mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 02:39:12 +00:00
Huge Refactor
- Cleaned up Program.cs by moving a lot of functions to their own classes - Renamed topics to community - Choosing a community is no longer optional with the switch to JSON - Added csharpier tool and reformttered all code
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 396 additions and 382 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"version": 1,
"isRoot": true,
"tools": {
"csharpier": {
"version": "0.30.6",
"commands": [
"rollForward": false
@ -546,4 +546,4 @@ FodyWeavers.xsd
@ -7,19 +7,18 @@ namespace StaggerPost;
/// </summary>
public class Config
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name of the schedule file.
/// </summary>
public string? File { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name of the schedule file.
/// </summary>
public string? File { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the directory path where the schedule file is stored.
/// </summary>
public string? Path { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the list of available topics from the configuration file.
/// </summary>
public List<string> Topics { get; set; } = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the directory path where the schedule file is stored.
/// </summary>
public string? Path { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the list of available topics from the configuration file.
/// </summary>
public List<string> Communities { get; set; } = new List<string>();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
// I hereby waive this project under the public domain - see UNLICENSE for details.
namespace StaggerPost;
internal static class Export
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves configuration settings from a TOML file if it exists; otherwise, returns a default configuration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">The name of the configuration file (defaults to "config.toml").</param>
/// <returns>A Config object populated with values from the file, or a default Config instance if the file is not found.</returns>
static Config GetConfig(string file)
var cfgPath = Path.Combine(Tracer.AppDirectory, file);
if (!File.Exists(cfgPath))
Tracer.LogLine("Config file not found. Switching to defaults.");
var defaultList = new[]
var config = new Config()
File = "schedule.json",
Path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments),
Communities = defaultList.ToList(),
return config;
Tracer.LogLine($"Discovered config file: {cfgPath}");
var toml = File.ReadAllText(cfgPath);
var model = Toml.ToModel<Config>(toml);
return model;
/// <summary>
/// Exports the scheduled articles to a file, allowing the user to modify
/// the directory, filename, and list of topics based on
/// a configuration file if available.
/// </summary>
public static void ToJSON(List<String> storeTimes, string cfgPath)
// File directory is used for file location set in config
var outputDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
var topics = new List<string>();
var config = GetConfig(cfgPath);
var outputFile = config.File;
var filePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFile!);
var chosenTopic = "";
var times = new List<string>();
// If the config file exists, read from that but don't assume anything is filled
if (File.Exists(cfgPath))
var toml = File.ReadAllText(cfgPath);
var usrDir = config.Path;
var usrFileName = config.File;
// Convert list into array
var list = config.Communities;
var tomlList = string.Join(", ", list);
var usrTopics = tomlList.Split(',');
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrDir))
outputDir = usrDir;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrFileName))
outputFile = usrFileName;
// If array is empty, return; otherwise, apply config
if (usrTopics.Length < 0)
foreach (var usrTopic in usrTopics)
// Set new file Path
filePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFile!);
if (!File.Exists(filePath))
File.WriteAllText(filePath, "[]");
foreach (var time in storeTimes)
// Set new topic
topics = config.Communities.ToList();
chosenTopic = Interactive.SelectTopics(topics);
var date = Interactive.SelectDate();
// Write to file.
var jsonFile = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
var jsonList = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jsonFile)
? new List<Schedule>()
: JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Schedule>>(jsonFile) ?? new List<Schedule>();
new Schedule()
Community = chosenTopic.Trim(),
Date = date.Trim(),
Times = times,
var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true };
var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonList, jsonOptions);
File.WriteAllText(filePath, json);
Tracer.LogLine($"{json}{Environment.NewLine}Written to: {filePath}");
// Clear list from memory
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// I hereby waive this project under the public domain - see UNLICENSE for details.
