,Spela -KCRE,Credits,Eftertexter -KABO,About,Handla om -KLIC,License,Licens -KSOO,Coming Soon,Kommer snart -KEXT,Exit,Utgång -KHELP,Help,Hjälp -KSET,Settings,Inställningar -KLANG,Languages,Språk \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3.1/lang/local.csv.import b/3.1/lang/local.csv.import deleted file mode 100644 index beece0d..0000000 --- a/3.1/lang/local.csv.import +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[remap] - -importer="csv_translation" -type="Translation" - -[deps] - -files=[ "res://lang/local.en.translation", "res://lang/" ] - -source_file="res://lang/local.csv" -dest_files=[ "res://lang/local.en.translation", "res://lang/" ] - -[params] - -compress=true -delimiter=0 diff --git a/3.1/lang/local.en.translation b/3.1/lang/local.en.translation deleted file mode 100644 index 83193381c2b8ecadf601c123a7cd54b654f7f317..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 852 zcmbVLze^lJ6n-%|^UDYkK_LOX6kaOLp%9P*qn9%x2a!8LNwd!FJ?<9QUD=sMV{2tC zSmh7MACM*l(pgxhNM~gsY9m+)fz|J=vv9~&dGPVg_sz_kH*aTa^;(&1JnZ0?7%wd- z-CmAVpnYY$Fv!;ZH$TD7VIX21#*xd8AG*qSOz3Er1E&7Yxj=0&J%zKuTB{aodJK{7 zV0w;W8`U{RHGHNQkd4?~XJZXHNt?(ET6f#D8+n@sCeZ`n8IWe0o|q_7pIC^lcg|s= z2Y4eZ5Yi;^ggKx`piy85kmv>afEybF7{Bh&lIE?|lp7aDeuoyQtur}sJ_L`beFHbQaOS!n(Ay!`q*mtpKby5T%~CM diff --git a/3.1/lang/ b/3.1/lang/ deleted file mode 100644 index f64ee2a3cb2d68d34f75d802eacdb444cfca1b73..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 868 zcmbVLze^lJ6n^G%F=sTQg<3?^fL;oJAXv$PhUCl{1?5gbY>sgq*7e5SWoJ%;y@hok zSXe6L4@hAMgus#_Wr}pEQiNzDScL>uzo$Fl2v$D$_~w1{-kW)EXUmoHGfFMfz#UjG zmW19|iiEF~Fkax>xLfmmWcC1&)ImLRWK{)@P*oFDwIh8=4;%MqiYfmwA%}T%9#&fMcAOPk)yfjUv&G=A-RPMTFtfO7BUG{wo#}i5F`~gio?gnKgS6r Uv!5~-P4VG=Ze}4ND&zmU1l{PcdH?_b diff --git a/3.1/src/ b/3.1/src/ deleted file mode 100644 index 27a1e1c..0000000 --- a/3.1/src/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -extends Node - -const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "This feature is not implemented" - -func is_game_paused(is_paused): - if is_paused == true: - get_tree().paused = true - else: - get_tree().paused = false - -func switch_scenes(is_mode): - if is_mode == "title": - get_tree().change_scene("res://scn/TitleScn.tscn") - elif is_mode == "game": - get_tree().change_scene("res://scn/GameScn.tscn") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3.1/src/ b/3.1/src/ deleted file mode 100644 index d5b5dc2..0000000 --- a/3.1/src/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -extends "res://src/" - -func _process(delta): - if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_pause"): - is_game_paused(true) - $WinDialogs/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3.1/src/ b/3.1/src/ deleted file mode 100644 index 549c0c5..0000000 --- a/3.1/src/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -extends "res://src/" - -func _on_PlayBtn_pressed(): - switch_scenes("game") - -func _on_LicenseBtn_pressed(): - $WinDialogs/ - -func _on_CreditsBtn_pressed(): - $WinDialogs/ diff --git a/3.1/src/ b/3.1/src/ deleted file mode 100644 index 506d5f0..0000000 --- a/3.1/src/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -extends "res://src/" - -func _on_ExitBtn_pressed(): - is_game_paused(false) - switch_scenes("title") - -func _on_SettingsBtn_pressed(): - $ - -func _on_CreditsBtn_pressed(): - $ - -func _on_LicenseBtn_pressed(): - $ - -func _on_CloseAbtBtn_pressed(): - $AboutWin.hide() - -func _on_ResumeBtn_pressed(): - $PauseWin.hide() - is_game_paused(false) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4da1c97..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -# Anthony's Godot Template - -This is my own general purpose Godot template based on Nathan's Dress Up. It features a empty title screen with a few pre-made window dialogs. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3.0/default_env.tres b/default_env.tres similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/default_env.tres rename to default_env.tres diff --git a/3.0/icon.png b/icon.png similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/icon.png rename to icon.png diff --git a/3.0/icon.png.import b/icon.png.import similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/icon.png.import rename to icon.png.import diff --git a/3.0/lang/local.csv b/lang/local.csv similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/lang/local.csv rename to lang/local.csv diff --git a/3.0/lang/local.csv.import b/lang/local.csv.import similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/lang/local.csv.import rename to lang/local.csv.import diff --git a/3.0/lang/local.en.translation b/lang/local.en.translation similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/lang/local.en.translation rename to lang/local.en.translation diff --git a/3.0/lang/ b/lang/ similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/lang/ rename to lang/ diff --git a/3.1/project.godot b/project.godot similarity index 100% rename from 3.1/project.godot rename to project.godot diff --git a/3.1/scn/GameScn.tscn b/scn/GameScn.tscn similarity index 100% rename from 3.1/scn/GameScn.tscn rename to scn/GameScn.tscn diff --git a/3.1/scn/TitleScn.tscn b/scn/TitleScn.tscn similarity index 100% rename from 3.1/scn/TitleScn.tscn rename to scn/TitleScn.tscn diff --git a/3.1/scn/WinDialogs.tscn b/scn/WinDialogs.tscn similarity index 100% rename from 3.1/scn/WinDialogs.tscn rename to scn/WinDialogs.tscn diff --git a/3.0/src/ b/src/ similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/src/ rename to src/ diff --git a/3.0/src/ b/src/ similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/src/ rename to src/ diff --git a/3.0/src/ b/src/ similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/src/ rename to src/ diff --git a/3.0/src/ b/src/ similarity index 100% rename from 3.0/src/ rename to src/