2020-01-30 10:06:44 -05:00
2020-01-30 11:19:54 -05:00
TOMAS, an abbreviation of **To**ny's **Ma**naged Operating **S**ystem, is a operating system written in C# using the [COSMOS ](https://github.com/CosmosOS/Cosmos ) framework.
2020-01-30 10:06:44 -05:00
## Requirements
### Prerequisites
- COSMOS User Kit v20190508+
- VMWare Workstation Player
- .NET Core 2.1+
- Visual Studio 2019
## Authors
- **Anthony Foxclaw** - _Initial work_ - [tonytins ](https://github.com/tonytins )
See also the list of [contributors ](https://github.com/tonytins/simtactics/contributors ) who participated in this project.
## License
This project is licensed under the MPL 2.0 License - see the [LICENSE ](LICENSE ) file for details.