// I hereby waive this project under the public domain - see UNLICENSE for details. /// <summary> /// Retrieves configuration settings from a TOML file if it exists; otherwise, returns a default configuration. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The name of the configuration file (defaults to "config.toml").</param> /// <returns>A Config object populated with values from the file, or a default Config instance if the file is not found.</returns> Config GetConfig(string file = "config.toml") { // App directory is used for config file var appDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; var cfgPath = Path.Combine(appDir, file); if (File.Exists(cfgPath)) { var toml = File.ReadAllText(cfgPath); var model = Toml.ToModel<Config>(toml); return model; } var defaultList = new[] { "Games", "Politics", "Research", "Technology" }; return new Config() { File = "schedule.json", Path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), Topics = defaultList.ToList() }; } /// <summary> /// Prompts the user with a yes/no question and returns their choice as a boolean value. /// </summary> /// <param name="choice">The message to display to the user.</param> /// <returns>True if the user selects 'Y' or presses Enter, otherwise false.</returns> bool UserChoice(string choice) { Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}{choice} Y/N"); var input = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (input == ConsoleKey.Y || input == ConsoleKey.Enter) return true; return false; } /// <summary> /// Generates a schedule of article publishing times, ensuring a randomized /// delay between each while avoiding time conflicts within a 30-minute window. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of TimeSpan objects representing scheduled article times.</returns> List<TimeSpan> GenerateTimes() { var numberOfArticles = 5; // Define how many articles to schedule var startTime = new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0); // Starting time at 9:00 AM var rng = new Random(); var scheduledTimes = new List<TimeSpan>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArticles; i++) { var baseDelayHours = rng.Next(2, 4); // Randomly choose between 2-3 hours delay var minutesToAdd = rng.Next(0, 60); // Randomly choose minutes (0-59) // Calculate new time by adding base delay and random minutes var nextTime = startTime.Add(new TimeSpan(baseDelayHours, minutesToAdd, 0)); // Check if the new time is within 30 minutes of any existing time while (scheduledTimes.Exists(previousTime => Math.Abs((nextTime - previousTime).TotalMinutes) < 30)) { // If the new time is within 30 minutes of an existing time, adjust it nextTime = nextTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)); } scheduledTimes.Add(nextTime); startTime = nextTime; // Update start time for the next article } return scheduledTimes; } /// <summary> /// Converts a TimeSpan into a 12-hour AM/PM formatted time string. /// </summary> /// <param name="time">The TimeSpan representing the time of day.</param> /// <returns>A formatted string representing the time in AM/PM format.</returns> string ConvertTo12Hour(TimeSpan time) { var minutes = time.TotalMinutes; var hours12 = time.Hours % 12; if (hours12 == 0) hours12 = 1; var period = time.Hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; return $"{hours12}:{time.Minutes:D2} {period}"; } /// <summary> /// Prompts the user to select a topic from a given list /// and returns the chosen topic. /// </summary> /// <param name="topics">An array of available topics.</param> /// <returns>The selected topic as a string.</returns> string SelectTopics(List<string> topics) { var topicChoice = ""; var topicNum = 0; var userChoices = new List<string>(); var numOfTopics = 0; var topicDict = new Dictionary<int, string>(); foreach (var topic in topics) { numOfTopics++; var title = topic.Trim(); topicDict.Add(numOfTopics, title); userChoices.Add($"{numOfTopics} {title}"); } var selection = string.Join(", ", userChoices.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}Select a Number{Environment.NewLine}{selection}"); var input = Console.ReadLine(); // Attempt to parse a number. if (int.TryParse(input, out topicNum) == true) topicChoice = topicDict[topicNum]; else NewTopic(topics); return topicChoice; } /// <summary> /// Allows the user to choose a new topic from a given list or default to placeholder if no selection is made. /// </summary> /// <param name="topics">A list of available topics.</param> /// <returns>The selected topic or a default placeholder if none is chosen.</returns> string NewTopic(List<string> topics) { var newTopic = ""; if (UserChoice("Choose a Topic?")) newTopic = SelectTopics(topics); else newTopic = "Any"; return newTopic; } /// <summary> /// Exports the scheduled articles to a file, allowing the user to modify /// the directory, filename, and list of topics based on /// a configuration file if available. /// </summary> void ExportSchedule(List<String> storeTimes) { // App directory is used for config file var appDir = Tracer.AppDirectory; // File directory is used for file location set in config var outputDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var cfgFile = "config.toml"; var topics = new List<string>(); var cfgPath = Path.Combine(appDir, cfgFile); var config = GetConfig(cfgPath); var outputFile = config.File; var filePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFile!); var chosenTopic = ""; var times = new List<string>(); // If the config file exists, read from that but don't assume anything is filled if (File.Exists(cfgPath)) { Tracer.WriteLine(cfgPath); var toml = File.ReadAllText(cfgPath); var usrDir = config.Path; var usrFileName = config.File; // Convert list into array var list = config.Topics; var tomlList = string.Join(", ", list); var usrTopics = tomlList.Split(','); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrDir)) return; outputDir = usrDir; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usrFileName)) return; outputFile = usrFileName; // If array is empty, return; otherwise, apply config if (usrTopics.Length < 0) return; foreach (var usrTopic in usrTopics) topics.Add(usrTopic); // Set new file Path filePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFile!); } if (!File.Exists(filePath)) File.WriteAllText(filePath, "[]"); foreach (var time in storeTimes) times.Add(time.Trim()); // Set new topic topics = config.Topics.ToList(); chosenTopic = NewTopic(topics); // Write to file. var jsonContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath); var jsonList = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jsonContent) ? new List<Schedule>() : JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Schedule>>(jsonContent) ?? new List<Schedule>(); jsonList.Add(new Schedule() { Topic = chosenTopic.Trim(), Times = times, }); var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true, }; var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonList, jsonOptions); File.WriteAllText(filePath, jsonString); Tracer.WriteLine($"{jsonString}{Environment.NewLine}Written to: {filePath}"); // Clear list from memory storeTimes.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Displays the scheduled article times in a formatted manner and provides /// options to export the schedule or restart the scheduling process. /// </summary> void PrintTimes(bool isRestart = false) { var storeSchedule = new List<String>(); var scheduledTimes = GenerateTimes(); // Clear the screen on restart if (isRestart) Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("=== Publish Times ==="); foreach (var time in scheduledTimes) { var articleTime = $"{ConvertTo12Hour(time)}"; // Correct format string to display time in 12-hour format with AM/PM Console.WriteLine(articleTime); // Store the schedule to memory for option export storeSchedule.Add(articleTime); } // Give the user an option to export the schedule if (UserChoice("Retry?")) PrintTimes(true); // Give the user an option to export the schedule if (UserChoice("Export?")) ExportSchedule(storeSchedule); if (UserChoice("Generate A New Batch?")) PrintTimes(true); else { Console.Clear(); Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode); } } // Start the loop PrintTimes();