namespace StaggerPost;
internal static class Generator
/// <summary>
/// Generates a schedule of article publishing times, ensuring a randomized
/// delay between each while avoiding time conflicts within a 30-minute window.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A list of TimeSpan objects representing scheduled article times.</returns>
public static List<TimeSpan> GenerateTimes()
var numberOfArticles = 5; // Define how many articles to schedule
var startTime = new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0); // Starting time at 9:00 AM
var rng = new Random();
var scheduledTimes = new List<TimeSpan>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArticles; i++)
var baseDelayHours = rng.Next(2, 4); // Randomly choose between 2-3 hours delay
var minutesToAdd = rng.Next(0, 60); // Randomly choose minutes (0-59)
// Calculate new time by adding base delay and random minutes
var nextTime = startTime.Add(new TimeSpan(baseDelayHours, minutesToAdd, 0));
// Check if the new time is within 30 minutes of any existing time
while (
scheduledTimes.Exists(previousTime =>
Math.Abs((nextTime - previousTime).TotalMinutes) < 30
// If the new time is within 30 minutes of an existing time, adjust it
nextTime = nextTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0));
startTime = nextTime; // Update start time for the next article
return scheduledTimes;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a TimeSpan into a 12-hour AM/PM formatted time string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="time">The TimeSpan representing the time of day.</param>
/// <returns>A formatted string representing the time in AM/PM format.</returns>
public static string ConvertTo12Hour(TimeSpan time)
var minutes = time.TotalMinutes;
var hours12 = time.Hours % 12;
if (hours12 == 0)
hours12 = 1;
var period = time.Hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
return $"{hours12}:{time.Minutes:D2} {period}";
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
global using System.Diagnostics;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.Json;
global using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
global using StaggerPost;
global using Tomlyn;
global using Tomlyn.Model;
global using StaggerPost;
global using System.Text.Json;
global using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// I hereby waive this project under the public domain - see UNLICENSE for details.
namespace StaggerPost;
internal static class Interactive
/// <summary>
/// Prompts the user with a yes/no question and returns their choice as a boolean value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="choice">The message to display to the user.</param>
/// <returns>True if the user selects 'Y' or presses Enter, otherwise false.</returns>
public static bool UserChoice(string choice)
Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}{choice} Y/N");
var input = Console.ReadKey().Key;
if (input == ConsoleKey.Y || input == ConsoleKey.Enter)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Prompts the user to select a topic from a given list
/// and returns the chosen topic.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="communities">An array of available topics.</param>
/// <returns>The selected topic as a string.</returns>
public static string SelectTopics(List<string> communities)
var topicChoice = "";
var topicNum = 0;
var userChoices = new List<string>();
var numOfTopics = 0;
var topicDict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
foreach (var community in communities)
var title = community.Trim();
topicDict.Add(numOfTopics, title);
$"{Environment.NewLine}{numOfTopics} {title.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' })}"
var topicSelect = string.Join(", ", userChoices.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}Choose a Topic{Environment.NewLine}{topicSelect}");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
// Attempt to parse a number.
if (int.TryParse(input, out topicNum) == true)
topicChoice = topicDict[topicNum];
return topicChoice;
/// <summary>
/// Prompts the user to select a date (either today or tomorrow) and returns the selected date as a formatted string.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string representing the selected date in a short date format.</returns>
public static string SelectDate()
var dtChoices = new[] { "Today", "Tomorrow" };
var dtDict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
var dtSelection = new List<string>();
var dtChoice = 0;
var dtNum = 0;
foreach (var days in dtChoices)
var day = days.Trim();
dtDict.Add(dtNum, day);
dtSelection.Add($"{dtNum} {day}");
var topicSelect = string.Join(", ", dtSelection.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}Choose a Date{Environment.NewLine}{topicSelect}");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
// Attempt to parse a number.
if (int.TryParse(input, out dtNum) == true)
dtChoice = dtNum;
// Any choice above 2 tomorrow
if (dtChoice >= 2)
var dt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
return dt.ToString("d");
return DateTime.Today.ToString("d");
@ -1,322 +1,41 @@
// I hereby waive this project under the public domain - see UNLICENSE for details.
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves configuration settings from a TOML file if it exists; otherwise, returns a default configuration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">The name of the configuration file (defaults to "config.toml").</param>
/// <returns>A Config object populated with values from the file, or a default Config instance if the file is not found.</returns>
Config GetConfig(string file = "config.toml")
// App directory is used for config file
var appDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
var cfgPath = Path.Combine(appDir, file);
if (File.Exists(cfgPath))
var toml = File.ReadAllText(cfgPath);
var model = Toml.ToModel<Config>(toml);
return model;
var defaultList = new[] { "Games", "Politics", "Research", "Technology" };
return new Config()
File = "schedule.json",
Path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments),
Topics = defaultList.ToList()
/// <summary>
/// Prompts the user with a yes/no question and returns their choice as a boolean value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="choice">The message to display to the user.</param>
/// <returns>True if the user selects 'Y' or presses Enter, otherwise false.</returns>
bool UserChoice(string choice)
Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}{choice} Y/N");
var input = Console.ReadKey().Key;
if (input == ConsoleKey.Y || input == ConsoleKey.Enter)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a schedule of article publishing times, ensuring a randomized
