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<h1 id="support-policy"><a class="header" href="#support-policy">Support Policy</a></h1>
<p>Although a hobby, I have wanted to test the idea of some sort of support policy for my projects. In my experience, it provides a nice fallback. For example, a bug in the unzipping process when I switched APIs in my former Blue Rose launcher and updater forced me to create an LTS out of a version that lacked the change while I searched for the cause of the problem. With the current development speed of COSMOS, a hypothetical LTS would possibly last one year.</p>
## Standard Edition
The Standard Edition of TOMAS is intended for general use and experimentation. It is provided on an "as is" basis, and no guarantees are made regarding its reliability or suitability for any particular purpose.
## Longhorn Edition
The Longhorn Edition of TOMAS is designed for use in enterprise scenarios. It is intended to adhere to the requirements for cybersecurity and the use of long-term support or enterprise-grade open source software.
## Support Table
| Edition | Support Period |
| -------- | -------------- |
| Standard | 1 year |
| Longhorn | 2 years |
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