/// delay between each while avoiding time conflicts within a 30-minute window.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A list of TimeSpan objects representing scheduled article times.</returns>
List<TimeSpan> GenerateTimes()
var numberOfArticles = 5; // Define how many articles to schedule
var startTime = new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0); // Starting time at 9:00 AM
var rng = new Random();
var scheduledTimes = new List<TimeSpan>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArticles; i++)
var baseDelayHours = rng.Next(2, 4); // Randomly choose between 2-3 hours delay
var minutesToAdd = rng.Next(0, 60); // Randomly choose minutes (0-59)
// Calculate new time by adding base delay and random minutes
var nextTime = startTime.Add(new TimeSpan(baseDelayHours, minutesToAdd, 0));
// Check if the new time is within 30 minutes of any existing time
while (scheduledTimes.Exists(previousTime => Math.Abs((nextTime - previousTime).TotalMinutes) < 30))
// If the new time is within 30 minutes of an existing time, adjust it
nextTime = nextTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0));
startTime = nextTime; // Update start time for the next article
return scheduledTimes;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a TimeSpan into a 12-hour AM/PM formatted time string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="time">The TimeSpan representing the time of day.</param>
/// <returns>A formatted string representing the time in AM/PM format.</returns>
string ConvertTo12Hour(TimeSpan time)
var minutes = time.TotalMinutes;
var hours12 = time.Hours % 12;
if (hours12 == 0)
hours12 = 1;
var period = time.Hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
return $"{hours12}:{time.Minutes:D2} {period}";
/// <summary>
/// Prompts the user to select a topic from a given list
/// and returns the chosen topic.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="topics">An array of available topics.</param>
/// <returns>The selected topic as a string.</returns>
string SelectTopics(List<string> topics)
var topicChoice = "";
var topicNum = 0;
var userChoices = new List<string>();
var numOfTopics = 0;
var topicDict = new Dictionary<int,
foreach (var topic in topics)
var title = topic.Trim();
topicDict.Add(numOfTopics, title);
userChoices.Add($"{numOfTopics} {title}");
var topicSelect = string.Join(", ", userChoices.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}Choose a Topic{Environment.NewLine}{topicSelect}");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
// Attempt to parse a number.
if (int.TryParse(input, out topicNum) == true)
topicChoice = topicDict[topicNum];
return topicChoice;
/// <summary>
/// Prompts the user to select a date (either today or tomorrow) and returns the selected date as a formatted string.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string representing the selected date in a short date format.</returns>
string SelectDate()
var dtChoices = new[] { "Today", "Tomorrow" };
var dtDict = new Dictionary<int,
var dtSelection = new List<string>();
var dtChoice = 0;
var dtNum = 0;
foreach (var days in dtChoices)
var day = days.Trim();
dtDict.Add(dtNum, day);
dtSelection.Add($"{dtNum} {day}");
var topicSelect = string.Join(", ", dtSelection.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}Choose a Date{Environment.NewLine}{topicSelect}");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
// Attempt to parse a number.
if (int.TryParse(input, out dtNum) == true)
dtChoice = dtNum;
// Any choice above 2 tomorrow
if (dtChoice >= 2)
var dt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
return dt.ToString("d");
return DateTime.Today.ToString("d");
/// <summary>
/// Allows the user to choose a new topic from a given list or default to placeholder if no selection is made.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="topics">A list of available topics.</param>
/// <returns>The selected topic or a default placeholder if none is chosen.</returns>
string NewTopic(List<string> topics)
var newTopic = "";
if (UserChoice("Choose a Topic?"))
newTopic = SelectTopics(topics);
newTopic = "Any";
return newTopic;
/// <summary>
/// Exports the scheduled articles to a file, allowing the user to modify
/// the directory, filename, and list of topics based on
/// a configuration file if available.
/// </summary>
void ExportSchedule(List<String> storeTimes)
// App directory is used for config file
var appDir = Tracer.AppDirectory;
// File directory is used for file location set in config
var outputDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
var cfgFile = "config.toml";
var topics = new List<string>();
var cfgPath = Path.Combine(appDir, cfgFile);
var config = GetConfig(cfgPath);
var outputFile = config.File;
var filePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFile!);
var chosenTopic = "";
var times = new List<string>();
// If the config file exists, read from that but don't assume anything is filled
if (File.Exists(cfgPath))
var toml = File.ReadAllText(cfgPath);
var usrDir = config.Path;
var usrFileName = config.File;
// Convert list into array
var list = config.Topics;
var tomlList = string.Join(", ", list);
var usrTopics = tomlList.Split(',');
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrDir))
outputDir = usrDir;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrFileName))
outputFile = usrFileName;
// If array is empty, return; otherwise, apply config
if (usrTopics.Length < 0)
foreach (var usrTopic in usrTopics)
// Set new file Path
filePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFile!);
if (!File.Exists(filePath))
File.WriteAllText(filePath, "[]");
foreach (var time in storeTimes)
// Set new topic
topics = config.Topics.ToList();
chosenTopic = NewTopic(topics);
var date = SelectDate();
// Write to file.
var jsonContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
var jsonList = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jsonContent) ? new List<Schedule>()
: JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Schedule>>(jsonContent) ?? new List<Schedule>();
jsonList.Add(new Schedule()
Topic = chosenTopic.Trim(),
Date = date.Trim(),
Times = times,
var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions()
WriteIndented = true,
var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonList, jsonOptions);
File.WriteAllText(filePath, jsonString);
Tracer.WriteLine($"{jsonString}{Environment.NewLine}Written to: {filePath}");
// Clear list from memory
/// <summary>
/// Displays the scheduled article times in a formatted manner and provides
/// options to export the schedule or restart the scheduling process.
/// </summary>
void PrintTimes(bool isRestart = false)
void PrintTimes()
var storeSchedule = new List<String>();
var scheduledTimes = GenerateTimes();
var storeSchedule = new List<String>();
var scheduledTimes = Generator.GenerateTimes();
// Clear the screen on restart
if (isRestart)
// Clear the screen on restart
Console.WriteLine("=== Publish Times ===");
foreach (var time in scheduledTimes)
var articleTime = $"{ConvertTo12Hour(time)}";
// Correct format string to display time in 12-hour format with AM/PM
// Store the schedule to memory for option export
Console.WriteLine("=== Publish Times ===");
foreach (var time in scheduledTimes)
var articleTime = $"{Generator.ConvertTo12Hour(time)}";
// Correct format string to display time in 12-hour format with AM/PM
// Store the schedule to memory for option export
// Give the user an option to export the schedule
if (UserChoice("Retry?"))
// Give the user an option to export the schedule
if (Interactive.UserChoice("Retry?"))
// Give the user an option to export the schedule
if (UserChoice("Export?"))
// Give the user an option to export the schedule
Export.ToJSON(storeSchedule, "config.toml");
if (UserChoice("Generate A New Batch?"))
if (Interactive.UserChoice("Generate A New Batch?"))
// Start the loop
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# StaggerPost
This is a very simple console application that generates a list of times to publish news articles within a randomized 2-3 hour delay within a 30-minute window to avoid conflicts. This keeps thing flowing at an organic and slow pace.
This is a very simple console application that suggests a list of times to post news articles within a randomized 2-3 hour and 30-minute delay to avoid conflicts. This keeps thing flowing at an organic and slow pace.
It is not recommended for use with hot topics. Instead, you should focus on overlooked foreign affairs, local news or op-eds. Of course, this is just covering general news.
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
public class Schedule
public string Topic { get; set; } = "";
public string Community { get; set; } = "";
public string Date { get; set; } = "";
public string Date { get; set; } = "";
public IList<string> Times { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public IList<string> Times { get; set; } = new List<string>();
@ -7,60 +7,60 @@ namespace StaggerPost;
/// </summary>
internal static class Tracer
/// <summary>
/// Writes a line of text to the console, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The text to write to the console.</param>
internal static void WriteLine(string content) =>
const string LOG = "[LOG]:";
/// <summary>
/// Writes text to the console without a newline, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The text to write to the console.</param>
internal static void Write(string content) =>
/// <summary>
/// Writes a line of text to the console, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The text to write to the console.</param>
internal static void LogLine(string content) => Console.WriteLine($"{LOG} {content}");
/// <summary>
/// Writes multiple lines of text to the console, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="contents">A collection of text lines to write to the console.</param>
internal static void WriteLine(IEnumerable<string> contents)
foreach (var content in contents)
/// <summary>
/// Writes text to the console without a newline, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The text to write to the console.</param>
internal static void Log(string content) => Console.Write($"{LOG} {content}");
/// <summary>
/// Writes multiple text entries to the console without newlines, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="contents">A collection of text entries to write to the console.</param>
internal static void Write(IEnumerable<string> contents)
foreach (var content in contents)
/// <summary>
/// Writes multiple lines of text to the console, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="contents">A collection of text lines to write to the console.</param>
internal static void LogLine(IEnumerable<string> contents)
foreach (var content in contents)
Console.WriteLine($"{LOG} {content}");
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current working directory in DEBUG mode or the application's base directory in release mode.
/// </summary>
internal static string AppDirectory
/// <summary>
/// Writes multiple text entries to the console without newlines, but only when in DEBUG mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="contents">A collection of text entries to write to the console.</param>
internal static void Log(IEnumerable<string> contents)
foreach (var content in contents)
Console.Write($"{LOG} {content}");
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current working directory in DEBUG mode or the application's base directory in release mode.
/// </summary>
internal static string AppDirectory
return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
path = "/home/tonytins/Documents/"
file = "newscycle.json"
topics = [
communities = [
Add table
Reference in a new issue